Common Genetic ICD-9 Codes General Prenatal Testing V82.4 V28.8 V28.2 V28.1 V28.0 V26.3 V26.3 796.5 795.2 659.63 659.53 (Maternal)Postnatal scrn for chrm anomalies CVS- Other Specified Prenatal Test Other screening based on amniocentisis Amniocentesis for Elev. AFP Amniocentesis to r/o chromosome abnormality Preconceptional Genetic Counseling Genetic Counseling & Testing Abnor finding on anten screening (MSAFP screening) non-specific Abnormal karyotype Elderly multigravida - AMA >G2 Elderly primigravida AMA G1 Chromosomal related 279.11 655.13 655.14 758.0 758.1 758.2 758.3 758.4 758.5 758.6 758.7 758.89 Di George syndrome Velo-cardio-facial syndrome Fetal chromos abnormalantepartum Fetal chromos abnormalpostpartum Down syndrome Trisomy 13 Trisomy 18 Autosomal deletion synd Balanced autosomal transloc Autosomal anomaly nec Turner Syndrome Klinefelter's syndrome other condition due to chromosome anomaly Abnormal U/S findings: 228.1 348.0 653.63 653.64 653.7 1 653.7 653.70 655.0 655.8 655.83 655.93 655.94 656.3 656.5 656.6 656.7 1 656.7 2 656.7 656.8 658.03 658.1 740.0 740.1 741 741.00 741.01 cystic hygroma choroid plexus cyst Cerebral Cysts Hydrocephal fetus-antepart Hydrocephal fetus-postpar Sacrococcygeal teratoma Other fetal abn causing dispro Other fetal disproportion-unsp Fetal cns malformation Fetal abnormal nec Fetal abnormality, antepartum complication Fetal abnormal unspecantepartum Fetal abnormal nos-postpartum Fetal distress Poor fetal growth Excessive fetal growth Placental Abruption Placental Anomalies Other placental conditions Fetal/placental problem nec olioghydramnios, antepartum Premature rupture membranes Anencephaly Craniorachischisis Spina bifida Spina bifida (unspc region) with hydro spina bifida (cervical) with 741.02 741.03 741.9 741.90 741.91 741.92 741.93 742.0 1 742.0 2 742.0 742.1 742.2 0 742.2 1 742.2 2 742.2 742.3 1 742.3 3 742.3 742.4 746.89 749.10 749.20 749.24 756.79 756.79 756.79 761.2 789.30 789.5 793.6 761.3 746.9 hydrocephalus spina bifida (dorsal-thoracic) with hydrocephalus spina bifida (lumbar) with hydrocephalus Meningocele spina bifida(unspec region); no hydrocephalus spina bifida (cervical); no hydrocephalus spina bifida (dorsal-thoracic);no hydrocephalus spina bifida(lumbar);no hydrocephalus Hydroencephalocele Exencephaly Encephalocele Microcephaly Holoprosencephaly Hemimegalencephaly Lissencephaly reduct. deform. of brain Dandy Walker Malformation hydranencephaly Congenital hydrocephalus Other specified anomalies of brain Congenital heart anomaly nec cleft lip, unspecified Cleft lip/palate, unspec bilateral cleft lip and palate Gastroschisis Omphalocele Oth congential anomalies of abdomen wall Oligohydramnios affecting NB/FETUS Abdon/pelvic swell, mass or lump, unspefd site ascites Abnormal finding/ultrasound/ abdominal area Polyhydramnios affect nb/fetus unspec congenital heart anomaly no Pregancy Loss / fetal demise 630 656.40 674.9 631 656.43 656.4 634.90 779.9 Hydatidiform mole intrauterine death, unspecf Unspecified Neonatal Death Other abnormal product of conception intrauterine death, antepartum IUFD Intrauterine death Spontanious abortion Stillbirth Multiple miscarriages 646.30 Hab Abort, unspec 646.33 Habitual aborter-antepart 646.34 Habitual aborter-postpart 648.00 Diabetes in preg-unspec 648.1 Maternal diabetes Multiple pregnancies 651.03 651.1 651.4 651.6 651.2 651.30 651.5 659.4 Twin pregnancy Triplet pregnancy Triplet pregnancy w/fetal loss Other multiple preg w/fetal loss Quadruplet pregnancy twin preg w fetal loss (unspec) Quadruplet preg w/fetal loss Grand multiparity Family/Genetic History 655.20 V18.4 V19.7 V19.5 V19.8 655.23 Hered.disease in fam poss. aff.fetus Family history, mental retardation Family history of consanguinity Family History of congenital anomalies Family History of other conditions Fetus at risk for Herediatry/Genetic disorder Other Reasons 655.41 655.5 655.53 655.6 656.0 656.10 656.13 656.23 658.4 659.8 663 663.0 663.1 663.2 663.4 663.6 663.8 760.71 760.71 760.8 760.9 761 761.0 761.1 762.0 762.1 762.2 762.6 762.7 764 764.90-9 susp.fetal dam.due to etoh fetal damage d/t drug Suspected Teratogen exposure Radiation fetal damage Fetal-maternal hemorrhage RH Immu(unspec as to ep of care) Rh isoimmun ante partum condition Other isoimmun antepartum Infection amniotic cavity Indicat care lab/del nec Umbilical cord complic Prolapse of cord Compress cord round neck Cord entangle with compress nec Short umbilical cord Vascular lesions of cord Umbilical cord complic nec Maternal alcohol affect nb Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Maternal cond nec affect nb Maternal cond nos affect nb Maternal compl affect nb Incompetent cervix affect nb Premat rupt memb affect nb Placenta previa affect nb Placenta hem nec affect nb Abnormal plac nec/nos affect nb Umbil cond nec affect nb Chorioamnionitis affect nb Slow fetal growth/malnut Fetal Growth Retardation, nos Postnatal MENTAL DISORDERS 299.00 312.9 314.00 315.2 315.3 315.31 315.39 315.5 315.8 315.9 317 318.0 318.1 318.2 319 Infantile/child Autism(current) behavior disturbance Attention Deficit Disorder Delayed learning Delayed speech Devl language disor speech delay Mixed development disorder Other delays in development Developmental delay mild mental retardaton Moderate mental retardation Severe mental retardation Profound mental retardation Mental retardation nos NEUROLOGIC 343.9 345.9 358.8 Infantile Cerebral Palsy Epilepsy, unspecified benign congenital hypotonia EYES/VISON 743 743.0 743.06 743.10 743.30 743.45 743.61 743.63 743.69 743.9 Congenital eye anomaly Anophthalmos Cryptophthalmos Microphthalmos, unspcfd Congenital cataract nos Aniridia Congenital ptosis, blepharophimosis, Spec anomaly eyelid nec Anomaly eyelid/l/orb nec Eye anomaly nos EARS / HEARING 389.11 389.9 744.0 744.01 744.09 744.29 744.3 sensory hearing loss uspecified hearing loss Ear anomaly with impair hear Congenital absence ext ear Ear anomaly nec/impair hear Ear anomaly nec Unspec anomaly of ear NOS CARDIAC - CEREBROVASCULAR 425.3 429.3 745.2 Cardiomyopathy, congenital Cardiomegaly Tetralogy of fallot ORAL 524.04 524.06 525.8 Micrognathia Retrognathia disorders of teeth /jaw ABDOMENAL 553.1 553.20 553.3 553.8 789.1 789.5 Umbilical Hernia ventral hernia, unspcfied Diaphragmatic hernia Hernia, specified site hepatomegaly ascites GENITAL /FERTILITY/ REPRODUCTION 256.3 Other ovarian failure 257.2 cryptorchidism 257.8 androgen insensitivity 259.0 Delay sexual development 259.1 precocious 606.0 Azoospermia 606.1 Oligospermia 606.9 Male Infertility, unspec 608.3 Atrophy of testis 608.89 male genital disorder 626.0 amenorrhea (primary) 628.9 female infertility, unspec 629.9 Habitual aborter, not preg 646.30 Hab Abort, unspec 646.33 Habitual aborter-antepart 646.34 Habitual aborter-postpart 752.51 Undescended testes 752.61 Hypospadias 752.7 Indeterminate sex 752.9 Genital organ anomal nos SKIN 701.1 Ichthyosis, acquired 709.09 cafe au lait SKULL/HEAD/BRAIN 740.0 740.1 741 741.9 741.90 742.0 Anencephaly Craniorachischisis Spina bifida Meningocele spina bifida(unspec region); no hydrocephalus Encephalocele 742.01 742.1 742.20 742.3 742.4 742.42 742.5 742.59 742.8 742.9 Hydroencephalocele Microcephaly Holoprosencephaly Congenital hydrocephalus Other specified brain anomal Lissencephaly oth.spec.anom. spinal cord Spinal cord anomaly nec Nervous system anomal Unsp anomaly-brain,spinal cord FACE/NECK 749.00 749.03 749.10 749.11 749.20 749.24 754.0 754.01 745.5 744.89 748.0 748.1 750.10 750.15 750.3 751.21 756.0 756.08 756.10 756.17 756.19 cleft palate unspecified Bilat cleft palate-compl cleft lip, unspecified Unilat cleft lip-compl CL/palate, unspec Bilat cleft lip and palate Cong skull/face/jaw def Micrognathia Webbing of neck Cong anomal face & neck Choanal atreis Nose anomaly nec Tongue anomaly, nos Congenital macroglossia Cong esoph fistula/atresia Imperforate anus Anomaly skull/face bone Macrocephaly anomalies of spine, unspecf Spina bifida occulta Anomaly of spine nec HEART 745 745.0 745.1 745.2 745.4 746 746.0 746.86 746.89 747.0 747.10 747.20 747.22 747.29 747.3 747.64 747.8 747.81 747.9 Cardiac septal clos anomaly Common truncus Transpos of great vessel Tetralogy of fallot Ventricular sept defect Other congenital heart anomaly Pulmonary valve anomaly Congenital heart block Congenital heart anomaly nec Patent ductus arteriosus Coarctation of aorta Cong anomaly of aorta nos Aortic atresia/stenosis Congl anomaly of aorta nec Pulmonary artery anomaly hypertrophy of lower limb Circulatory anomaly nec Cerebrovasc anomaly Circulatory anomaly nos RENAL 753 Urinary system anomaly 753.0 Renal agenesis 753.12 polycystic kidney dis, nos 753.15 Renal dysplasia 753.29 Congential hydronephrosis 753.3 Kidney anomaly nec 753.5 Bladder exstrophy 753.9 Urinary anomaly nos LIMBS - SKELETAL 754.51 Clubbed Foot 754.51 Talipes equinovarus 754.69 Congeni valgus foot def nec 754.79 Congenital foot deform nec 754.81 Pectus excavatum 754.89 Fetal Akinesia Sequence 755 Other congen limb anomaly 755.00 Polydactyly, NOS 755.10 Syndactyly, multiple/nos 755.20 Reduc deform up limb nos 755.3 Reduct deform lower limb 755.4 Reduct deform limb nos 755.41 ectrodactyly 755.50 Upper limb anomaly nos 755.58 Congenital cleft hand 755.59 Upper limb anomaly nec 755.60 Lower limb anomaly nos 755.66 Anomaly of toes nec 755.67 Anomaly of foot nec 755.69 Lower limb anomaly nec 755.9 Congen limb anomaly nos 756.1 Macrosomia 756.0 Anomaly skull/face bone 756.08 Macrocephaly 756.10 anomalies of spine, unspecf 756.17 Spina bifida occulta 756.19 Anomaly of spine nec 756.3 756.4 756.41 756.43 756.44 756.45 756.51 756.6 756.79 756.791 756.79 757.1 757.2 757.32 757.31 757.39 757.4 757.5 Rib sternum anomaly nec Chondrodystrophy Achondroplasia Chondrodysplasia Punctata Hypochondroplasia Thanatophoric dysplasia Osteogenesis imperfecta Anomaly of diaphragm Oth cong anom of abd wall Gastroschisis Omphalocele I Ichthyosis Dermatoglyphic anomaly Cutis Marmorata Telangiectatica Congenita Congen ectodermal dysplas Other spec anom of skin Hair anomaly nec Nail anomaly nec CHROMOSOMES 758.0 758.1 758.2 758.3 758.4 758.5 758.6 758.7 758.81 758.89 758.9 795.2 796.5 Down syndrome /+21 Trisomy 13 / +13 Trisomy 18 / +18 Autosomal deletion synd Balanced autosomal transloc Autosomal anomaly nec Turner Syndrome / -X Klinefelter's syndrome / XXY Other cond.due to sex chrom other chromosome anomaly condition Oth chromosome anomaly unspecfic non-specific Abnormal karyotype Abnor finding on anten screening Congenital Anomaly / Syndromes 279.11 284.0 237.71 237.72 759.7 759.81 759.82 759.83 759.89 759.9 Di George syndrome VCF Fanconi's Anemia NF-1 NF-2 MCA - Multiple congenital anomaly Prader-Willi syndrome Marfan Syndrome Fragile X syndrome Congenital malformation.syn Congenital anomaly nos PHYSICAL GROWTH 243.0 244.9 251.2 255.2 278.00 764.90-9 765 779.82 779.9 780.39 781.0 781.2 781.3 783.1 783.22 783.4 783.4 1 783.4 2 783.40 783.41 783.42 783.43 783.9 1 784.5 786.03 congenital hypothyroidism unspecified hypothyroidism Hypoglycemia- unspecified cong. adrenal hyperplasia Obesity, unspecified Fetal Growth Retardation, nos Short gestat/low birthwt cong hypotonia Stillbirth seizures/convulsions, NOS Abn involuntary movements - dystonia Ataxia (gait) Lack of coordin-hypotonia Abnormal Weight Gain Underweight Failure to thrive short stature Lack of Growth lack of nml physiological dev, unspec Failure to thrive delayed milestones Short Stature Tall Stature speech disorder, defect Apnea Familial / Genetic V13.2 V13.5 V13.69 V18.4 V19.0 V19.5 V19.7 V19.8 V26.3 1 V40.0 V71.8 V71.89 V71.9 Personal Hx of genital or obsteric disorder Personal Hx other musculoskeletal personal Hx of other congenital malformations FAM Hx, mental retardation FAM Hx Blindness FAM Hx of congenital anomalies FAM Hx of consanguinity FAM Hx of other conditions Preconceptional Genetic Counseling Problems with learning observ. of specif/susp cond. Observ for other specified susp cond observ for unspecf suspec condition Solid Tumors & Neoplasms 200.10 155.0 171.0 171.5 171.8 171.9 173.9 183.0 186.0 186.9 188.0 188.8 188.9 190.5 198.81 198.89 198.89 199.1 200.00 202.81 202.82 202.83 202.84 202.85 202.86 202.88 203.00 203.01 223.3 233.0 233.7 236.2 236.4 236.7 239.2 239.3 Lymphosarcoma unspec Hepatoblastoma Malignant neoplasm of head, face, and neck Malignant neoplasm abdomen Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of connective and other soft tissue Malignant neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue, site unspecified Other malignant neoplasm of skin, site unspecified Malig neoplasm Ovary Malig neoplasm of undes. testis malig neopl of oth & unspc testis Malignant neoplasm of trigone of urinary bladder Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of bladder Malignant neoplasm of bladder, Retinoblastoma Secondary malignant neoplasm of breast Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified sites Neoplasm of connective tissueleg,malignant Malig neoplasm nos,unsp site Reticulosarcoma unspec Other lymphomas; lymph nodes of face, head and neck Other lymphomas; intrathoracic lymph nodes Other lymphomas; intraabdominal lymph nodes Other lymphomas; lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb Other lymphomas; lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb Other lymphomas; intrapelvic lymph nodes Other lymphomas; lymph nodes of multiple sites Multiple myeloma/immunoproliferative neoplasms; no remission Multiple myeloma and immunoproliferative neoplasms; remission Benign neoplasm of bladder Carcinoma in situ of breast Carcinoma in situ of bladder neoplasm uncertain behavior ovary neoplasm uncertain behavior testis Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of bladder Neoplasm of unspecified nature of bone, soft tissue, and skin Neoplasm unspecified nature 239.3 239.4 of breast neoplasms of the breast neoplasms of the bladder Leukemias 200.20 Burkitt's tumor unspec sites 200.21 BL (nodes of head, face, neck) 200.28 BL mult sites 200.80 Mixed lymphosarcoma unspec 201.00 Hodgkins without remission 201.90 - disorder nos unspec 202.00 Nodular lymphoma unspec 202.10 myocosis fungoides 202.20 Sezary's disease, unspec site 202.3 Malignant histiocytosis 202.30 Malignant histiocytosis, unspec 202.40 Hairy-cell leukem unspec 202.60 malig mast cell tumors, unsp site 202.80 Lymphomas nec unspec site 202.9 Malignant neoplasm lym/hist tis nec 202.90 Lymphoid mal nec unspec 203.00 Multiple Myeloma (no remision) 203.01 Mult. myeloma (remission) 203.10 Plasma Cell leuk, (not in remision) 203.11 Plasma cell leuk, in remi 203.8 Immunoproliferat neoplasm nec 203.80 immunprolif neoplas, (no remision) 204.00 ALL (not in remision) 204.01 ALL (in remision) 204.10 CLL (not in remision) 204.11 CLL (in remision) 204.2 Subac lymphoid leukemia 204.80 Other lymph leukemia (no remision) 204.81 Other lymph leuk (in remision) 204.90 Uspec. lymph leuk(not in remision) 204.91 unspec lymph leuk (in remision) 205.00 AML/APL Myeloid (no remision) 205.01 AML (in remision) APL Myeloid 205.10 CML (not in remision) 205.11 CML (in remision) 205.2 Subacut myeloid leukemia 205.30 Myeloid sarcoma (not in remision) 205.80 Myeloid leukemia nec (not in remision) 205.82 Myeloid leukemia (in remision) 205.90 Myeloid leukemia nos (noremision) 205.91 unspec myel leuk (in remision) 206.00 Acute Leukemia 206.10 Chronic monocytic leukemia (not in remision) 206.20 Subac monocytic leukemia (not in remision) 206.80 Monocytic leukemia nec (not in remision) 206.90 207.00 207.10 207.20 207.80 207.81 208.0 208.00 208.01 208.10 208.2 208.80 208.81 208.9 214.0 215.0 215.4 215.9 228.00 238.4 238.6 238.7 284.8 284.9 285.0 285.22 285.9 287.1 287.5 288.0 288.9 758.89 758.9 789.1 789.2 789.30 790.09 V10.62 V10.63 V10.69 V10.71 V10.72 Monocytic leukemia nos (not in remision) Other specific Leukemia Chronic erythremia (not in remision) Megakaryocytic leukemia (not in remision) other specific leukemia (not in remision) other specific leukemia (in remission) Acute leukemia nos Acute Leukemia (not in remision) Acute Leukemia (in remision) Chronic leukemia nos (not in remision) Subacute leukemia nos other leukemia of unspecified type, (not in remision) oth leuke unspec type, in rem Leukemia-unspec cell nos Lipoma benign neoplasm connective tissue, head and neck benign neoplasm conn tissue and soft tissue- thorax benign neoplasm conn tiss or other soft tiss, unspec Hemangioma PCV Polycythemia vera Myeloma (multiple) MDS Myelodysplastic/ myeloproliferative syndrome Acquired aplas anem/pancytopenia Aplastic anemia, unspec idiopathic sideroblastic anemia Anemia in neoplastic disease anemia, unspecif thrombocytopathy Thrombocytopenia, unspecified Leukopenia, neutropenia Other specified disease of WBCs (Leukocytosis) other condition due to chromosome anomaly Oth chromosome anomly unspecfic Hepatomegaly Splenomegaly Abdon/pelvic swell, mass or lump, unspefd site other abnormality of red blood cells Myeloid leukemia Monocyic leukemia Other leukemia lymphosarcoma and reticulosarcoma Hodgkin's disease
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