St Bartholomew’s Catholic Church Frs Deodat Msahala, Paul Antwi-Boasiako CSSp & Deacon Paul Milligan 159 Ellison Road Tel: 020 8679 3545 Streatham Website: London SW16 5DE Email: [email protected] Sunday 3rd May 2015 Second Sunday of Easter ‘ Mass Times and Intentions Fifth Sunday of Easter 6:15 (Saturday eve) Michael Cafferty RIP 8:30 Severina Orlandazzi RIP 10.00 People of the Parish 11:30 Welfare of the Leszczynski Family (Polyphony Choir Singing) Mass: Mass in D Major Charles Kitson Comm: Ecce Panis Angelorum Anon. 4:00 May Devotions: Rosary and Benediction 5:00 Ellis Foundation Mass Monday 4thMay – The English Martyrs (Bank Holiday – Parish Office Closed) 07:30 John Flood RIP 10:00 Geoffrey Ohen RIP Tuesday 5thMay 7:30 Mary Sehinson RIP 10:00 Edna Graham RIP Wednesday 6thMay 7:30 Thanksgiving – Adindu & Nwagwu Families 10:00 Norma Carpenter RIP Thursday 7thMay 07:30 Welfare – Okeke Family 10:00 Mary Savage RIP Friday 8thMay Our Lady of the Sacred Heart 07:30 Miss Violetta Umali RIP 10:00 Welfare of Jean Cowie Saturday 9th May 10:00 Jim Devereux RIP 1:15 Wedding of Sinnita Fernandes & Roscoe Hollings Next Sunday 10thMay Sixth Sunday of Easter 6:15 (Sat eve) Thomas Corr RIP 8:30 Mary Savage RIP 10:00 Antoine Shun RIP 12:00 First Holy Communion 5:00 Intention of the Houlihan Family Daily Mass & Prayer: Mass: Mon – Fri 7:30am Morning Prayer of the Church: Mon - Sat 9:15am Adoration: Rosary & Benediction Mon – Sat 9:30am Mass: Mon – Sat 10:00am Confessions: Saturday, after 10am Mass until 11am; also 5pm to 6pm. Fifth Sunday of Easter (Year B) A Thought Sorrowing pupils and their teachers were once attending the requiem Mass of one of the students who had, sadly, died of Leukaemia. During the homily, a baby began to cry. Father brought this into his thoughts. “Although we are, today, mourning the death of a loved one, we have just been reminded by that cry that, though some lives must end, others will begin”. He reminded us all of the vital place that our children hold in the Church. While we might, for example, object to our prayers and contemplation being disturbed by audible conversations among adults, we will, surely, take heart at the sound of a baby’s cry or the voice of a small child; these little ones are reminding us that, through God’s Gift of life and the generosity of Parents who conceive and nurture them, the Family of the Faithful will, as Jesus promised, live on. Christ said, when His Apostles would have sent children away, “Let the little ones come to me…” On another occasion we are told by Him that we must become child-like (not childish) ourselves, showing that unconditional love and trust to God that a child shows to his or her parents. Just as our children depend on us, their Parents, to bring them to birth, feed and clothe them, they depend on us, too, in a more profound and critical way; parents as the first teachers of their children are in the forefront of their education in and practice of, the Faith. Children need to become familiar with the church and the Mass from as early an age as possible. While part of their education in the Faith will, indeed, involve developing a reverent silence in church, however, Parents must not be selfconscious if the children express themselves as only little ones can! Every time we hear the cry of a cry of a baby or the voice of an infant, we must thank God and Parents for the continuing life of the Community of the Faithful. Our children are the sign of our Love, demonstrating that as Catholics, we do not go along with the often anti-life mentality of the world. They are the Adults – Parents, Priests and Religious – of the future. Coffee Morning: None this week Readings in Parish Mass Book: This Sunday, 3rd May– p 268 Next Sunday, 10th May – p 270 Thank You: The collection for April 26th was £1847.19: £1202.99 (baskets) & £644.20 (standing orders). Last week’s second collection for Ecclesiastical Education raised £508.61 The collection for the Maintenance of St George’s Cathedral came to £568.55 The Life Group would like to thank you for the £120.00 raised at last Sunday's coffee morning. A cheque has been sent to Zoe's Place Baby Hospice in Liverpool. For more information please see:; Missio: Thanks to all of you who helped to raise a grand total of £5909.49 during 2014! This week: Monday 4th – Bank Holiday (Parish Office closed) Tuesday 5th – Family Choir 6:30 Practices resume in the gallery. Wednesday 6th – 40th anniversary of the consecration of St Bartholomew’s First Holy Communion practice at 6:30pm in the church. Thursday 7th – General Election: Hall being used as polling station Next Sunday: The 11:30 Mass will be moved to 12:00 and will be the first of our First Holy Communion Masses. No coffee morning Sick and Housebound: FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: Jessica Anane, Mary Aroganampillai, Juliette Blake, Frances Carter, Stefan Czarnecki, Ann Diffley, Mary Downey, Fr Andrew Fernandes, Elaine Gunther, Anne Harris, Elliott Kelley-Campbell, James McDonald, Ajitha Mahatantila, Peter Mendonca, Edgar Ming, Idy Rastrick, Frederic Saint-Rose, Elizabeth & Alice Scott, Jeannette Storace-Rutter, John Taylor, Edythe Thirlwall, Ethelda Williams, Georgette Yoo Foo. Please inform us if you know of anybody else who would like to be added to the list of sick and housebound, and if they require a priest to visit. Next Sunday, May 10th, our first group of children will be making their First Holy Communion during a special Mass at 12:00. (Please note that there will be a practice in the church this coming Wednesday 6th May at 6:30pm which all must attend. The repository will be opening specially during this practice. We ask you to pray for all our First Communion Children as they prepare to meet Our Lord Jesus Christ in this Sacrament for the very first time. Those receiving their First Holy Communion on that occasion will be: Baptism course: Wednesdays 20th & 27th May 2015. At the room behind the sacristy. Further sessions will be announced in due course. Church Cleaning This Week: Group 3: Cedric Abellar, Myles Akpani, Liam Bantleman, Isabelle Chong, Jonathan D’Souza-Walker, Noah Germain, Jessica Giannoukakis, Cheryl Gyedu-Bardi, Lara Hall, Alexander Jorge, Carina Menezes, Ellie Meyern, Daniella Serrao & Joseph Ukadike. Patricia Branch, Brigid Griffin, Joyce Ippoliti, Elfriede Kormawa. If anybody is no longer able to come along, please advise the Parish Office. Could you possibly help keep our Church clean? We remain desperately short of cleaners. If you would like to help, please make yourself known to either of the clergy, or contact the Parish Office. . General Election, May 7th 2015: Various moral and social issues for you to consider. May be found at: NB: The hall will be an official polling station, and it will therefore not be available at all for any part of Polling Day. The Catenian Rosary Group: The Catenians send unwanted rosaries to Aboriginals in Australia. There is a special container in the porch. Even broken ones may be left. Please see poster in the porch. Mass Intentions: May is fully booked, and June is fast filling up. New Mass offering envelopes coming soon. CATHOLIC TRUTH SOCIETY (CTS): A new selection of books has now arrived and is on display in the CTS rack on the wall in the porch, just outside the Repository. If you would like to help the CTS in its mission to evangelise, please email: [email protected] or phone 020 7640 0042. Employment opportunities in Catholic Schools: Please see the notice board, where there are many advertisements at present. CAFOD – DEC APPEAL FOR NEPAL: The recent powerful earthquake in Nepal, just a few days ago, has left thousands dead, with survivors in tremendous need. We reach out to them in prayer and solidarity. CAFOD, as part of the Disasters Emergency Committee, asks urgently for your financial donations, so that life-saving food, water, shelter and emergency supplies may be provided. You may donate by phone on: 0500 85 88 85 or online at: Please give generously. Details of the appeal are also to be found on posters in the porch. Many people like to give gifts to their children to commemorate this special occasion. With this in mind, the Repository has available a wide range of cards, books and gifts for First Communions. Please visit the Repository when you come to Mass. Help is needed with the Going Forth Party on Sunday 7th June. It is in keeping with tradition that we call upon the parents whose children celebrated this sacrament last year (2014), to assist in organising this year’s party. If you can help in any way please call Teresa Furtado as soon as possible, on 07742 911152. Many thanks in advance. Sons and Daughters of the Living God : Seminars continue in the Parish Hall of Our Lady and St Philip Neri. Please take a brochure from the porch. GIFT AID ENVELOPES: New envelopes will be available from the weekend of Pentecost, 23rd & 24th May 2015. Please collect them from the usual room on the right hand side of the passage way at the very front of the church. A member of the Gift Aid team will be on hand to deal with any questions you may have. This is also a good time to consider, if you do not already do so, Gift Aiding your contributions to the Parish, if you are a tax payer. The great advantage is that if you give regularly, using the Gift Aid Scheme, the Church can claim back 25p for every £1 you put into the collection. And all you have to do is sign a form! If you wish, you may also pay by standing order for regular donations. Gift Aid is a vital source of income for the parish. In the financial year ended April 2014, we reclaimed £17,687.36 from HM Revenue & Customs!
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