RGCSummary(5-5-15) Pot Size . Beautiful fall color. Lovely open bowl shape. Protect from direct afternoon sun. This maple has a lovely canopy with small leaves. Excellent fall foliage Assorted pastel flowers. Great cut flower. Easy to grow Variegated striped accent plant yellow/green, loves moist soil, but do well in any soil, spreads slowly. Varigated 2-3 inch thin bladed yellow and green grass that grows in a circular pattern. Evergreen ground cover, spreads fast, invasive. Use carefully, ideal for solid cover below trees and shrubs, attractive leaves. Excellent vigorous groundcover with attractive white and green variegated leaves. Best with regular waterings, but tolerates drought. Will grow taller in shade. Brightens dull shaded areas. This plant can be invasive in good soil. Can be cut back with shears to keep compact. 1 7 1 3 gal 1 gal 10 gal NRS CMJ MHV 1 1 1 gal 5 gal AMF LAB 1 3 gal SzM 2 1 gal ZP 3 1 gal MMM Excellent vigorous groundcover with white and green variated foliage and white flowers; brightens dull shaded areas; grows taller in shade. Can be invasive in good soil; can be cut back with shears to keep compact; best with regular waterings 4 foot high flower spikes like blue fireworks. Hummingbirds love these! Needs winter protection in a garage or greenhouse to rebloom. NOT WINTER HARDY. Large green strap leaves with trumpet shaped blue flowers in a ball. Needs winter protection in a garage or greenhouse to rebloom. NOT WINTER HARDY. Semi-evergreen perennial groundcover; spiky blue flowers in April 5 1 gal CEH 2 5 gal CMJ Preferred 3 3 gal DSS Preferred 2 1 gal FMK 3 1 gal YSL 2 1 gal SJB 2 1 gal MBF 2 1 1 gal 1 gal CAR SzM 1 1 gal SzM 4 1 gal CAR 4 4 4 11 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal SPH AMF PMM JDN 4 3 18 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal SAM CEH RGC 1 3 1 gal 1 gal NRS SCG Type Description/Color sun to shade part sun part sun 25' 15' tree tree tree Full Sun Sun 2' to 12" perennial perennial Common Name Light Needs Abies Acer palmatum Acer palmatum Unknown fir Japanese Maple Japanese maple Achillea millefolium Acorus Yarrow Sweet Flag Acorus gramineus 'Pusillus Minimus Dwarf Sweet flag Aureus' Aegopodium Bishop's weed Quantity Donated Height Botanical Name Partial shade to shade 4-6" Perennial shade 4-6" perennial Aegopodium podagraria ‘Variegatum’ Bishops weed ‘Variegatum’ part sun to shade 6"-10" perrenial Aegopodium podagraria 'Variegatum' Bishops weed 'Variegatum' part sun to full shade 6"-10" perrenial Agapanthus orientalis Lily-of-the-Nile Part shade 4' non-hardy perennial Agapanthus orientalis Lily of the Nile sun 6' non-hardy perennial Ajuga Bugleweed Sun/part shade 6" Ajuga Bugle weed Full sun to shade 6" Ajuga reptans Blue bugle sun, pt. shade, shade 6" Semievergreen perennial evergreen perrenial evergreen Alchemilla mollis Lady's Mantle sun to part shade 2' perennial Alchemilla mollis Alchemilla mollis Lady's Mantle Lady's Mantle part shade Sun to shade 18" 18-24" perrenial Perennial Allium schoenoprassum Chives Sun to partial shade 1-1.5' Perennial Allium schoenoprasum chives full sun 12" perrenial Allium schoenoprasum Allium schoenoprasum Allium tuberosum Allium tuberosum chives Chives Garlic Chives Garlic Chives Full to part sun Full Sun Sun Sun 12" 1-2' 12-18" 12-18" Herb perennial Perennial Perennial Anemone ranunculoides Anemone x hybrida Anemone x hybrida Wood anemone Shade Japanese Anemone full sun to part shade Japanese Anemone, Windflower Part sun to shade 2-12" 2-3' 12" perennial perennial perennial Anemone x hybrida Anemone x hybrida Japanese anenome Japanes anemone, Windflower sun 2'-3' Partial shade to shade 2-4' perennial perennial 1 of 18 Low, slowly spreading groundcover has attractive reddish foliage and purple flower spikes in late spring. Drought tolerant once established. Fast growing evergreen groundcover with violet/blue flowers in Spring. Drought tolerant when established, attracts pollinators. Can be planted over Spring bulbs, under trees and shrubs Mounding habit with clusters of frothy chartuese flowers that are great in mixed bouquets. kidney shaped leaves, flowers are frothy clusters of greenish yellow. Often grown for its scalloped grey green leavesthat will have frothy chartreuse clusters on a thin stem in July-Augus. Good cut flower. Easy to grow. Part sun to sun Zones 3-7 Herb, produces thin, hollow spikes in spring with pink ball shaped flowers in spring-summer. Used in cooking. Easy to grow Hardy Herb. Most delicate menber of onion family,pink flowerheads also edible, well drained soil Will spread if allowed to go to seed; purple flower is edible Purple edible flower and leaves. Great in salads. Herb with white flowers Flavorful herb with white, star-shaped flowers in late summer. Bees and other pollinators love them! Yellow pale pink flowers; blooms mid-summer to late fall Pink blooms mid summer. Prefers moist, well-drained soil. Can tolerate morning sun. Divide in fall. blooms in fall Long-lived fibrous-rooted plant with fall color of pink flowers in soft pink arise from graceful branching stems of 2-4 feet. Leaves are dk-gray green with 3 lobeds covered with soft hairs. Slow to esbalish but once established is very hardy. Loves rich, well-drained soil. Initials (3) Preferred Preferred Preferred RGCSummary(5-5-15) Height Type Description/Color 2-4' Perennial Anemone x hybrida Japanese Anemone, Windflower Partial shade to shade 2-4' Perennial Anemone x hybrida 'Serenade' Japanese Anemone partial sun. White blooms mid summer. Prefers moist, well-drained soil. Can tolerate morning sun. Divide in fall. Long-lived fibrous-rooted plant with fall color of pink flowers in soft pink arise from graceful branching stems of 2-4 feet. Leaves are dk-gray green with 3 lobeds covered with soft hairs. Slow to esbalish but once established is very hardy. Loves rich, well-drained soil. pink flowers with yellow stamens; late-season bloomer in early Autumn. Aquilegia Aquilegia Aquilegia Aquilegia hybrida 'Black Barlow' Arctostaphylos Columbine Columbine Columbine Columbine 'Black Barlow' Kinnikinick sun Full sun sun to part shade Part shade sun to partial shade Botanical Name Common Name Light Needs Anemone x hybrida Japanese Anemone, Windflower Part sun to shade 3-4' x 2' (spread) 1.5' 24" 1-2' 30" 6"-12" perennial perennial perrenial perennial Perennial shrub Armoracia rusticana Horsehradish full sun 2-3' perrenial Armoracia rusticana Artemisia lactiflora 'Guizhou' Artemisia lactiflora 'Guizhou' Horsehradish White Mugwort White Mugwort 'Guizhou' sun or partial shade Sun Full Sun 4-5' 36-40' 5' perennial Perennial perennial Artemisia vulgaris Artichoke 'Green Globe' Mugwort Artichoke part shade Full Sun 3-6' 6' x 4' perennial perennial Arum italicum 'Pictum' Italian arum Partial shade to shade 1-1.5' Perennial Arum italicum 'Pictum' Italian arum Partial shade to shade 1-1.5' Perennial Arum italicum 'Pictum' Italian arum Partial shade to shade 1-1.5' Perennial Asarina procumbens Trailing snapdragon Sun to bright shade 3" Perennial Asarum europaeum European wild ginger Shade 6" Perennial Aster Aster Sun to partial shade 9-15" Perennial Aster Aster x frikartii 'Munch' Astilbe Aster Frikart’s aster Astilbe Full Sun 1' full sun 28" Partial shade to shade 18-24" perennial perennial Perennial Astrantia virginiana Masterwort full sun-part shade 3′ perennial Athyrium filix-feming Lady Fern Part sun or shade to 36" Native NATIVE flowers in spring, pretty "bonnet" shaped flowers. Blooms early spring with assorted pastel colors Deep purple bloom Lustrous leaves with white flower in spring red berries in summer and fall. Ground cover. Harvest after a year in garden. Medium growth rate. Tsangy flavor, pungent aroma. White tapered roots; when cut has aroma; vegetable Creamy white flowers July through September The stout, 4' tall, deer-resistant clumps of red-purple stems are clothed in cutleaf, dark green foliage. In July the clumps are topped with large, airy heads of small, pure white flowers. While Artemisia 'Guizhou' grows great in typical garden soil, a moist site will reward you with an even more spectacular show. tall herbaceous perennial, dark green leaves, small flowers Vegatable. Prefers deep, fertile, well-drained soils high in organic matter with a ph between 6.5 and 8.0. Heavy feeder with lots of moisture. A violet thistle if left to bloom. Harvest edible flower bud before bloom. Perennial in zones 6 and warmer. Has heart-shaped leaves dark green leaves with pale veining that appear in March. In summer, leaves die away and a stack appears with clustered orange-red berries like a popcycle. Likes moist, well-drained soil. Easy to grow if happy. Spreads by runners. Has heart-shaped leaves dark green leaves with pale veining that appear in March. In summer, leaves die away and a stack appears with clustered orange-red berries like a popcycle. Likes moist, well-drained soil. Easy to grow if happy. Spreads by runners. Has heart-shaped leaves dark green leaves with pale veining that appear in March. In summer, leaves die away and a stack appears with clustered orange-red berries like a popcycle. Likes moist, well-drained soil. Easy to grow if happy. Spreads by runners. Pale yellow flowers with deep yellow throat and light purpleveins in JuneJuly Medium water. Zone 6-9 Low maintenance Spreading groundcover. 6 inch deep carpet of glossy, dark green kidney shaped leaves measuring 3+ inches across. Great foilage plant for shade. Curious bell shaped white flowers are insignificant. Hardy plant prized for large, showy, daisy-like blue flowers that bloom late summer into fall. Can be used for border, beds, rock gardens or planted in a field to form a ground cover. Zone 3-9 Easy care Purple daisy like flower which blooms in late summer. lavendar-blue flowers with orange centers, late summer. Attractive red-green foliage with long-lasting red feathery flowers in July. Grows in clumps. A great plant staple. Resists deers and attracts birds. Tough, rhizomatous plant with a greenish-white, umbrella/pin-cushion flower throughout the summer. Easy to grow. Likes moist soil. More delicate than sword fern. 2 of 18 Quantity Donated Pot Size 2 1 gal SSS 5 1 gal SzM 3 1 gal KJT 1 7 3 3 3 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal NRS CAR AMF SBC DSS Initials (3) Preferred 7 1 gal CAR 4 1 2 1 gal 1 gal 2 gal KEM IBD SCG 1 1 1 gal 3 gal WAM AEK 5 1 gal SzM 2 2 gal SzM 1 3 gal SzM 1 1 gal SzM 5 2 gal EAK 1 1 gal SzM 1 5 3 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal AMF KJT SzM 1 1 gal NRS 1 4 gal LAB Preferred Preferred RGCSummary(5-5-15) Botanical Name Common Name Light Needs Height Type Athyrium niponicum 'Pictum' Japanese Painted fern Full to partial shade 18-24" perennial Athyrium niponicum 'Plictum' Azalea Azalea x 'Silver Sword' Bergenia Bergenia cordifolia Japanese painted fern 1.75' Variegated silver sword azalea Pigsqueak Heartleaf bergania, Pigsqueak part sun Part shade or shade Part shade sun to part shade sun, part sun, shade 3' 1-2' 18" Bergenia cordifolia Bergenia cordifolia Blechnum spicant Blechnum spicant Brugmansia Heartleaf bergania, Pigsqueak Heartleaf bergania, Pigsqueak Deer Fern Deer Fern Angel Trumpet full sun to part shade full sun to part shade Part shade or shade Part shade or shade sun Up to 18" 18" 3' 3' 5' Brugmansia Angel's Trumpet part sun to shade to 20' Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost' Jack frost brunnera Full sun to full shade 15-20" Calluna vulgaris Heather part to full sun 8"-20" Perennial Campanula Bellflower Sun or part shade to15" perennial Campanula 'Blue Clips' Bellflower 'Blue Clips' Partial shade to shade 4-6" Perennial Description/Color Dramatic foliage is a standout in the shade garden. The dark, blue green central rib of each frond fades to silver at the edges. Short habit and spreading form is excellent as foreground foliage and ideal for pots.Needs wet or constantly moist soil deciduous Burgandy & silver foliage Shrub White flowers shrub Vivid dark pink flowers bloom in April and May on variegated leaves. perennial Pink flower in early spring with large evergreen leaves. perennial Large, glossy green leaves on a low growing plant. Clusters of attractive dark pink flowers appear early in spring. Provides interesting texture for the garden. perennial bright pink flowers, large green leaves; blooms in spring perennial light pink flower, easy care, well-drained soil Evergreen Groundcover, Native fern Evergreen Groundcover, Native fern Non-hardy tree Stunning yellow trumpet flowers cover this large tender tree. Hardiness zones 9-11, treat as an annual or grow in a large pot and bring indoors in winter. Keep well watered. NOT WINTER HARDY. annual shrub fragrant white trumpet shape flowers, perennial when stored in a garage over winter, 2-5 feet. perennial Variegated, creamy white and green large leaves and blue flowers that resemble the "Forget me Not" in late spring to early summer. Likes cool moist soil and prefers morning sun but can tolerate all day sun. Campanula 'Blue Clips' Bellflower 'Blue Clips' part to full shade 4-6" Perennial Campanula glomerata 'Suberba' Clustered Bellflower Full sun to part shade 2' x 2' perennial Campanula persicifolia Canna 'Phasion' Canna 'Phasion' Canna 'Phasion' Canna 'Phasion' Canna 'Tropicanna' Bellflower Tropicanna Canna Tropicanna Canna Tropicanna Canna Tropicana Canna Tropicanna Canna sun to partial sun full sun to part shade full sun to part shade full sun to part shade Sun to part shade Sun 1.5' 5-6' 5-6' 5-6' 5-6' 4' perennial Perennial Perennial Perennial perennial Perennial Canna 'Tropicanna' Tropicanna Canna Sun 4' Perennial Canna 'Tropicanna' Carex morrowii Tropicanna Canna variegated japanese sedge Sun part to full shade 4-6' 1' Carex morrowii 'Ice Dance' Japanese sedge 'Ice Dance' sun, part shade, shade 1' Perennial evergreen perennial evergreen Carex morrowii 'Ice Dance' Japanese sedge 'Ice Dance' sun, part shade, shade 1' evergreen Green, low growing shrub. Good for acidic soil. Light purple flowers from July to November. Beautiful long-lasting bell shaped purple flowers. These tubular flowers can bloom from late spring to late summer. Mass of blue flowers in June. Can be grown as a single plant or as a ground cover. Tolerates drought. Mass of blue flowers in June. Can be grown as a single plant or as a ground cover. Tolerates drought. Clump forming, upright, medium green foliage, violet blue to deep purple flowers for 2-3 weeks late spring to early summer. Grow in average, well drained soil. Needs regular moisture. Good cut flower. Zones 3-8 white, lavender, on a stalk, cut flower; reblooms Vivid orange flowers with leaves striped with yellow, pink and red Vivid orange flowers with leaves striped with yellow, pink and red Vivid orange flowers with leaves striped with yellow, pink and red Vivid orange flowers with leaves striped with yellow pink and red Has large lance-shaped leaves of orange and green. Spikes of large, showy, irregularly shaaped flowers of orange start mid summer until frost. Put in garage over winter and give out after risk of frost is long. Likes regular water during growth and bloom season. None when in garage. Zone 6-9 Has large lance-shaped leaves of orange and green. Spikes of large, showy, irregularly shaaped flowers of orange start mid summer until frost. Put in garage over winter and give out after risk of frost is long. Likes regular water during growth and bloom season. None when in garage. Zone 6-9 Striking leaves with orange flowers requires consistently moist soil medium to wet Evergreen groundcover with strong, creamy-white leaf margins adds brightness to shady and woodland gardens and borders. It spreads by rhizomes to create a dense mat. Evergreen groundcover with strong, creamy-white leaf margins adds brightness to shady and woodland gardens and borders. It spreads by rhizomes to create a dense mat. 3 of 18 Quantity Donated Pot Size 1 2 gal SJZ Preferred 1 1 4 2 2 2 gal 5 gal 5 gal 1 gal 1 gal ELH CMJ DJ AMF MHV Preferred Preferred Preferred 1 2 4 2 4 1 gal 1 gal 2 gal 1 gal 1 gal CEH ZP PMM PMM MHV Preferred 1 1gal ZP Preferred 2 1 gal SPH 2 5 gal AMs 3 1 gal Initials (3) Preferred LAB 2 1 gal SzM 7 1 gal AMS 9 1 gal AEK 1 4 3 1 5 1 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal 2 gal 1 gal 1 gal NRS MSZ KHL KHL JAB SzM 1 2 gal SzM 2 2 1 gal 1 gal PMM CMJ 5 2 gal MHV 5 1 gal MHV RGCSummary(5-5-15) Quantity Donated Pot Size Evergreen groundcover has strong, creamy-white leaf margins. It adds brightness to shady and woodland gardens and borders. Plant spreads by rhizomes to create a dense mat. Variegated grasslike leaves. Leaf shade richer in shade. Does best in moist soil, but does well in other. Cut to ground in late winter. grass; green with white stripes Bright blue blooms in late spring to late summer; sparse-bloom in autumn if spent blooms are removed; best in well-draioned soil Folage is gray green appearing in March with bright blue flowers in April. If cut back it will rebloom spreads easily. Drought tolerant. Easy to grow. 10 1gal SJB 3 1 gal RGC 4 2 1 gal 1 gal NRS KJT 5 1 gal SzM Pink flowers over a long season if deadheaded. Attracts butterflies, bees and hummingbirds. small orangey yellow flowers,fall bloomer small white flowers Long stemmed single Shata Daisy- great behind shorter plants. Blooms in July small deep blue/purple flowers in mid to late summer; beautiful dark green leaves; this is an upright variety, not the typical climber Vigorous deciduous tree/shrub to 6 m, with large ovate leaves and highly fragrant white flowers, borne in green calyces which turn crimson as the turquoise berries mature. Leaves smell like Peanut butter when crushed. Attracts hummingbirds. Deciduous tree - large ovate leaves - fragrant white flowers 3 1 gal MBF 3 3 1 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal NRS YSL NRS 3 1 gal KJT 2 ~5 gal MBF Preferred 2 2 gal SBC Preferred 7 1 gal CMJ 3 1 gal MCN 6 1 gal MLP 3 1 gal SzM 2 1 gal LAB 1 7 1 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal MSZ PMM BHL 2 1 gal LAB 1 1 gal MHA 1 1 gal BHL 1 1 1 1 1 1 gal 2 gal 2 gal 1 gal 1 gal SzM NRS EAK EAK MHV Botanical Name Common Name Light Needs Height Type Description/Color Carex morrowii 'Ice Dance' Japanese sedge 'Ice Dance' sun, pt. shade, shade 14" evergreen Carex morrowii 'Ice Dance' Japanese sedge 'Ice Dance' Shade 9-12" perennial Carex morrowii 'Ice Dance' Centaurea montana sun full sun 12" 12-24″ perennial perennial Centaurea syanus Japanese sedge 'Ice Dance' Bachelor’s Button; Mountain Bluet or Perennial Cornflower Bachelor's Button Sun topartial shade 1-1.5' Perennial Centranthus ruber Red Valerian sun to part shade 2-3' perennial Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum maximum Chyrysanthemum maximum Chrysanthemum Daisy Shasta Daisy sun Sun Sun 1.5' 2' 2.5-3' perennial Perennial perennial Clematis heracleifolia 'Alan Bloom' Tube Clematis 'Alan Bloom' full sun to partial shade 24-36" perennial Clerodendrum trichotomum var. fargesii Farges harlequin glorybower sun to part shade 12-18' Tree/shrub Clerodendrum trichotomum var. fargesii Convallaria majalis Harlequin glorybower Part shade 12-18' tree/shrub Lily of the Valley Pt shade to shade 12″ perennial Convallaria majalis Lily of the Valley Part shade to shade 12" perennial Convallaria majalis Lily of the valley partial shade to shade 12" Perennial Convallaria majalis Lily of the Valley Partial shade to shade 12" Perennial Convallaria majalis Lily-of-the-valley sun to full shade to 9" perennial Convallaria majalis Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam' Cornus flaviramea Lily of the Valley Tickweed 'Moonbeam' Yellow Twig Dogwood part sun to shade Sun or part shade Sun or part shade 12' 18-24" 6' Cornus sericea Red Twig Dogwood Sun or part shade to 8' Perennial Perennial Deciduous shrub shrub Cornus stolonifera Red osier dogwood full sun to part sun 6" deciduous shrub Cornus stolonifera Red Oiser dogwood 6' Shrub Corydalis lutea Corylus Corylus americana Corylus americana Cotoneaster Fumitory Hazelnut American Hazelnut Bush American Hazelnut Bush Cotoneaster Moist, sun. partial shade partial shade sun Sun Sun sun, part sun, 15" Perennial tree Shrub Shrub shrub 8 - 12' 8 - 12" 6' 4 of 18 Groundcover. Broadleaves appear in March with small white bells on a stock in April. Spreads by rhizomes. Likes rich loamy soil and OK in drought situations. Resists deer and rabbits. Ground cover. Broad leaves appear in March with small whtie bells on a stalk in April. Spread by rhizomes. Like rich loamy soil and OK in drought situations. Resists deer. Broadleaves appear in March with small white fragrant bells on a stock in April and dark red seedheads in fall. Spreads by rhizomes. Likes rich loamy soil and OK in drought situations. Resists deer and rabbits. Broadleaves appear in March with small white bells on a stock in April. Spreads by rhizomes. Likes rich loamy soil and OK in drought situations. Resists deer and rabbits. White bell shaped bloom which is strongly scented in mid spring. Likes humas-rich soil. Keep moist in full sun to full shade. Sweetly scented pink or white bell shaped flowers in late spring Pale yellow flowers - blooms repeatedly Bright yellow stems, green leaves, white flower clusters and small blue fruit. Greenish/grey leaves, red color bark in winter. Likes acidic soil. Bark is brightest if planted in sun. Deciduous Rounded, spreading form. Opposite leaves with rounded bases are ovate to lance-shaped and dark green, turning a dull red, purple-red, or orange in autumn. Clusters of white flowers appear in late May to early June, followed by white to pale blue fruit. Green stems turn reddish or purplered from late summer into early fall, becoming brighter in winter. NATIVE. Bright yellow stems, green leaves, white flower clusters and small blue fruit. Yellow flowers spring, self-sows, regular water. Grows 15" x 12" Large shrub growing to 10 to 15' wide too. Deciduous Large shrub growing to 10 to 15' wide too. Deciduous Deciduous shrub has small pink flowers in laste spring and bright red fruit in late summer. Fall color is a bright red/bronze. Initials (3) Preferred Preferred Preferred RGCSummary(5-5-15) Botanical Name Common Name Light Needs Height Type Description/Color Crocosmia Crocosmia 'Lucifer' Crocosmia Crocosmia sunny sun 24" 3' perennial perennial Crocosmia 'Lucifer' Crocosmia (Montbretia) full sun 3-4' perennial Crocosmia 'Lucifer' Crocosmia full sun to part shade 12-36" perennial Crocosmia 'Lucifer' Crocosmia sun, part su 2'-3' perennial Crocosmia 'Lucifer' Dahlia Montbretia Red Dahlia sun to part shade Sun to part shade 3' 3-4' perennial Perennial Deutzia gracilis Dwarf Deutzia Sun to partial shade 2-4' Perennial Dicentra Bleeding Hearts (native) Shade to partial sun 1' Perennial Dicentra Bleeding Heart, Native partial shade 1' Perennial orange, blooms in summer, spikey leaves, spreads easily Bright red flowers arch over green, bladelike leaves. Hummingbirds are attracted to this plant. It is also an excellent cut flower. Tall spikes with reddish-orange bloosoms on horizontally-branched stem in mid to late summer;sword-like foliage similar to gladiolus; beautiful, long-lasting cut flower; hummingbird favorite. Plant early in cool soil for best results; sometimes waits until 2nd season to bloom Abundant eye-catching, brillliantly orange, tubular flowers appear in midsummer atop bold, slightly arching, sparsely branched 3-foot-tall stems. Crocosmia's mid-green leaves are pleated and swordlike. Gorgeous red flowersatop green, swordlike foliage. This cultivar adds a tropical flair ot gardens. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Deep red flower spikes attract hummingbirds in mid-summer. Medium sized red pom pom flowers, great as a cut flower. Blooms late summer through fall. Best if dug and stored in the winter. Deciduouis shrub, white flowers in spring. Medium water. 2-4' high and wide. Native bleeding hearts, great in woodland garden. Pink heart-shaped flower atop lacy leaves. Shady, moist soil. native, pink heart shape flower in spring. Easy to grow, moist rich soil. Dicentra spectabilis Dieffenbachia Beeding Heart Dumb Cane shade Indirect 24" 2' Perennial Indoor Digitalis purpurea 'Foxy' Doronicum 'Little Leo' Dryopteris Filix-mas Dryopteris filix-mas Foxglove 'Foxy' Leopard's Bane 'Little Leo' Sword fern Native fern 4-6 hours of sun full sun to part shade shade Partial shade to shade 5′ 10-12 in 24" 18" Echinops Blue Globe Thistle part shade to full sun 1' tall spreading Biennial perennial perennial Semievergreen perennial Epimedium Bishops hat 1-1.5' Epimedium Bishop's hat Part shade to full shade Part shade to full sun Euonymus alatus Euonymus fortunei Burning Bush, Winged Euonymus Winter Creeper Euonymus fortunei Winter creeper sun Euonymus fortunei Winter creeper Euonymus full sun to part shade 1-2' shrub Euphorbia Euphorbia amygdaloides Spurge Euphorbia (wood spurge) full sun to part shade full sun to part shade 1-3" 1-3' perennial perennial Euphorbia amygdaloides 'Purpurea' Darlington's glade purple wood spurge Full sun to partial shade 12-18" Perennial Euphorbia amygdaloides var. Robbiae Full sun to part shade 12-18" Perennial Mrs. Robb's Bonnet Spurge 1-1.5' deciduous perennial perennial Full sun 15-20' Deciduous sun to partial shade 40' evergreen perennial 24" tall to 24" evergreen wide. Deep pink blossoms Has variegated evergreen folage of dark green, white. Likes bright, indirect light. In fast draining potting mix and fertillze bimonthly in spring and summer. If plant gets leggy, cut back to 6 inches. Pink or purle tubular flowers rosett shaped clump early blooming daisy, yellow flower, good edge plant deciduous, most , soil with humus. 24" tall, well drained soil Native plant, deciduous/evergreen This compact species has cobweb-like, woolly foliage. The unique spherical flowerheads appear steely blue before maturing to a brighter blue. The late summer flowers add charm of form and texture to a mixed border Purple flower Profuse starlike yellow flowers in spring. Durable groundcover with redtinted leaves. Drought tolerant once established; deer resistant; rabbit resistant Attractive, open, mounding, deciduous shrub w/ red bright foliage Ground cover or vine gloss leaves vaigated green with cream on outside small white flowers A colorful evergreen shrub, providing bright green foliage with a gold edge, turning pinkish-red in fall and winter. Spreads by creeping stems that root where they touch the ground. Dense mounding habit makes it an excellent small hedge or border plant. Gently climbs if given support, making an attractive background or foundation planting Hardy evergreen shrub; glossy green leaves with yellow margins; great for hedge; Nice contrast with other evergreens green yellow flower, evergreen Red tinged stems, matte dark green leaves with red tones underneath; mid spring to early summer Reddish to Purple-black foliage that set off the chartreuse green flowers. Leaves change color from spring to fall. Deer/rabbit resistant. Evergreen ground cover with light green spring flowers. Hardy to -10 degrees. Drought tolerant and deer resistant. Grows in poor soils. 5 of 18 Quantity Donated Pot Size 6 5 1 gal 1 gal DKL MHV 10 1 gal CEH 5 1 gal MCN 5 1 gal SJB 3 8 tuber 1 gal tuber MBF DJ 1 1 gal SzM 5 1 gal MLP 5 1 gal YSL 5 1 1 gal 1 gal SBC SzM 1 2 1 1 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal YSL WAM DKL SzM 4 1 gal SJZ 4 2 gal SAM 3 3 gal KEA 1 2 gal SCS 5 1 gal DSS 4 1 gal SJZ 3 2 gal KHL 2 4 2 gal 1 gal ZP KEM 1 1 gal MLP 2 1 gal MLP Initials (3) Preferred Preferred Preferred RGCSummary(5-5-15) 6 of 18 Quantity Donated Pot Size Green with orange brackets 4 2 gal SAM yellow flower, bush Green bronze foliage with orange brackets throughout summer A euphorbia hybrid that typically grows on upright green stems to 36-42" tall. Noted for its bright orange floral bracts. Compound cymes of inconspicuous true flowers bloom at the stem ends in late spring to early summer (June - July). Best grown in dry to medium, well-drained soils in full sun. Appreciates some afternoon shade in hot summer climates. However, clumps tend to open up and lose their attractive shape in too much shade. Must have sharply-drained soils. Wet soils, particularly in winter, can be fatal. Plants are tolerant of some poor soils, including rocky-sandy ones. Plants generally prefer a Mediterranean-type climate and may show some stress in hot and humid summers. Plants are not reliably winter hardy throughout USDA Zone 5 where they should be sited in protected locations. This hybrid is sterile. 1 5 1 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal SBC KEA SSS Herbaceous perennial A euphorbia hybrid that typically grows on upright green stems to 36-42" tall. Noted for its bright orange floral bracts. Compound cymes of inconspicuous true flowers bloom at the stem ends in late spring to early summer (June - July). Best grown in dry to medium, well-drained soils in full sun. Appreciates some afternoon shade in hot summer climates. However, clumps tend to open up and lose their attractive shape in too much shade. Must have sharply-drained soils. Wet soils, particularly in winter, can be fatal. Plants are tolerant of some poor soils, including rocky-sandy ones. Plants generally prefer a Mediterranean-type climate and may show some stress in hot and humid summers. Plants are not reliably winter hardy throughout USDA Zone 5 where they should be sited in protected locations. This hybrid is sterile. 1 2 gal SSS 6-12" 12" perennial perennial 2 2 1 gal 1 gal CAR SJB Indirect, bright indoor lighting 2-3 ' Indoor 1 1 gal SzM Queen of the Prairie sun to part shade 4' perennial green feathery foiliage with hint of red, yellow flowers in spring Evergreen perennial, light green flowers in Spring. Hardy to -10. Drought tolerant and grows in poor soils. Has dark green, leathy leaves that are bronze on the under side. Branches archgentleing when they become long. Tolerates pruning.Thrives on rich, steadily moist (not dry) soil Astible on steroids! Pink cotton-candy poufs on top of 4 ft+ stems. Slugs don't bother it. Easy to grow and spreads slowly to form a nice colony. 2 1 gal MBF Forsythia Forsythia sun to part shade 8' Shrub 1 gal MHV Forsythia Sun 10' Shrub 6 1 gal BHL Forsythia Forsythia Sun 10' Shrub 2 2 gal BHL Preferred Fragaria Fragaria ananassa Fuchsia 'Baby Ann' Strawberry Strawberry Hardy Fuchsia 'Baby Ann' sun Sun Full sun to part shade 12" 8" 2" Large shrub covered by cheerful yellow flowers in the spring. Has a natural cascading shape, but can be trimmed to any shape. Deciduous shrub to 10 feet. Bright yellow flowers in early Spring, cascades naturally can be trimmed to shape. Deciduous shrub to 10 feet. Bright yellow flowers in early Spring, cascades naturally can be trimmed to shape. June bearing Fruiting vines bear medium sweet berries till frost Single blooms with pink sepals and corolla. Upright, Grows 24″ tall 1 Forsythia 8 6 flats 6 1 gal 4" 1 gal ELH KEA SCG Preferred Fuchsia 'Genii' Hardy Fuchsia 'Genii' ful to part shade 1.5-4' perennial perennial deciduous shrub decidous shrub single, upright, tube and sepal lt pink, caorolla rose, small flowers 4 1 gal WAM Fuchsia hybrid 'Blue Eyes' Fuchsia 'Blue Eyes' sun to part shade 2.5' 4 1 gal MMM Botanical Name Common Name Light Needs Height Type Description/Color Euphorbia 'Autumn Sunset' Spurge Full Sun 2-3' Euphorbia 'Autumn Sunset' Euphorbia 'Autumn Sunset' Euphorbia 'Autumn Sunset' Spurge 'Autumn Sunset' Spurge 'Autumn Sunset' Euphorbia 'Autumn Sunset', Griffith's Spurge Part sun Full sun Full Sun 24" 2-3' 36-42" herbaceous perennial Perennial perennial Herbaceous perennial Euphorbia 'Autumn Sunset' Euphorbia 'Autumn Sunset', Griffith's Spurge Full Sun 36-42" Euphorbia cyparissias Euphorbia Robbiae 'Mrs. Robb's Bonnet' Ficus elastica Cypress spurge Spurge sun/shade sun, pt.shade Rubber Tree Plant Filipendula rubra Non-hardy deciduous shrub Very showy large doubled flowers have brilliant red sepals with violet corollas that fade to violet pink. The main flower is an inch-and-a-half long but the stamens protrude an additional inch beneath giving it a very long appearance. Upright with a somewhat trailing habit with rounded midgreen leaves that have pointed tips. NW Fuchsia Society lists as hardy, but most consider an annual in USDA hardiness zones below 9 (Seattle is 8a). Initials (3) Preferred RGCSummary(5-5-15) Botanical Name Common Name Light Needs Height Type Description/Color Fuchsia hybrid 'Curtain Call' Fuchsia 'Curtain Call' sun to part shade 2' Non-hardy deciduous shrub Fuchsia hybrid ' Dark Eyes' Fuchsia 'Dark Eyes' sun to part shade 2' Non-hardy deciduous shrub Fuchsia hybrid 'Swingtime' Fuchsia 'Swingtime' sun to part shade 2' Non-hardy deciduous shrub Fuchsia 'Swingtime' fuchsia shade 18-24" annual Galium odoratum Galium odoratum Sweet Woodruff Sweet Woodruff Shade/part shade partial or full shade 6"- 7" 8″-12″ Perennial perennial Galium odoratum Sweet woodruff part to full shade 1' perennial Galtonia candicans Geranium Summer Hyacinth Hardy Geranium full sun Partial or full sun 3-6' 6" perennial Perennial sun to part shade 2-3' perennial Double carmine corolla with sepals of carmine. Blooms in early summer to early August. NW Fuchsia Society describes as Hardy, Double, Upright, Pink/Violet, 2'. Although NWFS lists as hardy, most consider an annual in USDA hardiness zones below 9 (Seattle is 8a). Early summer to fall flowers are medium, pendant, double, with tubes and sepals upturned that are deep red with deep violet-blue corollas. Upright in form with a bushy branching habit. The leaves are mid-green. NW Fuchsia Society lists as hardy, but most consider an annual in USDA hardiness zones below 9 (Seattle is 8a). Swingtime has some of the largest double blooms (red and white) and gives lovely basket displays. It's one of the best of all large flowered fuchsias. Most sources note it as trailing, though NW Fuchsia Society calls it upright. NW Fuchsia Society lists as hardy, but most consider an annual in USDA hardiness zones below 9 (Seattle is 8a). RGC members have found this to be an annual in their Eastside yards. Beautiful plant will trail from the hanging basket with striking two-tone showy flowers of red and white. Hummingbird magnets. Listed as Hardy (H) on the NW Fuchsia Society hardy fuchsia list, but grows as an annual in RGC member's Eastside yards. Durable groundcover; Blooms white in May; Spreads vigorously clusters of small, white star-shaped blooms, foliage takes the form of whorls of lance-shaped, dark green leaves. Grows well under my fir/cedar trees Sweet woodruff is a mat-forming perennial that is most often grown as a ground cover in shady areas. It features fragrant, lance-shaped, dark green leaves in whorls of 6-8 along square stems. Small, fragrant, 4petaled, white flowers appear in loose cymes in spring. Bulb, white flowers; 2 bulbs in pot. Hardy zones 7-9 Pink blooms all summer long. Shear back in late summer for repeat bloom. Masses of soft pink flowers. sun to part sun 8" perennial Pink part sun 15-18" perennial 1' perennial 18-24" perennial Foliage emerges in early spring and large blue-violet flowers bloom from late spring through fall Carefree geranium, beautiful blue flowers bloom over a long perioud. Drought tolerant when established and attracts pollinators. Fragrant; white with burgundy center; container; blooms mid-summer until frost. Originally described as Acidanthera bicolor and is still often listed as such. Grass. Brightly variegated golden foliage with green stripes. Geranium × oxonianum 'Claridge Claridge Druce Cranesbill Druce' Geranium dalmaticum 'Bressingham Geranium Pink' Geranium x 'Johnson's Blue' Johnson's Blue Cranesbill Geranium x 'Johnson's Blue' Gladiolus murielae Hakonechloa macra 'Aureola’ Johnson's Blue Cranesbill, Hardy sun to part shade geraniam Peacock Orchid full sun sun to part shade 2-3' perennial Hebe 'Blue Clouds' Variegated Japanese Forest Grass Hebe 'Blue Clouds' full sun to part shade 2-3' perennial Hebe buxifolia Boxleaf Hebe Full sun/part shade 3' x 3' shrub Helianthus Helianthus 'Lemon Queen' Sunflower Sunflower Sun Full sun 5-6' 8' Perennial Perennial Helianthus tuberosa Jerusalem artichoke, sunchoke full sun 5'-9' perennial Helleborus Hellebore shade or part shade 12-18" perennial Evergreen glossy leaves, small light-blue flowers are bourne in spikes; Grows well in poor to moderately fertile,neutral, or alkaline ph soil, with protection from cold, drying winds White flowers late winter to early spring. Low maintenance. Average to evenly moist soil. Will not tolerate standing water. Can be rejuvenated by cutting back severely. Zones 6-9 Yellow flowers in late summer Great Plant Pick 'Lemon Queen' is a robust clumping deciduous perennial sunflower with abundant soft yellow lemon daisy-like flowers in late summer. Works well at the border's back as it grows to six to eight feet tall plus the flowers also do well for indoor arrangements. Attracts bees & butterflies. Has multiple large 4" wide bright yellow flowers on short branching stems. The tasty nutritious tubers are edible raw or cooked and will form a dense colony. Grow in containers to contain spread. White bloom changing to lime green in early spring 7 of 18 Quantity Donated Pot Size 4 1 gal MMM 4 1 gal MMM 4 1 gal MMM 2 2 gal BAK 12 10 1 gal 1 gal FMK KJT 4 1 gal MHA 2 3 2 gal 1 gal RGC YSL 1 1 gal MBF 5 1 gal ELH 3 1 gal CEH 4 1 gal MHV 5 4" 4" RGC 3 1 gal MBF 1 1 gal CEH 1 2 gal AEK Preferred 5 1 1 gal 1 gal PMM MLP Preferred 4 1 gal MHA 1 3 gal LAB Initials (3) Preferred Preferred RGCSummary(5-5-15) Quantity Donated Pot Size 3 1 gal SPH 1 3 2 gal 1 gal ZP SzM 1 4 1 gal SzM SzM 2 2 gal SzM 6 4 gal AMS orange, blooms in June Clumps of strap leaves with double orange flowers Lemon-scented lily; yellow; early bloomer Large clumps of sword shaped leaves. Wide open yellow flowers in cluster ant end of branching stems Assorted pink flowers which blooms most of the summer. Early blooming; 5.25" bloom - lavender with grape purple eyezone & intense lime green throat. Lots of blooms! Fragrant yellow 3/5" flowers with a red throat. Blooms in July. Tolerates may soil types. Dormant, hardy to zone 3 Tall orange daylilies. Very cheerful and reliable. Blooms with heavy clusters of 2-1/2 in. yellow blooms. Reblooms freely into early fall. This easy to care for plant forms neat, compact clumps 4 8 4 10 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal DKL DSS IBD JCK 6 6 1 gal 1 gal AMF EAK Botanical Name Common Name Light Needs Height Type Description/Color Helleborus 'Ivory Prince' part sun to shade 8-12" Perennial Hemerocalis Hemerocalis 'Mary Todd' Hellebore 'Ivory Prince', Christmas Rose Daylily Daylily 'Mary Todd' full sun Sun 1-2' 2' perennial Perennial Hemerocalis 'Mary Todd' Hemerocalis 'Stella de Oro' Daylily 'Mary Todd' Daylily 'Stella de Oro' Sun Sun 2 1.5' Perrineal Perennial Hemerocalis 'Stella de Oro' Daylily 'Stella de Oro' Sun 1.5' Perennial Hemerocalis 'Stella de Oro' Daylily 'Stella de Oro' part to full sun 2.5' Perennial Evergreen perennial with long lasting chartreuse to pink flowers in mid winter peach color Large, golden yellow flowers appear in July. Tolerates drought but prefers regular watering. Hybrid with large butter yellow flowers in Spring Small golden yellow flowers that will rebloom all summer starting in June especially if dead-headed. Tolerates drought but will bloom much better if regularly watered Small golden yellow flowers that will rebloom all summer starting in June especially if dead-headed. Tolerates drought but will bloom much better if regularly watered Blooms with heavy clusters of 2-1/2 in. yellow blooms. Reblooms freely into early fall. This easy to care for plant forms near, compact clumps Hemerocallis Hemerocallis Hemerocallis Hemerocallis Daylily Daylily Lemon Lily Daylily sunny Sun Sun Sun 24" 3' 2' 24" Perrenial Perrenial Perennial perremial Hemerocallis Hemerocallis 'Betty Davis Eyes' Daylily Daylily 'Bette Davis Eyes' Full Sun Sun 2' 23" perennial Perennial Hemerocallis 'Bonanza' Daylily 'Bonanza' Full sun to light shade 26" perennial Hemerocallis 'Rocket City' Hemerocallis 'Stella de Oro' Daylily 'Rocket City' Daylily 'Stella de Oro' sun partial to full sun 24" 2.5' perennial perennial Hemerocallis 'Stella de Oro' Daylily 'Stella de Oro' Sun 1.5' Perennial Heuchera Heuchera Heuchera micrantha "Purple Palace' coral bells heuchera Coral bells 'Palace Purple' sun, pt. shade, 12-18" partial shade 6" Full sun to light shade 1-2' perennial perennial Perennial Heuchera 'Obsidian' Fancy-leaf coral bells part to full shafe evergreen Heuchera with herbs in a planted box Hosta Heuchera and mixed herbs sun hosta shade, part shade 16" Hosta hosta shade, part shade 16" herbaceous perennisal Hosta Hosta Hosta hosta Part shade to shade part shade to shade 2' 2' Perennial perennial Hosta Hosta Partial shade to shade 1' Perennial Hosta Hosta Hosta Hosta part shade part shade perrenial perrenial 10-23" 12-18" 8-12" annual & perennial herbaceous perennisal 8 of 18 Initials (3) Preferred 10 1 gal AEK 2 3 2 gal 1 gal CMJ SJZ Small golden yellow flowers that will rebloom all summer starting in June especially if deadheaded. Tolerates drought but will bloom much better with regular water. Grown for foliage, flowers attract hummingbirds burgundy leaves Perennial keeps its brownish red to purple color year round tiny white early summer flowers on long stalks, excellent for containers. Normal to moist soil. Butterfly attractor. As a group, the Hybrid Coral Bells offer the gardener a tremendous new range of foliage colours, especially for shady areas. This selection is a seed cross of 'obsidian' with another Heuchera to produce a unique plant, which forms a mound of large, smooth jet-black leaves. Sprays of creamy flowers appear in June. Foliage should not be trimmed back in the fall, but plants may be tidied up in spring by removing any withered or tired-looking leaves. planted box with herbs and heuchera 13 1 gal DJ 2 2 1 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal SJB NRS MLP 1 1 gal MCN 1 box CAR This plant will brighten up the shady spot in your garden with its creamy white margins on a sturdy green leaf. Hummingbirds are attracted to its violet flowers. This plant will brighten up the shady spot in your garden with its creamy white margins on a sturdy green leaf. Hummingbirds are attracted to its violet flowers. Varigated leaves Beautiful, heart shaped foliage with creamy-white accents brightens up the shady areas in the garden. Water weekly during dry seasons. White and green leaves with tiny cluster of purple flowers in summer. Protect from slugs Bright Green, medium hosta Green with thick leaves, medium hosta 5 2 gal MHV 4 1 gal MHV 3 5 1 gal 1 gal PMM SJB 1 2 gal SzM 10 8 1 gal 1 gal SCS SCS RGCSummary(5-5-15) Botanical Name Common Name Light Needs Height Type Hosta Hosta Hosta Hosta Hosta hosta ‘ hosta Hosta Hosta Hosta part shade Part shade mostly shade mostly shade Shade to part shade 24" 24″ 15" 15" 18" perennial perennial perennial perennial Perennial Hosta Hosta 'Albomarginata' Hosta Hosta 'Albomarginata' Partial shade 2' shade or partial shade 13-24" Perennial perennial Hosta 'Albomarginata' Hosta 'Albomarginata' shade or partial shade 13-24" perennial Hosta 'August Moon' Hosta 'August Moon' part sun or shade perennial Hosta 'Big Daddy' Hosta 'Big Daddy' Shade 36" Perennial Hosta 'Big Daddy' Hosta 'Big Daddy' Shade 36" Perennial Hosta 'Blue Moon' Hosta 'Blue Moon' part shade 6-9" Perennial Hosta 'Bressingham Blue' Hosta 'Fortunei' Hosta 'Bressingham Blue' Hosta 'Fortunei' shade to part shade part sun or shade 2' 13-24" perennial perennial Hosta 'Francee' Hosta 'Francee' Hosta 'Francee' Hosta 'Francee' part shade Full Sun/Part Shade 24" 14" perennial Perennial Hosta 'Francee' Hosta 'Francee' Hosta 'Francee' Hosta 'Francee' Hosta 'Gold Standard' Hosta ' Grand Tiara' Hosta 'Francee' Hosta 'Francee' Hosta 'Francee' Hosta 'Francee' Hosta 'Gold Standard' Hosta 'Grand Tiara' Part shade Part shade part shade Shade shade to part shade part to full shade 24" 24" 24" 2' 18" 20" Perennial Perennial perennial perennial perennial perennial Hosta 'Grand Tiara' Hosta 'Grand Tiara' Part Shade 20" Perennial Hosta 'Grand Tiara' Hosta 'Grand Tiara' Hosta 'Grand Tiara' Hosta 'Grand Tiara' Hosta 'Grand Tiara' Hosta 'Grand Tiara' Part shade Part shade part shade 20" 20" 20" Perennial Perennial perennial Hosta 'Grand Tiara' Hosta "Grand Tiara" part shade 20" perennial Hosta 'June' Hosta 'June' Partial shade to shade 1' Perrineal Hosta 'June' Hosta 'June' Partial shade to shade 1' Perrineal Hosta 'June' Hosta 'Royal Standard' Hosta 'June' Hosta 'Royal Standard' partial shade part sun or shade 6" 13-24" perennial perennial Hosta sieboldian Hosta sieboldian Hosta sieboldiana 'Elegans' Hosta Hosta Hosta 'Elegans' light to full shade light to full shade Partial to full shade 3' 3' 2-3' x 3-4' perennial perennial perennial Hosta 'Sum & Substance' Hosta 'Sum and Substance' Shade to partial shade 3' 13-24" Perennial 9 of 18 Quantity Donated Pot Size 1 6 9 2 5 3 gal 1 gal 1 gal 2 gal 1 gal NRS NRS ZP ZP DJ 1 1 1 gal 2 gal BHL LAB Very hardy, green with white edges. Blooms in July/Aug. Remove spent blooms. Prefers well-drained soil. Avoid planting in late afternoon sun. 4 3 gal LAB Medium green center with yellow edges, bloom in July/August. Remove spent blooms. Prefers well-drained soil. Avoid planting in late afternoon sun. Large blue with large deeply quilted heart-shaped leaves. Bell shaped white flowers in early summer. To 36" wide too. Large blue with large deeply quilted heart-shaped leaves. Bell shaped white flowers in early summer. To 36" wide too. Mound of flat heart-shaped blue-green leaves; white bell shaped flowers in Jul-Aug. 9"- 12" tall too. Large silvery blue leaves Dark green with yellow edge leaves. Mauve colored flowers that bloom in July/August. Remove spent blooms. Dark Green leaf with cream border; light purple scape Rapid growth, Spread of 36", Average water needs, blooms Mid to Late summer; Purple scapes, container, woodland, shade. Hardiness Zone 39 Dark Green leaf with cream border;light purple scape Dark Green leaf with cream border;light purple scape Dark Green leaf with cream border; light purple scape Grown for it's varigated leaf. lime green with dark green edges Bright green center with chartreuse rim oval leaves with a purple scape that reaches 30”; attracts humminbirds Bright green center with chartreuse rim, oval leaves with a purple scape that reaches 30"; attracts hummingbirds Green center, chartreuse rim Green center, chartreuse rim Bright green center with chartreuse rim oval leaves with a purple scape 1 1 gal LAB 2 2 gal EAK 3 1 gal EAK 3 1 gal EAK 1 1 1 gal 1 gal MBF LAB 9 4 1 gal 1 gal JAB AEK 8 13 13 4 3 4 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal MSZ KLH PSG AMF MBF SJZ 4 1 gal MSZ 5 1 1 1 gal 2 gal 1 gal SBC SBC JAB 1 1 gal PSG 1 1 gal SzM Description/Color Dark Green leaf with cream border; light purple scape well - drained soil well - drained soil Lush green foliage with white edges. They do well in rich moist soil. Bait for slugs. Variegated leaves with purple flowers in early summer Very hardy, green with white edges. Blooms in July/Aug. Remove spent blooms. Prefers well-drained soil. Avoid planting in late afternoon sun. that reaches 30”; attracts humminbirds Bright green center with chartreuse rim oval leaves with a purple scape that reaches 30”; attracts humminbirds Highly prized, multi-colored green to cream leaves. Very striking pattern. Protect from slugs Highly prized, multi-colored green to cream leaves. Very striking pattern. Protect from slugs variegated- lime green/green leaves Medium green leaves. Blooms in July/Aug. Remove spent blooms. Prefers well-drained soil. Avoid planting in late afternoon sun. blue-green foliage blue-green foliage Large heart shaped, thick textured, corrugated, surface cupped, bluegreen leaves. Blooms May to July, mostly white with lavender tinge. Slow grower. Tolerates heavy shade, Black Walnut. Zones 4 - 9 Great Plant Pick. Hosta with great goldish colored leaves. Grow in moist but well-drained, fertile soil. Shade tolerant. Grows best with full morning sun. Tolerates drought, but a summer mulch is beneficial. Initials (3) Preferred 2 2 gal SzM 1 1 1 gal 1 gal NRS LAB 2 4 3 1 gal 2 gal 2 gal ELH ELH AEK 1 1 gal MLP Preferred RGCSummary(5-5-15) 10 of 18 Quantity Donated Pot Size Dark Green with white edges Chameleon plant lives up to its name, with red and yellow variegated heart-shaped green leaves. Its scrambling growth habit may overwhelm its neighboring plants, so grow chameleon plant in a window box or a hanging basket, where its growth can more easily be controlled. 5 3 1 gal 1 gal MBF SCG Vine. Ornamental, does not set seed, flowers are sterile, propagate by dividing rootball. Great as a privacy screen.use vine for wreaths in winter. 3 1 gal CAR Preferred 1 5 gal LAB Preferred 2 2 gal SPH Preferred 9 1 gal BAK Preferred 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 gal 1 gal 20 gal 10 gal 2 gal 2 gal EAK EAK SBC CWH DSS NRS Preferred 2 1 gal LAB 4 1 gal LAB Botanical Name Common Name Light Needs Height Type Description/Color Hosta 'Wide Brim' Houttuynia cordata Hosta 'Wide Brim' Chameleon Plant shade to part shade Full sun to part shade 18" 6-12" perennial perennial Humulus lupulus 'Aureus' Golden hops Full sun 15-20' perrenial Hydrangea Oakleaf Hydrangea Shade to partial shade 3'-5' Hydrangea macrophylla normalis lacecap hydrangea sun, part shade, shade 6' Beautiful cone shaped blooms, white turning turning pink. Leaves turn red/orange in fall. Can take more drought than other hydrangeas. Deciduous vine Vigorous, climbing vine, clings to surfaces by aerial rootlets. Slowgrowing shrubby habit until established, then long stems are produced. Magnificent lace cap form blooms. Deciduous. deciduous In summer huge rounded flower heads appear and mature to a gleaming shrub cream and white. As the flowers age in late summer they turn a glowing pale lime green. It is a very easy shrub to grow and will reliably flower every year. Shrub Lovely flowering shrub - typically blue in our soil. Best in morning sun Shrub Lovely flowering shrub - typically blue in our soil. Best in morning sun shrub Blue mophead flowers Shrub Medium shrub Blue flowers shrub Large glossy leaves with large balls of blue flowers deciduous white mophead; blooms in July,can be pink or light green shrub shrub Long lasting large blue mophead with black stems (Nigra) blossoms in mid summer lasting into fall. Prefer moist well-drained soil. Prefer morning sun. shrub long lasting lacecap blossoms in mid summer. Blue flowers in acidic soil turning pink in alkaline. Prefer moist well-drained soil. shrub Long lasting blossom in mid summer. White flowers turning pink. Prefers moist well-drained soil. Prefers morning sun. shrub Long lasting large blue mophead blossoms in mid summer lasting into fall. Prefer moist well-drained soil. Prefer morning sun. shrub Blooms July - August blue flowers in acid soil and pink flowers in alkaline soil. Showy flowers at maturity. shrub This shrub grows 6' tall x 4' wide with large, lovely blooms all summer. Hydrangea paniculata Hydrangea Shade to partial shade 3'-5' shrub Long lasting cone shaped blossoms in mid summer. White flowers that turn pink in late summer. Prefers morning sun and well drained soil. 4 1 gal LAB Hypericum androsacum sun 2-3' 5 1 gal NRS sun 2-3' yelow flowers, black berry in fall & winter 1 2 gal NRS sun to partial shade Light shade 4' 18-24" deciduous shrub deciduous shrub Perrenial Perennial yellow flowers, black berry in fall & winter Hypericum perforatum Impatiens omeiana St.John’s wort bush, Tutsan, Sweet Amber St.John’s wort bush, Tutsan, Sweet Amber St. Johns Wart Busy Lizzy Medicinal herb for depression green oblong leaves with yellow flowers Striking leaves with small yellow flowers requires consistently moist soil 2 3 2 gal 1 gal DSS PMM Impatiens omeiana Busy Lizzy Light shade 18-24" Perennial 9 1 gal JDN Iris confusia Iris sun/part shade 2' Perennial 3 1 gal CWH Iris germanica 'Mexican Holiday' Bearded Iris 'Mexican Holiday' Sun 3' Perennial 1 1 gal JDN Iris x louisana 'Black Gamecock' Louisiana water iris Full sun to part shade 3' x 3' perennial Striking variegated leaves with small yellow flowers require consistently moist soil or they tend to faint. Trust me, you'll understand what I mean come August. Bamboo Iris from China tall perfumed flower spikes simila to orchid flowers. Hardy to zone 9 It's called 'Mexican Holiday' for a reason! Plentiful and striking gold and maroon blossoms in May/June. Requires only average moisture and drought tolerant once established. Thrives in excessive water and reasonable fertile soil. Near black with golden throat 5" blooms early summer. Spreads by rhizomes. Zones 4 9. 10 1 gal AEK Hydrangea anomala ssp. Petiolaris Climbing Hydrangea Full sun to part shade 50-80' Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’ mophead hydrangea full sun, light shade 5' Hydrangea macrophylla Hydrangea macrophylla Hydrangea macrophylla Hydrangea macrophylla Hydrangea macrophylla Hydrangea macrophylla Hydrangea Hydrangea Mophead hydrangea Summer Beauty Mop head hydrangea mophead hydrangea Sun to part Shade Sun to part Shade sun to part shade part shade sun to partial shade partial sun 4-6' 4-6' 4' 5' 6' approx 6' Hydrangea macrophylla Mophead Hydrangea Shade to partial shade 3'-5' Hydrangea macrophylla Lacecap Hydrangea Shade to partial shade 3'-5' Hydrangea macrophylla Hydrangea Shade to partial shade 3'-5' Hydrangea macrophylla ' Nikko Blue' Mophead Hydrangea 'Nikko Blue' Shade to partial shade 3'-5' Hydrangea macrophylla 'Nikko Blue' Mophead Hydrangea 'Nikko Blue' Sun to part shade Hypericum androsacum 4-6' shrub Initials (3) Preferred 3 1 gal LAB 11 1 gal LAB 1 1 gal DJ 3 5gal MHV Preferred Preferred Preferred Preferred Preferred Preferred RGCSummary(5-5-15) 11 of 18 Quantity Donated Pot Size 5 5 2 1 gal 1 gal 2 gal IBD DKL SzM perennial All yellow, bearded, rhizomatous late spring, early summer blooms; purple flowers, drained soil Has beautiful flat, 3 inch purple flowers in June. Spiky, upright foliage starts to appear in April, blooming in June. Easy to grow Bulb, red flowers; 2 bulbs in pot. Hardiness zones 7-10, mulch in winter. 2 2 gal RGC perennial Bulb, pink flowers; 2 bulbs in pot. Hardiness zones 7-10 mulch in winter. 2 2 gal RGC Upright, arching deciduous shrub with bright green stems in winter. Double yellow flowers in spring (flowers will fade in full sun). Drought tolerant. Deep red pinchusion flowers resembling scabiosa Red orange yellow flower, long cylindrical flower clusters in bold shapes in thick stems Groundcover with unusually large, deep-purple snap-dragon type flowers makes a dynamic display over silvery foliage. Excellent, reliable choice for brightening dull shaded areas. Even grows well in dry shade. 2 3 gal MLP 3 2 1 gal 1 gal CMJ ZP 1 1 gal MMM 1 1 gal MMM 1 1 1 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal NRS NRS MLP 2 1 gal MMM 10 2 1 gal 1 gal IBD KJT 4 1 gal KEA 2 2 gal KHL 2 1 gal JDN 1 1 1 gal 1 gal ZP SzM 1 5 gal SzM 1 1 gal SJB 10 2 1 gal 1 gal NRS MBF Botanical Name Common Name Light Needs Height Type Description/Color Iris , Bearded Iris, Japanese Iris, Japanese Bearded Iris Japanese iris Japanese Iris Sun sunny Sun 2' 2' 3-3.5' Perennial perennial Perennial Ixia African Corn Lily full sun 12-18" Ixia African Corn Lily full sun 12-18" Kerria japonica Japanese Kerria or Japanese Rose Part shade to shade 3-6' tall, 6-9' Deciduous wide Shrub Knautia macedonia Kniphofia knautia Red-hot Poker full sun full sun 18-24" 2-4' perennial perennial Lamium maculatum 'Purple Dragon' Dead Nettle 'Purple Dragon' full to partial shade 4-8" perrenial Lamium maculatum 'Roseum' Dead Nettle 'Roseum' full to partial shade 4-8" perrenial Lavandula angustifolia Lavandula angustifolia Leucanthemum English lavender English lavender Shasta daisy 'Becky' sun sun Full sun 1-2' 1-2' 2' shrub shrub Perennial Levisticum officinale Lovage sun to part shade 3-4' perrenial Liatris Ligularia dentata 'Othello' Gayfeathers Ligularia Sun full sun or partial shade 2' 3-4' Perennial perennial Ligularia stenocephala 'The Rocket' Rocket Ligularia part sun 5-6' perennial Ligustrum x vicaryi Golden Vicary Privet full sun 4-5' shrub Lilium asiatica 'Lollypop' Asiatic Lily 'Lollypop' Sun to part shade 12-18" Perennial Linaria purpurea Lonicera japonica 'Lemon' Purple Toadflax Variaged boxwood, Japanese Honeysuckle full sun Sun 1-2' 3' perennial Shrub Lonicera japonica 'Lemon' Variaged boxwood, Japanese Honeysuckle Sun 3' Shrub Lornicera japonica honeysuckle sun to shade 13' deciduous lris douglasiana Lychnis coronaria Pacific Coast Iris Rose Campion sun sun to part shade 1.5' 2-3' perennial perennial Groundcover. A low growing perennial that makes an attractive ground cover for shady areas. The foliage is bright green with white markings, and in summer, short spikes of purple flowers. It likes a moist, well drained soil in partial or deep shade. In mild winters, foliage will remain all winter. white flowers lavender flowers White daisy flower, dark green leaves, blooms in summer. Drought tolerant and deer resistant. Tall, leafy perrenial herb that smells like celery. Long cultivated in Europe, the leaves being used as an herb, the roots as a vegetable, and the seeds as a spice, especially in southern European cuisine. It brings fresh taste to soups, beans, fish, tomato sauces, pickles, etc. Lovely purple feather flower Plants form a clump of large, rounded dark-green leaves with a purple backside. Taller stems appear in June, bearing clusters of bright golden orange daisy flowers. Needs a moist location. Slugs can be troublesome. A big, bold specimen perennial that produces a mound of large, toothed foliage. Large spikes of lemony yellow flowers on purplish stems are carried above the heart-shaped foliage in mid-summer. Performs at its best when planted in cool, wet areas. Hardy upright deciduous shrub. Bright golden foliage lasting all season. Fall foliage takes on a purple-red tone in fall. Purple berry in winter. Nice contrast with evergreens. Strong stems bear blooms with white petals tipped with rose pink for weeks and weeks in early summer. Also multiplies readily. What more could you ask for? Purple flower, easy care, selfseeds Has small, variated cream & green oval leaves on an arching stem. Evergreen-semi-evergreen depending on winter temperatures. Can appear untidy but pruns easily into a mound. Moderate water Has small, variated cream & green oval leaves on an arching stem. Evergreen-semi-evergreen depending on winter temperatures. Can appear untidy but pruns easily into a mound. Moderate water Deciduous vine with yellow flowers with pink blush in the bloom. Attracts pollinators, and drought tolerant when established. white or lavender flowers. Native. Silver foliage with neon pink flowers - self seeds freely Initials (3) Preferred Preferred Preferred Preferred Preferred Preferred Preferred RGCSummary(5-5-15) Botanical Name Common Name Light Needs Height Type Description/Color Lysimachia ciliata ‘Firecracker’ Hairy Loosestrife sun to part shade 3' perennial Lysimachia nummularia Creeping Jenny Sun to shade 4-6" Perennial Lysimachia nummularia Creeping Jenny Full sun to part shade 6" perennial Lysimachia nummularia Creeping Jenny Part shade 2" Perennial In midsummer, clusters of small yellow star-shaped flowers contrast with dark burgundy leaves. Plant with Crocosmia 'Lucifer' for a spectacular show. Thrives in damp damp soil. Ground cover. Lovely lime green leaves appear year-round. It makes a nice ground cover in difficult places to grown plants, like under trees. Also great in pots as it will trail. Easy to grow. Creeping jenny plant, also known as moneywort or Lysimachia , is an evergreen perennial plant belonging to the Primulaceae family. Creeping jenny, this low-growing plant thrives in USDA zones 2 to 10. Creeping jenny is a ground cover that works well in rock gardens, between stepping stones, around ponds, in container plantings or for covering hard to grow areas in the landscape. Vigorous ground cover with rounded lime green leaves and cup-shaped yellow flowers in spring. Spreads rapidly and indefinitely by stem-rooting. Lysimachia punctate Macleaya microcarpa Macleya cordata Mahonia aquifolium Yellow Loosestrife Plume Poppy Plume Poppy Oregon Grape Sun Sun to part shade sun to part shade shade 3' 4-6' 8-10' 3'-6' Mahonia berberidaceae Oregon Grape 3' Mahonia berberidaceae Oregon Grape 3' Shrub Meconopsis cambric Melissa officinalis Melissa officinalis Welsh Poppy Lemon Balm Lemon Balm Full sun or partial shade Full sun or partial shade Shade Sun Sun-partial shade Perennial Perennial Perennial evergreen shrub Shrub 12" 2' 1-2' Perennial Perennial perennial Melissa officinalis Melissa officinalis Lemon Balm Lemon Balm Partial or full sun full sun to part shade 2' 2-4' Perennial Perennial Mentha x piperita Peppermint full sun 2-3' perennial Millium effusum 'Aureum' Bowles Golden Grass Shade to partial sun 2-3' Miscanthus sinensis Miscanthus sinensis 'Variegatus' Monarda Fountain Grass Variegated Miscanthus Grass Bee Balm Sun Full sun Sun to partial shade 4' 3-5' 4' semievergreen perennial Perennial Prennial Perennial Monarda Bee Balm sun to part shade 2-3' perennial Monarda didyma Nandina domestica Crimson Bee Balm sacred bamboo Sun full sun or part shade 4 feet 2-3' Perennial shrub Nepeta cataria Nepeta x faassenii 'Limelight' Catmint, Catnip Limelight catmint Sun Full sun 12" perennial Perennial Nerine Bowdeni Ocimum basilicum 'Emily' Ocimum basilicum 'Genovese' Cape Flower basil basil full sun Full sun Full sun 20" 8" 1' perennial annual annual 12-18" Blooms yellow June Yellow plume; lovely leaves Large back of the border plant grey leaves/pinky spike flowers bush groundcover, yellow flower, blue berries. Drough tolerant. Great plant for under dry evergreen trees. NW native. Native. Grow in moist well-drained soil. Nice foliage, flowers and produces decorative fruit. Native. Grow in moist well-drained soil. Nice foliage, flowers and produces decorative fruit. Blooms yellow April - June Herb, many uses, source of citronella, lemony flavor Herb, highly aromatic, citrus-like foliage. Fresh leaves are medium green and toothed, resembling mint. Adds a tang to salads, marinades, beverages and vinegar. Likes well drained moist environment. Easy to grow one 4-9 herb often used to treat anxiety and sress Lemon-scented, bright green-leafed, clumping herb with small white flowers in summer; spreads easily; many medicimal and culinary uses Herb, aromatic foliage has a classic mint flaver. Use in potpourri or tea. 12 of 18 Quantity Donated Pot Size 3 1 gal MBF 2 1 gal SzM 1 1 gal SCG 3 1 gal KHL 4 2 2 2 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal EWH IBD CWH MCN 1 5 gal LAB Initials (3) Preferred 1 1 gal LAB 4 2 1 1 gal 1gal 1 gal EWH BHL KJT 3 5 1 gal 1 gal YSL CEH 3 1 gal KJT Ornamental Grass. Compact golden-colored grass that resembles corn leaves with tall seedheads. Can take wet, heavy soil. 2 1 gal MLP Blooms pink to white in August Variegated ornamental grass Brushy red flowers on long, thick stems bloom in August. Attracts hummingbirds, bees and butterflies. Easy to grow. Will tolerate drought 6 2 2 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal EWH YSL SzM Tall red flower which blooms most of the summer. Attracts bees and hummingbirds. Blooms crimson June very prunable, has red berries, grows fast, use mulch, face South or West yellow flowers, spreads easily Icy lime-green foliage sprinkled with blue flowers all summer long. Extremely low habit Herbaceous bulbous perennial. pink flowers; 2 bulbs in pot Smalll leafed herb Classic large leaf Italian herb 4 1 gal AMF 5 1 1 gal 2 gal EWH DKL 3 2 1 gal 1 gal DKL SPH 2 6 4" 10 2 gal 4" 1 gal RGC KEA KEA Preferred Preferred RGCSummary(5-5-15) 13 of 18 Quantity Donated Pot Size Native Indian Plum or Oso Berry is one of the heralds of spring in the woods west of the Cascades: this small tree / multi-stemmed shrub is a common understory plant in open forests, its small racemes of white flowers appearing anywhere from February to April, and will likewise be one of the first specimens to bloom in your garden. The bitter-tasting fruit occurs in ovoid drupes up to 0.5 inches (1.3 cm) long, orange or yellow when young but blue-black when mature; borne on a red stem. 2 1 gal SSS Deciduous shrub Native Indian Plum or Oso Berry is one of the heralds of spring in the woods west of the Cascades: this small tree / multi-stemmed shrub is a common understory plant in open forests, its small racemes of white flowers appearing anywhere from February to April, and will likewise be one of the first specimens to bloom in your garden. The bitter-tasting fruit occurs in ovoid drupes up to 0.5 inches (1.3 cm) long, orange or yellow when young but blue-black when mature; borne on a red stem. 1 3 gal SSS 10' Shrub 1 1 gal BHL Sun or partial shade 10' Shrub 1 5 gal BHL Mondo grass partial to full sun 6-12" evergreen 2 1 gal SJZ Black Mondo Grass Full sun to part shade 6-12" evergreen perennial 10 1 gal AEK Ophiopogon planiscapes 'Nigrescens Black Mondo Grass Full sun to part shade 6" perennial 9 1 gal SCG Ophiopogon planiscapus Black Mondo Grass Sun to part shade 8" 10 1 gal JAB Ophiopogon planiscapus Ophiopogon planiscapus Ophiopogon planiscapus Black Mondo Grass Black Mondo Grass Black Mondo Grass full sun to part shade full sun to part shade Sun to part shade 8" 8" 8" Black, leaves and pink blossons in summer; great contrast in borders Black leaves and pink blossons in summer; great contrast in borders Black leaves and pink blossom in summer; great contrast in borders 8 10 10 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal MSZ KLH PSG Ophiopogon planiscapus Black Mondo Grass Sun to part shade 8" Black leaves and pink blossoms in summer, great contrast in borders. 5 2 gal AMS Ophiopogon planiscapus Ophiopogon planiscapus ‘Nigrescens’ Black Mondo Grass black mondo grass part sun full sun - deep shade 6-8" 6" evergreen perennial Perennial Perennial evergreen perennial evergreen perennial perennial evergreen NATIVE. Beautiful early white flower clusters, becoming small blue fruit. Bright green leaves, bird favorite. NATIVE. Beautiful early white flower clusters, becoming small blue fruit. Bright green leaves, bird favorite. Attractive clumps of stemless dark green grass-like leaves make a beautiful small-scale groundcover or low border. Tiny spikes of lilac flowers appear in summer. This care-free, easy to grow perennial is ideal for adding texture to the garden. Moderate grower. Bell shaped pink flowers, blusih-black berries,evergreen slowly spreading in rich, humusy, medium moisture, wells drained soil. Prefers consistent moisture. Hardy zones 6-9. Bell shaped pink flowers, blusih-black berries,evergreen slowly spreading in rich, humusy, medium moisture, wells drained soil. Prefers consistent moisture. Hardy zones 6-9. Black leaves and pink blossom in summer; great contrast in borders 7 10 1 gal 1 gal WAM BAK Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Nigrescens' Black Mondo grass partial to full sun 5-6" evergreen perennial 8 1 gal SJZ Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Nigrescens' Ophiopogon planiscapus Oreganum Black Mondo Grass shade 8" Perennial Dense, purplish, black foliage, dark berries in fall, lavender flowers Its extraordinary strap-like leaves are near-black and arch gently above the ground. Small mauve flowers appear among its leaves in late summer and develop into black fruits that persist through winter. Stunning contrast for the front of the border! Dense, purplish-black, grass like foliage is exceptional. Produces dark lavender flowers and purple fall berries, adding interest. Use in mass as an edging or tuck into mixed containers. Lavender-pink flowers in Summer. Slow growing. Spreading clumps. Black leaves, pink blossoms in summer 5 1 gal SBC Black Mondo Grass Japanese Blood Grass sun sun-part shade 3-6" 2' perennial Grass 1 6 1 gal ZP SzM Oreganum Oregano Sun to partial shade 6-8" 2 1 gal SzM Origanum aureum Golden Oregano full sun 4-6″ summer bloom Striking red tipped blades that start appearing in April. Slow growing clump that is easy to maintain. Will grow in dry areas Perennial herb Has tiny varigated leaves growing all alone stem. Evergreen. Used for ground cover or as herb. Perennial Herb. Golden leaves, Pink/purple blooms; hardy, spreads less vigorously 3 1 gal YSL Origanum vulgare Oregano full sun 1' Perennial 2 1 gal YSL Type Description/Color mix of sun/shade, or all 15' day dappled sun Deciduous shrub Indian Plum; Oso Berry mix of sun/shade, or all 15' day dappled sun Oemleria cerasiformis Indian Plum Sun or partial shade Oemleria cerasiformis Indian Plum Ophiopogon japonicus Ophiopogon planiscapes 'Nigrescens' Botanical Name Common Name Light Needs Oemleria cerasiformis Indian Plum; Oso Berry Oemleria cerasiformis Height Herb. Pink/purple/white blooms; hardy Initials (3) Preferred Preferred Preferred RGCSummary(5-5-15) Quantity Donated Pot Size This fragrant herb is a robust creeper with tiny golden, rounded leaves 1/2 to 1 inch wide. Small, pink or lavender to purple flowers stand out above the foliage in early to late summer. 1 1 gal MHA spreads easily, white flowers, good in shady areas 5 1 gal DKL Beautiful shrub-like foliage; large magenta flowers in May Beautiful shrub-like foliage; large pink flowers in May 3 1 1 gal 1 gal FMK FMK THE classic peony! 'Kansas' has been around since 1940 and is considered by many to be the finest of the double red peonies. Large, dark pink to crimson blooms in May/June Bright single red flowers bloom in May. APS Gold Medal winner decades ago. Has stong stems and does not need staking. Thrive in sunny, well drained soil in a wide range of soil types, but prefers rich organic matter. 1 3 gal JDN 1 3 gal SzM Soft pink, double that blooms in May-June. Thrive in sunny, well drained soilin a wide range of soil types, but prefers rich organic matter. May need staking as big flowers tend to fall over. Red flowers red flowers Pinkish-red spikes bloom in mid summer, long lasting color. Likes moist soil but will tolerate dry soil as well. Variegated burgundy, chevron pointy leaves with small white flowers. Average water needs and do not overwater. Giant leaves to 32", Flower before leaves. Round leaves on tall stalks add interest to the shade garden. Spreads quickly in moist shady areas. Large arrow shaped leaves, yellow flowers, drought tolerant Grey leaves and yellow flowers Grey leaves and yellow flowers Olive green leaves, yellow flowers; blooms spring/summer Grey leaves and yellow flowers Velvety flower spike, yellow June- September Shrubby mound of silver grey leaves - spikes of yellow flowers Tall stems of these Mediterranean natives are set with widely-spaced, hooded yellow flowers. Moisture-conserving thick, typically furry or hairy leaves are lance-shaped. fragrant light pink flowers on long stems Tall clumping perennial with pink flowers in mid summer Pink flowers Easy to grow summer bloomer. Fragrant, small,showy hot pink flower clusters. Attracts hummingbirds/butterflies. Great for back of border and cut flowers. Blooms lavender in August David' is a white Phlox that is extremely free flowering, maintaining a very full and display from mid-July well into September. Spicy vanilla-clove perfume. 2009 perennial of the year. Has narrow 2-5 inch long leaves tapering to a slender point along stems. In summer has fragrant 1 inch white flowers in large, dome-shaped cluster. Do not crowd plant to avoid mildew. Frangrant, white flowers grow on green stalky foliage. Good for back border of sunny garden. Ground cover. Carpet of pale lilac flowers in spring. Evergreen. Prefers well-drained soil. Ground cover. Carpet of pale lilac flowers in spring. Evergreen. Prefers well-drained soil. Passion/black leves and stem orange flowers 1 2 gal SzM 10 2 3 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal ELH YSL LAB 1 1 gal MLP 5 8 1 gal 1 gal YSL MHA 2 4 2 11 2 3 2 4 1 gal 1 gal 2 gal 1 gal 1 gal 1gal 1 gal 1 gal BHL SAM SAM KEM SCG ZP SBC SSS 2 4 3 2 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal ZP SPH CWH MLP 6 4 1 gal 1 gal EWH BAK 4 1 gal SzM 3 1 gal DJ 1 1 gal CMJ 3 1 gal MCN 1 1 gal CWH Botanical Name Common Name Light Needs Height Type Description/Color Origanum vulgare 'Aureum’ Golden oregano full sun 1-3' perennial Pachysandra Japanese spurge shade 4" Sun/part shade Sun/part shade 2.5 ' 2.5' evergreen perennial Perennial Perennial Paeonia lactaflora Peony, variety unknown Paeonia lactaflora 'Sarah Bernhardt' Peony Paeonia lactiflora 'Kansas' Peony 'Kansas' Sun 3-4' Perennial Peony "Burma Ruby" Herbaceous Peony Sun 3' Perennial Peony 'Martha Washington' Intersectional Peony (herbaceous Sun x tree) 3-4' Perennial Persacaria Persicaria macrophylla Persicaria macrophylla Knotweed Red Knotweed Red knotweed 3' 3-4' 24-36" perennial Perennial perennial Persicaria microcephala 'Red Dragon' Petasites Petasites japonicus Knotweed sun to part sun Partial or full sun Full sun or partial shade Shade 12-18" Perennial Butterbur Sweet coltsfoot, fuki Partial or full shade part to full shade 2' 24" Perennial perennial Phlomas tuberosa Phlomis Phlomis Phlomis Phlomis Phlomis fruticosa Phlomis fruticosa Phlomis fruticosa Jerusalem Sage Jerusalem Sage Jerusalem Sage Phlomis Jerusalem Sage Jerusalem Sage Jerusalem Sage Jerusalem Sage Sun Full sun Full sun sun or shade Full sun full sun Sun Full sun 2-3' 4' 4' 1-2' 4' 2-3' 35" 4' Perennial perennial perennial perennial perennial perennial Perennial Perennial Phlox Phlox arendsii Phlox paniculata Phlox paniculata Phlox upright phlox Phlox Tall garden phlox part sun, sun Full sun Sun Full sun to part shade 2-3' 24-36" 2' 3 - 4' perennial Perennial Perennial Perennial Phlox paniculata Phlox paniculata 'David' Phlox garden phlox Sun to part shade full sun 3 40" Perennial perennial Phlox paniculata 'David' Summer Phlox Sun 3-5' Perennial Phlox paniculata 'David' Garden Phlox Full sun 3-4' Perennial Phlox sublata Creeping Phlox, Moss Phlox sun 3" perennial Phlox sublata Creeping Phlox, Moss Phlox sun 3" perennial Phygelius Cape Fuchsia sun 3' Shrub 14 of 18 Initials (3) Preferred RGCSummary(5-5-15) Quantity Donated Pot Size 3 1 1 gal 1 gal CWH CEH 1 1 gal MLP 1 1 gal MCN 5 1 gal CMJ 3 3 2 2 4 6 10 3 1 2 4 18 1 gal 1 gal 2 gal 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal 3 gal 5 gal 1 gal 1 gal DSS JCK JCK ZP DKL CMJ JCK MCN YSL LAB CWH SSS Early spring bloomer with yellow/red flowers. Prefers moist, shady site. 5 1 gal MLP shiny green leaves NATIVE Dominant forest species, conifer. Clump forming. Unusual leaves spotted white or silver. Blooms blue in late winter or early spring. Likes moist soil. Small blue flowers appear starting in early April on spotted green follage. Will rebloom if cut back until frost. Grown for foliage White ranunculus flower appear in March-April. Leaves are heart shaped. Likes moist, rich well-drained soil but drought tolereant in summer 2 1 1 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal ELH BHL LAB 3 1 gal SzM 1 1 gal SzM Bright yellow ranunculus flower with green center; appear in March-April. Leaves are heart shaped, varigated with purple markings. Likes moist, rich well-drained soil but drought tolereant in summer Fall Blooming pink and white; some fragrance White and pink; some fragrance Vegetable, only the stems should be eaten Edible tart stalks raw or excellent in pie. Large crinkled leaves on stalks provide interest and texture in the landscape You might think it's a fruit, but did you know that rhubarb is actually a vegetable? Use the stalks to put some sass in your summer desserts, but don't eat the leaves! pink flowers in spring Primary feature is the large foliage, clustered tiny white flowers in plumes. Needs rich, moist soil. Dormant in winter 3 1 gal SzM 3 6 2 4 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal IBD KEM PMM MHA 2 1 gal JDN 1 1 5 gal 2 gal NRS AEK Botanical Name Common Name Light Needs Height Type Description/Color Phygelius Phygelius × rectus 'Devil's Tears' Cape Fuchsia Cape Fuchsia 'Devil's Tears' Sun full sun to part shade 3' 3-6' Shrub perennial Physalis alkekengi Chinese Lantern Sun to partial shade 2' Perennial Pleiobastus fortunei Dwarf Whitestripe Bamboo sun to part shade 2-4' deciduous perennial Pleioblastus fortunei Varigated Bamboo Grass Dwarf Part shade or shade Whitestripe Solomon's Seal shade Solomon's Seal Part shade Solomon's Seal Part shade Smartweed full sun fern shade Sword Fern shade Western Sword Fern Part shade Sword Fern shade Sword Fern shade Sword Fern Sun or shade Candelabra Primula Shade Miller's Crimson Japanese partial shade Primrose 36" evergreen 2-3' 36" 36" 0.5-3' 18" 24" 24" 24" 2' 4' 6" 12-23" Perrenial perremial perremial perennial shrub perennial perremial perennial Perennial Perennial Perennial Perrenial Capensis Pink/Red lipstick green/yellow leaves Dangling bell-shaped reddish-pink flowers from early to late summer; spreading growth habit; medium moisture soil White flowers with fall orange/red lantern-like pods. Great in arrangements. Moist soil A cold hardy bamboo good to 10 °F. This bamboo has long variegated leaves with a cream colored backing and green stripes. Compact and bushy with it's thick, spiked look, this bamboo looks great as a ground cover. Cutting back old growth in the early spring will result in a beautiful new colorful growth. recommend controlling and containing in pots or with a rhizome barrier. forms thick ground cover, recommend controlling and containing in pots or with a rhizome barrier. Upright arching stems with creamy white flowers hanging below leaves Leafy arching stems, Clusters of greenish bell-like flowers in spring Leafy arching stems, Clusters of greenish bell-like flowers in spring light pink flower, easy care, well-drained soil evergreen, fibrous, well-drained soil drought tolerant Northwest native Dark green fronds, native to NW forests drought tolerant Northwest native drought tolerant Northwest native Grows well in rich, well-drained soil. Remove older growth in spring. Damp soil Bright Pink/red flowers on a tall stem Japanese Primrose that produces candelabra-type rose-red blossoms mid to late spring. The foliage forms a low cabbage-like clump of fresh, green leaves. Its native habitat is moist woodlands so it prefers a constantly moist soil, perhaps beside a stream or pond. Beautiful planted in the shady border or woodland garden with other shade-loving favourites like ferns and Hosta. It will adapt, to the semi-shaded border providing the soil is moist. On good sites this may self-seed, eventually forming a large colony. A spectacular sight in late spring. Zones 5 -9. Herbaceous Perennial shrub Tree perennial Polygonatum Polygonatum multiflorum Polygonatum multiflorum Polygonum Polystchem setiferum Polystichum munitum Polystichum munitum Polystichum munitum Polystichum munitum Polystichum munitum Primula japonica Primula japonica 'Miller's Crimson' Primula vulgaris English primrose Shade to partial sun 1' Prunus laurocerasus Pseudotsuga menziesii Pulmonaria Otto Luyken Laurel Douglas Fir Lungwort part to full sun Sun Full or partial shade. 4' 80' 14" Pulmonaria 'Lewis Palmer' Spotted lungwart Partial shade to shade 1' Perrineal Ranuncolus ficaria "Alba" Lesser candine Shade 6" Perennial Ranuncolus ficaria "Collarette" Lesser candine Shade 6" Perennial Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Rheum rhabarbarum Rheum rhabarbarum Anemone Anemone Rhubarb Rhubarb Part Sun part sun Part shade sun to part shade 1-3' 1-3' 2-3' 2-5' Perennial perennial Perennial perennial Rheum rhabarbarum Rhubarb Part shade 2-3' Perennial Rhododendron Rodgersia aesculifolia rhododendron Fingerleaf Rodgersia partial sun Partial to full shade 6' tall x 3' wide shrub/tree perennial 15 of 18 Initials (3) Preferred Preferred Preferred Preferred Preferred Preferred RGCSummary(5-5-15) Botanical Name Common Name Light Needs Height Type Description/Color Rodgersia aesculifolia Fingerleaf Rodgersia Partial to full shade perennial Rosa 'Colette' Climbing rose 'Colette' Full sun 6' tall x 3' wide 6-8' Primary feature is the large foliage, clustered tiny white flowers in plumes. Needs rich, moist soil. Dormant in winter Climbing rose with soft pink flowers all summer; spicy damask fragrance Rosa nutkana Nootka rose (native) Sun to partial shade 8' Rosa 'Peace' Hybrid tea Rose 'Peace' Full sun 3-4' Rubus Raspberry Sun 4' Rubus Raspberry Sun 6' Rubus fruticosus Thornless blackberry sun 5-6' shrub Deciduous Shrub shrub Rubus idaeus Red Raspberry Sun 5 Rubus 'Marion' Marionberry blackberry Full Sun 5' Rubus 'Shortcake' Raspberry 'Shortcake' Full Sun 3-4' Rudbeckia Black-eyed Susan Sun to partial shade 18-24" Deciduous Shrub Deciduous Shrub Deciduous Shrub Deciduous Shrub deciduous shrub deciduous shrub Perennial Rudbeckia Rudbeckia Black-eyed Susan Black-eyed Susan Full Sun sun to part shade 2' 18-24" perennial Perennial Rudebeckia Black-eyed Susan Sun to part shade 18" Perennial Rumex sanguineus Bloody Sorrel full sun 1-3' Perrenial Rumex sanguineus Bloody Dock Full sun 1-3' perennial Salvia officinalis Sambucas nigra Sarcococca hookeriana Saxifraga × urbium Saxifraga stolonifera sage Black Lace Elderberry Christmas Box London Pride Strawberry Begonia sun sun/part shade shade to sun sun to part shade Full shade to partial sun 2' 10' 12" 12" 4-9" shrub Shrub shrub Perennial perennial Saxifraga stolonifera Strawberry Begonia Full shade to partial sun 4-9" perennial Saxifraga umbrosa Saxifraga part sun to shade 1-2" Evergreen Saxifraga x urbium Saxifraga x urbium Saxifraga x urbium Saxifraga x urbium Saxifraga, London Pride Saxifraga, London Pride London Pride London Pride Sun/part shade sun/part shade Part shade or shade full sun to part shade 2" 2" to 12" 12" Perennial Perennial Perennial perennial 16 of 18 Quantity Donated Pot Size 1 1 gal AEK Preferred 1 2 gal SPH Preferred 1 1 gal MLP 1 2 gal SPH 2 1 gal BHL Initials (3) Preferred Native rose bush with pink flowers and red rose hips in fall. Drought tolerant. Bushy Hybrid tea with yellow flowers and pink to peach edging; mildly fruity fragrance Delicious red fruit on second year brown canes, this variety is slow to spread Delicious red fruit on second year canes, variety is fast to spread. Needs staking. Flavorful berries on erect canes. This variety is thornless 2 1 gal BHL 3 1 gal MHA Fruits June & July 15 1 gal EWH Large flavorful blackberries. Produces fruit mid summer. 2 1 gal AMF Great new variety that is thornless and great for pots. Produces fruit in mid summer. Bright yellow daisy-like flowers in Aug-Sept. Gray green foage. Better to grow in mass. Easy to grow. Yellow daisy like flower which blooms most of the summer. Bright yellow daisy-like flowers in Aug-Sept. Gray green folliage. Better to grow in mass. Easy to grow. Bright golden daisy like flowers appear with balck centers, July September on green gray foliage. Best planted in mass easy to grow, seeds easily A taprooted perennial with a rosette of leaves distinctively marked with deep red or purple veins. It is grown mostly as a foliage plant or ornamental vegetable, but it also produces erect stems of tiny, starshaped green flowers that turn reddish brown. Zones 6 - 8 Red-veined dock is a taprooted perennial with a rosette of leaves distinctively marked with deep red or purple veins. It is grown mostly as a foliage plant or ornamental vegetable, but it also produces erect stems of tiny, star-shaped green flowers that turn reddish brown. Grows in clumps. 1 1 gal AMF 4 1 gal SzM 1 5 1 gal 3 gal AMF AMS 2 1 gal DJ 4 1 gal SSS 3 1 gal SCG 2 2 1 4 7 1 gal 1 gal 2 gal 1 gal 1 gal NRS CWH DKL SBC SCG 3 1 gal ZP 8 1 gal SPH 6 2 4 5 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal CWH CWH CMJ WAM Herb with purple flowers; leaves edible Black lace leaves pink flowers small, white, scented flowers. Moist, humusy soil, spreads well. Ground cover - pink spikes Strawberry Begonia grows in a mound of rounded, scalloped leaves with decorative silvery veins. The leaves are hairy with burgundy-red undersides. In its native habitats of China and Japan, S. stolonifera grows as a groundcover, spreading quickly by its runners that readily take root. This plant likes cool temperatures, but is frost-tender. Keep it cool and moist, and it makes an easy-care house plant. Strawberry Begonia grows in a mound of rounded, scalloped leaves with decorative silvery veins. The leaves are hairy with burgundy-red undersides. In its native habitats of China and Japan, S. stolonifera grows as a groundcover, spreading quickly by its runners that readily take root. This plant likes cool temperatures, but is frost-tender. Keep it cool and moist, and it makes an easy-care house plant. Ground cover. Whorls of deep green leaves spread to form tight mats; airy wands of light pink flowers in early summer Ground Cover with tall pink spike flowers green leaves Varigated leaves pinbk spike flowers Groundcover with small white flowers showy leaves with yellow splashes, white flowers on stem Preferred Preferred RGCSummary(5-5-15) Botanical Name Common Name Saxifraga x urbium 'Aureopunctata' Variegated London Pride, Robertsoniana Saxifrage Schefflera Schefflera, umbrella tree 17 of 18 Quantity Donated Pot Size Groundcover; Small white flowers on long pink stems in May 12 1 gal FMK Popular indoor houseplant. Features long, shiny, oval green leaves that droop gracefully from a central stalk. medium blue to violet blue bell-shaped flowers Light green with yellow spike flowers. Drought tollerant. Ground cover. 1 3 gal NRS 1 9 2 gal 1 gal KJT CWH Light Needs Height Type Description/Color Part sun/Part shade under 6" Bright indirect light 6'+ Evergreen perennial indoor tree Initials (3) Preferred Scilla siberica Sedum 'Angelina' Siberian Squill Sedum 'Angelina', Stonecrop partial sun sun/part shade 3-6" 2" perennial Evergreen Sedum 'Autumn Joy' Sedum 'Autumn Joy' Sedum 'Autumn Joy', Stonecrop Sedum 'Autumn Joy', Stonecrop sun to part sun Sun to partial shade 2' 2' perennial Perennial blue-green foliage & red fall color Leaves are gray colored. Pink cluster of flowers appears in late summerfall and change color to bronze color. Drought tolerant. Easy to grow. To avoid leggy flowers that fall over, cut to ground in late May. 3 1 1 gal 1 gal ELH SzM Sedum 'Autumn Joy' Sedum 'Autumn Joy', Stonecrop full sun to part shade 2' perennial 3 3 gal MCN Sedum 'Autumn Joy', Stonecrop Sedum 'Autumn Joy', Stonecrop Sedum 'Autumn Joy', Stonecrop Sedum 'Autumn Joy', Stonecrop Sedum 'Autumn Joy', Stonecrop Sedum 'Autumn Joy', Stonecrop Sedum 'Autumn Joy', Stonecrop Sedum 'Autumn Joy', Stonecrop Stonecrop Full sun Sun sun to partial shade sun to partial shade sun to part shade ful to part shade ful to part shade sun to part shade sun to part shade 12" 18" 2' 2' 3' 1-3' 1-3" 1-2' 10" perrenial Perennial perennial perennial Perennial perennial perennial perennial perennial 11 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 gal 1 gal 3 gal 1 gal 1 gal 2 gal 1 gal 1 gal SCS BHL NRS NRS SBC WAM WAM AMF MHA Sedum 'Plum Perfection' Stonecrop sun to part shade 10" perennial 1 2 gal MHA Sedum rupestre 'Angelina' stonecrop full sun 4-6" Sedum sexangulare Sedum spathulifolium Sedum Pacific Stonecrop Carnea partial sun Sun 1-3" 3" herbaceous perrenial perennial Evergreen Flowers bloom from August into November; they open pink and mature to a copper befitting of autumn. It is 2-3 feet tall and wide, with succulent stems and leaves. Deep pink blooms late summer fall foliage Succulent. Beautiful fall color tiny flowers that attract honey bees. pink flowes in fall;makes great dried flowers;dies back in winter pink flowers in fall; makes great dried flowers; dies back in winter Pink flower clusters I late summer tall, upright clumping,light green leaves abd deep rose flowers tall, upright clumping,light green leaves abd deep rose flowers Succulent, pink to dark pink flowers in summer to fall. Attracts bees. This well-behaved Stonecrop species is an excellent edging or rock garden plant, particularly for hot, dry sites. It forms a low mound of plum and grey-green leaves on bright red stems. Pink star-shaped flowers appear in summer. This well-behaved Stonecrop species is an excellent edging or rock garden plant, particularly for hot, dry sites. It forms a low mound of plum and grey-green leaves on bright red stems. Pink star-shaped flowers appear in summer. easy to grow, well drained soil, deer resistant, mat forming Sedum spurium Sedum spurium 'Fuldaglut' Sedum spurium 'Fuldaglut' Sedum telephium 'Red Cauli' Sempervivum Sisyrinchium bellum Sedum Tri Color Creeping Sedum 'Fuldaglut' Creeping Sedum 'Fuldaglut' Stonecrop Hens and Chicks Blue-eyed grass Sun full sun to part shade full sun to part shade full sun full sun Sun 4' 6" 6' 18" 3" 4-6" Perennial perennial perennial perennial perennial Perennial Full sun 4-6' annual yellow flower, evergreen, ground cover Grey/blue leaves yellow flowers. Rock gardens leaves turn red in autumn. Ground cover. Variegated pink and green; flowers July small reddish foliage with reddish pink flowers in fall, spreads quickly small green foliage with white flowers, spreads quickly, easy care Fuchsia-red flowers in fall. Blue-green foliage For rock garden, well drained, dry soil. Has gray-green grass-like leaves that produce a 1/2" blue flower in late spring. Moderate water. Zone 2-9 Heirloom vegetable. Black red fruit approx 1" round Sedum Sedum Sedum Sedum Sedum Sedum Sedum Sedum Sedum 'Autumn Joy' 'Autumn Joy' 'Autumn Joy' 'Autumn Joy' 'Autumn Joy' 'Autumn Joy' 'Autumn Joy' 'Autumn Joy' 'Plum Perfection' 4 1 gal CAR 1 3 1 gal 1 gal ZP CWH 3 2 2 8 4 3 1 gal 2 gal 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal IBD WAM WAM CMJ ZP SzM 8 1 gal KEA Solanum lycopersicum 'Black Tomato 'Black Cherry' Cherry' Solanum lycopersicum 'Black Tomato 'Black Vernisaige' Vernisaige' Solanum lycopersicum 'Brandywine' Tomato 'Brandywine' Full sun 6-7' annual Heirloom vgetable. Brown red fruit approx 2" round 8 1 gal KEA Full sun 6-8' annual Heirloom vegetable. Large red fruit late in season approx 5" round 6 1 gal KEA Solanum lycopersicum 'Celebrity' Tomato 'Celebrity' sun 2' Annual 1 gal MHV Tomato 'Purple Cherokee' Full sun 8-10' annual 6 1 gal KEA Tomato 'Sungold' Full sun 5' annual Large tasty fruits are great fresh, cooked, or in salads. Plant if full sun. Determinant growth, disease resistant, 70 days to maturity. Heirloom vegetable. Large deep purple fruit in late summer approx 6" round Heirloom vegetable. Yellow orange cherry fruit until frost approx 1.5" round Grow in well-drained soil in full sun or light dappled shade. Lime green foliage with hot pink flowers in summer 1 Solanum lycopersicum 'Purple Cherokee' Solanum lycopersicum 'Sungold' 6 1 gal KEA 1 5 5 gal 2 gal LAB KEA Sorbus Spiraea japonica 'Limemound' (syn. Limemound Spirea S. × bumalda 'Limemound', S. × b. 'Monhub') Sun or dappled shade 30' Full sun 3' tree Deciduous shrub Preferred Preferred Preferred RGCSummary(5-5-15) Botanical Name Common Name Spiraea japonica 'Limemound' (syn. Limemound spirea S. × bumalda 'Limemound', S. × b. 'Monhub') Spiraea japonica 'Limemound' (syn. Limemound Spirea S. × bumalda 'Limemound', S. × b. 'Monhub') Spiraea japonica 'Magic Carpet' Spirea 'Magic Carpet' Quantity Donated Pot Size deciduous shrub - pink flowers 2 1 gal SBC Bright lemon yellow follage turns to lime green on mounding plant 4 2 gal SAM Reddish bronze new leave turn chartreuse/yellow when mature, Light pink flowers, deciduous Evergreen perennial; Blooms pinkish purple in May; Can be used as a rambling groundcover or as soft edging. spreads to form ground cover mostly flowerless but may produce occasional flowers. 2" bluish-lavender flowers from late summer through fall. Deadhead for best reblooming.Drought tolerant. Foamy white flowers in spring. Very lacy incut leaves Small, deciduous tree with fragrant white flowers in spring. Insignificant summer flowers that the bees LOVE followed by round, white berries in the fall. Foliage is a lovely bluish green. Will spread readily in moist soil. Great Plant Pick. Highly prized lilac. Deciduous, compact upright shrub. Fragrant, showy lavendar to light blue flower clusters. Medium water needs. Low maintenance and good fall leaf color. Attracts hummingbirds/butterflies. pale yellow flowers on stalk Herb, curly green leaves Beautiful neon-edged broad leaves with black centers Bulb. Mixed color; container; blooms mid-to-late summer. Hardy zones 811. Should be protected in winter. Ground cover. NATIVE, rabbit resistant. Small pale green flowers on slender stalks, which become pink. Good in mass or border garden. Native Trillium. White flowers, best grown in woodland condition Smaller cultivar, may be included in a shrub or mixed border. Not poisonous. Fine needles shimmer in breeze. Perfect for cool green shade gardens. Can be pruned to control growth as required. Trim in summer. Traditional cedar. Pretty light green grass with light white stripe in center; would appear to spread to 24" low groundcover, green and white leaves, purple flower. Ground cover. Evergreen perennial displays profusion of lilac blue flowers. Terrific groundcover for flower beds. Creamy white margin to dark green leaves. Use on banks and steep slopes. Roots as it spreads. 1 2 gal AEK 4 1 gal FMK 5 1 gal CAR 2 1 gal CMJ 2 1 1 1 gal 2 gal 3 gal MCN PSG JDN Preferred Preferred 1 3 gal MLP Preferred 2 2 2 5 4" 1 gal 1 gal 1 gal 4" NRS NRS MCN RGC 4 1 gal BHL 1 2 2 gal 1 gal PMM SCS Preferred 2 4 2 gal 2 gal SCS EAK Preferred 1 1 1 gal 1 gal MMM MLP 1 1 gal MMM 1 2 2 gal 1 gal FMK SSS Preferred Preferred 2 2 gal SSS Preferred 1 1gal ZP Preferred Light Needs Height Type Description/Color sun 24" shrub Full Sun 3' deciduous perennial Stachys byzantina Lamb's Ears Full sun to light shade 1.5'-2.5' tall, shrub slightly wider Sun/part shade 6-8" Perennial Stachys byzantina 'silver carpet' lamb's ears sun/part shade 24" perrenial Stokesia laevis Stoke's Aster sun or partial sun 12-18" perennial Stokesia laevis Styrax japonicus Symphoricarpus albus Stoke's Aster Japanese snowbell Snowberry sun or partial sun full sun to light shade Sun to part shade 12-18" 20-30' 3-4' perennial tree Shrub Syringa pubescens ssp. patula Dwarf Korean Lilac 'Miss Kim' full sun 5' Shrub Sysrinchium Teucrium 'Crispum Marginatum' Tiarella 'Neon Lights' Tigridia Blue-Eyed grass curly wood germander Foam flower Mexican Shell Flower sun to partial shade sun part shade full sun 1.5' 1' 8" 12-18" Tolmiea menziesii Piggy back plant Partial shade 12-15" perennial perennial perennial Tender perennial Perennial Trillium ovatum Tsuga Coast Trillium Native Hemlock Light shade Full sun to full shade 6" 5' to 130' Perennial evergreen Tsuja plicata Unknown Western Red Cedar Ornamental Grass Full sun to light shade 5' to 150' Sun 24-30" evergreen evergreen Vinca major 'Variegata' Vinca minor Variegated greater periwinkle Periwinkle (variegated) full sun to full shade Full sun to full shade 6-8" 6-8" evergreen Evergreen perennial Viola labradorica Labrador violet partial to full shade 2-4" perrenial Weigela florida 'Alexandra' Weigela rosea Wine and Roses Weigela Weeping Weigela Full Sun sun to partial shade 4-5' 6-8' Shrub Deciduous shrub Weigela rosea Weeping Weigela sun to partial shade 6-8' Deciduous shrub Yucca filamentosa 'Bright Edge' Yucca sun to part sun 3-4' perennial shrub 18 of 18 A charming violet for the rock garden or as a pathway edging in shady places. Forms a low tuft of purple-tinged leaves, with small mauve-purple violets in spring and fall. Self-seeding. Deciduous shrub with great fall color; rosy pink blooms in May In June these gorgeous shrubs are practically buried under the weight of cluster after cluster of rosy-pink flowers. The Weeping Weigela is an easy shrub to grow and one that will add real beauty along your walls, fences, walks and drives. In June these gorgeous shrubs are practically buried under the weight of cluster after cluster of rosy-pink flowers. The Weeping Weigela is an easy shrub to grow and one that will add real beauty along your walls, fences, walks and drives. evergreen shrub, well drained soil, white flower Total 1620 Initials (3) Preferred Preferred
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