Advt. No.02/2015/RCI Rehabilitation Council of India (A Statutory Body of Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment), Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities B-22, Qutab Institutional Area ,New Delhi - 110016 The Rehabilitation Council of India invites applications from suitable and eligible candidates for the following posts for engagement purely on contract basis under different projects implemented by RCI: S.No. 1. Name of the Post No. of Posts 1. Project Director-cum-Consultant One Consolidated remuneration (Rs. Per month) 35000-40000 2. Consultant (Exam./Academics) One 35000-40000 3. Assistant Controller of Examination One 25000-35000 4. Programme Officer Two 25000-30000 5. Research Officer One 25000-30000 6. Assistant Programme Officer One 20000-22000 Project Director-cum-Consultant: No. of Post – One, (Consolidated Monthly Remuneration Rs.35000-40000) Educational Qualification & Experience (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Master’s Degree in Special Education/Rehabilitation Science/Social Work/ Rehab Psychology, etc. Minimum 08 years post qualification experience in long term/short-term project work in the area of Special Education/Social Work/Rehabilitation Must be registered with RCI or be eligible for registration in RCI Must be computer savvy with a good knowledge of computer applications Good in drafting notes, report writing and publication work, etc. Candidates with M.Phil./Ph.D in Special Education or any other rehabilitation qualification approved by RCI/Social Work/Psychology and having experience in handling time bound projects through mission mode. Maximum Age Limit: 45 years 2. Consultant (Examination/Academics) – No. of post – 1, Consolidated Monthly Remuneration – Rs.35000-40000) Educational Qualification & Experience (i) (ii) Master’s Degree with at least 55% of the marks or its equivalent grade of B in the UGC 7-point scale along with a good academic record; and 10 years experience in the field of disability rehabilitation and special education, preferably in supervision and conduct of examinations at University/Board/Recognized Educational Institution 1 (iii) Preference will be given to retired persons having worked in the area of disability rehabilitation and special education for conducting/supervision of conduct of examinations. Maximum Age Limit: 62 years 3. Assistant Controller of Examination: No. of Post – 1 (Consolidated Monthly Remuneration Rs.25000-35000) Educational Qualification & Experience (i) (ii) Master’s Degree with at least 55% of the marks or its equivalent grade of B in the UGC 7-point scale along with a good academic record; and 3 years experience in conduct of examinations in University/Recognized Educational Institutions or retired from University/Institution/Organization having experience in conduct of examinations. Maximum Age Limit: 35 years 4. Research Officer: No. of Post – 1 (Consolidated Monthly Remuneration Rs.25000-30000) Educational Qualification & Experience (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Master’s Degree in Special Education /Rehabilitation Science/Social Work/ Rehab. Psychology etc. Minimum 3 years post qualification experience in the area of teaching in Special Education/Social Work/Rehabilitation Must have good knowledge of computer applications. Good knowledge of drafting notes, report preparation and publicity work etc. Candidates with M.Phil/Ph.D in Special Education/Rehabilitation Qualification/ Social Work/Psychology etc. and having experience of distance education system will be preferred. Maximum Age Limit: 35 years 5. Programme Officer: No. of Post – 2 (Consolidated Monthly Remuneration Rs.25000-30000) Educational Qualification & Experience (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Master’s Degree in Special Education/Rehabilitation Science/Social Work/Rehab. Psychology etc. Minimum 05 years post qualification experience in the area of Special Education/Social Work/Rehabilitation. Must be registered with RCI or be eligible for registration in RCI Must be computer savvy with a good knowledge of computer applications. Good in drafting notes, report writing and publication work etc. Candidates with M.Phil/Ph.D in Special Education or any other Rehabilitation qualification approved by RCI/Social Work/Psychology and having experience in distance education system will be preferred. Maximum Age Limit : 35 years 2 6. Assistant Programme Officer: No. of Post – 1 (Consolidated Monthly Remuneration Rs.20000-22000) Educational Qualification & Experience (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Master’s Degree in Special Education/Rehabilitation Science/Social Work/Rehab. Psychology etc. Minimum 02 years post qualification experience in the area of Special Education/Social Work/Rehabilitation. Must be registered with RCI or be eligible for registration in RCI Must be computer savvy with a good knowledge of computer applications. Good in drafting notes, report writing and publication work etc. Maximum Age Limit: 35 years General Conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Applications in the prescribed format complete in all respects along with self-attested copies of testimonials/certificates should reach the Member Secretary, Rehabilitation Council of India, B-22, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi-110016 within 21 days from the date of publication of this advertisement in the newspaper. Prescribed application format can be downloaded from the Council’s website: http// The applications received without requisite documents and after the last date will be rejected summarily. The contractual engagement is purely temporary under various Projects of RCI. The engagement will be initially for a period of one year which can be extended or curtailed depending upon the performance and co-terminus with the project. The person engaged under the Project shall have no claim either implicit or explicit, for his/her absorption or regularization in RCI. Remuneration will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. The Council reserves the right to cancel or withdraw any or all the posts without assigning any reason, if need arises. S.K. Srivastava Member Secretary 3 Rehabi l i t at i onCounci lofI ndi a ( ASt at ut or yBodyofMi ni st r yofSoci alJust i ce&Empower ment ) , Depar t mentofEmpower mentofPer sonswi t hDi sabi l i t i es B22,Qut abI nst i t ut i onalAr ea, NewDel hi-1 10016
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