RAPPAHANNOCK REGIONAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA STAFFORD COUNTY GEORGE L. GORDON GOVERNMENT CENTER BOARD OF SUPERVISORS CHAMBERS STAFFORD, VIRGINIA May 20, 2015 1:30 P.M. A. CALL TO ORDER. B. ROLL CALL TO DETERMINE QUORUM C. APPROVE MINUTES OF PRIOR BOARD MEETINGS (Tab 1) April 15, 2015 D. PRESENTATIONS BY THE PUBLIC E. PRESENTATIONS BY R-BOARD MEMBERS F. REPORT OF R-BOARD ATTORNEY G. REPORT OF STAFF (Tab 2) 1. Financial Summary Through March 31, 2015 2. Weight & Material Analysis Through March 31, 2015 3. Resident Fee Update H. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Tab 3) 1. Proposed FY2016 Budget I. CLOSED SESSION L. NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING June 17, 2015, Board of Supervisors Chambers, George L. Gordon Government Center, 1:30 PM M. ADJOURNMENT MINUTES RAPPAHANNOCK REGIONAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD April 15, 2015 1:30 P.M. George L. Gordon Government Center Board of Supervisors Chambers Meeting Convened: A regular meeting of the Rappahannock Regional Solid Waste Management Board (RBoard) was convened at 1:30 P.M. on Wednesday April 15, 2015, at the Stafford County Administration Center, Board of Supervisors Chambers. Roll Call: The following members were present: Matthew Kelly, Chairman; Paul V. Milde, III, Vice-Chairman; Beverly R. Cameron; Gary Snellings; Anthony J. Romanello; William C. Withers, Jr. Also in attendance were: Bill Hefty, Esq., R-Board Attorney; Robert L. Hundley, Resource International, Ltd., Consulting Engineer; Keith C. Dayton, Director & Deputy County Administrator; Jason Pauley, R-Board Superintendent; Diane Jones, Julie Williams-Daves, R-Board staff; Mr. Snellings motioned, seconded by Mr. Withers, to approve the minutes for March 12, 2015. By voice, the vote was: Yea: (6) Nay: (0) Absent: (0) Kelly, Milde, Cameron, Snellings, Romanello, Withers Presentations by the Public: The following members of the public desired to speak: Wendy Zernick: Ms. Zernick stated that she owns a small landscaping business and uses a 5 X 10 foot trailer that holds less than ½ ton. She provided the Board with a handout which gave her background, problems with landfill fees and suggested solution. Her proposed solution suggested that the Board consider selling a different color sticker for landscape contractors for their plant waste. Ruth Carlone: Ms. Carlone is concerned that the Board was considering incinerators for burning tires at the landfill. She felt that this would create emissions of toxic nature. She noted that several schools as well as a hospital were located in the vicinity. Linda Muller: Ms. Muller wanted to comment on landfill usage. She felt there had been vast improvements to the Eskimo Hill residential site services. She noted that the first couple of weeks that the user fee was put into place it was chaotic, but felt the sticker system was working well. She found that she was entering and exiting with ease in recent weeks. She also noted the importance of recycling. She noted that from a budget perspective, recycling costs were lower than revenues. She would like to see issuing of the annual pass be improved. She commented on pyrolysis. She noted that the EPA and DEQ both consider the process incineration. She felt it was an inefficient alternative with the large capital investment needed. R-Board Meeting Minutes April 15, 2015 Meeting Page 2 Presentations by the R-Board Members Mr. Kelly noted that the Board was exploring all options available for the handling of our waste in the future. He also noted that the Board considers and appreciates public input and comments. He felt the Board needed to look at all sides of the issue. Report of the R-Board Attorney: Mr. Bill Hefty reported that there were no issues regarding landfills forthcoming in the current Virginia Legislative session. Report of Staff: Mr. Dayton, Director & Deputy County Administrator, reported on the staffing levels for the RBoard. The R-Board is authorized for 34 employees, but budgeted at 29. At present we are at 26 with recruitment under way for 3 maintenance workers. Julie Williams-Daves gave the environmental compliance report. DEQ conducted their first quarter of 2015 waste compliance inspection on February 11th, and found the Regional Landfill to be in compliance. The RBoard remains on track to meet regulatory requirements for corrective action with respect to the groundwater exceedance near Area #74. Additional sampling will confirm whether more treatment must be included in next year’s budget. Staff continues to measure and report weekly readings to VA DEQ for GP-7 and GP-8. Readings indicate methane levels are decreasing after installation of vent trench and clearing condensation blockage. On April 1st the R-Board submitted our request to maintain the E3 certification, which was approved by DEQ. Robert Hundley added that additional plans have been made to connect GP-7 and adjacent probes to the active extraction system if the above compliance readings persist. Resource continues to perform weekly samplings at the Fredericksburg landfill due to above compliance readings around the Chaplin Youth Center. Efforts to improve the LFG extraction system appears to be having the desired effect with sampling results improving. Mr. Romanello requested Resource to contact the Chaplin Youth Center regarding this matter. Mr. Hundley replied that he will do so. Jason Pauley noted that the compactors have been received. The site preparations are waiting on Dominion Power upgrades before they can be installed. The filling status of Cell F1 indicates that 72% of the space has been utilized as of March 31st. Based on current disposal rates, the remaining airspace will be consumed by the end of 2015. A survey is being scheduled for early next fiscal year to look at remaining solid waste disposal capacity. Diane Jones reported that the R-Board will be hosting its bi-annual Household Hazardous Waste Day on Saturday May 30th at the Eskimo Hill drop-off site. It will run from 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Mr. Snellings asked if the event was still free for residents. Ms. Jones said yes. Mr. Snellings asked that staff make sure to get the word out regarding this. He is concerned that participation may drop if residents assume they must pay a user fee. Ms. Jones also noted that R-Board staff has scheduled the second annual customer use survey at the Belman Road and Eskimo Hill resident convenience centers for Saturday, May 2nd thru Friday, May 8th. The results will be reported at an upcoming meeting. Closed Session: The R-Board went into closed session at 1:49 P.M. and reconvened the open session at 2:45 P.M. R-Board Meeting Minutes April 15, 2015 Meeting Page 3 Mr. Snellings motioned, seconded by Mr. Withers, for the R-board to go into closed session to discuss confidential matters of a legal nature. By voice, the vote was: Yea: (6) Kelly, Milde, Cameron, Snellings, Romanello, Withers Nay: (0) Absent: (0) Mr. Withers motioned, seconded by Mr. Milde, to certify that only matters discussed during the closed session were those related to the stated reason for the closed session, and to reconvene the open session of the RBoard meeting at 2:45 P.M. By voice, the vote was: Yea: (6) Nay: (0) Absent: (0) Kelly, Milde, Cameron, Snellings, Romanello, Withers Mr. Kelly directed staff to report back to the R-Board at their next regular meeting on instituting flow control, that is, requiring that all trash generated within the R-Board’s jurisdiction be required to come to the landfill in part to cover capital costs. Report on Finances: Mr. Dayton reported on the following: revenue trends are the same. Commercial hauler revenue continues its slower pace. Recycling revenue has been good. Regarding other revenues streams, we appear on target, except in municipal where as we did not receive the money from Stafford County. We are aggressively controlling expenditures. We have seen an uptick in costs for some areas as we implement the user fee program. Our waste quantities continue to decline from commercial hauler residential and commercial customer sources. County Waste did bring more this month due to the re-flooring of their transfer station. He pointed out that nearly all the waste categories have been moved to the billable column following implementation of the residential user fee program. The litter control program and our cleanup support are the only remaining non-billable categories. There has been a sharp decline in usage at the Belman Road convenience center. A comparison between March of 2014 and 2015 showed a 46% drop in weights. He attributed this to the user fee program which appears to have discouraged non-resident use and deterred commercial customer abuse. Over all waste amounts are up 1%, primarily due to dirt quantities. It is used beneficially for end of day capping activities; however it is not a significant revenue generator. Staff will look at pricing to determine if we are offsetting operations costs. Resident Fee Program Update: Mr. Dayton provided the following: As of March 31st the program had netted $250,000. At this time, it stands at $300,000. Early projections indicate this revenue source could generate up to $500,000 by December 31st. We will be prorating revenue from annual passes between FY15 and FY16. Revenue from daily passes and coupon books will be booked in the year sold. The majority of annual pass and coupon book sales, 42%, have been purchased at the landfill scalehouse. 100% of the daily pass sales are also sold there. We expected to see a greater distribution of sales among the other locations where passes and coupon books are sold. Logistically, sales at the scales are a problem due to the intermingling of residential traffic with commercial traffic. The annual pass and coupon book holders flow through the residential side in about the same time as prior to the program. Staff believes that a move of all transactions to residential side is desirable, and has begun investigating the necessary measures to implement this change. Our information technology staff has assessed and identified networking and computer deficiencies. We are also investigating R-Board Meeting Minutes April 15, 2015 Meeting Page 4 a structure and location to shift this function to the residential side, possibly by the end of this year. Lastly, Mr. Dayton noted that there have been no new illegal dumping reports since the Board met in April. Mr. Milde asked if we would be able to accept credit cards in the future. Mr. Dayton said we are hoping to implement this option by the end of year along with the other changes. We will need technology upgrades in our computer system as discussed previously. Unfinished Business Supplemental Information request at March 12, 2015 Meeting: R-Board members made several requests for additional information at their March 12th meeting. Mr. Dayton directed the Board to the table in the staff report which depicts the major cost centers and estimated costs of these programs. Calculations include personnel, operations, and maintenance costs, with administrative charges prorated across each item. Depreciation is not included in any category. The cost of landfilling waste from either convenience center is not included with that calculation. Approximately 1/3 of total R-board costs are not directly related to landfill activities. The programs identified included Belman Road and Eskimo Hill convenience centers, recycling, public outreach, regulatory compliance, litter crew, household hazardous waste, and mulching operations. Mr. Dayton suggested that if the Board wants to modify charges for vegetative wastes from landscape companies, to treat these wastes as a commercial fee as it is really not a residential charge. Staff does not recommend another sticker color, due to the logistics involved in ordering, selling and monitoring another decal for very few customers. The minimum fee threshold could be adjusted and continue handling the waste through commercial side if the R-Board felt that relief was desirable. He noted that the services of the Stafford and Fredericksburg Treasurer’s Offices have been stressed due to the user fee program, and keeping our options to a minimum will aid them in providing service to us. Staff assessed issuing of residential passes to commercial customers who have their vehicles under their business name. To date there has been one request. Staff recommends that the Board pass each request individually as an exception. This would mean that the Board could make a motion on each request. The individual would then come to the R-Board office where we have the record of the R-Board action and we would process the pass. Staff believes this is the simplest method for handling such requests. Mr. Withers motioned, seconded by Mr. Milde, to implement a policy for issuing residential passes to commercial customers who register their standard vehicles under their business by exception on an individual basis through R-Board action. Individuals receiving an annual pass under this policy can only deliver residential solid waste to the convenience centers in a vehicle with no business type signage. By voice, the vote was: Yea: (6) Nay: (0) Absent: (0) Kelly, Milde, Cameron, Snellings, Romanello, Withers R-Board Meeting Minutes April 15, 2015 Meeting Page 5 Mr. Withers then motioned, seconded by Mr. Milde, to pass by exception the request for issuance of an annual pass sticker to business owner Joe Wilson. By voice, the vote was: Yea: (6) Nay: (0) Absent: (0) Kelly, Milde, Cameron, Snellings, Romanello, Withers New Business: Discussion to Award Contract to TK Construction for the Construction of Cell F-2; RB15-03 Staff reminded the R-Board of previous actions relative to preparing bid documents and soliciting bids for construction of Cell F-2. We received five bids, with T&K Construction, LLC the lowest responsive bid at $5,062,968. They are the company that built Cell F1 to our satisfaction. If the R-Board decided to authorize award of a contract to T&K, the authorization would be contingent on both local governments authorizing financing support of $2 million each. The debt service would be about $700,000 annually for the 7-year expected life of Cell F-2. Debt service payments in this amount is included in the proposed budget. Mr. Romanello motioned, seconded by Mr. Milde, for RB15-03. Discussion among R-Board members ensued, with Mr. Cameron questioning the timing and the City commitment. Mr. Dayton said that the financing commitment will be presented for consideration to the Stafford Board at their April 21st meeting. If authorized, Stafford will hold a public hearing May 19th to consider approving the financing support. Mr. Romanello stated that the loan could be part of the summer Virginia Resources Authority pool. It was noted by Mr. Cameron that City Council must also back the debt in order to authorize the debt. It was also noted that the City Council will wait to see if the Stafford Board commits to the financing. Staff reiterated that no contract will be signed until both local governments have authorized the financing support. Mr. Dayton stated that staff could proceed with the contract execution following authorization of financing by both local governments. He noted that there are sufficient reserves that can be used before receiving the revenue from the loan proceeds by including refund language to replenish R-Board reserves once the bonds are sold. He noted that the current financial plan includes the use of approximately $1 million in R-Board reserves, with the balance of $4 million being financed. Mr. Kelly expressed concerns about authorizing a contract when we don’t know what action will be taken by the local governments, and that we may have insufficient revenue to fund both cell construction and operations costs. Mr. Milde stated that he could not imagine the Stafford Board not agreeing to back the debt, since not approving the financial support would result in closing the landfill. Mr. Romanello noted that it is important for the resolution to reflect the reimbursement language from debt proceeds. He asked that the Resolution be amended to include appropriate reimbursement language from debt proceeds written by the R-Board attorney. R-Board Meeting Minutes April 15, 2015 Meeting Page 6 On motion by Mr. Romanello, seconded by Mr. Milde, which carried by a vote of 6 to 0, RB15-03 was adopted: The vote was: Yea (6) Kelly, Milde, Cameron, Romanello, Snellings, Withers No (0) Resolution RB15-03 Reads: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT WITH T & K CONSTRUCTION, LLC FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CELL F-2 AT THE RAPPAHANNOCK REGIONAL LANDFILL WHEREAS, the current operational landfill cell at the Rappahannock Regional Landfill (Landfill) is expected to be filled around the end of 2015; and WHEREAS, the design for the next planned operational landfill cell, F-2, was completed and offered for public bids; and WHEREAS, five (5) bids were received, with the lowest bid received from T&K Construction, LLC (T&K), in the amount of $5,062,968; and WHEREAS, staff has reviewed this bid and determined that T&K is the lowest responsive bidder; and WHEREAS, the continuation of solid waste services is dependent on the completion of Cell F-2; and WHEREAS, funding for construction is proposed to be provided from withdrawing approximately $1,067,000 from reserve funds, with the balance from financing backed by the City of Fredericksburg and Stafford County; and WHEREAS, the City Council and Board of Supervisors will consider the matter of financing support for the Landfill at their upcoming meetings; and WHEREAS, a contract will not be issued until financing support is assured; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Rappahannock Regional Solid Waste Management Board on this the 15th day of April, 2015, that the County Administrator or his Designee, be authorized to execute a contract with T&K Construction, LLC for construction of Cell F-2 at the Rappahannock Regional Landfill in an amount not to exceed Five Million, Sixty-two Thousand, Nine Hundred Sixty-eight Dollars, ($5,062,968) unless modified by a duly executed change order; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the contract with T&K Construction, LLC shall not be executed until financing support from the City of Fredericksburg and Stafford County has been approved; and BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED that the R-Board intends that funds that have been advanced or may be advanced by the R-Board for costs related to Cell F-2 may be reimbursed from proceeds of the bonds issued by the County and City in accordance with U.S. Treasury Regulation Section 1.1-150.2 and other Treasury regulations. R-Board Meeting Minutes April 15, 2015 Meeting Page 7 Proposed FY2016 Budget Mr. Dayton noted the following about the proposed budget: The budget is structurally balanced. We are not using or replenishing reserve funds. There are no changes in core services. The budget does not include any local government subsidies. It assumes Cell F-2 will be funded, constructed, and in operation by early 2016. The total budget amount reflects a 15.5% increase, primarily due to the debt service of $700,000 for funding Cell F-2. There are personnel cost increases including a 2% cost of living raise matching Stafford County actions, as well as personnel and operation costs related to the resident fee program. There are 4 new part time, week-end staff positions for the gatehouse locations at both convenience centers. There’s an additional $15,000 in overtime due to the scales being open during weekend resident collection hours. There is a deferral of all capital expenditures except for the Cell F-2 debt service. We will utilize FY15 rollover funds for essential purchases. The expenditure budget does not include any depreciation or closure/post closure costs. On the revenue side there is an additional $125,000 from the City due to increasing their tipping from $20 to $34 per ton as approved by previous R-Board action. Total revenue of $750,000 from the residential fee program is included, along with an increase of $525,000 from commercial haulers tip fees. Total increased revenues are $1.4 million, which will offset projected FY2015 operational losses, the added debt service and professional services costs for Cell F-2 construction, and the operational costs for the resident fee program. Recycling revenue has been reduced from FY2015 actual performance, due to more changes in market dynamics causing a reduction in the value of our single stream recycling products. We will continue our aggressive recycling programs; however, net revenue is expected to drop. We have included revenues for recycling of $286,000. Staff recommended approval of RB15-02. Mr. Cameron questioned the proposed increase of County administrative charges by $29,000. Mr. Romanello explained that the fees are for the County’s cost to support R-Board. The charge is based on cost of the services provided and calculated from prior year level of effort. This is also reflected as revenue in the County budget. Mr. Snellings requested a detailed breakdown of the administrative charges. He also questioned whether it was necessary to vote on the budget today. Mr. Withers noted that City Council discussed the increase in tipping fees. The Council does not appear to be in support of the higher fees. They question why the City’s per-ton fee is higher than major hauler fees over 1,500 tons. The City feels they should have same fee as major haulers. Mr. Dayton noted that the current rate is over 1,500 tons per month is around $32 per ton. We are still considering lowering these fees to attract more customer waste, but have not done so at present. Mr. Withers stated that he is not sure that City Council would vote for this increase in their budget. Mr. Romanello asked if we could set the City rate consistent with the high volume hauler rates. This would adjust as the fee structure adjusts. Mr. Withers felt that the City might consider that approach, but certainly do not want to pay higher than commercial customers. R-Board Meeting Minutes April 15, 2015 Meeting Page 8 Mr. Kelly stated that the City has stepped up to plate and agreed to pay tipping fees. The City is the only one of the partners attempting to comply with the Operational Agreement provisions requiring that all operational deficits shall be split proportionally. The City feels that paying the current tipping fee for their tonnage meets this requirement. Having seen no reciprocation on this front from Stafford has left them questioning their need to pay more. He noted that the City is a much smaller locality and an increase of a few hundred thousand dollars is, for them, difficult to handle. The City still wants to do their part but is not interested in paying more than they are currently paying. He felt the City Council’s general consensus is to pay current tip fee. Mr. Snelling noted his concern with the position taken by the Board of Supervisors. He requested information on the subsidy amount Stafford owes per the agreement for this and the next fiscal year. He will put it on the agenda and ask the Stafford Board to pay the subsidies. Mr. Dayton noted that the subsidy is calculated and due based upon previous years audit statement, so while he has the FY2014 amount, the FY2015 amount is not available yet. Mr. Dayton was instructed to provide the FY2013 and FY2014 amounts. Mr. Kelly noted that the decisions by Stafford County to not provide funding for R-Board operations, and increasing administrative charges by $29,000, have affected the position of City Council. He noted that the City is not giving their employees raises, and feels the additional $525,000 in revenue from commercial haulers is very uncertain. He stated that he is not comfortable with moving forward on the budget at this time. Mr. Romanello explained the cost allocation formula used by Stafford County. He said the R-Board will be provided with the detailed amounts and their allocation. He noted that the R-Board employees are Stafford employees by agreement. There has been no raise given in 2-years and that there is a 16% increase in employee costs for medical benefits which employees must bear. Mr. Kelly repeated his concern about the lack of assistance from the County Board and here is a raise in what we are adding in costs to your budget. Mr. Kelly asked if the Board was ready to move forward on the budget today. The Board decided to defer action on the budget to a later meeting. NEXT MEETING: May 20, 2015 at 1:30 PM at the George L. Gordon Government Center in Stafford County. Mr. Kelly Adjourned the meeting at 3:30 P.M. ____________________________________ Keith C. Dayton, Director & Deputy County Administrator ____________________________________ Diane Jones, Acting Clerk FINANCIAL STATUS THROUGH April 30, 2015 EXPENDITURES as of April 30, 2015 Division R-Board Expenses TIPPING FEES RECYCLING WWTP SLUDGE/UTILITIES MUNICIPAL INTRADEPARTMENTAL AMERESCO LEASE GRANT INTEREST RESERVE FY 15 Adopted Budget $4,298,681 $3,375,000 $280,740 $145,000 $324,000 $50,000 $68,000 $20,000 $35,000 $941 FY 15 Adjusted Budget Personnel Costs YTD Operational Costs YTD $1,542,658 $4,496,949 $1,278,680 Capital Costs YTD Total Costs YTD Current Encumberances $106,506 $2,927,844 FY 15 Expenditures $381,808 $3,309,652 FY 15 Balance % Budget Expended $1,187,297 Fiscal YTD Expired (%) 74% FY15 Budgeted Revenues as of April 30, 2015 COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL USER FEE RECYCLING SLUDGE/UTILITIES MUNICIPAL INTRADEPARTMENTAL SALE OF LANDFILL GAS GRANTS INTEREST RESERVE FUND CASH $ 24,878 $ 70,899 $ 50,697 TOTAL $ $ 4,298,681 $ $ 146,474 $ A/R 241,542 15,653 257,195 Total for Month FYTD Expired $ 266,420 83% $ 70,899 83% $ 50,697 83% $ 19,252 83% $ 15,653 83% 83% $ 6,838 83% 83% 83% 83% $ 429,759 FY YEAR TO DATE $ 2,367,061 $ 203,000 $ 331,301 $ 128,638 $ 153,991 $ 2,345 $ 39,529 $ 26,944 $ $ 3,252,809 REVENUE FORECAST $ 2,851,410 $ 275,000 $ 399,092 $ 154,960 $ 170,000 $ 2,825 $ 41,000 $ 26,944 $ $ 3,921,231 BUDGET STATUS SUMMARY Adopted Budget Current Est. Difference Revenues $4,297,740 $3,921,231 $4,298,681 $4,298,681 -$376,509 Expenditures $0 Use of Fund Balance $941 Unrestricted Fund Balance (as of June 30, 2014) Monthly Actuals FY15 Actual % Revenue Revenues Collected 83% $4,298,681 $358,223 $429,759 $3,252,809 REVENUES ADOPTED FY15 $ 3,375,000 $ $ 280,740 $ 145,000 $ 324,000 $ 50,000 $ 68,000 $ 20,000 $ 35,000 $ 941 Monthly Target $377,450 ($376,509) ($819,938) 76% Through March 31, 2015 Rappahannock Regional Solid Waste Management Board Weight and Material Analysis Report FY2015 CATEGORY 15-Apr Weight 14-Apr Weight FY2015 Y-T-D Weight FY2014 Y-T-D Weight Difference % Billable Commercial Waste Residential Waste Fredericksburg Eskimo Hill Belman Road Mixed Load-$71/T Debris Waste **Dirt Tires Commercial Sludge BILLABLE TONNAGE 1866 1557 783 1890 194 0 2734 1803 15 1132 3157 2023 545 1717 273 2.9 1959 20 17 857.11 19261 16923 7784 16458 2203 21 21115 16386 141 7560 23321 30941 6972 13193 2459 17 19480 2327 113 7061 -17% -45% 12% 25% -10% 24% 8% 604% 25% 7% 11974 10571 107852 105884 2% 21.03 24.55 177 256 -31% 570 1574 5559.5 6321 -12% 12565 12170 113588 112461 1% Non-Billable Litter/Cleanups Recycling TOTAL TONNAGE ** Estimated Weights TO: R-Board Members FROM: Keith Dayton Deputy County Administrator DATE: May 15, 2015 SUBJECT: Resident Fee Update The resident fee program has now been in effect for 2.5 months. An update of staff observations regarding the program follows. Operational Belman Road The Belman Road convenience center continues to see a drop in activity compared to that observed prior to the resident fees. Eskimo Hill We have Eskimo Hill staffed with the part time employees on weekends to assist with managing traffic flow. There have been no observed changes operationally, with waste amounts still well above pre-resident fee levels. Financial Performance As of May 15th, the R-Board has netted nearly $340,000 from the resident fee program. Of that about 60% has come from the sale of annual passes, as we are now seeing a dramatic decline in sale of annual passes. Daily cash sales were consistently strong, although we observed a dramatic decline last week. We will be monitoring that trend closely. Staff is projecting total collections of about $275,000 in revenue by the end of the fiscal year. Litter We have no additional reports of illegal dumping since those we reported at the March 12th R-Board meeting. KCD:kd TO: R-Board Members FROM: Keith Dayton Deputy County Administrator DATE: May 20, 2015 SUBJECT: Proposed FY2016 Budget Staff presented the draft budget at the April 15, 2015 R-Board meeting. R-Board members raised numerous questions about specific expenditures line items which were addressed in a subsequent email (attached), along with revised expenditure and revenue budgets addressing certain changes identified in the email. The revised expenditure and revenue budgets are attached to this report, reflecting the capital outlay of an additional $1,067,000 from reserve funds for Cell F-2 construction. Proposed Resolution RB15-02 is attached should the R-Board wish to adopt this budget. R-Board members also expressed concern about the increase of $125,000 in user fee revenue proposed from residents of the City. The added revenue was estimated based on an increase in City tipping fees from the current amount of $20 per ton, to $34 per ton, using the City tonnage from FY2014. Staff has prepared an alternative budget that assumes no increase in City tipping fees, and with the $125,000 shortage of revenue generated through an increase in commercial tipping fees. Proposed Resolution RB1504 is attached should the R-Board wish to approve the alternative budget. Staff recommends adopting a budget at the May 20 meeting to allow staff adequate time to enter the budget into the County’s financial system, and to complete the preliminary work necessary to allow purchasing activities to commence immediately after the start of the next fiscal year on July 1. KCD:kd Attachments: Staff Report Dated April 13, 2015 Email Dated April 22, 2015 Revised Draft FY2016 Budget Resolution RB15-02 Alternative Draft FY2016 Budget Resolution RB15-04 RAPPAHANNOCK REGIONAL LANDFILL FISCAL YEAR 2016 ALTERNATIVE PROPOSED EXPENDITURE BUDGET 10-01 10-02 10-03 21-01 22-10 23-01 23-02 23-03 24-01 25-01 25-21 27-20 28-02 28-05 28-09 28-20 31-08 31-20 31-30 31-44 31-50 31-52 31-63 31-67 31-68 32-10 33-09 33-10 33-20 34-05 35-01 36-12 39-10 40-07 51-10 51-30 52-10 52-30 52-31 52-38 53-04 53-05 54-10 Salaries-Regular Salaries-Overtime Salaries-Part Time Social Security/Medicare VRS Anthem IBNR Opt-Out Life Insurance Unemployment Hybrid Disability Program Workers Compensation Compensated Absences Chg Post-retiremt Benefit License/Certifications Education/Tuition Assist Subtotal Compensation Acquired Services Physical Exams Audit Fee's Management Services Environmental Monitoring Legal Services Permit Fee's Cleaning Services CFL & HHW Bulb Disposal Tire Disposal Temp Agencies Maintenance Facilities-Buildings Repairs & Maintenance Contracts Transportation Transportation Printing & Binding Other Litter Control Internal Services Admin Charges-Fiscal Agnt Utilities, Vehicle Repair & Office Electrical Water & Sewer Postage Phone Mobile Phones VOIP Eqp Billing Property Motor Vehicle Equipment FY2014 Actual 1,191,770 70,911 1,065 93,683 131,148 296,268 1,329 630 14,034 7,314 206 37,137 5,445 84,705 1,985 150 1,937,780 FY2015 FY2016 Adopted Proposed Budget Budget 1,235,820 1,260,536 85,000 100,000 0 65,416 94,550 96,922 133,210 136,667 362,650 357,959 0 0 1,000 1,000 14,680 15,088 12,000 12,000 53,109 53,109 0 0 25,000 0 3,500 3,500 1,500 1,500 2,022,019 2,103,697 Inc/Dec Amount Inc/Dec % 24,716 2.0% 15,000 17.6% 65,416 0.0% 2,372 2.5% 3,457 2.6% (4,691) (1.3)% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 408 2.8% 0 0.0% 0 0 (25,000) 0 0 81,678 0.0% 0.0% (100.0)% 0.0% 0.0% 4.0% 533 16,775 187,863 146,113 17,500 16,536 2,096 46,979 38,888 0 1,000 17,000 200,000 150,000 18,000 20,000 3,500 38,000 68,000 0 1,000 17,000 275,000 220,000 19,500 40,000 0 55,000 55,000 0 0 0 75,000 70,000 1,500 20,000 (3,500) 17,000 (13,000) 0 0.0% 0.0% 37.5% 46.7% 8.3% 100.0% (100.0)% 44.7% (19.1)% 0.0% 15,287 140,454 13,710 10,000 165,000 15,000 8,000 165,000 20,000 (2,000) 0 5,000 (20.0)% 0.0% 33.3% 0 1,000 1,000 0 0.0% 968 3,226 61,159 1,500 2,000 70,000 10,000 2,000 70,000 8,500 0 0 566.7% 0.0% 0.0% 241,262 241,262 252,929 11,667 4.8% 18,606 5,035 704 12,686 7,894 5,950 33,950 18,000 3,961 22,000 8,200 700 18,000 15,000 10,000 40,000 25,000 8,000 20,000 6,000 2,200 16,000 12,000 8,000 44,000 27,500 8,000 (2,000) (2,200) 1,500 (2,000) (3,000) (2,000) 4,000 2,500 0 (9.1)% (26.8)% 214.3% (11.1)% (20.0)% (20.0)% 10.0% 10.0% 0.0% 54-20 55-10 55-40 55-41 58-01 58-02 58-97 58-98 60-01 60-03 60-05 60-07 60-08 60-11 60-12 60-14 60-20 60-31 60-32 60-33 60-34 60-47 60-99 81-01 82-01 82-11 82-12 82-13 97-02 Building or Office 32,963 Travel & Training Mileage/Parking/Tolls 738 Seminars & Conferences 2,928 Meeting Expenses 2,646 Dues & Membership 930 Contingency Contingency-General 0 Depreciation Expenses 0 Post Closure/Closure Cost 0 Misc. Supplies Office 7,885 Agricultural-Lawn Care 1,623 Custodial-Janitorial 14,554 Repairs & Maintenance 215,690 Vehicle Fuels 292,546 Uniform & Wearing Apparel 16,760 Books/Subscrptns/Sf Media 898 Operating 2,176 Vehicle Parts & Tires 23,361 Machinery & Equipment 586 Furniture & Fixtures 0 Communications Equipment 90 Computer Equipment 966 Site Improvements 40,871 Miscellaneous 0 Subtotal Operations 1,714,346 Capital Costs Machinery & Equipment (Repair) 174,092 Machinery & Equipment (New) 33,091 Improvements to Site-Cell F-2* 264,140 Improvements to Building 18,773 Road Improvements 0 Loss on Disposal of F.A. 0 Subtotal Capital 490,096 TOTAL 4,142,222 *$700k in debt service; balance from reserve funds 20,000 20,000 1,000 3,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 3,000 2,000 1,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1,000) (500) 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% (33.3)% (25.0)% #DIV/0! 0.0% 0.0% 6,500 6,500 4,500 4,500 18,000 12,000 250,000 250,000 330,000 300,000 15,000 20,000 1,000 1,000 2,500 6,000 35,000 30,000 15,000 10,000 2,000 1,500 500 500 1,500 1,500 50,000 105,000 0 0 1,928,662 2,131,129 0 0 (6,000) 0 (30,000) 5,000 0 3,500 (5,000) (5,000) (500) 0 0 55,000 0 202,467 0.0% 0.0% (33.3)% 0.0% (9.1)% 33.3% 0.0% 140.0% (14.3)% (33.3)% (25.0)% 0.0% 0.0% 110.0% 0.0% 10.5% 220,000 12,849 128,000 0 0 1,767,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 348,000 1,779,849 4,298,681 6,014,675 (207,151) (128,000) 1,767,000 (0) (0) 0 1,431,849 1,715,994 (94.2)% (100.0)% 1000% 1000% 1000% 0.0% 411% 39.9% RAPPAHANNOCK REGIONAL LANDFILL FISCAL YEAR 2016 ALTERNATIVE PROPOSED REVENUE BUDGET 315.01-02 316.25-01 316.25-02 324.04-07 Interest Recycling Commercial Grants Residential Fees 324.04-07 Municipal 316.25-25-04 Fredericksburg 316.25-25-03 Stafford 318.92-30 Sludge/Utilities Ameresco Lease Intradepartmental Subtotal 341.06-00 Prior Yr Fund Balance Adopted FY15Budget $ 35,000 $ 280,740 $ 3,375,000 $ 20,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 170,000 154,000 145,000 68,000 50,000 4,297,740 941 4,298,681 Proposed FY16 Budget $ 25,000 $ 286,675 $ 3,433,000 $ 20,000 $ 750,000 $ $ $ 170,000 $ 40,000 $ 145,000 $ 68,000 $ 10,000 $ 4,947,675 $ 1,067,000 $ 6,014,675 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Inc/Dec Amount (10,000) 5,935 58,000 750,000 (114,000) (40,000) 649,935 1,066,059 1,715,994 Inc/Dec Percent -29% 2% 2% 0% 1,000% 0% -74% 0% 0% -80% 15% 1,000% 40% RB15-04 PROPOSED RAPPAHANNOCK REGIONAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD RESOLUTION At the regular meeting of the Rappahannock Regional Solid Waste Management Board (RBoard) held in the Board of Supervisors Chambers, Stafford County Administration Center, 1300 Courthouse Rd., Stafford, Virginia, on the day of , 2015; Members: Vote: Mathew J. Kelly, Chairman Paul V. Milde, III, Vice-chairman Beverly R. Cameron Anthony J. Romanello Gary Snellings William C. Withers, Jr. On motion of , seconded by , which carried by a vote of to , the following was adopted: A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2016 R-BOARD BUDGET WHEREAS, the R-Board is committed to providing high quality solid waste services to the residents and businesses in the City of Fredericksburg and Stafford County; and WHEREAS, the continuation of these services is dependent on the completion of Cell F-2; and WHEREAS, the R-Board is also committed operating the Rappahannock Regional Landfill in a cost effective, environmentally responsible manner; and WHEREAS, the proposed budget addresses those goals in a fiscally responsible manner; and WHEREAS, the proposed budget addresses the financial concerns of each locality in an equitable manner; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Rappahannock Regional Solid Waste Management Board on this the day of , 2015, that the alternative proposed budget presented at the May 20, 2015, meeting be and it hereby is approved. A Copy, teste: RAPPAHANNOCK REGIONAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD __________________________________________ Keith C. Dayton, Director TO: R-Board Members FROM: Keith Dayton Deputy County Administrator DATE: April 13, 2015 SUBJECT: Proposed FY2016 Budget Staff has prepared the proposed FY2016 budget for R-Board consideration. In developing this proposed budget, staff has proceeded based on the following premises: The budget is structurally balanced, with no decrease or increase in reserve funds. There will be no change in core services, and no direct local government subsidies. Cell F-2 will be funded and constructed in FY2016, to be operational early in 2016. Each line item in the expenditure budget has been scrutinized for potential savings. Personnel costs reflect the 2% cost of living raise included in the proposed Stafford County budget. Personnel and operational cost increases necessary to support the resident fee program are included. With the exception of debt service for Cell F-2, capital expenditures were deferred. Essential purchases will be funded from FY2015 carry over funds. The revenue strategy presented to the R-Board at the March 12 meeting has been incorporated. This has resulted in a proposed FY2016 budget of $4,964,675. Key issues related to the expenditures and revenues incorporated in this budget are provided below. Expenditures The primary expenditure affecting the proposed budget is the $700,000 debt service cost to fund Cell F-2 construction over the seven year expected service life. Although staff expects actual debt service to be somewhat lower, budgeting in this amount is recommended. This will be a recurring expense in future budgets. Additional project oversight and quality assurance expenses in the amount of approximately $100,000 are included to manage construction of this project. Staff has included $45,000 to regulatory expenses for compliance activities related to the exceedances detected adjacent to the original landfill cell (Area 74). We expect to resolve this matter in the current fiscal year. We have also budgeted $20,000 for the cost of our EPA air permit. Staff has included additional personnel costs of approximately $80,000 to administer the resident fee program, along with another $10,000 for operational costs of the program. Stafford County has increased administrative charges for the staff support they provide by approximately 12%, or nearly $29,000. The total for this charge is now $270,000. The net effect of these changes is a proposed budget that is 15.5% higher than the FY2015 adopted budget. R-Board Memorandum Page 2 April 13, 2015 Revenues As noted above, the increases in revenues proposed at the March 12, 2015, R-Board meeting have been incorporated in the revenue budget. This new revenue provides sufficient total revenue to produce a structurally balanced budget, even with the added debt service cost to construct Cell F-2. Specifically, these are: Increase City Tipping Fee to $34/ton Resident Fees Equivalent to $34/ton Adjust Commercial Rates Over 1,500 tons/month TOTAL $125,000 $750,000 $525,000 $1,400,000 Other revenue categories reflect data from our FY2015 performance to date, with the exception of recycling revenue. Staff is aware that recycling commodity prices have fallen recently which will result in poorer performance of our recycling returns in FY2016. While we won’t have details on amended pricing for recycled products until early in FY2016, we have adjusted our projected revenue down by 24% from current performance. This is slightly above the amount of recycling revenue budgeted in FY2015. Realizing the additional $1,400,000 in revenue listed above is dependent upon a number of factors over which the R-Board has varying degrees of control. Actual fiscal performance may vary substantially from the budgeted amounts. Similar to the FY2015 budget, the proposed FY2016 budget anticipates insufficient revenues to replenish the reserve fund, cover any increases in closure/post-closure costs, or address depreciation expenses. Staff recommends approval of RB15-02, adopting the FY2016 R-Board budget. KCD:kd Attachments: Proposed FY2016 Budget Resolution RB15-02 From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Attachments: Keith C. Dayton Matt Kelly ([email protected]); Matt Kelly ([email protected]); [email protected]; Bill Withers ([email protected]); gary snellings ([email protected]); Anthony J. Romanello; Beverly R. Cameron ([email protected]) [email protected]; Maria J. Perrotte; Jason M. Pauley; Diane L. Jones; Julie Daves; Christina M. Morgan R-Board Budget Wednesday, April 22, 2015 1:09:00 PM FY2016 Expenditure Budget.pdf FY2016 Revenue Budget.pdf R-Board Members: After the last R-Board meeting I realized that the proposed revenue and expenditure budgets included in your packages did not accurately depict the budget. We have proposed the use of $1,067,000 from reserve funds for Cell F-2. This will show up in the expenditure budget as a capital expense, and in the revenue budget as a withdrawal from prior year fund balance. Although this is consistent with our previous staff recommendations, it wasn’t shown correctly in the proposed budget. I have included updated proposed budgets with this oversight corrected. There was some discussion of the increase in administrative charges in the proposed budget. After some research, it seems that one item included under administrative charges – Audit Cost – in the amount of $17,194, was also included as a line item in the budget in the amount of $17,000. The audit amount has been removed from administrative charges, reducing this to $252,929. This is shown in the revised expenditure budget. This represents an increase of about $11,000 from the amount in the FY2015 budget, and results in an increase in support from the County information technology group. The main contributors to administrative charges come from the Treasurer and Finance staff in support of our financial and billing efforts, although other County agencies provide support as well. Although we have received support from the County Attorney on several issues lately, they did not include any charges in the FY2016 administrative fee. Please let me know if you have any questions. Regards, Keith Keith C. Dayton Deputy County Administrator Stafford County, Virginia 540-658-5125 RAPPAHANNOCK REGIONAL LANDFILL FISCAL YEAR 2016 PROPOSED EXPENDITURE BUDGET 10-01 10-02 10-03 21-01 22-10 23-01 23-02 23-03 24-01 25-01 25-21 27-20 28-02 28-05 28-09 28-20 31-08 31-20 31-30 31-44 31-50 31-52 31-63 31-67 31-68 32-10 33-09 33-10 33-20 34-05 35-01 36-12 39-10 40-07 51-10 51-30 52-10 52-30 52-31 52-38 53-04 53-05 54-10 Salaries-Regular Salaries-Overtime Salaries-Part Time Social Security/Medicare VRS Anthem IBNR Opt-Out Life Insurance Unemployment Hybrid Disability Program Workers Compensation Compensated Absences Chg Post-retiremt Benefit License/Certifications Education/Tuition Assist Subtotal Compensation Acquired Services Physical Exams Audit Fee's Management Services Environmental Monitoring Legal Services Permit Fee's Cleaning Services CFL & HHW Bulb Disposal Tire Disposal Temp Agencies Maintenance Facilities-Buildings Repairs & Maintenance Contracts Transportation Transportation Printing & Binding Other Litter Control Internal Services Admin Charges-Fiscal Agnt Utilities, Vehicle Repair & Office Electrical Water & Sewer Postage Phone Mobile Phones VOIP Eqp Billing Property Motor Vehicle Equipment FY2015 FY2016 FY2014 Adopted Proposed Actual Budget Budget 1,191,770 1,235,820 1,260,536 70,911 85,000 100,000 1,065 0 65,416 93,683 94,550 96,922 131,148 133,210 136,667 296,268 362,650 357,959 1,329 0 0 630 1,000 1,000 14,034 14,680 15,088 7,314 12,000 12,000 206 37,137 53,109 53,109 5,445 0 0 84,705 25,000 0 1,985 3,500 3,500 150 1,500 1,500 1,937,780 2,022,019 2,103,697 Inc/Dec Amount Inc/Dec % 24,716 2.0% 15,000 17.6% 65,416 0.0% 2,372 2.5% 3,457 2.6% (4,691) (1.3)% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 408 2.8% 0 0.0% 0 0 (25,000) 0 0 81,678 0.0% 0.0% (100.0)% 0.0% 0.0% 4.0% 533 16,775 187,863 146,113 17,500 16,536 2,096 46,979 38,888 0 1,000 17,000 200,000 150,000 18,000 20,000 3,500 38,000 68,000 0 1,000 17,000 275,000 220,000 19,500 40,000 0 55,000 55,000 0 0 0 75,000 70,000 1,500 20,000 (3,500) 17,000 (13,000) 0 0.0% 0.0% 37.5% 46.7% 8.3% 100.0% (100.0)% 44.7% (19.1)% 0.0% 15,287 140,454 13,710 10,000 165,000 15,000 8,000 165,000 20,000 (2,000) 0 5,000 (20.0)% 0.0% 33.3% 0 1,000 1,000 0 0.0% 968 3,226 61,159 1,500 2,000 70,000 10,000 2,000 70,000 8,500 0 0 566.7% 0.0% 0.0% 241,262 241,262 252,929 11,667 4.8% 18,606 5,035 704 12,686 7,894 5,950 33,950 18,000 3,961 22,000 8,200 700 18,000 15,000 10,000 40,000 25,000 8,000 20,000 6,000 2,200 16,000 12,000 8,000 44,000 27,500 8,000 (2,000) (2,200) 1,500 (2,000) (3,000) (2,000) 4,000 2,500 0 (9.1)% (26.8)% 214.3% (11.1)% (20.0)% (20.0)% 10.0% 10.0% 0.0% 54-20 55-10 55-40 55-41 58-01 58-02 58-97 58-98 60-01 60-03 60-05 60-07 60-08 60-11 60-12 60-14 60-20 60-31 60-32 60-33 60-34 60-47 60-99 81-01 82-01 82-11 82-12 82-13 97-02 Building or Office 32,963 20,000 20,000 Travel & Training Mileage/Parking/Tolls 738 1,000 1,000 Seminars & Conferences 2,928 3,000 3,000 Meeting Expenses 2,646 3,000 2,000 Dues & Membership 930 2,000 1,500 Contingency Contingency-General 0 0 0 Depreciation Expenses 0 0 0 Post Closure/Closure Cost 0 0 0 Misc. Supplies Office 7,885 6,500 6,500 Agricultural-Lawn Care 1,623 4,500 4,500 Custodial-Janitorial 14,554 18,000 12,000 Repairs & Maintenance 215,690 250,000 250,000 Vehicle Fuels 292,546 330,000 300,000 Uniform & Wearing Apparel 16,760 15,000 20,000 Books/Subscrptns/Sf Media 898 1,000 1,000 Operating 2,176 2,500 6,000 Vehicle Parts & Tires 23,361 35,000 30,000 Machinery & Equipment 586 15,000 10,000 Furniture & Fixtures 0 2,000 1,500 Communications Equipment 90 500 500 Computer Equipment 966 1,500 1,500 Site Improvements 40,871 50,000 105,000 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 Subtotal Operations 1,714,346 1,928,662 2,131,129 Capital Costs Machinery & Equipment (Repair) 174,092 220,000 12,849 Machinery & Equipment (New) 33,091 128,000 0 Improvements to Site-Cell F-2* 264,140 0 1,767,000 Improvements to Building 18,773 0 0 Road Improvements 0 0 0 Loss on Disposal of F.A. 0 0 0 Subtotal Capital 490,096 348,000 1,779,849 TOTAL 4,142,222 4,298,681 6,014,675 *$700k in debt service; balance from reserve funds 0 0 0 (1,000) (500) 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% (33.3)% (25.0)% #DIV/0! 0.0% 0.0% 0 0 (6,000) 0 (30,000) 5,000 0 3,500 (5,000) (5,000) (500) 0 0 55,000 0 202,467 0.0% 0.0% (33.3)% 0.0% (9.1)% 33.3% 0.0% 140.0% (14.3)% (33.3)% (25.0)% 0.0% 0.0% 110.0% 0.0% 10.5% (207,151) (128,000) 1,767,000 (0) (0) 0 1,431,849 1,715,994 (94.2)% (100.0)% 1000% 1000% 1000% 0.0% 411% 39.9% RAPPAHANNOCK REGIONAL LANDFILL FISCAL YEAR 2016 PROPOSED REVENUE BUDGET 315.01-02 316.25-01 316.25-02 324.04-07 Interest Recycling Commercial Grants Residential Fees 324.04-07 Municipal 316.25-25-04 Fredericksburg 316.25-25-03 Stafford 318.92-30 Sludge/Utilities Ameresco Lease Intradepartmental Subtotal 341.06-00 Prior Yr Fund Balance Adopted FY15Budget $ 35,000 $ 280,740 $ 3,375,000 $ 20,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 170,000 154,000 145,000 68,000 50,000 4,297,740 941 4,298,681 Proposed FY16 Budget $ 25,000 $ 286,675 $ 3,308,000 $ 20,000 $ 750,000 $ $ $ 295,000 $ 40,000 $ 145,000 $ 68,000 $ 10,000 $ 4,947,675 $ 1,067,000 $ 6,014,675 Inc/Dec Amount (10,000) 5,935 (67,000) 750,000 Inc/Dec Percent -29% 2% -2% 0% 1,000% $ 125,000 $ (114,000) $ $ $ (40,000) $ 649,935 $ 1,066,059 $ 1,715,994 74% -74% 0% 0% -80% 15% 1,000% 40% $ $ $ $ $ RB15-02 PROPOSED RAPPAHANNOCK REGIONAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD RESOLUTION At the regular meeting of the Rappahannock Regional Solid Waste Management Board (RBoard) held in the Board of Supervisors Chambers, Stafford County Administration Center, 1300 Courthouse Rd., Stafford, Virginia, on the day of , 2015; Members: Vote: Mathew J. Kelly, Chairman Paul V. Milde, III, Vice-chairman Beverly R. Cameron Anthony J. Romanello Gary Snellings William C. Withers, Jr. On motion of , seconded by , which carried by a vote of to , the following was adopted: A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2016 R-BOARD BUDGET WHEREAS, the R-Board is committed to providing high quality solid waste services to the residents and businesses in the City of Fredericksburg and Stafford County; and WHEREAS, the continuation of these services is dependent on the completion of Cell F-2; and WHEREAS, the R-Board is also committed operating the Rappahannock Regional Landfill in a cost effective, environmentally responsible manner; and WHEREAS, the proposed budget addresses those goals in a fiscally responsible manner; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Rappahannock Regional Solid Waste Management Board on this the day of , 2015, that the proposed budget presented at the April 15, 2015, meeting be and it hereby is approved. A Copy, teste: RAPPAHANNOCK REGIONAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD __________________________________________ Keith C. Dayton, Director
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