P a g e |1 OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER PWD (R&B) DIVISION RAJOURI ABBREVIATED SHORT NOTICE INVITING TENDER (FRESH) e- NIT No: 02 of 2014-15 Dated:-08-04-2015 For & on behalf of the Governor of “Jammu and Kashmir State, The Executive Engineer PWD(R&B)Division Rajouri, as his representative invites tenders by e-tendering mode from approved and eligible contractors registered with J&K State Govt. /CPWD / MES/ for the below noted work. S. No Name of Work Name of Division Estimated Cost of Construction (Rs. in lacs) Cost of document (in Rs ) Earnest Money (Rs in lacs) Time Allowed for completion Time and date of opening of tender Class of Contractor 1 01 2 Construction of road from Hill Tak to Barri Darhal by way of earth work in cutting Km 1st RD 300800. (Fresh 1st Time) 3 PWD (R&B) Div. Rajouri 4 7.30 5 600/- 6 14600/- 7 02 Months 9 “A,C,D” 02. Construction of road from Hill Tak to Barri Darhal by way of earth work in cutting Km 1st RD 800-1000 & Km 2nd RD 0-300 (Fresh 1st Time) Construction of R/wall on Darhal Kandi Peeri road in Km 13th RD 450-475. (Fresh 1st Time) Providing and laying W.B.M GR IInd Shingling on road from Kalal-Kass to Dragri via Danna in Km 1st Rd01000(Fresh 1st time) --do--- 10.90 --do--- 21800/- --do--- 8 24-04-2015 upto 1200 hrs in the office of Executive Engineer PWD(R&B) Div. Rajouri --do--- --do--- 7.75 --do--- 15500/- --do--- --do--- “A,C,D” --do--- 8.50 --do--- 8500/ --do--- --do--- S.H.G 03 04 1 Date of Publishing:-10-04-2015. 2. The Bidding documents can be downloaded from from 900 hours on 11-04-2015 to 22-04-2015 upto 1800 Hrs) 3. a. The Bids shall be deposited in electronic format on the website http://jktenders.gov.in from 1400 hours on 11-04-2015 to 22-04-2015 upto 1800 Hrs. The bids received will be opened at 1200 Hrs on 24-04-2015 on line. 4. the website http://jktenders.gov.in b. The complete bidding process will be on line. c. Technical bids of bidders shall be opened on line in the office of Executive Engineer PWD(R&B)Division Rajouri on 24-04-2015 at 1200Hrs List of tender documents to be scanned and uploaded within the period of bid submission. i). EMD in the form of DER/FDR/Bank Guarantee (pledge in favour of Tender opening authorities. ii) Registration card duly renewed for the current financial year Viz 2015-16. iii). Pan Card. iv) Demand drafts towards the cost of tender documents (drawn in favour of tenders opening authorities. v) Sales Tax clearance certificate. “A, B, C, D” P a g e |2 5 The original instruments in respect of Cost of Tender documents, EMD, PAN Card must be delivered to the tender opening authorities at any time prior to opening of Technical bid either by registered post/courier provided they have successfully loaded all the required document on-line. If the office happens to be closed on the date of receipt as specified, the EMD/Documents fee will be received on the next working day at the same time and venue. 6. The bid for the work shall remain open for acceptance for a period of 90 days from the date of opening of bids. If any bidder /tenderer withdraws his bid/tender before the said period or makes any modifications in the terms and conditions of the bid, the said earnest money shall stand forfeited. 7. 8. Instruction to bidders regarding e-tendering process i. The interested bidder can download the NIT/bidding document from the http://jktenders.gov.in website ii. To participate in bidding process, bidders have to get (DSC) “Digital Signature Certificate” as per Information Technology Act-2000, to participate in online bidding. iii. This certificate will be required for digitally signing the bid bidders can get above mentioned digital certificate from any approved vendors. The Bidders, who already possess valid (DSC) Digital Signature Certificates, need not to procure new Digital Signature Certificate. iv. The bidders have to submit their bids online in electronic format with Digital Signature the bids cannot be uploaded without Digital Signature No Proposal will be accepted in physical form. v. Bids will be opened online as per time schedule mentioned in Para 3(c) above. vi. Before submission of online bids, bidders must ensure that scanned copy of all the necessary documents have been attached with bid. vii. The department will not be responsible for delay in online submission of bids whatsoever reasons may be. viii. All the required information for bid must be filled and submitted online ix. Bidders should be ready with the scanned copies of cost of documents & EMD as specified in the tender documents The original instruments in respect of cost of documents, EMD and relevant documents be submitted to the Tender Opening Authorities by Registered post/courier at any time prior to opening of Technical Bids. x. The details of cost of documents, EMD specified in the tender documents should be the same, as submitted online (scanned copies) otherwise bid will not be accepted. xi. Bidders can contact the undersigned for any guidance for getting DSC or any other relevant details in respect of e-tendering process. As per Circular No. CEJ/DB/S/702-31 dated 23-5-2011 issued by Chief Engineer, PW(R&B)Deptt. Jammu qualifications criteria required for the work is as under; S.No 1. 2. Particulars All Civil works All civil works Amount of Work Upto Rs. 50.00 lacs Financial Turnover Nil Similar Nature Nil Above Rs. 50.00 lacs upto Rs. 1.00 Crores 40% of the advertised amount in any one year in last five years Should have at least completed one work of similar nature, the value of which should not be less than 1/5th of Advertised amount as a prime contractor in anyone year in last five years. Contd.. on page 3 P a g e |3 Page-3 9. No extra lead, lift, water allowance, dewatering and carriage of materials beyond whatever is provided in the BOQ shall be allowed. Other Relevant Information:- 1. 2. 3. Position of AAA Position of T.S. Position of Funds No :- 123-152 Dated: 10-04-2015 : : : Submitted. Under Process. Partly Available (A.M. Wani) Executive Engineer PWD(R&B) Division Rajouri Copy to the :1. Chief Engineer PW (R&B) Department Jammu. 2. District Development Commissioner Rajouri. 3. Superintending Engineer PWD (R&B) Circle HQ Rajouri. 4-5 Superintending Engineer Hydraulic Circle Poonch/ Rajouri Districts. 6-18. Executive Engineer PWD (R&B) Division Poonch/Nowshera/Construction Division No.I, II, III, IV and Medical college Division Jammu/ (R&B) Division Udhampur/Kathua/Reasi/PHE/ I&FC Division Poonch/ PMGSY Div. Rajouri. 19-22. Assistant Executive Engineer PWD(R&B) Sub- Division North/South /Koteranka /Shahdra Sharief for information and wide publicity. 23-24 President contractors Association Poonch/Rajouri/Nowshera/Jammu. 25-29 Head Clerk/HD/CC/Agreement Clerk/Notice Board. P a g e |1 OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER PWD (R&B) DIVISION RAJOURI ABBREVIATED SHORT NOTICE INVITING TENDER e- NIT No: 03 of 2014-15 Dated:-09-04-2015 For & on behalf of the Governor of “Jammu and Kashmir State, The Executive Engineer PWD(R&B)Division Rajouri, as his representative invites tenders by e-tendering mode from approved and eligible contractors registered with J&K State Govt. /CPWD / MES/ for the below noted work. S. No Name of Work 1 01 2 Construction of link road to village Hasyote Km 2nd RD (350-850) by way of earth work in cutting 02. Construction of Retaining Wall on road from Nadian to Badanoo in Km 2nd RD 25-80. Name of Division 3 PWD (R&B) Div. Rajouri ..do.. Estimated Cost of Construction (Rs. in lacs) 4 19.05 Cost of document (in Rs ) 5 600/- Earnest Money @2% (Rs in lacs) 6 38100/- 6.70 Time Allowed for 7 02 Months 600/- 13400/- 01 Month completion Time and date of opening of tender 8 27-04-2015 upto 1200 hrs in the office of Executive Engineer PWD(R&B) Div. Rajouri …do.. Class of Contractor 1 Date of Publishing:- 11-04-2015. 2. The Bidding documents can be downloaded from from 900 hours on 12-04-2015 to 24-04-2015 upto 1800 Hrs) 3. a. The Bids shall be deposited in electronic format on the website http://jktenders.gov.in from 1400 hours on 12-04-2015 to 24-04-2015 upto 1800 Hrs. The bids received will be opened at 1200 Hrs on 27-042015 on line. 4. 5 the website http://jktenders.gov.in b. The complete bidding process will be on line. c. Technical bids of bidders shall be opened on line in the office of Executive Engineer PWD(R&B)Division Rajouri on 27-04-2015 at 1200Hrs List of tender documents to be scanned and uploaded within the period of bid submission. i). EMD in the form of DER/FDR/Bank Guarantee (pledge in favour of Tender opening authorities. ii) Registration card duly renewed for the current financial year Viz 2015-16. iii). Pan Card. iv) Demand drafts towards the cost of tender documents (drawn in favour of tenders opening authorities. v) Sales Tax clearance certificate. The original instruments in respect of Cost of Tender documents, EMD, PAN Card must be delivered to the tender opening authorities at any time prior to opening of Technical bid either by registered post/courier provided they have successfully loaded all the required document on-line. If the office happens to be closed on the date of receipt as specified, the EMD/Documents fee will be received on the next working day at the same time and venue. 9 “ABC” “ACD” P a g e |2 6. 7. 8. The bid for the work shall remain open for acceptance for a period of 90 days from the date of opening of bids. If any bidder /tenderer withdraws his bid/tender before the said period or makes any modifications in the terms and conditions of the bid, the said earnest money shall stand forfeited. Instruction to bidders regarding e-tendering process i. The interested bidder can download the NIT/bidding document from the http://jktenders.gov.in website ii. To participate in bidding process, bidders have to get (DSC) “Digital Signature Certificate” as per Information Technology Act-2000, to participate in online bidding. iii. This certificate will be required for digitally signing the bid bidders can get above mentioned digital certificate from any approved vendors. The Bidders, who already possess valid (DSC) Digital Signature Certificates, need not to procure new Digital Signature Certificate. iv. The bidders have to submit their bids online in electronic format with Digital Signature the bids cannot be uploaded without Digital Signature No Proposal will be accepted in physical form. v. Bids will be opened online as per time schedule mentioned in Para 3(c) above. vi. Before submission of online bids, bidders must ensure that scanned copy of all the necessary documents have been attached with bid. vii. The department will not be responsible for delay in online submission of bids whatsoever reasons may be. viii. All the required information for bid must be filled and submitted online ix. Bidders should be ready with the scanned copies of cost of documents & EMD as specified in the tender documents The original instruments in respect of cost of documents, EMD and relevant documents be submitted to the Tender Opening Authorities by Registered post/courier at any time prior to opening of Technical Bids. x. The details of cost of documents, EMD specified in the tender documents should be the same, as submitted online (scanned copies) otherwise bid will not be accepted. xi. Bidders can contact the undersigned for any guidance for getting DSC or any other relevant details in respect of e-tendering process. As per Circular No. CEJ/DB/S/702-31 dated 23-5-2011 issued by Chief Engineer, PW(R&B)Deptt. Jammu qualifications criteria required for the work is as under; S.No 1. 2. Particulars All Civil works All civil works Amount of Work Upto Rs. 50.00 lacs Financial Turnover Nil Similar Nature Nil Above Rs. 50.00 lacs 40% of the advertised upto Rs. 1.00 Crores amount in any one Should have at least completed one work of similar nature, the value of which should not be less than 1/5th of Advertised amount as a prime contractor in anyone year in last five years. year in last five years Contd.. on page 3 P a g e |3 Page-3 9. No extra lead, lift, water allowance, dewatering and carriage of materials beyond whatever is provided in the BOQ shall be allowed. Other Relevant Information:1. 2. 3. Position of AAA Position of T.S. Position of Funds No :- 165-193 Dated: 11-04-2015 : : : Submitted. Under Process. Partly Available (A.M. Wani) Executive Engineer PWD(R&B) Division Rajouri Copy to the :1. Chief Engineer PW (R&B) Department Jammu. 2. District Development Commissioner Rajouri. 3. Superintending Engineer PWD (R&B) Circle HQ Rajouri. 4-5 Superintending Engineer Hydraulic Circle Poonch/ Rajouri Districts. 6-18. Executive Engineer PWD (R&B) Division Poonch/Nowshera/Construction Division No.I, II, III, IV and Medical college Division Jammu/ (R&B) Division Udhampur/Kathua/Reasi/PHE/ I&FC Division Poonch/ PMGSY Div. Rajouri. 19-22. Assistant Executive Engineer PWD(R&B) Sub- Division North/South /Koteranka /Shahdra Sharief for information and wide publicity. 23-24 President contractors Association Poonch/Rajouri/Nowshera/Jammu. 25-29 Head Clerk/HD/CC/Agreement Clerk/Notice Board. P a g e |1 OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER PWD (R&B) DIVISION RAJOURI ABBREVIATED SHORT NOTICE INVITING TENDER e-NIT No: 04 of 2015-16 Dated:-11-04-2015 For & on behalf of the Governor of “Jammu and Kashmir State, The Executive Engineer PWD(R&B) Division Rajouri, as his representative invites tenders by e-tendering mode from approved and eligible contractors registered with J&K State Govt. for the below noted work. S. No Name of Work 1 2 Providing and laying 20mm thick premix carpet in patches/stretches on following roads. Panja Chowk Kheora road Dhanidhar link road. BGSB University road Limb 1st & 2nd. ITI Road. PHE to DIET complex road. Road from Police line to ACD office. ALG to Gujjar Basti road. Power Hose road. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Name of Division 3 PWD (R&B) Div. Rajouri Estimated Cost of Construction (Rs. in lacs) 4 17.65 Cost of document (in Rs ) 5 600/- Earnest Money @2% (Rs in lacs) 6 35300/- Time Allowed for completion 7 02 Month Time and date of opening of tender 8 27-04-2015 upto 1400 hrs in the office of Executive Engineer PWD(R&B) Div. Rajouri Class of Contractor 1 Date of Publishing:- 2. The Bidding documents can be downloaded from from 900 hours on 13-04-2015 to 25-04-2015 (upto 1800 Hrs) 3. a. The Bids shall be deposited in electronic format on the website http://jktenders.gov.in from 1400 hours on 13-04-2015 to 25-04-2015 upto 1800 Hrs. The bids received will be opened at 1400 Hrs on 27-04-2015 on line. b. The complete bidding process will be on line. c. Technical bids of bidders shall be opened on line in the office of Executive Engineer PWD (R&B) Division Rajouri on 27-04-2015 at 1400Hrs 4. 5 11-04-2015. the website http://jktenders.gov.in List of tender documents to be scanned and uploaded within the period of bid submission. i). EMD in the form of DER/FDR/Bank Guarantee (pledge in favour of Tender opening authorities. ii) Registration card duly renewed for the current financial year Viz 2015-16. iii). Pan Card. iv) Demand drafts towards the cost of tender documents (drawn in favour of tenders opening authorities. v) Sales Tax clearance certificate. The original instruments in respect of Cost of Tender documents, EMD, PAN Card must be delivered to the tender opening authorities at any time prior to opening of Technical bid either by registered post/courier provided they have successfully loaded the entire required document on-line. If the office 9 A,B,C P a g e |2 happens to be closed on the date of receipt as specified, the EMD/Documents fee will be received on the next working day at the same time and venue. 6. 7. 8. The bid for the work shall remain open for acceptance for a period of 90 days from the date of opening of bids. If any bidder /tenderer withdraws his bid/tender before the said period or makes any modifications in the terms and conditions of the bid, the said earnest money shall stand forfeited. Instruction to bidders regarding e-tendering process i. The interested bidder can download the NIT/bidding document from the website http://jktenders.gov.in ii. To participate in bidding process, bidders have to get (DSC) “Digital Signature Certificate” as per Information Technology Act-2000, to participate in online bidding. iii. This certificate will be required for digitally signing the bid bidders can get above mentioned digital certificate from any approved vendors. The Bidders, who already possess valid (DSC) Digital Signature Certificates, need not to procure new Digital Signature Certificate. iv. The bidders have to submit their bids online in electronic format with Digital Signature the bids cannot be uploaded without Digital Signature No Proposal will be accepted in physical form. v. Bids will be opened online as per time schedule mentioned in Para 3(c) above. vi. Before submission of online bids, bidders must ensure that scanned copy of all the necessary documents have been attached with bid. vii. The department will not be responsible for delay in online submission of bids whatsoever reasons may be. viii. All the required information for bid must be filled and submitted online ix. Bidders should be ready with the scanned copies of cost of documents & EMD as specified in the tender documents The original instruments in respect of cost of documents, EMD and relevant documents be submitted to the Tender Opening Authorities by Registered post/courier at any time prior to opening of Technical Bids. x. The details of cost of documents, EMD specified in the tender documents should be the same, as submitted online (scanned copies) otherwise bid will not be accepted. xi. Bidders can contact the undersigned for any guidance for getting DSC or any other relevant details in respect of e-tendering process. As per Circular No. CEJ/DB/S/702-31 dated 23-5-2011 issued by Chief Engineer, PW(R&B)Deptt. Jammu qualifications criteria required for the work is as under; S.No 1. 2. 3. Particulars All Civil works All civil works Bituminous work Amount of Work Upto Rs. 50.00 lacs Financial Turnover Nil Above Rs. 50.00 lacs upto Rs. 1.00 Crores 40% of the advertised amount in any one year in last five years Similar Nature Nil Should have at least completed one work of similar nature, the value of which should not be less than 1/5th of Advertised amount as a prime contractor in anyone year in last five years. Only registered plant holder can participate in tendering process, subject to fulfilment of other eligibility conditions. Recovery of Departmental Material Issued:Bitumen:68000/Ton. P a g e |3 Contd.. on page 3 9. No extra lead, lift, water allowance, dewatering and carriage of materials beyond whatever is provided in the BOQ shall be allowed. Other Relevant Information:1. 2. 3. Position of AAA Position of T.S. Position of Funds No :- 196-225 Dated: 11-05-2015 : : : Submitted Under Process. Partly Available (A.M. Wani) Executive Engineer PWD(R&B) Division Rajouri Copy to the :1. Chief Engineer PW (R&B) Department Jammu. 2. District Development Commissioner Rajouri. 3. Superintending Engineer PWD (R&B) Circle HQ Rajouri. 4-5 Superintending Engineer Hydraulic Circle Poonch/ Rajouri Districts. 6-18. Executive Engineer PWD (R&B) Division Poonch/Nowshera/Construction Division No.I, II, III, IV and Medical college Division Jammu/ (R&B)Division Udhampur/Kathua/Reasi/PHE/ I&FC Division Poonch/ PMGSY Div. Rajouri. 19-22. Assistant Executive Engineer PWD(R&B) Sub- Division North/South /Koteranka /Shahdra Sharief for information and wide publicity. 23-24 President Contractor Association Poonch/Rajouri/Nowshera/Jammu. 25-29 Head Clerk/HD/CC/Agreement Clerk/Notice Board. P a g e |1 OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER PWD (R&B) DIVISION RAJOURI ABBREVIATED SHORT NOTICE INVITING TENDER e-NIT No: 05 of 2015-16 Dated:-11-04-2015 For & on behalf of the Governor of “Jammu and Kashmir State, The Executive Engineer PWD(R&B) Division Rajouri, as his representative invites tenders by e-tendering mode from approved and eligible contractors registered with J&K State Govt. for the below noted work. S. No Name of Work 1 2 Providing and laying 20mm thick premix carpet in patches/stretches on following roads. 1 2 3 Rajouri Darhal road. Thanamandi Shahdra Sharief road Sorah Ghambir Mughlan road. Darhal Kandi road Darhal Khoriwali road 4 5 6 Name of Division 3 PWD (R&B) Div. Rajouri Estimated Cost of Construction (Rs. in lacs) 4 17.05 Cost of document (in Rs ) 5 600/- Earnest Money @2% (Rs in lacs) 6 34100 Time Allowed for completion 7 01 Month Time and date of opening of tender 8 27-04-2015 upto 1400 hrs in the office of Executive Engineer PWD(R&B) Div. Rajouri Class of Contractor 1 Date of Publishing:- 2. The Bidding documents can be downloaded from from 900 hours on 13-04-2015 to 25-04-2015 (upto 1800 Hrs) 3. a. The Bids shall be deposited in electronic format on the website http://jktenders.gov.in from 1400 hours on 13-04-2015 to 25-04-2015 upto 1800 Hrs. The bids received will be opened at 1400 Hrs on 27-04-2015 on line. b. The complete bidding process will be on line. c. Technical bids of bidders shall be opened on line in the office of Executive Engineer PWD (R&B) Division Rajouri on 27-04-2015 at 1400Hrs 4. 5 11-04-2015. the website http://jktenders.gov.in List of tender documents to be scanned and uploaded within the period of bid submission. i). EMD in the form of DER/FDR/Bank Guarantee (pledge in favour of Tender opening authorities. ii) Registration card duly renewed for the current financial year Viz 2015-16. iii). Pan Card. iv) Demand drafts towards the cost of tender documents (drawn in favour of tenders opening authorities. v) Sales Tax clearance certificate. The original instruments in respect of Cost of Tender documents, EMD, PAN Card must be delivered to the tender opening authorities at any time prior to opening of Technical bid either by registered post/courier provided they have successfully loaded the entire required document on-line. If the office happens to be closed on the date of receipt as specified, the EMD/Documents fee will be received on the next working day at the same time and venue. 9 A,B,C P a g e |2 6. 7. 8. The bid for the work shall remain open for acceptance for a period of 90 days from the date of opening of bids. If any bidder /tenderer withdraws his bid/tender before the said period or makes any modifications in the terms and conditions of the bid, the said earnest money shall stand forfeited. Instruction to bidders regarding e-tendering process i. The interested bidder can download the NIT/bidding document from the website http://jktenders.gov.in ii. To participate in bidding process, bidders have to get (DSC) “Digital Signature Certificate” as per Information Technology Act-2000, to participate in online bidding. iii. This certificate will be required for digitally signing the bid bidders can get above mentioned digital certificate from any approved vendors. The Bidders, who already possess valid (DSC) Digital Signature Certificates, need not to procure new Digital Signature Certificate. iv. The bidders have to submit their bids online in electronic format with Digital Signature the bids cannot be uploaded without Digital Signature No Proposal will be accepted in physical form. v. Bids will be opened online as per time schedule mentioned in Para 3(c) above. vi. Before submission of online bids, bidders must ensure that scanned copy of all the necessary documents have been attached with bid. vii. The department will not be responsible for delay in online submission of bids whatsoever reasons may be. viii. All the required information for bid must be filled and submitted online ix. Bidders should be ready with the scanned copies of cost of documents & EMD as specified in the tender documents The original instruments in respect of cost of documents, EMD and relevant documents be submitted to the Tender Opening Authorities by Registered post/courier at any time prior to opening of Technical Bids. x. The details of cost of documents, EMD specified in the tender documents should be the same, as submitted online (scanned copies) otherwise bid will not be accepted. xi. Bidders can contact the undersigned for any guidance for getting DSC or any other relevant details in respect of e-tendering process. As per Circular No. CEJ/DB/S/702-31 dated 23-5-2011 issued by Chief Engineer, PW(R&B)Deptt. Jammu qualifications criteria required for the work is as under; S.No 1. 2. 3. Particulars All Civil works All civil works Bituminous work Amount of Work Upto Rs. 50.00 lacs Financial Turnover Nil Above Rs. 50.00 lacs upto Rs. 1.00 Crores 40% of the advertised amount in any one year in last five years Similar Nature Nil Should have at least completed one work of similar nature, the value of which should not be less than 1/5th of Advertised amount as a prime contractor in anyone year in last five years. Only registered plant holder can participate in tendering process, subject to fulfilment of other eligibility conditions. Recovery of Departmental Material Issued:Bitumen:68000/Ton. P a g e |3 Contd.. on page 3 9. No extra lead, lift, water allowance, dewatering and carriage of materials beyond whatever is provided in the BOQ shall be allowed. Other Relevant Information:1. 2. 3. Position of AAA Position of T.S. Position of Funds No :Dated: 228-256 11-04-2015 : : : Submitted Under Process. Partly Available (A.M. Wani) Executive Engineer PWD(R&B) Division Rajouri Copy to the :1. Chief Engineer PW (R&B) Department Jammu. 2. District Development Commissioner Rajouri. 3. Superintending Engineer PWD (R&B) Circle HQ Rajouri. 4-5 Superintending Engineer Hydraulic Circle Poonch/ Rajouri Districts. 6-18. Executive Engineer PWD (R&B) Division Poonch/Nowshera/Construction Division No.I, II, III, IV and Medical college Division Jammu/ (R&B)Division Udhampur/Kathua/Reasi/PHE/ I&FC Division Poonch/ PMGSY Div. Rajouri. 19-22. Assistant Executive Engineer PWD(R&B) Sub- Division North/South /Koteranka /Shahdra Sharief for information and wide publicity. 23-24 President Contractor Association Poonch/Rajouri/Nowshera/Jammu. 25-29 Head Clerk/HD/CC/Agreement Clerk/Notice Board.
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