REDBOURN JUNIOR SCHOOL HEADTEACHER: N HAIRON LONG CUTT, REDBOURN, ST ALBANS, HERTS. AL3 7EX Telephone No: E-Mail Address: Website Address: 01582 626489 [email protected] “Building Our Futures Together” 20th March 2015 Dear Parents, I have set out below our staffing details for the remainder of this academic year and next year. We have strived for as much consistency as possible and ensured that we have a range of experience and expertise across all year groups. Y6 Hornbeam Miss Dawes Y5 Birch Mr Harrison Y5 Cedar Mrs Wood Mon, Tues, Weds Miss Lunt Thurs, Fri Mr Steeden Mrs Gaze Miss Depala Mon, Tues Mrs Willis Weds, Thurs, Fri Mrs Robinson Miss Depala Mon, Tues Mrs Willis Weds, Thurs, Fri Mrs Robinson Mrs Hnatiuk Mon, Tues, Weds Mrs Thomas Thurs, Fri Mrs Hnatiuk Mon, Tues, Weds Mrs Thomas Thurs, Fri Y4 Pine Y4 Walnut Y3 Ash Y3 Elm Y3 Fir (Extra Class) Summer 2 Mrs Smart Miss Dawes Mr Harrison Mr Steeden Summer holidays Summer 1 Mrs Smart May half term Class Y6 Sycamore 2015-16 Mrs Smart (Y5+6 Leader) Mrs Gaze Mr Harrison Mrs T (Details below) Mr Steeden (Y3+4 Leader) Miss Pott Mrs Robinson Miss Dawes Miss Lunt Next Year, the classes will change as follows: Birch will become Sycamore Cedar will become Hornbeam Pine will become Birch Walnut will become Cedar Ash will become Walnut Elm will become Pine Class Teachers From September, all of the class teachers will be full-time, permanent members of staff. We have recruited an excellent team of teachers and I am confident that we will make rapid improvements to the school. I have outlined below brief details of their experience: Mrs Smart, Miss Dawes and Mr Harrison are current members of staff who many of you will already know. Mrs T is currently a Year 6 teacher at a Hertfordshire primary school. She will be joining us in September. Her current class are preparing for their SATs and transition to secondary school and so therefore she does not wish to tell them that she is leaving her school until later in the year. As soon as she has told her current class I will of course introduce you and let you know more about her background. th Miss Pott is currently a 4 year education student at Leeds Beckett University and will graduate this summer. Her references from University confirm our judgements that her teaching is excellent. She will be joining the Year 4 team from September, but when her studies have been completed she will be available for some of the summer term to start to get to know the current Y3 children. She has a passion for modern languages and we are hopeful that she will add this strength to our school. Mr Steeden is an experienced teacher who will be joining our Senior Leadership Team from April. He will be leading the Year 3 and Year 4 teams, having had experience as an Acting Deputy Head. He previously worked in IT, before qualifying as a teacher in 2005. His interests include sport and I am sure that this passion will rub off on our pupils. Miss Lunt will be joining the school on a full time basis from September. She is an experienced teacher who has already done some supply work at Redbourn Juniors. She has experience of teaching in KS1 and will therefore bring invaluable expertise to our team in building on the achievements of the children as they join us from the infants. We are lucky that she has also agreed to cover Cedar class for part of the summer term. Mrs Robinson is currently teaching at St.John’s School in Lemsford. She has over 20 years’ experience at a variety of schools. She is a maths specialist and has an MA in education. Mrs Robinson will be joining the team after Easter. Mrs Gaze is currently a Year 6 teacher at Reddings Primary School in Hemel Hempstead. She will be joining us after May half-term once her current class have finished their SATs. She will take Cedar class for the last half term of Year 5 and then become their class teacher in Year 6. The Reddings is currently a “Good” school and Mrs Gaze was part of the team that improved the school from “Special Measures”. Other teaching staff Mrs Burman and Mrs Charlesworth will continue in their current roles on the Senior Leadership Team. We will continue to employ specialist teachers in subjects such as French, ICT, Music and PE. Mrs Thomas will be covering teacher’s non-contact time from September. This will mean that we will rarely need to call on external cover teachers in the new academic year. Mrs Gardner will be going on maternity leave from April. Miss Depala and Mrs Hnatiak are currently employed on short-term supply contracts. They have agreed to remain with the classes that they currently teach next term. Mrs Wood, also a supply teacher, will continue to teach Cedar class until Mrs Gaze is able to start in May. Teachers leaving Redbourn Juniors Mrs Welply will be leaving the school at the end of this term to pursue another career. We wish her well in her new job and I would like to thank her for her contribution over the years at Redbourn. As a result of the permanent appointments that we have made, Mr Whitehead, Mrs Hardy and Mrs Clark, all of whom are supply teachers, will not be returning after Easter. I would like to thank them for their work this term. If you have any queries regarding any of the above information, please do not hesitate to contact me. We have put in place a plan that gives the children the greatest continuity possible. In doing so we have considered the needs of all of the classes, but most importantly we have looked at securing the best possible team moving forward. Yours sincerely, Nathan Hairon Headteacher
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