8:00-‐8:30 am Registration and breakfast [Atrium] 8:30-‐8:45 Welcoming address [Room 1102] 8:45-‐9:30 Keynote speaker: Dr. Kathleen Norman [Room 1102] 9:30-‐9:45 Refreshment Break [Atrium] 9:45-‐10:00 Poster Introductions [Room 1102] Session 1: Poster Presentations [Atrium] 1. Henderika Penning: Conceptual Framework on Social Enterprise for Individuals with ASD: From Passion to Productivity 10:00-‐10:45 4. Alicia Hilderley: Imaging lower-‐limb related cortical activity in children with Cerebral Palsy: Paradigm development 2. Carlee Wilson: Exploring self-‐perceived communication competence in speakers with oromandibular dystonia 3. Danielle Naumann: Actionable Nuggets for FASD: Knowledge Translation for Primary Care 10:45-‐11:00 5. Christina Apostolakis: Assessing Resting Energy Expenditure for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injuries 6. Christopher Bailey: An evaluation of ACL patient knee function with an accelerometer and the step-‐ up-‐and-‐over test STRETCH * Session 2a: Orals [Room 1102] * Session 2b: Orals [Room 1103] 11:00-‐11:15 Danielle Naumann: Working in Teams vs. Continuous Learning in Teams: Exploring Themes in Interprofessional CHE Kasha Pyka: Demonstrating the challenge of recruiting chronic kidney disease patients to cardiac rehabilitation 11:15-‐11:30 Patricia Hewston: Fear of Falling in Older Adults with Diabetes: The IMIAS study Nicole Hills: The influence of ultrasound transducer angle on the measurement of inter-‐rectus distance in parous women 11:30-‐11:45 Alexander Kuntz: An exercise program designed to minimize medial knee loads for knee osteoarthritis: a cohort study Emma Plater: Decline in Lower Limb Somatosensory Functions: Effects of Age and Type 2 Diabetes Natalie d'Isabella: Endothelial function in older adults with and without cognitive impairment Cynthia Mancinelli: Evaluating communication-‐ related quality of life in adults with velopharyngeal insufficiency 11:45-‐12:00 pm 12:00-‐1:00 LUNCH [Atrium] 1:00-‐1:15 Poster Introductions [Room 1102] Session 3: Poster Presentations [Atrium] 7. Catherine Lowrey: Robotic tasks to identify selective bimanual and unimanual impairments post-‐stroke 1:15-‐2:00 8. Angela Kalich: Health Access Barriers: The Canadian Immigrant Experience 9. Mary Jo Essau: Immigrants and Health Care Access: What Are the Barriers and Facilitators? 2:00-‐2:15 10. Rachelle Ho: The impact of mild TBI on the brain physiology of executive control and mood in youth 11. David Anekwe: The Mobility Assessment Tool – short form: A valid measure of functional capacity in COPD STRETCH * Session 4a: Orals [Room 1102] * Session 4b: Orals [Room 1103] 2:15-‐2:30 Nicole Hills: Validation and reliability of a custom portable trunk dynamometer to objectively measure isometric trunk strength in healthy women Elora Brenneman: The effect of loading magnitude and frequency on subchondral tibial sclerosis in knee osteoarthritis 2:30-‐2:45 Teige Bourke: Robotic Task Quantifies Post-‐Stroke Impairments in Rapid Actions Requiring Cognitive Processing Shawn Fontaine: Assessing Muscle Quality in Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis 2:45-‐3:00 Cynthia Mancinelli: Deep brain stimulation parameter optimization for rate of speech in Parkinson’s Disease Lauren Siegel: Examining communication-‐related quality of life in individuals with oromandibular dystonia 3:00-‐3:15 Tessa Elliott : Understanding mediolateral stability in persons with early stage MS using narrow-‐base walking 3:15-‐3:30 Refreshment Break [Atrium] 3:30-‐3:45 Awards [Room 1102] 3:45-‐4:00 Closing Address [Room 1102] * Concurrent sessions: Attendees must choose to attend only one oral presentation session.
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