Dallas/Fort Worth ✪ Healthcare Profiles When you are considering refractive surgery, you want an eye surgeon with an intimate understanding of the procedure and technology involved. Dr. Gary Tylock, credited with advancing the science of excimer lasers, is just such a surgeon. Earlier lasers created small central areas of under treatment called islands during the procedure. These small “islands” of corneal tissue could take months to even out for stabilized vision. In the late 1990s, Dr. Tylock worked with a team of engineers to build a more precise laser system that eliminated those central islands and helped establish LASIK as the procedure of choice for correcting refractive error. Nearly twenty years later, Dr. Tylock remains on the leading edge of vision correction technology. His practice was the first in Texas to install the Alcon Surgical WaveLight® Refractive Suite, which features one laser to create a “flap” and a second laser to reshape the inner tissue. These lasers are more precise, require shorter surgical time than previous versions, and are physically oriented so patients do not have to move from one laser to another for treatment. “I am dedicated to this technology,” says Dr. Tylock, “and I am even more dedicated to my patients. I take a personal interest in providing patients with their best possible results, whether that means LASIK, PRK, or refractive lens replacement.” Specialized Choices Dr. Tylock is also an expert in cataract surgery and refractive lensectomy. “I spent 20 years as a clinical professor training other ophthalmologists to perform cataract surgery,” informs Dr. Tylock. “I have performed these surgeries myself for over 25 years.” Whether lens replacement treats (from l to r) Dr. Alanna O’Keefe, Dr. Gary Tylock, Dr. Michael George, Dr. Rosmary Sanchez 3100 N. MACARTHUR BLVD., IRVING, TX 75062 972-258-6400 | TYLOCK.COM cataracts or refractive error, Dr. Tylock offers the full range of options for helping patients reduce reliance on glasses and contact lenses. “Some patients are well-served by conventional lens implants,” he says, “but we also offer advanced technology lenses like Crystalens®, ReSTOR® Multifocal, and TECNIS® Multifocal IOLs, as well as toric implants for patients with astigmatism.” Tylock Eye Care & Laser Center is one of three designated visitation sites in the country where ophthalmologists travel to observe and learn more about this cuttingedge technology. Dr. Tylock is the official LASIK provider of the Texas Rangers™.
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