We will be hosting our second Book & Media Sale on Saturday, March 28. We have some stock left from the last sale, but need to have more books, DVDs, and CDs donated to make this a success! The proceeds will go to Youth Missions Camp this summer! The best selling books are thriller/action, romance, and children’s. Movies and music also sell well (DVDs and CDs). Our last sale made almost $1000! Please bring your donations and leave them in the bin in the connector building! Thank you for your help! Anyone who is interested in playing softball this season, please contact Susan Maines at 528-4689 to sign up. Easter Lilies will be available for $9.85. Contact Diane Dean at 525-0992. Graduate Recognition 2015 We will recognize our high school, college, and all other graduates from the 2014-2015 year in our 10:50 a.m. Worship Service on May 17, with a graduate luncheon to follow. SAVE THE DATE Vacation Bible School June 28—July 2 Please contact the church office (845-8855; [email protected]) with the names of church member graduates in your family. Randolph Memorial Baptist Church PO Box 70 Madison Heights, VA 24572-0070 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID MADISON HEIGHTS, VA PERMIT NO. 1 «LA_LABEL_NAME» «AD_ADDRESS_1»«AD_ADDRESS_2» «AD_CSZ» «A D _ B A R _ C O D E » The Roundup No. 6 Randolph Memorial Baptist Church March 25, 2015 www.randolphalive.com Making disciples of Jesus Christ through upreach… outreach… inreach… Volume 60 Holy Week Schedule Palm Sunday—3/29 Cantata at 10:50 am Egg Hunt after Worship Good Friday—4/3 Tenebrae Service at 6:30 pm Easter Sunday—4/5 Our journey of Lent that brings us to Easter is coming to our destination. Holy Week begins this coming Sunday, March 29. I’m looking forward to our week together. Notes from Susie On Palm Sunday, March 29, our choir will lead us in a special music service. Our annual egg hunt for the kids will be immediately after worship. This day begins the week, as we remember the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem and the power of that moment. We will have regular Wednesday activities but our adult Bible study will focus on this week. On April 3, we will have a Good Friday service at 6:30pm. This service will remind us of the death and is a solemn time to approach the meaning of the cross. On April 5, we will gather in the church for Resurrection Sunday! We will gather with familiar and new faces as we praise God and seek a renewal of our faith. The journey has been a good one. I’m looking forward to where it will take us and hope that it has all been a reminder that God is first. I hope we have been reminded of the meaning of our faith and the power of the gospel. I pray that we are ready to serve God and to find purpose and meaning in our lives. Derik Presented by Randolph memorial Baptist church Sanctuary choir Sunday, March 29, 2015 10:50 a.m. Happy Easter! FIFTH SUNDAY OFFERING March 29 Yellow envelopes will be provided in each bulletin for our donation to the Helping Hands Ministry. Please make checks payable to RMBC and place in the offering plate during our normal offering time. Remember, small gifts can add up to make a big difference! Upcoming Sermons Lent : Recharge and Renew 3-29: Cantata Palm Sunday 4-3: Good Friday Service at 6:30 pm 4-5: “Don’t Just Sit There” Mark 16:1-8 Easter Sunday 4-12: Guest Preacher 4-19: “What’s the Point?” 1 John 3:1-7 ADULT BIBLE STUDY WEDNESDAY NIGHTS—6:30PM—IN THE CHAPEL 4-1: 4-8: The Passion of Christ Faith and Temptation Matthew 26 SPRING BREAK—NO CHURCH 4-15: 4-22: 4-29: 5-6: A Pattern of Discipleship A Call to Respond Luke 18:40-56 Following by Faith Luke 17 Salvation in Sight Luke 18 Called to Proclaim Acts 9 Adam & Cadance Tyler Welcome Jonathan Reed Tyler Born 3/16/2015 7lb 14 oz.—20 inches The annual Book Sale will be on Saturday, March 28th, from 8:00am to 1:00pm in the RMBC Chapel. If you have a book, cd, or dvd to donate, please place it in the box in the connector building. All proceeds will go toward the youth's mission and trip funds. Every 3rd Sunday of the month is Loose Change Sunday to raise money for the youth trip and mission funds! Easter Offering CBF Global Missions Annie Armstrong Church goal: $800.00 Receipts to date: $596.00 Envelopes are located in the pews for this mission opportunity. MEMORIAL GIFTS In memory of Hazel Alvey: Mr. & Mrs. Earl Marks In memory of Ernest Crawford: Mr. & Mrs. Lincoln Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Marion Fitzgerald Ms. Janice Housman Ms. Katherine Newman Mr. & Mrs. William Powell Ms. Sandra Worsham In memory of Robert Trivett: Mr. & Mrs. Lincoln Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. William Powell The Eleanor Bomar Sunday School Class In memory of Frances Williams: Mr. & Mrs. Earl Marks In memory of Jimmy Williams: Mr. & Mrs. Earl Marks In memory of Helen Lowery: Ms. Louise Talley Ms. Alice Ogden HONOR GIFTS OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Items to Donate March/April: Small cars and trucks, small balls, small dolls, “beanie baby” size stuffed animals, kazoos, harmonicas, horns, yoyos, jump ropes, small etch-a-sketches, toys that light up / make noise (include extra batteries), slinkys, dominos, puzzles, card games, wind-up toys Members of RMBC Thank you for the dish-garden of flowers in memory of Frances Williams. Also, for the prayers for the family. Family of Frances Williams Randolph Memorial Baptist Church, Thanks so much for the beautiful arrangement of flowers. Also thanks for all our church members that were there for family night. It is wonderful how church members come together in time of need. The Crawford Family RMBC, Thank you for the cards, prayers, and the beautiful flowers, since my recent accident. It feels great to be part of such a loving, caring, church family. Love, Joan Carwile CHEERFUL HEARTS LUNCHEON Wednesday, April 1 11:30 am We are back to our usual schedule after our union Lenten services. In honor of Audrey Prevento: Ms. Loraine Harrell In honor of Ann Booker: Ms. June Bottoms SEND A CARD ITSN Ryan J. Hall USS Blue Ridge Unit 100102 Box 3146 AP 96628 SUMMER MISSIONS Lynchburg Baptist Association Mountain City, TN June 7—12 We’ll be busy helping residents finish up repairs from the tornados which swept through the area two years ago—many of them spent all they had, and still were not able to complete work on their homes. We need people with all kinds of skills—cleaning, listening, teaching, fixing, music, and carpentry. Cost for room and board will be $200 per person. Home Mission Week July 13—17 Like last year, we will work on a number of projects in the Lynchburg area, only this year we will have building projects that can be completed in a day. The Kingdom of God Band will play in area nursing homes. We are excited about the opportunity to make a difference right here! Please save one or both of these weeks on your calendar to come be the hands and feet of Christ! Thanks to all who helped deliver Meals on Wheels! Our next delivery dates are: April 6—10 RANDOLPH MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH 4246 S Amherst Highway, PO Box 70 Madison Heights, VA 24572 Website: www.randolphalive.com (434) 845-8855 Derik Hamby, Pastor E-mail: [email protected] Susie Poindexter, Music Minister E-mail: [email protected] Cadance Tyler, Youth Director E-mail: [email protected] Zip Bomar, Sunday School Director John Frichtel, Chairperson of Deacons E-mail: [email protected] Linea Wilson, Ministry Assistant E-mail: [email protected] Bonnie Alldredge, Financial Administrator E-mail: [email protected] 929-0385 NURSERY WORKER SCHEDULE Mar. 29: Heather White and Abby Tomlin Apr. 5: Stephanie Mason, Sarah Coleman Apr. 12: Katie Hamby, Mary Woerner Apr. 19: Cecil & Kristy Cash Apr. 26: Amanda Cunningham, Brooke Johnson May 3: Cyndi and Lindsey Carter 237-2263 944-3914 846-3749 929-4721 845-8855 845-8855 CHILDREN’S CHURCH Mar. 29: No Children’s Church Apr. 5: No Children’s Church Apr. 12: Dana Jackson, Stephanie Middleton Apr. 19: Cyndi Carter, Katie Hamby, Tracy Rucker Apr. 26: Patti Morcom, Brandon Stinson May 3: Dana Jackson, Stephanie Middleton FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP FEBRUARY 15, 2015 Total Received—$3,028.03 General Contributions—$2,983.03 FEBRUARY 22, 2015 Total Received—Snow General Contributions—Snow MARCH 1, 2015 Total Received—$9,255.01 General Contributions—$9,120.01 MARCH 8, 2015 Total Received—$8,653.40 General Contributions—$8,210.40 MARCH 15, 2015 Total Received—$6,378.55 General Contributions—$6,121.19 MARCH 22, 2015 Total Received—$4,857.30 General Contributions—$4,560.75 ATTENDANCE FEBRUARY 15, 2015 Worship: 115; Sunday School: 49 FEBRUARY 22, 2015 Snow MARCH 1, 2015 Worship: 210; Sunday School: 80 MARCH 8, 2015 Worship: 207; Sunday School: 86 MARCH 15, 2015 Worship: 219; Sunday School: 104 MARCH 22, 2015 Worship: 207; Sunday School: 95 RECENT PRAYER NEEDS Sympathy: families of Lowell Andrist, Elizabeth Holt, Ernest Crawford Sick/Recovering: Leonard Dawson, Nadine Tucker, James Sexton The complete prayer list is printed in the weekly Sunday bulletin. It is a church policy to obtain family permission prior to adding anyone to our prayer list. This includes any community requests. If you would like to add someone, please let our church office know that family permission has been obtained. Thank you for your assistance. USHER SCHEDULE Mar. 29: Vaughn Tucker, Pete Horton, John Lewis, Gerald Williamson Apr. 5: Jim Davis, Gene Prevento, Printice Rucker Apr. 12: Leonard Dawson, Brad Maines, Calvin McCormick, David Peters Apr. 19: Harold Bailey, Tanner Hall, Jeff Thomas, Wes Woods Apr. 26: Danny Burchett, Brian Casto, Garrett Galloway, Don Jordan May 3: Vaughn Tucker, Pete Horton, John Lewis, Gerald Williamson WELCOME TABLE SCHEDULE Mar. 29: Betty Bailey, Sterling Fitzgerald Apr. 5: Richard & Linda Gilbert Apr. 12: Kitty Marks Apr. 19: Cyndi Carter, Catherine Peters Apr. 26: Betty Campbell May 3: Youth MULTIMEDIA TEAM Mar. 29: Chris Johnson, Jay Himes Apr. 5: Greg Bailey, Jay Himes Apr. 12: Ric Woerner, Jay Himes Apr. 19: E.W. Grubbs, Jay Himes Apr. 26: Chris Johnson, Jay Himes May 3: Ric Woerner, Jay Himes SECURITY TEAM Mar. 29: Hank Dawson Apr. 5: Carlton Wingfield Apr. 12: Leon Bullington Apr. 19: Danny Burchett Apr. 26: Brad Burchette May 3: Brad Burchette COLLECTOR TEAM Mar.: Katherine Newman, Joyce Kidd Apr.: Glenda Rummage, Sterling Fitzgerald COUNTER TEAM Mar.: Kitty Marks, Les Peters Apr.: Pat Goolsby, Fred Wingfield BUILDINGS & GROUNDS Mar.: Franklin Horton Apr.: Gary Helbert BEREAVEMENT TEAM Mar.: Carolyn Henson Apr.: Gene Webster APRIL BIRTHDAYS 1st: April Purvis, Michael Henson 3rd: Danny Burchett 4th: Marron Baker, Whitney Cantrell, Shirley Carter, Leonard Dawson, Scott Swisher 5th: Dwayne Landon 6th: Sean Fields 7th: Shirley Bralley, Phillip Wingfield 8th: Lincoln Fitzgerald 9th: Horace Knight, Whitney Reynolds 10th: Ryan Bomar, Spence Puckett 12th: Jerry Tucker 13th: Barbara Helbert 14th: Mike Tucker 15th: Kevin Milton 16th: Jonah Chapman 17th: Cindy Hunter, Glenn Taylor 18th: Carrol Phelps 19th: Carolyn Henson, Hannah Mason, Arlene Pugh 20th: Printice Rucker 21st: Buddy Dean, Ammie Rucker 22nd: Brooke Johnson 23rd: Claire Harrell 24th: James Downey 25th: Jackie Dawson 26th: Caeth McAndrews, Carson Peters, Jennifer Doss 27th: Jeremy Cunningham, Kay Woody 29th: Elora Burchette, Dan Taulbee 30th: Maxine Dean, Duval Doss, Judy Forbes, Jay Himes UPCOMING EVENTS April 2015 Sunday, March 29 Palm Sunday Sunday School at 9:45 am Cantata at 10:50 am Egg Hunt after Cantata Randolph Ringers at 5:30 pm Wednesday, April 1 Cheerful Hearts at 11:30 am Teen Praise at 6:15 pm Adult Bible Study at 6:30 pm Young Musicians/Kids In Action at 6:30 Music Makers/Mission Friends at 6:30 Youth Study & Fellowship at 7:15 pm Sanctuary Choir at 7:40 pm Friday, April 3 Good Friday Office Closed Tenebrae Service at 6:30 pm Sunday, April 5 Easter Sunday Sunday School at 9:45 am Worship at 10:50 am Monday, April 6 Easter Monday Office Closed Wednesday, April 8 No evening activities Saturday, April 11 Work Day at RMBC (Network) Sunday, April 12 Sunday School at 9:45 am Worship at 10:50 am Randolph Ringers at 5:30 pm Tuesday, April 14 B&G Committee at 7:00 pm Wednesday, April 15 Women On Mission at 1:00 pm Teen Praise at 6:15 pm Adult Bible Study at 6:30 pm Young Musicians/Kids In Action at 6:30 Music Makers/Mission Friends at 6:30 Youth Study & Fellowship at 7:15 pm Sanctuary Choir at 7:40 pm Thursday, April 16 Stewardship Committee at 7:00 pm Sunday, April 19 Sunday School at 9:45 am Worship at 10:50 am Randolph Ringers at 5:30 pm Tuesday, April 21 LBA WMU Dinner at 6:15 pm 1st Baptist of Monroe Wednesday, April 22 Teen Praise at 6:15 pm Adult Bible Study at 6:30 pm Young Musicians/Kids In Action at 6:30 Music Makers/Mission Friends at 6:30 Youth Study & Fellowship at 7:15 pm Sanctuary Choir at 7:40 pm
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