“From The Heart” Summit / Scholarship

Servant Leadership Development
We are very happy to announce a new initiative for Raising The Steaks Leadership
Development Group. This program is designed for high school student athletes who are
interested in becoming better leaders through their efforts and actions. This journey
includes learning, service, growth & leadership components. For a few top performers the
reward will include a scholarship. For all participants who enter with an open mind and a
commitment to act, they will receive unmeasurable rewards in their personal
This journey begins by learning about the principles of Servant Leadership. This learning
will occur by building the ‘foundation’ of this emerging leader. This program is designed to
open the eyes, minds & hearts of these young servant athletes. This foundation building
will require an investment of time and energy by all of its’ participants. This foundation
building will include meetings, book reviews and exposure to other resources. The
students will have access to successful leaders in business from all industries.
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” M. Ghandi
Getting students to extend themselves for others is also a very important component in
building leaders. This servant ‘practice’ is a key to developing true WILL. Intentions +
Action = WILL. We have designed the program to address this service component through
service hours, helping local charities & other service programs. Their service efforts will
fund the schools scholarship program.
Getting feedback on your behavior is so important and learning to accept sometimes
painful feedback is part of the growth process. We will challenge our students to get
comfortable being uncomfortable. They will be asked to continue to extend themselves
and evaluate the feedback from peers and loved ones. There are several exercises they
must complete in order to advance through this process.
“Your actions speak so loudly I cannot hear what you say” RW Emerson
In leadership, it is commonly stated that you never “arrive”. The journey can be arduous
and have some setbacks. However, if people truly extend themselves in the service of
others, the rewards are plenty. Part of this journey will offer a self-awakening and real
personal development. We are developing this program to offer real opportunity for
young adults to immerse themselves and find their “aha” moment. The program does not
end at our year end summit or by winning a scholarship, but is only the beginning and we
hope to provide a resource going forward where participants can continue to grow and
expand their touch in this leadership community.
“To lead, you must first serve” R. Greenleaf
Servant Leadership Development
– It this program’s primary goal to help students better understand the
timeless and self-evident principals of Servant Leadership through ‘Foundation’ (knowledge building) and ‘Friction’
which involves practice and application. As Jim Hunter states… “this is the blocking and tackling. This Foundation
building process is about having an open mind and heart that accepts the fact that “How we behave matters”. This
foundation building will be supported by book reading, reports, meeting. All participants in the “From The Heart”
1. Read “The Servant” - a parable about a middle manager required to go to a monastery to because his life is
messed up….. He learns…..
o A book report on “The Servant” will be required
o A bonus book report on “The World’s Most Powerful Leadership Principle”
Meeting attendance – Attendance to at least two formal Servant Leadership Meetings. A detailed report of
topics discussed and your personal take-a-ways and self-improvement plans. Approved meetings are listed
A Raising The Steaks “Reaching Their Hearts and Minds” presentation.
One S.L.O.W. Servant Leadership of Wisconsin meeting.
WI Servant Leader Cities Tour Schedule – Fond Du Lac, Onalaska, Madison, De Pere,
Milwaukee. Other dates and times will be announced.
Filling out LSI – Leadership Skills Inventory
3 feedback forms from loved ones. Review and make action plan with your coach
4. From The Heart Scholarship Work
Solicit at least 10 “From the Heart” – Local Donation Packages
Bonus – assist in the delivery of all donated packages
5. Leadership Packet – Summit & Scholarship Review
Packets will be turned into the athletic department for formal review and acceptance
Successful completion of the criteria will allow you and a parent to attend our “From The
Heart” Lambeau Field Summit.
The Scholarship criteria will be based up on your entire body of work including bonus
activities listed above.
Servant Leadership Development
Lambeau Field Summit
World Class Lineup of Speakers
Jim Hunter – Best Selling author of “The Servant” &…..
Dave Skogen – Chairman of Festival Foods
Barry Wehmiller – Servant Leadership
Tom Thibodeau – Viterbo University
Joe Kiedinger – About Me International
& Much More