FOOTBALL PLAYER: INJURED MAN ON REPRIEVE Relaxation and recovery as the centre of European team’s strategy Contact Axelle VERMOESEN [email protected] +33 (0) Générateur de mouvements The game’s speed has highly increased in the last decades. The games are more and more intense; the physical conditioning is more and more determinant. The recovery and the physical and mental readiness went unavoidable in the football to reach the performance’s objective. Most frequent injuries During the 2013/2014 season, teams had approximately 19,7 trainings and 5,5 games per month. Concerning the 1324 injuries that happened during the season: 92,6% of them are located on the lower limbs (pelvis, groin, hip, thigh, hamstring muscles, quadriceps, knee, ankle, foot)1 -‐ 33,7% of the injuries were ruptures (articular, muscular or bone), -‐ 17,3% of the injuries were sprains or injuries on ligaments, -‐ 13,2% of the injuries were bruises, contusions or haematomas. 17,8% happened on a run or a sprint, 15,9% because of tiredness or overplaying time and 67,1% without any contact between players. Photo : L’é These figures lead us to understand that muscular readiness and recovery are primordial for player’s management in order to decrease injuries’ risks. Any lesion can be cured both ways: -‐ Preventing the injury by physical readiness, neuromuscular relaxation and active recovery -‐ Therapeutic and return-‐to-‐sport programs. The injuries’ impact on both player and team The injuries’ impact on the team is very important; an injury leads on average to a 62 days absence for 1000 exposition hours. According to Shaktar Donetsk, an absent player for an entire month costs approximately 600 000€ (450 000£) to the club2. 1 2 UEFA study about injuries in the 29 Champions League’s teams during 2013/2014 season. « Les Ischios pour les nuls », L’Equipe, 04/15/2015 Satisform® SAS – 28 rue de Villeneuve – Bat B3 – 72650 SAINT SATURNIN – Capital de 380.000 € - RCS LE MANS 480 393 636 TVA FR25 480 393 636 - Tel. : +33 (0)9 81 12 72 30- [email protected] - 2/6 Générateur de mouvements Optimize performances and limit the injuries’ risk The main goal is to always go further, offering the athlete the opportunity to improve his performances and his sport’s gesture. To succeed, different aspects are to be worked on: -‐ Suppleness and amplitude: get the ball farer It is asserted in literature that a suppleness lack leads to an increase of energetic and muscular exert. Suppleness will allow the player to realize in an efficient way the skills and movements. -‐ Proprioception and balance: the ability to rapidly get back in position. Proprioception is the ability to feel his body in the space. -‐ Gesture’s coordination: locate the ball, control it and kick it right (sometimes touching the ball only once). -‐ The tensions caused by the stress or a pain: energy consumption and lead the player to a tiredness state faster. The essential work of recuperation and readiness Nowadays, it’s possible to improve your skills, your health and your performance all on your own. Satisform®’s study centre has developed devices and protocols that help players in mental and physical readiness and in recovery. The SATISFORM® automates the articular pendular decompression (APD) that has an effect on lower limbs, pelvis, hips and vertebra column with: -‐ improvement of muscular efficiency, -‐ optimization of recovery process, -‐ diminution of injuries’ risk (lumbagos, articulations), -‐ improvement of mobility and suppleness, -‐ neuromuscular relaxation, freeing from the tensions dues to stress and tiredness, -‐ maintenance and trophic improvement of muscles and tendons structures. The SATISFORM® proposes 15 different programs adapting to fit player’s requirements and feelings. It will stimulate, bring oxygen and optimize natural performances of muscle fibres and fascia, hamstring muscles, quadriceps, gluteals and adductors resistance. It will help the athlete to play longer by decreasing the injuries’ risk. Satisform® SAS – 28 rue de Villeneuve – Bat B3 – 72650 SAINT SATURNIN – Capital de 380.000 € - RCS LE MANS 480 393 636 TVA FR25 480 393 636 - Tel. : +33 (0)9 81 12 72 30- [email protected] - 3/6 Générateur de mouvements The QUADRISCHIO® allows a fast and balanced limbering up of under pelvic muscles: hamstring muscles and quadriceps’ harmonization. It is used for stretching by alternating postures and legs (left and right). The athlete will have the opportunity to rebalance the parallelism of muscles’ extensibility and of the lower limbs’ fascia’s. It then improves an insufficient suppleness or gives a lost suppleness back, following a trauma or a post-‐game tiredness. The QUADRISCHIO® also works on both muscular and articular amplitude of lower limbs, to increase the player’s stride to get the ball farer without risk of injury. The MOBIDOS® permits to work on players’ proprioception. Its pad “seat – knee’s rest” is structured very close to the low-‐ pelvic axis and offers a total mobility working on pelvis’ suppleness. The device’s work is based on learning the facilitator postures and on seesaw effects after measuring the proprioceptive football player’s abilities. It reinforces the articular mobility of the rachis and its relaxation. The device, working on balance and proprioception, offers to the player a better coordination between the ball’s control, the dribbling the pass or the shoot. The DOABDO® has a reinforcement (both static and dynamic) effect on trunk’s muscles in order to improve the posture. It will prevent groin strain and have a positive effect on articular amplitude and muscular abilities. It also facilitates the player’s skills during the duels and permits him to keep the ball. It improves the reactivity when changing of direction fast or when balance isn’t perfect. Satisform® SAS – 28 rue de Villeneuve – Bat B3 – 72650 SAINT SATURNIN – Capital de 380.000 € - RCS LE MANS 480 393 636 TVA FR25 480 393 636 - Tel. : +33 (0)9 81 12 72 30- [email protected] - 4/6 Générateur de mouvements The ZENDOS® limbers up all the back muscles and releases the player from all muscular contractions. Its effect leads to a deep neuromuscular relaxation in a few minutes and quickly favours player’s mental and physical recovery. This neuromuscular recovery leads to a better game reading ability and a better anticipation. Here and now, players are more and more solicited and have to be ready at any time. During every game, footballers have to be efficient and they must outdo themselves. The athlete doesn’t only have to realize a masterstroke on one game, he must repeat it all season long. The constant performances’ improvement requires an optimum readiness and a complete recovery. Studies on Satisform’s effects Following an ethic commitment, Satisform® led several studies, especially by Pr. DELAMARCHE from Rennes’ “Mouvement Sport et Santé” lab: -‐ About effects of SATISFORM®, oscillations, pulling, stimulation and posture: validation of SATISFORM’s settings. -‐ About the product’s non-‐noxiousness: results were significant. -‐ About the assessment of a APD’s session effect on mobility: gain was significant. -‐ About the assessment of effects’ durability after 9 APD’s sessions concerning mobility: the benefits were significant in a timely manner. Then, French Professional firemen led another study on chronic lumbago’s effects: the results concerning the mobility profit, the felt tensions’ decrease, the recovery’s optimisation and the improvement of functional abilities during the interventions were significant. Finally, Dr SM Starikov (Moscow) compared all the spinal decompression’s devices and the impact of rhythmic oscillations on relaxation and on decompression. He highlighted that the SATISFORM is actually the most efficient device, using both oscillation and decompression, on disc re-‐expansion. Satisform® SAS – 28 rue de Villeneuve – Bat B3 – 72650 SAINT SATURNIN – Capital de 380.000 € - RCS LE MANS 480 393 636 TVA FR25 480 393 636 - Tel. : +33 (0)9 81 12 72 30- [email protected] - 5/6 Générateur de mouvements To follow the same objective, on-‐going studies are led on: -‐ Herniated disc’s treatment by non-‐operatory process, thanks to Oran’s (Algeria) Dr Abdelkader BENKHETTAB. -‐ The APD’s impact on chronic and non-‐chronic lumbagos (St Petersburg) -‐ The performance’s improvement for high-‐levelled athletes (“Analyse du Mouvement” Lab, Maine University) on runners (marathoners, triathletes, ironmen). The first results are showing 6 to 10 seconds improvement on 1000 meters, with only one session, and a 10 to 11 seconds improvement after three weeks. Satisform®, a social and eco-‐responsible society Satisform is a scientific research centre on optimization of therapeutic and sportive performance. French designer and maker for more than 10 years, Satisform® is recognised worldwide for recovery, performance’s improvement, return-‐to-‐sport programs and decreasing of injuries’ risks for high-‐level athletes. Contact us : +33(0)9 81 12 72 30 [email protected] Follow us: Satisform Christophe BENSOUSSAN The OSTEOSEAT®, based on the MOBIDOS® is an ergo-‐dynamic seat. It optimizes the physical abilities at the office. Satisform® SAS – 28 rue de Villeneuve – Bat B3 – 72650 SAINT SATURNIN – Capital de 380.000 € - RCS LE MANS 480 393 636 TVA FR25 480 393 636 - Tel. : +33 (0)9 81 12 72 30- [email protected] - 6/6
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