Saint Joseph’s Parish Newsletter

Saint Joseph’s Parish Newsletter
St Joseph’s Presbytery, New Zealand Road, Gabalfa, Cardiff, CF14 3BR Tel: 20411819 E­mail: [email protected]
Fr Ambrose G Maliakkal, Fr Edward Cody, Br Brian Butler, Deacon Rev Mark Howe
A Parish of the Archdiocese of Cardiff. A Registered Charity (No. 242380). Served by Rosminians
Safeguarding Representative – Chris Mullane – 07747 057163
11th ­ 19th October 2014 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Cycle A
“We must not deceive ourselves: anyone who does not pray
cannot keep his footing, cannot stand before God.”
Blessed Antonio Rosmini (1797-1855)
Mass Intentions / Adoration / Sacraments
Sat 11th October
6 pm vigil of
Rickard Family (well-being) (K Bracken)
28th Ord Time – A
Sun 12th October
9.15 am
11 am
Mon 13th Oct
9.15 am
Tues 14th Oct
9.15 am
Wed 15th Oct
9.15 am
After Mass - 3.30 pm
28th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Cycle A
All Parishioners
Enrolment Mass 1st Holy Communion
Christopher Whelan RIP (A Whelan)
Private Intention
St Callistus I
Anthony G Carey RIP (Bob & Mary)
St Teresa of Jesus
Peter & Charlie Muscat RIP (Albert)
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Thurs 16th Oct
9.15 am
Fri 17th October
St Hedwig; St Richard Gwyn
9.15 am
Roche Family RIP (Betty Roche)
Sat 18th October
St Luke
9.15 am
12 – 1 pm
5.15 – 5.45 pm
Thanksgiving (Veronica M)
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Robert & Ellen Blackler RIP (M Blackler)
6 pm vigil of
Elizabeth Kidley (well-being) (Family)
St Ignatius of Antioch
29th Ord Time – A
Sun 19th October
9.15 am
11 am
4 pm
29th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Cycle A
Helena J Shanahan RIP (Maureen Regan)
All Parishioners
Mass in Syro-Malabar Rite / Rosary
Sacrament of Confirmation
Calling all pupils from St Joseph’s Parish
in Year 8 or above.
Confirmation classes will begin on Saturdays in the new
year – to be confirmed
Please write a short letter to Fr Ambrose saying why you
consider that you are ready to begin this preparation
course for Confirmation.
Details will follow.
October – The Month of the Rosary
The Rosary will be said before each Mass:
Weekdays at 8.55 am; Saturday at 5.40 pm
and Sundays at 8.55 am and 10.40 am
On Friday 31st October at 7 pm there will be Solemn
Rosary and Benediction
St Luke
Next Saturday we celebrate the feast of
St Luke.
Luke the Evangelist is one of the four
evangelists or authors of the Gospels of
Jesus Christ.
He is venerated as St Luke the Evangelist as patron saint
of artists, physicians, surgeons, students and butchers.
His feast day is 18th October
Week Ending 5th October - Attendance 313
Gift Aid - £262; Non Gift Aid - £379.32
Syro-Malabar Mass - £113.50; Fairtrade Sales - £21.70
World Mission Sunday – 2014
Today is World Mission Sunday.
Today the Holy Father invites all Catholics to contribute to
a special collection for Missio, his official charity for
overseas mission. Your prayers and donations today will
support the work of missionaries and young churches as
they share faith, build churches and provide healthcare
and education, often in difficult and dangerous
circumstances overseas. The World Mission Sunday
collection will go in its entirety to support mission projects
worldwide that bring God’s love and message of dignity for
all. Please give whet you can, and if possible, please use
the Gift Aid envelopes if you are a taxpayer.
Every gift makes a real different to people living in poverty
who are yearning to hear the Good News of God’s love.
Please pray for those who are ill:
Sheila Jenkins, Pam Deane, Paul Costigan, Pat Rickard, Elin Waite,
Christopher Aston, Pat Duddridge, Paul Evans, Maria Khan, Janet
Hayward, Mary Paul, Michael Downs, Rachel Taylor, Alcide Rodrigues,
Adam Poucher, Christopher & Paul Michael, Denise Pike, Toby Williams,
Angie Whittaker, Deacon Benjamin Benzily IC, Lorna Thomas.
Calling all Altar Servers
There will be a meeting for all Altar Servers on
Thursday 23rd October at 6 pm in the
Meeting Room.
Please try and attend.
Weekly Church Events / Meetings
7.30 pm
after 9.15 am Mass
7 pm
7.30 pm
UCM Meeting – Meeting Room
Church Cleaning – ALL WELCOME
(please help, even if it’s only for a short
time – or come along to find out more!)
One World Group
Bible Study – Lady Chapel
“The Things They Ask …”
The THIRD in the series of booklets produced by
Fr Philip Scanlan is now available – What is prayer? Right
and wrong – how do we know? Why are we here?
These are available from the Shop at the back of Church.
Please feel free to make a donation!
Our next film is the acclaimed epic adventure "War Horse" by
director Steven Spielberg (Cert 12).
A World War I story of a remarkable friendship between a horse
and his young trainer.
Screening on Tuesday 21st October at 3 pm. Admission free and
Why not make it a family occasion?
Saint Joseph’s Parish Prayer
Loving Father, we ask You to bless our parish:
make us better people,
more considerate towards others,
more honest with ourselves and more faithful to You.
Through the power of Your Holy Spirit
open our ears to hear You in prayer,
open our eyes to Your presence in one another and open
our hearts to those who are searching for You.
Help each of us find our true vocation in life,
so that we may not only find our own happiness
but bring happiness to others.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
To be said after 9.15 am Mass on Wednesdays:
Saintj Y-Gen Group
If you are a young member of this parish and would like to
be involved in our youth group please complete a form
from the back of Church.
Youth Retreat Day –
Sunday 23rd November
The last Sunday of the Church's year the Solemnity of Christ the King - has
been dedicated as 'Youth Sunday' by the Bishops'
Conference of England and Wales. The seminarians of
our Archdiocese are organising a Youth Retreat Day at the
Cornerstone at St. David's Cathedral, concluding with
Mass celebrated by the Archbishop.
The day will include opportunity to learn something of our
faith, how to share our faith with others, as well as a
chance to celebrate Mass together at the end of the day.
14:30 – Arrivals and light refreshments
14:50 – Input Sessions and Breakout
17:30 – Holy Mass, chief celebrant, Archbishop George
For post-Confirmation age, young adults (14+).
For more information about the retreat, or to register your
intention of coming on the retreat, please visit the
diocese’s youth page on Facebook, or, alternatively, email
the youth team at: [email protected]
CENSUS FORMS – are available at the back of
Church for those who haven’t yet completed one.
6 pm
Meeting of Altar
6 pm
Youth Mass
7 pm
Church &
Prayer to St. Joseph
Dear Saint Joseph, just and true,
with a father's care you raised the Child Jesus,
and, with a husband's love, you shared your life with Mary,
his mother. I entrust myself to your care and place in your
hands this request of mine…..
(in silence place your requests before God)
In quiet Nazareth long ago,
the Holy Spirit spoke to your heart and you
followed God's will with wonderful faith.
In the quiet of my days, and in the hard choices I must
make, help me follow the Spirit's guidance and believe
when I cannot see.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be...
Invite all families of all ages to an evening of games and
activities to celebrate Halloween as a Christian celebration
of the Saints and Jesus ‘the light of the world’. Perhaps
you would like to come dressed as one of the Saints or
holy Angels!
Friday October 31st 2014 from 6.30pm @ The
Cornerstone at St. David’s, 29 Charles Street
There will also be ‘a light supper’ available
What immediately comes to mind when you think of
Hallowe'en? Probably, like most people, it is the images of
witches and ghosts and so on, which belong to the dark
world of the occult & magic, images of darkness & death
In fact Halloween ('All Hallows Eve'), the evening of the
31st October, is the vigil (beginning) of the feast of All
Saints - the feast in which we celebrate the glory of God in
His saints. The victory of light over darkness in the lives of
God's holy ones in heaven. Jesus is the 'Light of the
World'. The saints lived by that light, and became a
beacon in their own generation. We too are called by
Jesus to live out this vocation - to be the 'Light of the
world' today.
Let Christians reclaim Halloween for God so that it is
transformed from a night of darkness into a great Christian
festival once again. In this way, in years to come, when
people are asked what immediately springs to mind when
they think of Halloween, they will think of Jesus Christ &
the glory of God in His saints. They will think of a