REBELS AUTO CLUB NEWSLETTER APRIL 2015 President’s Message Happy April Rebels, I hope none of you got fooled for April fool’s day! One of the employees tried to get me but the beans got spilled, and I got the last laugh! haha I would like to wish you all a Happy Easter. Easter is my second favorite holiday going to church, spending time with the family, watching little kids try to find Easter eggs (candy for myself) and the start of spring!!! We had a wonderful time at the last meeting at Lee’s chicken. I would like to thank Ann Anderson for the beautiful slideshow and cool memorabilia. Just looking at some of the cars from back in the day, was so cool! But even cooler, was seeing some of the Rebels today back in their prime and the cars they built. Some members were lucky enough to receive some slides of themselves and their old cars. Stacy and I were given a color picture of Larry’s high school car, a 52 Plymouth. Thank you Ann! Like the buds that start to grow and blossom, so do Hot Rodders! There are many car events that are coming up. One of them is the REBELS show! Can you believe that our show is in about 81days? How crazy is that. I hope to see you all at the next meeting!! Officers: President: Mike Brown………........ 402-525-9361 [email protected] V.P.: Sandy Francisco……………....402-489-0265 [email protected] Secretary: Margaret Otley…...…..…402-786-3246 [email protected] Treasurer: Jana Pillsworth-Wood 402-429-7474 [email protected] Coordinator: Gary Weyers …..……402-489-8853 [email protected] @ Large: Jim Jensen……………….402-580-3763 [email protected] Newsletter Editor: Tracee Bougger 2702 South Street Lincoln, NE 68502 Email: [email protected] PH: 441-4838 NEXT MEETING April 29 Mike Brown One Eyed Dog Saloon cards & flowers Anyone who knows of a Rebels member who should have a card sent or someone in the hospital or flowers for a funeral, Contact Carol Danielson 477-5577 Eagle NE Dinner 6-7, Meeting at 7:30pm Meeting Minutes March 25th, 2015 at Lee’s Chicken. There were 52 members and guests in attendance. The meeting was called to order by President Mike Brown at 7:30pm. Mike asked if we had any guests or new members. One guest in attendance was Ann Anderson, a guest and new member was Nellie Wermager. The Vice President’s report was given by Sandy Francisco. The April board meeting will be on April 14th at Dino’s. Sandy reminded everyone that 10% of the total at Dino’s is donated to the Rebel’s choice charity. The Rebel’s have chosen to donate to children’s brain cancer. The April general meeting will be in Eagle at the One Eyed Dog Saloon on April 29th at 7:30pm. There was a motion made, seconded and approved to accept the Vice President’s report. The Secretary’s report was given by Margaret Otley. She asked if everyone had received their newsletter and if there were any corrections or additions to the minutes from the February meeting. There was one correction Tour Nebraska is in June not in May as reported in the minutes. The newsletter deadline is the first Monday of the month which will be April 6th. Please get any articles, photos etc to Tracee by that date. Ladies Night for April will be April 15th at Henry’s on South at 6pm. Please contact either Margaret or Jody White if you would like to attend. A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the minutes from March and the Secretary’s report. Jana Wood gave the Treasurer’s report. Jana reported that income for the month was from membership renewals and money from the swap meet. Expenses included the purchase of two new tents and advertising. A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the Treasurer’s report. Gary Weyers gave the Coordinator’s report. April 25th is the Norris HS Skills USA car show and also the Lincoln Area Street Rodders swap meet at Speedway Motors starting at 6am. May 2nd is the Ashland car show, May 12th is the show and shine at the Vet’s Hospital in Lincoln, May 16th Berean Church car show, Gary has fliers for that show. April 19th there will be a show and shine at Don And Millie’s on 84th street, participants get a discount on food and 20% will be given to the Rebel’s. May 22nd Nebraska Regional SCAA needs volunteers, more information will be available next month. June 5-7th is Tour Nebraska. Help is needed with registration on Friday June 5th at N 27th Street Culver’s. June 6th and 7th help is needed on the tour at various turns to keep everyone headed in the right direction. Tabitha is having a show and shine on Thursday June 18th 2-5pm. Savannah Pines is having a show and shine on June 20th. June 27th there will be a one day Goodguys Event in the Hay Market. A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the Coordinator’s report. New Business: Sandy Francisco said that the Rebel’s have been invited to join Bikers Against Child Abuse on a 100 mile poker run May 16th. If you’re not able to participate Sandy would be happy to accept any donations. All money collected stays in the local community. They are all privately funded. They work with children who have been the victims of any sort of abuse. Background checks are made on all who are members and they receive training on how to help children of abuse. Each child is given a jacket with the phone number of a member sewn into the inside of the jacket. Marge Kennedy asked why the meetings could not start at 7pm instead of 7:30. President Mike Brown said it would be discussed at the next board meeting. Doug Wells said he has fliers from the Rough Riders, they are wanting to purchase a track chair to donate to the VA. Old Business: Craig Foster reported on the progress of the car show. He passed around sign up sheets for volunteers. He said we are on schedule. He will be getting approval from Restore A Muscle Car for the front of the shirt. Next car show meeting will be May 17th at 4pm at Dino’s. Jim Holstein talked about the upcoming event at the Gary Kuck Museum. It is on April 18th from 2-5pm, the cost is a $25 donation which will go to the Heartland Cancer Foundation. Food and drinks will be available. 235 of 400 tickets have been sold. See Jim if you would like to buy a ticket. Jim is also coordinating a dinner cruise on April 26th starting at Shoemakers and going to Benedict to PK’s Restaurant. They have a chicken dinner special for under $10, can also order off of the menu. Mike Brown talked about the importance of club participation for the car show. He urged all members to participate in some area. Don Shea and Doug Weber are collecting door prizes. The meeting was adjourned at 8pm. Following the meeting Ann Anderson showed slides from the 50’s and 60’s when she and her husband were members and officers. She also brought for members to enjoy Rebel’s memorabilia Respectfully submitted, Margaret Otley, Secretary WELCOME NEW MEMBER Nellie Wermager 1956 Chevy BelAir 4 dr sedan Rebels Auto Club April Meeting Dates Be the first to say, “Hello” (From Life’s Little Instruction Book.) Board meeting: Date: Tuesday, April 14th Time: 7:00 pm Place: Dino’s Eastside Grille All members are welcome to Board meetings. Please come and join us for dinner. Be a part of the decision making for your upcoming events. Club Meeting: Date: Wednesday, April 29th Time: 7:30 pm Place: One Eyed Dog in Eagle Just a reminder; Wednesday evening is Pizza night at The Dog. The specials are 25% off any pizza and 25% off a pitcher of beer. Give their Pizza a try. There are many other choices sure to please everyone. Enjoy the spring drive. Hope to see you soon. Proud to be a Rebel, Sandy Francisco Rebel Car Show June, 28th, 2015 We need your help in several areas: judging, parking, lead food server, food servers, door prize table, and other duties. We’ll make you a deal, sign up for a few hours of fun and we’ll buy you Lunch. Contact Craig Foster @ 402-435-8842 Please help promote our show by using the flyer in this newsletter to post at work or give to friends. A Street Auto is now giving all Rebel club members a discount on cash only purchases at both locations in Lincoln. Let the counter person know you are a Rebels member. A big thank you goes out to Ann Anderson for her presentation at the March meeting. She displayed original Rebel attire, magazines, programs, membership cards and photos. She also gave a slide presentation of the club’s early years It seems like it has been a long winter but spring is finally here and several car events are starting to happen. First up on Sunday April 19th starting at 5:00pm Don and Millie’s located at 84th and O streets in Lincoln is having a Show and Shine. You will get 50% off of your meal if you tell them that you have your car there. Also if you mention that you are there for the Rebels 20% of your receipt will go back to the Rebels Auto Club. If their parking lot is full we can park in the INMotion auto repair parking lot that is next door to Don and Millie’s. On Saturday April 25th is the Norris High Car Show in Firth. It has been several years since they have had a car show. On Saturday May 2nd we have the ROC Benefit Car Show in Ashland being held at the Ashland-Greenwood High School located at 18th and Furnas Streets. On Tuesday May 12th is the VA Hospital Show and Shine located south of 70th and O streets starting around 4:00pm. On Saturday May 16th is the Berean Car Show located at 70th and highway 2 in Lincoln. This car show is the show that Tom Dingwell and I are involved in helping put on. On Friday May 22nd through Sunday May 24th is the NRSCCA Tire Rack Spring National (cone races). We are looking for volunteers to help work the gate. I don’t have the specific times yet but if you are available on any of these days call me at (402)489-8853. Starting on Friday June 5th through Sunday June 7th is the NRCA Tour Nebraska. On Friday is the registration out at Culvers on north 27th. It looks like I have enough volunteers for that job. I do need more volunteers to be corner spotters out on the course for both Saturday June 6th and Sunday June 7th. Call me at (402)489-8853 to sign up to help out. I know it is a couple of months away but the next two events want an idea of how many cars to expect. On Thursday June 18th Tabitha Health Care located at 47th and Randolph streets is having a Show and Shine from 2:00pm to 5:00pm. On Saturday June 20th is the Savannah Pines Show and Shine located at 3900 Pine Lake Rd from 10:00am to 2:00pm. Call me at (402)489-8853 if can participate in either of these events. A big event coming to Lincoln on Saturday June 27th is the Goodguys Rod and Custom Car Show located in the Haymarket area. Don’t forget the Rebels car show is on Sunday June 28th and we can still use more volunteers to sign up to help make this show a success. Easter Tax Day Board Meeting Ladies Night Kuck Museum Earth Day Don and Millie’s Administrative & Professionals Day Arbor Day Norris High Car Show ROC Benefit Benedict Dinner Cruise Club Meeting Car Show Firth by Jim Jensen 402-580-3763 THIS MONTH WE HIGHLIGHT OUR REBELS MEMBERS Ken & Tracee Bougger Growing up on a farm near Rising City, I’m sure I never had the cool car exposure that most of you “big city” kids had. I do remember a ’63 Chevy Impala SS and a ‘64 Ford XL that a couple of the older neighbors bought new flying past our farm on the gravel roads. As a youngster, one car influenced me for the rest of my life. In 1956, our neighbor returned from the Army and purchased a slightly used ’55 Chevy; Two Door Hardtop, Gypsy Red /Shoreline Beige, factory 265 “power pack” car with dual exhaust. It was cool! He ended up trading the Chevy for an Oldsmobile before I could ever convince him to let me under the wheel. This was long before I was 16. Turning of age in the late sixties and seventies, I owned a few cool cars myself; a Chevelle, Super Bee and 442, but I never forgot the ’55 Chevy. Fast forward to September 1975, while reading the Lincoln paper, I saw a ’55 Chevy offered for sale. As I was sure it would be the last to ever be sold, Tracee and I went to investigate. He wanted $250, I bought it for $200 (Car Dealer, lol). He said I had to get it out of there right away as he was tired of the phone ringing. We drove it and had fun for 20 years. It appeared the 265 short block had been replaced by a 283 and it had a 62 Chevy Borg Warner T-10 4-speed in it. It smoked a little but ran hard! We didn’t begin a serious restoration until the mid-nineties when we did a frame off and put a 406 engine in it. The color combination nearly gave me a nervous breakdown. Yes, I know, I still have to finish the interior. Without boring you with additional detail, the rest is just history. The best thing about owning and restoring a classic car is all the fun people you meet and the help you solicit along the way. Love the car, and we will never be separated. As with Tracee, till death (only mine) do us part! For Sale 1978 Buick LeSabre 4 door. STRONG V8 (all cylinders 135 to 140 cold compression) Tranny is sound and has no leaks. Ice cold A/C. I flew to Phoenix and drove it back to Lincoln. I had dents and dings removed along with a new paint job. NO RUST found during the primer coat for the new paint! 64,350 original miles. Tires 75%. Tinted windows. New Interstate battery. Vinyl interior like new. New headliner. a RARE FIND! $4500 Bill Montz cell 402-314-8048 email [email protected] Lonnie Miller home 402-483-5168 (leave message) cell 402-314-4359 (no text or VM) I can attest that I have personally seen and inspected this car. Lonnie attends the same church I do. His above statements are true to the best of my knowledge. A MESSAGE FROM AT LARGE BOARD MEMBER JIM JENSEN HELLO TO ALL. THIS LAST MEETING (MARCH), I WAS VERY IMPRESSED WITH THE TURN OUT OF MEMBERS. IT MADE FOR A GREAT EVENING. AS EVERYONE KNOWS THE SMOKEHOUSE ON “O” WHERE WE USE TO HAVE OUR MEETINGS IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE. IF ANY OF YOU KNOW OF A GREAT PLACE TO HAVE SOME FUTURE MEETINGS PLEASE LET ME KNOW SO WE CAN ADD IT THE LIST OF PLACES TO GO. MY HAT GOES OFF TO TOM DINGWELL AND THE PRESENTER ANN ANDERSON FOR THE GREAT SLIDE SHOW. BROUGHT BACK MANY MEMORIES FROM THE PAST. THE SEASON OF CAR SHOWS IS HERE SO GET THOSE CARS READY FOR THE MANY SHOWS COMING UP. THE SHOW AND SHINE CAR SHOWS ARE GREAT TO GO TO AS THEY LAST A LITTLE SHORTER ON TIME AND THERE IS NO FEE. THE MANY PLACES WE DO GO MAKE MANY SENIORS VERY HAPPY AND EXCITED. LET’S MAKE A GOOD SHOWING THIS YEAR. JIM JENSEN, THE OLD MAN WITH THE OLD CAR Gary Kuck Museum Tour There has been a surge in ticket sales and they are selling quickly, although there are still some $25 tickets for sale. If you or your friends want to see this awesome collection order tickets today. Tickets can be purchased online at, then click on the Events tab for the Kuck Event and buy with credit, debit, or PayPal account. All tickets purchased are tax deductible with a receipt mailed to you for tax purposes. There will be snacks, refreshments, a beer and wine bar catered by Meier's Cork & Bottle, as well as a raffle including tickets to Kansas Speedway with a night stay at Embasey Suites, cash prizes, Saltdog baseball tickets, High performance driving lesson, to name a few. Doors are open from 2-5PM. Heartland will use proceeds from this event to assist low income cancer patients with medications and gas cards to travel back and forth for their treatments. Shop these Rebels Advertisers Do you want a great and inexpensive way to advertise your business? Why not advertise in the Rebels Auto Club newsletter and website for only $40.00 per year for members and $50.00 per year for non members? YOUR CLASSIC CAR INSURED FOR LESS THAN REBELS AUTO CLUB PO BOX 21996 LINCOLN, NE 68542 TING E E TM 9 NEX PRIL 2 og A D yed E One belsau http://w .com toclub Shop these Rebels Advertisers
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