WORLD CLINICAL LASER INSTITUTE SYMPOSIUM CRACOW 2015 0DUFKľ&UDFRZ3RODQG In 2000, the WCLI Institute was founded by a small group of leading researchers and dental professionals seeking a forum where they could share their ideas and experiences to further advance dental care through the latest laser technologies. The founders of the Institute were steadfast in their vision to advance dental care through the use of laser technology. And their message has resonated on a global scale. It is in no small part to their contributions that laser dentistry today, 15 years later is no longer considered new or experimental. Lasers are now being used by dentists all over the world and the WCLI has grown into the largest group of its kind with members across the globe who gather to share their expertise in an environment that encompasses education, fellowship and fun . We invite all dentists, members and non-members interested in dental laser therapy to attend coming 2015 WCLI Symposium in Cracow, Poland. The Symposium is held during 23. International Dental Trade Fair KRAKDENT®, one of the biggest dental exhibitions in Poland. Register at: WCLI Symposium Cracow 2015 FRIDAY 20.03.2015 10.00-10.30 Welcome to WCLI Poland Lasers physics – introduction prof. Chris Walinski, WCLI President 10.30-11.30 Laser challenge the traditional implantology and allows to avoid the use of biomaterials dr Gilles Chaumanet 11.30 to 11.45 Coffee break 11.45-12.30 Clinical evidence and clinical application of diode lasers in periodontology dr Seda Özturan 12.30-13.15 Soft tissue management with diode and erbium lasers during esthetic procedures including laser bleaching dr Dimitris Strakas 13.15-14.00 Lunch 14.00-15.00 Microinvasive, “non-surgicaly”, no anesthesia - how laser have changed everyday practice dr Bartosz Suliborski 15.00-16.30 Lasers in dentistry, hard and soft tissue applications with special focus on endo treatment Key note speaker: prof. dr Norbert Gutknecht 16.30-17.00 Questions and answers 20.00-23.00 Gala Dinner SATURDAY 21.03.2015 10.00-11.00 Diode lasers applications in pain therapy (LLLT) prof. Chris Walinski 11.00-12.15 Using Er,Cr:YSGG laser in cosmetic and interdisciplinary dentistry dr Nukhet Berk, dr Gizem Berk 12.15-12.45 Brunch 12.45-13.45 Microinvasive laser therapy – hard and soft tissue procedures dr Ralf Borchers 13.45-14.00 Closing of the Symposium by prof. Chris Walinski and dr Marek Jankowiak 14.00-17.00 Hands-on: workshops on Biodent stand, exhibition room Dunaj, stand no. D53. Registration on workshops: March 20, 2015 (Friday) on Budapest C room, EXPO Krakow – limited number of participants! SPEAKERS prof. Chris Walinski Lasers physics – introduction / Diode lasers applications in pain therapy (LLLT) prof. dr Norbert Gutknecht Lasers in dentistry, hard and soft tissue applications with special focus on endo treatment dr Seda Özturan Microinvasive laser therapy – hard and soft tissue procedures Clinical evidence and clinical application of diode lasers in periodontology dr Gilles Chaumanet dr Bartosz Suliborski dr Ralf Borchers Laser challenge the traditional implantology and allows to avoid the use of biomaterials dr Nukhet Berk dr Gizem Berk Using Er,Cr:YSGG laser in cosmetic and interdisciplinary dentistry Microinvasive, “non-surgicaly”, no anesthesia - how laser have changed everyday practice dr Dimitris Strakas Soft tissue management with diode and erbium lasers during esthetic procedures including laser bleaching WORLD CLINICAL LASER INSTITUTE SYMPOSIUM CRACOW 2015 Please complete the form below to ensure your participation in the World Clinical Laser Institute Symposium, Cracow 2015 or register at For further information or questions please send e-mail to: [email protected]. REGISTRATION FORM Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Practice name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________________________________________ Street: ____________________________________________________________________ Suite/Apt: _________________________________________________________________ Postal code: _______________________________________________________________ State/Province: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Country: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Company registration number: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ACCOMPANYING PERSON(S) INFORMATION Accompanying person(s) may participate in Gala Dinner and Krakdent® Trade Fair only. In addition to yourself, please indicate below the NUMBER and NAME(S) of accompanying person(s) that will be attending with you. Please attach a list of additional names, if needed. Accompanying person 1: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Accompanying person 2: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WORLD CLINICAL LASER INSTITUTE SYMPOSIUM CRACOW 2015, March 20-21, 2015 CONGRESS FEE TYPE PRICE NO. &RQJUHVVIHHXQWLO 300 € x Congress fee from 20.02.2015 350 € x Accompanying person SUB-TOTAL 60 € &RQJUHVVIHHLQFOXGHVFRQJUHVVPDWHULDOVQDPHEDGJHOXQFKFRIIHHEUHDNFHUWLğFDWH*DOD'LQQHU participation 23. International Dental Trade Fair KRAKDENT®. Accompanying person fee includes: participation in Gala Dinner, Krakdent Trade Fair entry. TOTAL: Congress fee cancellations: “Terms and conditions” at FOOD REQUIREMENTS: Regular Vegetarian DO YOU OWN A LASER? No Yes If “Yes”, please list: _____________________________________________________________________________________ HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE SYMPOSIUM? Mailer Online Sales Rep (Name: _________________________________________ ) Other PAYMENTS a) bank transfer 3D\HH2UJDQL]DWLRQ2IğFH7DUJLZ.UDNRZLH/WG*DOLF\MVND6W.UDNRZ3RODQG Bank account:,1*%DQN6ODVNL6$2.UDNRZ3/ b) credit cardļSOHDVHGRZQORDGWKHFUHGLWFDUGSD\PHQWIRUPIURPNUDNGHQWSODQGVHQGLWEDFNWRWKH2UJDQL]DWLRQ2IğFHE\ID[RQO\IRUVHFXULW\UHDVRQV Bank expenses must be paid by participant. Cheques will not be accepted. $OOSD\PHQWVVKRXOGKDYHWKHQRWLğFDWLRQ3DUWLFLSDQWijV1DPH:&/, HOTEL & TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION Your registration fee does not include hotel room or travel. Please book your room(s) directly with the hotels listed below. SINGLE ROOM* DOUBLE ROOM* TRIPLE ROOM* INCLUDED IN THE PRICE Ibis Kraków Stare Miasto** 224,00 PLN 3/1 x breakfast, tax, Internet krakow-centrum/ index.shtml Holiday Inn Krakow City Centre***** 3/1 445,00 PLN x breakfast, tax, Internet Wielopole*** 3/1 3/1 3/1 breakfast, tax, Internet :\VSLDñVNL 240,00 PLN x x breakfast, tax, Internet HOTEL WEBSITE * prices per room per night * 1 Euro = approx. 4 PLN &RQWDFW0V$JQLHV]ND2WZLQRZVNDľSKbľHPDLOKRWHOH#WDUJLNUDNRZSO &RQğGHQWLDOLW\1RWLFHļ7DUJLZ.UDNRZLHUHVSHFWV\RXUSULYDF\$OOLQIRUPDWLRQ\RXSURYLGHXVLQJWKLVUHJLVWUDWLRQIRUPZLOO21/<EHXVHGE\7DUJLZ.UDNRZLHLQRUGHU to process the information you’ve submitted. Your personal information will NOT be sold, rented, bartered, or otherwise transferred to other people who would send you unsolicited mail. Please send this form to: [email protected]
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