Newsletter and Programme of Relaxation Centre of Queensland January to Early April 2015 Rachel Collis ACT & Finding Meaning, p 4 A New Year – A New Way W elcome to our first Programme for 2015 – you will see radical changes in how we’re presenting this – having listened to many people over the past several years it seems that for newcomers it could be really helpful to find courses fully written under categories rather than just in date order and we hope these will open you to new ways as well. Paula Wilson For those of you who would like to see immediately what’s on a particular day you will find this on page 3 – so here we go – all comments welcomed – remember this is your Centre and our aim is to always make available courses which are really relevant at prices which are affordable to all people. AND remember if things are really tight for you then call us – in 40 years, although we have never been externally funded, we’ve always made sure that nobody is denied a course that is meaningful to them – that’s our purpose. Building Confidence & Resilience ps 6/8 We live in a society with such huge promise on one hand and so many challenges on the other. Anxiety by all measurements is climbing rapidly and stress and depression are being experienced in numerous ways with ever-increasing amounts of medication. BUT the good news is, there is so much we can do personally. What might be seen as an increasing personal challenge can instead become a personal breakthrough rather than a breakdown – it can be the doorway to a real sense of empowerment – it can be a doorway to discovering qualities that have lain dormant in us for too long – qualities of courage, commitment, persistence, hope, strength, tenacity – and we can discover ways to communicate, make connection, inspire others and leave a legacy of example to all those we’ve touched. Gavin Blakey Public Speaking, Procrastination ps 7/11 Elizabeth Noske You will see below headings where we hope you will find quickly courses in line with your current needs. There’s a huge range so go to the category most relevant to you but of course there may be others you will find really beneficial under other categories. It has surprised many people over the years how a course that was not immediately obvious for their needs gave them the answers relevant for them, new ways to look at things and opened up talents as well as new insights and possibilities that they’d never expected. We look forward to hearing from you – meeting you – and welcoming you in 2015. Growing Brains, Teenage Brains ps 8/16 Lionel Fifield HOPE MEANING VALUE PURPOSE HOPE MEANING VALUE PURPOSE HOPE MEANING VALUE PURPOSE Rosie Stave Relationships, Loving What Is p 15 Free Introductory Morning Saturday 31 January See page 2. Courses (except weekly) in date order Page 3 Stress/Anxiety/Sleep/Depression and Meditation Pages 4-6 Building Confidence/Overcoming Fears and Addictions Pages 6-8 Kids and Parents Page 8 Movement/Yoga/Qi Gong/Feldenkrais/Tai Chi etc 8-9 Motivation/Freeing/Specific Health Issues/Ageing Pages 10-11 Freeing Your CreativityNurturing Yourself/Possibilities Pages 12-14 Communication/Relationships/Connecting/Intuition Pages 14-16 Your Remarkable Ageless Brain Page 16 Inspiring Films Pages 16-18 Books/CDs/DVDs Page 19 Upcoming Speakers in April, Page 18 Other Information, Page 20 Relaxation Centre of Queensland Limited (by guarantee) – Est. 1974. 15 South Pine Road Alderley (between Alderley Avenue and Wakefield Street) 4051 – Postal address, PO Box 21 Alderley, 4051. Our courses are offered 7 days a week, times vary according to our programme of events. Apart from public holidays we are open for your calls and visits from 9am-7.30pm Monday to Friday and 9am-5pm on Saturday – for other times telephone us before coming. We re-open at 9am on Friday 23 January 2015. Phone 07 3856 3733 – Fax: 3856 3722 – Only in emergencies 3289 4749 Email: [email protected] W hen we look into a garden there can be beautiful flowers. But if we’re hungry they don’t help us at all. And beside these flowers there can be some really mundane looking vegetables which we may hardly notice yet they give us sustenance. There can be herbs, many of which are not very interesting to look at yet they bring taste to cooking and healing to millions. There can be what we call weeds yet these may have qualities we do not realise, or equally in being there, they may be bringing benefits to the soil for the flowers, vegetables and herbs. So how can we judge the best and the finest – for what reason and on what grounds – BUT isn’t that the case for us human beings as well? All different, all with different purposes – some recognised, some not. Some stand out and shine while others are almost unnoticed. Each of us is unique. Our great challenge is to honour and respect each person for all they are – on a journey of self-discovery, just like us. Together we make up the garden, the planet, the human race. Success Some of my friends have done so well! John was a drug addict But found the strength to be free. Mary was consumed by alcohol What determination and focus she showed to quit. Jim smoked 80 a day One day he said no more. We were amazed. Greg was obsessed with money – always wanting more One day he gave, changed – he’s helped so many now. Doug reacted so quickly – always getting into fights What an example of listening and communication he’s become. Nancy once sulked, screamed, slammed doors and controlled Wow, her presence of mind to change showed us what was possible. What huge challenges can be built into our lives We can be perpetual victims of them And they might seem enormous mountains to climb But then we can marvel at the view from the top. It is in climbing them it seems We build commitment, persistence, courage and clarity. We find the power within our spirit And can inspire others with hope and possibilities. That’s real SUCCESS. —Lionel Fifield Petrea King Coming Again W hen Petrea gave an evening talk in October so many of you asked if she could come back soon and give us more. Over 30 years ago Petrea found herself with acute myeloid leukemia with just a short time to live – and also her brother had recently taken his own life. Who would have thought then that all these years later here she is leading a dynamic life, assisting and encouraging thousands of people each year. She established The Quest for Life Foundation in 1989 and those trained and working with her have journeyed with over 100,000 people facing some of life’s challenges, including cancer, grief, drought, flood, fire, sexual abuse, rape, murder, suicide and loss. Petrea is very regularly heard on ABC talkback radio – she is the author of 8 books and numerous CDs. Petrea will be giving an evening session on Friday 1 May and a whole day on Saturday 2 May. Her sessions are so practical, down to earth, inspiring, easy to understand and to begin to put into practice. Both her sessions will be giving "how to's" you can work with. This is a rare opportunity to spend quality time with Petrea. See page 18 for full details. 2 Mindfulness Meditation M ore and more people are exploring the great benefits of meditation for health, focus at work, for safety whilst driving. Also for relaxing and reducing anxiety, for being far less reactive and able to connect with others in friendship and respect. So we’re delighted that Dr Rachel Darken (right) for many years a psychiatrist (now retired) is back offering one of her beautiful days on Sunday 22 March (see page 6). Also Jane Stanfield (left) is giving you the opportunity to learn and practise Mindfulness Meditation over 4 weeks (see page 5). Welcome – Special Free Previews! Saturday 31 January 2015 – 10.00am-12.30pm T his morning all are welcome to come to the Relaxation Centre and hear several speakers from our Programme. They will each give a 10-15 minute talk and experience of their courses. Many people call and ask us what this course or that course involves or covers – so here is a chance to find out more. In line with the Centre's policies nobody will try to sell you a course or any item from the Shop. This should be a really outstanding and informative session. No charge – Just come and enjoy it. Morning tea is provided so please tell us if you are coming. We look forward to welcoming you and answering any of your questions. Volunteers at the Centre H undreds of volunteers have been vital to the vision of the Relaxation Centre for 40 years. Volunteers are involved in all areas and there are always over 100 people volunteering their time to make sure you feel welcome and cared for. Some of these volunteers simply want to give back to the Centre, others are here to build confidence, while others are coming through a testing period in their lives. In other words they are a total cross-section of society. Here is Sandra Kazai who is playing an increasingly prominent role here and now co-ordinating the Bookings Team. If you want to find out more, our 1-hour introductory Volunteer Information Sessions are as follows – Friday 30 January, 6pm; Saturday 21 February, 11am; Thursday 19 March, 11am; Tuesday 7 April, 6.30pm. Dates for Your Diary January Friday 23 Rock and Water for boys and girls ..................................................... P 8 Getting things Done – Overcoming Procrastination .......................... P 11 Film – May I Be Frank ..................................................................... P 17 Tuesday 27 Speaking to Groups – with skill and confidence ................................. P 7 Wednesday 28 Qi Gong – the gentle way to health and fitness .................................. P 9 Thursday 29 The Transformation Game .............................................................. P 14 Film – Humanity Ascending (Part 1).................................................. P 17 Friday 30 Film Sessions – ChoicePoint & The Art of De-tox .................................. P x Saturday 31 Welcome Morning ........................................................................... P 2 ntroduction to Reflexology .............................................................. P 11 Living From the Heart – Creating a fulfilling Life................................. P 12 February Tuesday 3 Problem Solving (all sorts) Using Fun and Games ............................. P 13 Thursday 5 Eat Your Way to Brain Health .......................................................... P 16 Film – Humanity Ascending (Part 1) ................................................. P 17 Insights and Overview of Compassionate Communication ................ P 14 Friday 6 Film – Fresh ............................................................................................ P 17 Film – Opening Doors Within ........................................................... P 18 Saturday 7 Practical Everyday Mindfulness........................................................... P 5 Managing Stress/Anxiety and Sleeping Better ..................................... P 4 Sunday 8 Overcoming Depression – a balanced approach ............................... P 5 I Just Want to Sing! ........................................................................ P 12 Coach Yourself to Success .............................................................. P 10 Monday 9 Achieving Higher Performance for Teens ............................................ P 8 Relationships – What are they? ....................................................... P 15 Tuesday 10 Your Busy Mind ............................................................................... P 6 Wednesday 11 Drawing on The Right Side of the Brain ........................................... P 12 Thursday 12 Sing Your Hearts Out ..................................................................... P 13 Film – The Mystery of Consciousness ............................................... P 18 The Fear of Flying ............................................................................ P 8 Friday 13 Drawing on The Right Side of the Brain ........................................... P 12 Films – Generation Rx –The Shadow Effect–.............................. Ps 17 & 18 Saturday 14 Acceptance Commitment therapy ..................................................... P 4 Sunday 15 Re-Invigorate Yourself With Yoga ....................................................... P 9 Loving Your Inner Child Introduction ................................................ P 13 The Transformation Game .............................................................. P 14 Monday16 Addictions – Finding Answers ............................................................ P 6 From ‘Fed Up’ to ‘Get Up’ in 4 Easy Steps ....................................... P 11 Tuesday17 Relax, Release and Regenerate ......................................................... P 5 Wednesday18 Loving Your Inner Child Workshop .................................................. P 13 Picture Planning – Direction and Meaning for 2015 ......................... P 13 Thursday 19 Inspiring Films – May I Be Frank ...................................................... P 17 Loving Your Inner Child Workshop .................................................. P 13 Friday 20 Mantras/Chanting and Meditation .................................................... P 5 Film – e-Motion.............................................................................. P 17 Saturday 21 Compassionate Communication (NVC) Workshop ........................... P 14 Breathing For Improved Health ......................................................... P 4 Relaxation and Meditation ................................................................ P 5 Sunday 22 Courage (Finding it) ........................................................................ P 6 Introduction to Tai Chi and Qi Gong ................................................. P 9 Monday 23 Eating, Eating, Eating ....................................................................... P 7 Intuition, Instinct & Feelings ............................................................ P 15 Wednesday 25 Qi Gong – the gentle way to health and fitness .................................. P 9 Thursday 26 The Artist's Way Introduction ........................................................... P 14 Film – The Living Matrix .................................................................. P 18 Friday 27 Film – I Can See Clearly Now (Part 1) ........................................................... P 17 Film – Magnesium: Master Mineral .................................................... P 17 Saturday 28 Awaken Your Natural Confidence ..................................................... P 6 Claiming Your Eldership – men and women over 55 ......................... P 10 A Course in Miracles ..................................................................... P 12 Get Your 3 Brains on the same page ............................................... P 16 Making Conversation ....................................................................... P 7 March Monday 2 Emotional First Aid ......................................................................... P 11 Martial Arts for Inner Strength and Peace ........................................... P 9 Wednesday 4 Mindfulness Meditation .................................................................... P 5 Growing Great Young Brains ............................................................ P 8 Thursday 5 The Artist's Way ............................................................................. P 14 Sing Your Hearts Out ..................................................................... P 13 Film – ChoicePoint ......................................................................... P 16 Friday 6 Biodynamic Gardening and Film ..................................................... P 16 Film – I Can See Clearly Now (Part 2) .............................................. P 17 Saturday 7 Feldenkrais – Jaw, Neck, Shoulders in Movement ............................... P 8 Managing Stress/Anxiety and Sleeping Better ..................................... P 4 Freedom From Emotional Eating ....................................................... P 7 Tuesday 10 Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say ................................. P 15 Wednesday 11 Finding Answers: but what about the questions? ............................... P 15 Thursday 12 Film – Love, Medicine & Miracles .................................................... P 13 The Enneagram – Understanding Relationships ................................ P 16 Friday 13 Film – The Mystery of Consciousness ................................................. P18 Film – Intro to Byron Katie Work – Resentment & Jealousy................... P 18 Saturday 14 The Transformation Game .............................................................. P 14 Tune Into Your Life – by the use of a journal ..................................... P 14 Workplace Resilience ....................................................................... P 8 Sunday 15 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder .......................................................... P 7 Forgiving – How possible is it? ........................................................ P 11 Monday 16 Chinese Brush Painting .................................................................. P 12 Tuesday 17 Facing Fears – Let's Emnbrace Them and Go Forward ......................... P7 Wednesday 18 Buteyko Breathing – Asthma, Insomnia, Snoring, Allergies, ................... P 10 Living Life in Full Bloom ................................................................. P 11 Thursday 19 Film – Generation Rx ..................................................................... P 17 Loving Your Inner Child Advanced Workshop .................................... P13 Friday 20 Inner Power, Outer Freedom ............................................................. P 7 Mantras/Chanting and Meditation .................................................... P 5 Saturday 21 Retreat Day ..................................................................................... P 6 Sleep On It, Dream On It ................................................................. P 6 Knowing Your Numerology ............................................................. P 12 Environmental Therapy for Mind, Body & Soul .................................. P 11 Sunday 22 Finding Meaning in An Uncertain World ............................................ P 4 Mindfulness Meditation .................................................................... P 6 Monday 23 Problem Solving (all sorts) Using Fun and Games ............................. P 13 The Difficulty Could Be – you've lost your sense of humour ................ P 15 Tuesday 24 Dowsing For Answers ..................................................................... P 10 Thursday 26 Film – e-Motion ............................................................................. P 17 Friday 27 Film –The Living Matrix ........................................................................... P 18 Film – Love, Medicine & Miracles....................................................... P 17 Saturday 28 Couple Magic! .............................................................................. P 14 Embracing Prosperity ..................................................................... P 10 I Just Want to Sing ......................................................................... P 12 Loving What Is – The Work of Byron Katie ........................................ P 15 Sunday 29 Free Yourself in Relationships with The Work of Byron Katie .................. 15 Memory in Your Hands .................................................................. P 13 Overcoming Depression – a balanced approach ............................... P 5 Re-Invigorate Yourself With Yoga ....................................................... P 9 Monday 30 Addictions – Finding Answers ........................................................... P 6 Tuesday 31 Mysteries of the Teenage Brain ........................................................ P 16 April Saturday 11 Managing Stress/Anxiety and Sleeping Better ..................................... P 4 Friday 17 Rock and Water for Boys and Girls 8-12yrs ........................................ P 8 3 January to early April 2015 Programme Stress, Anxiety, Sleep, Depression and Meditation Please recognise there are courses in other sections that we've seen bring great benefits to participants experiencing stress, anxiety, depression and suchlike. Acceptance Commitment Therapy Rachel Collis ACT, or Acceptance Commitment Therapy is a very effective approach to dealing with a whole range of difficult experiences from anxiety and depression to weight loss and burn-out. In carefully controlled studies it has been found to produce longlasting positive change, even for people who have tried a whole range of strategies to no effect. You will love this session. Rachel Collis is an outstanding teacher and sought-after presenter throughout Australia. She was for many years a consultant psychiatrist – people often tell us they so appreciate Rachel's personal honesty and openness. FEE: $55. PLEASE BOOK with a deposit of $15. Bring lunch to share. Finding Meaning in an Uncertain World Rachel Collis A sense of meaning and purpose can act like a compass to guide us forwards as we navigate the sometimes stormy seas of life. Rachel has some wonderful insights and powerful exercises to help you connect to what could give your life meaning. With Rachel’s rich background of working with thousands of people as a consultant psychiatrist she’ll introduce you to a range of strategies for not only identifying your purpose in life but also uncovering the blocks that prevent you from taking action. FEE: $35. PLEASE BOOK. Bring lunch to share. SUNDAY 22 MARCH, 10.00am-3.00pm Guided Relaxation/Meditation Lionel Fifield Come and enjoy a different lead-in each week to relaxation and meditation – reducing stress in our bodies and calming our minds. SATURDAY 14 FEBRUARY, 10.00am-4.00pm Breathing For Improved Health Rothy Benson Here is a small course with what some people have reported as having "huge" benefits for them. Most of us take our breathing for granted, even though it is a key part of every emotion, pain, physical or mental experience we have. Rothy offers some wonderful insights and techniques for us to use in a wide range of situations. FEE: $20. PLEASE BOOK. SATURDAY 21 FEBRUARY, 10.00am-12.30pm Deep Relaxation Monnie Hooper, Lorraine Perry and Sandra Ballinger Dr Ainslie Meares the great pioneer of Relaxation spoke and wrote often of the remarkable benefits if we can achieve stillness. Stillness, real peace, deep relaxation, can never be described – only experienced. When people commit themselves to a few of these sessions they often talk of experiencing feelings that they haven't known before. So come and give it a try. Participants sit in chairs. FEE: $8 per session or $48 for 7 sessions. ($5 for pensioners). MONDAYS FROM 2 FEBRUARY, 1.00-1.40 and 6.00-6.40pm WEDNESDAYS FROM 4 FEBRUARY, 1.00-1.40pm THURSDAYS FROM 5 FEBRUARY, 1.00-1.40pm FRIDAYS from 23 JANUARY, 1.00-1.40pm and 6.00-6.40pm EACH WEEK except on Public Holidays. 4 FEE per session $8. THURSDAYS FROM 29 JANUARY, 6.00-6.40pm. EACH WEEK except on Public Holidays.. Managing Stress / Anxiety – Sleeping Better Lionel Fifield & Tom Wixted Stress and anxiety affect us in so many ways, from headaches to loss of energy, poor digestion, inability to sleep and lack of motivation, to being emotional, accident prone and so much more. Stress can cause pain, numbness and many other symptoms and we can imagine we have serious illnesses developing. In addition to this it is a basis for lack of concentration and focus, tensions in relationships and loss of humour. Because of Lionel's own years of chronic stress, anxiety and insomnia he is able to offer insights and techniques that can bring relief and benefits to your everyday life. Lionel is delighted that Tom Wixted is able to be with him to offer some valuable insights from his own personal and professional experience in assisting others. FEE: $35 (Repeaters $20). PLEASE BOOK. Saturday 7 February, 1.15-5.15pm Saturday 7 March, 9.30am-1.30pm Saturday 11 April, 1.00-5.00pm Have you any Questions? Y ou may have questions about what's happening in your life – what the Centre can offer – courses that could be most appropriate for you. You are very welcome to call Lionel Fifield or make a time to see him - 3856 3733. Mantras/Chanting and Meditation Practical Everyday Mindfulness Rob and Angela Join Angela and Rob from SpiritSong for a blissful evening of mantras, chanting and meditation. When we sing mantras we invoke the stillness of the heart which is the presence that lives within us all. It is a simple and easy practice that helps quiet the mind and lead us to inner peace. No experience is necessary and everyone is welcome. Join us as we gather together in a sacred space of sound and silence. Rob and Ange use sacred mantras from around the world – gently creating a deep, nourishing and conscious space using keyboard and the meditative resonance of the Indian tanmandel. Please arrive early so we can all start together. Nikki Ward FEE: $15. Just come along and enjoy. FRIDAY 20 FEBRUARY, 7.00-9.00pm FRIDAY 20 MARCH, 7.00-9.00pm Mindfulness Meditation Jane Stanfield The practice of Mindfulness Meditation leads to enhanced mental, physical and emotional strength and resilience. This means greater energy – enthusiasm for life and the ability to cope more effectively with long- and short-term situations. Jane Stanfield comes from a background of many years in health and recognises the remarkable value of meditation. She loves sharing these ideas and techniques and we know you will really enjoy her enthusiasm, humour and caring approach over these four weeks. FEE: $120 (Repeaters $60). PLEASE BOOK. WEDNESDAY 4 MARCH, 6.30-8.30pm (4 weeks) Overcoming Depression – a balanced approach Dr Winfried Sedhoff Here is an opportunity to look at depression in simple user-friendly and practical terms and not only gain a practical understanding of those uncomfortable emotions but also personal insights as to what you can do about them. You will gain more understanding of the sense of self, why we miss out time for self and how so often we don’t do the very things that will assist us but keep doing what causes us self-damage. We also cover feelings of worthlessness, lack of appreciation and exhaustion. The good news is Winfried has many answers and invaluable insights for you. FEE: $45 (Repeaters $25). PLEASE BOOK with full fee. SUNDAY 8 FEBRUARY, 10.00am-1.00pm SUNDAY 29 MARCH, 10.00am-1.00pm Mrs Rufus and I went through a really rough patch last year until we recognised that we both had some ridiculous expectations of each other which we’d never talked about. I wonder where these expectations came from? Come and discover how to use the 4 Foundations of Mindfulness. Nikki will carefully step you through several simple, basic techniques that will allow you to distinguish between your interpretations of life, and seeing things as they are. This can bring harmony, peace and a deep sense of unshakeability to your spirit, no matter what happens to you in your life. When we have clarity there is a flow to life – a certain synchronicity that seems to just be there – everything seems to be just right, and in its right place at the right time. When these noisy, busy minds of ours can be quietened we will begin to access that inner-net that has us connecting with our inner existence in a way that accesses inner knowing that we all have. Remember that every day we have choices – every day we can become a co-creator with life – we can be really present. This is what Mindfulness and this course is all about. FEE: $145 for these 2 days. PLEASE BOOK. Bring lunch to share and a blanket. SATURDAY 7 & 14 FEBRUARY, 10.00am-4.00pm (2 Saturdays) Relaxation & Meditation Rothy Benson In this open-minded class you will be shown first how to relax and then how to find inner quietness through different meditation techniques. It will include breathing exercises to assist relaxation and how to create a relaxing space that really works for you so that so much more becomes possible. It's often said during classes that it seems so simple, and it is! You just need to find what works for you and start doing it. Rothy provides a really friendly environment, gives lots of handouts and says she can virtually guarantee you’ll leave much more relaxed. To fly I FEE: $35. PLEASE BOOK. have to let SATURDAY 21 FEBRUARY, 1.30-4.30pm go of what elax, Release and I'm Regenerate holding on to. Lionel Fifield Most of us yearn to feel relaxed and free to be ourselves. However the reality is the majority of us instead feel under constant pressure, become stressed, anxious, are often unable to sleep, feel time poor, do our best to survive and have inexplicable feelings of guilt. In these 3 sessions Lionel focuses on the areas he sees to be of real significance to people – how to quieten their minds, relax their bodies and release unconscious pressures – AND the key to all this is developing our minds to really work for us and not against us. So come and relax, let go to free ourselves and move on with greater strength and clarity. R FEE: $55. PLEASE BOOK. TUESDAY 17 FEBRUARY, 7.00-9.30pm (3 weeks) One of our greatest challenges is seeing what we have rather than what we don’t have. 5 Retreat Day Rothy Benson Come and enjoy this one-day retreat with a presenter who is known for her very relaxed style and relaxing sessions. In the morning Rothy’s focus will be on quietening your mind and relaxing your physical body. You’ll enjoy valuable breathing techniques, deep relaxation and meditation. The afternoon will be very different; you’ll experience a guest presenter, a range of creative activities, building a labyrinth – followed by meditation and more. Bring a blanket and pillow if possible. So come along for a day’s retreat – a holiday and fun, all in one! We've had glowing reports about this day. FEE: $65. PLEASE BOOK with a deposit of $15. Bring lunch to share. SATURDAY 21 MARCH, 10.00am-4.00pm Sleep On It – Dream On It Michael Pyers Instinctively we know that we can resolve problems, or come up with solutions while we sleep and dream. Often it's because we are too close to the problem and getting some distance means looking at the dilemma in a different way, approaching it from a different angle or totally fresh perspective – dreams can allow us to do that. We know you'll enjoy this session with Michael. FEE: $25. PLEASE BOOK. SATURDAY 21 MARCH, 10.00am-12.00noon Your Busy Mind Alexander Robey Are you one of those people with racing thoughts, who feel pulled in different directions, or your positivity waivers at times? Is there difficulty going to sleep because of endless thoughts and things to remember to do, and by the end of a week, it all seems too much? If you said "Yes" to one or more of these, this is the perfect workshop for you. You will receive practical strategies to calm your busy mind in a positive environment to gain results. Alexander's previous workshops on this topic had wonderful feedback. FEE: $30. PLEASE BOOK. TUESDAY 10 FEBRUARY, 7.00-9.45pm Mindfulness Meditation Dr Rachel Darken This is an experiential course which will engage people physically, emotionally and intellectually. It uses mindfulness meditation training as the basis of a programme which is practical, inspiring and transformative. Two decades of published research indicate that the majority of people who complete the course report lasting decreases in physical and psychological symptoms, an increased ability to relax, reductions in pain levels and an enhanced ability to cope with pain. It also brings with it greater energy, enthusiasm for life – improved self-esteem, and an ability to cope more effectively with both short-term and long-term situations. FEE: $85 (Repeaters $45). PLEASE BOOK with a deposit of $20. Bring lunch to share. See more page 2. SUNDAY 22 MARCH, 10.00am-4.00pm 6 Building Confidence and Determination – Overcoming Fears and Addictions Remember life is a journey of exploration and finding answers appropriate for us. Courses in other sections may stand out for you. Addictions – exploring answers Ian Ratcliffe Being able to admit to yourself that you have an ongoing addiction is half the battle. Ian himself was strongly addicted for 40 years. Nine years ago he took back his power from his addiction and this is what this session is all about. Ian has inspired and given hope to numerous people struggling with addictions. FEE: $20. Book if possible or just come along. MONDAY 16 FEBRUARY, 6.00-7.30pm MONDAY 30 MARCH, 7.00-8.30pm Awaken Your Natural Confidence Paula Wilson Paula shares 5 keys to accessing your natural confidence and feeling empowered. You will begin to recognise imbalance in these five key areas and be shown new strategies to restore and regain this wonderful quality. You'll gain insights into valuing and trusting yourself. And if an aspect of your lack of confidence is experiencing debilitating effects of anxiety and fear on a regular basis and you want some truly concrete changes then come and enjoy these practical processes. All importantly, you will learn from a presenter's personal experience. FEE: $45. PLEASE BOOK. SATURDAY 28 FEBRUARY, 9.30am-1.00pm Courage (Finding it) Bruce Pascoe Bruce has a deep personal interest in this remarkable quality "Courage" – why? Because Bruce in his childhood experienced himself as a frightened kid – fearful of heights, fights, and so much more. What is courage – are we born with it, are there different types, can we develop it? What are the secrets? Bruce has searched deeply for answers and able to give a lot of encouragement and assistance. He has developed valuable insights from personal experiences here, in the Middle East, in the mountains and in the seas. He continues to teach teenagers and others how to abseil, to climb mountains and how to access their personal courage. FEE: $25 (teenagers $15). PLEASE BOOK. SUNDAY 22 FEBRUARY, 10.00am-12.30pm Sameness brings no challenges to our lives; change when embraced can stimulate new brain cells, new possibilities and feelings of confidence never experienced before. Eating, Eating, Eating Making Conversation Karla Cameron Lionel Fifield When eating is everything and food is love, are we in charge of our eating or do you feel that sometimes food has control over you? Why does eating seem to be the answer to every challenge life throws at us? Come tonight for an overview of how you can gain a real sense of internal control and rediscover enjoyment with your eating experiences. Do you find conversations, interviews, meeting strangers or being out of your areas of comfort rather daunting? Come and find out how beneficial this session can be as well as the benefits that flow on for the rest of your life. FEE: $25. PLEASE BOOK. MONDAY 23 FEBRUARY, 7.00-9.00pm Freedom From Emotional Eating Karla Cameron What a huge issue this is in our society. Karla brings a depth of personal experience and of working with hundreds of people to these sessions and is able to provide practical tools and simple strategies you can use right now to break this cycle, as well as insights from guided imagery exercises into the subconscious reasons why we self-sabotage. Today is an important step in reclaiming your personal power in your relationship with food. Come and join us as we explore how our thoughts, feelings and view of ourselves can be used to open up a renewed sense of freedom and enjoyment. FEE: $55. PLEASE BOOK. SATURDAY 7 MARCH, 12.30-5.00pm Fears – Let's Embrace Them and Go Forward Lionel Fifield Whether we like it or not fears are an integral part of our lives. The big challenge is whether they are the boss or we are. When fears intensify – when anxiety becomes extreme – it takes us into experiences such as panic attacks and holding us back from doing what we'd like to do. Then they are more than just the boss, they become prison guards stopping us from living, loving, responding and enjoying the qualities we each have. Lionel often used to say that his name should have been Mr Fearfield. So come for a session full of helpful ideas and understanding as well as a lot of laughter and relief. FEE: $25. PLEASE BOOK. TUESDAY 17 MARCH, 7.00-9.30pm Inner Power – Outer Freedom Tom Wixted This evening with Tom is all about working towards being a truly balanced individual. For instance, can you say "No" and mean it? Can you move and flow with others as needed? This wonderful little course is full of techniques to stand strong, be flexible and even forgiving. To understand about being assertive without being aggressive and the essence of what a happy life is. Wear loose comfortable clothing. FEE: $25. PLEASE BOOK. Some people chat easily, some are great wits, some are the life and soul of the group, BUT there are many, many, many people who are highly intelligent, creative, skilled at work, really reliable but find conversation with others very difficult – they just don't know what to say or are perhaps, really shy. That's not a crime, it just is. So if you want to step into situations with greater confidence and some valuable ideas, hints and techniques at your fingertips this is a great course to do with Lionel. FEE: $25. PLEASE BOOK. SATURDAY 28 FEBRUARY, 2.00-4.00pm Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Margo Knox Every day now we hear about this PTSD – returned servicemen – people involved in accidents – people who have been through a crisis and much more. BUT PTSD is like a deeply embedded anxiety that may seem to affect us in a range of ways including losing the will to live, feeling constantly exhausted, having little interest in life as well as possibly stimulating a range of emotions. Margo herself went through PTSD nearly 20 years ago which led to her discovering and working with a range of ideas and possibilities that have revolutionised her life. She would love to meet you today as well as members of your family where relevant. FEE: $25. PLEASE BOOK. SUNDAY 15 MARCH, 10.00am-1.00pm Speaking to Groups – with skill and confidence Gavin Blakey When we can stand up and speak with confidence it can feel so good – we can do so without stress and anxiety and there are so many long-term benefits when we have this ability. Learning the steps to connect with our audience, being informative and perhaps entertaining, can make a world of difference. Gavin Blakey has worked hard on himself to face his own fears and get where he is now and then became the first Australian International President of Toastmasters. FEE: $35. PLEASE BOOK with full fee. TUESDAY 27 JANUARY, 7.00-9.30pm Mrs Rufus and I have been together now for 28 years. Then one of our youngest said to us recently, “How together are you really?” Well that really got us thinking – they can be wise these young pups. FRIDAY 20 MARCH, 7.00-9.30pm 7 The Fear of Flying Growing Great Young Brains Paul Spottiswood Elizabeth Noske Many people have a fear of flying so here is a session that could help you enormously. For some years Paul gave the “Fear of Flying Course” conducted by one of Australia’s major airlines. He says it has always amazed him how many fear barriers seem to melt as participants gain understanding and are able to ask questions as well as hear insights, such as how safe flying has become under the influence of dedicated professionals who have an equal desire to get home. A wide body of evidence suggests that the human brain is highly susceptible to environmental input. Paul has been a commercial pilot, a flying instructor and had 25 years as an airline pilot and also previously presented courses on fear and anxiety and facing the fear of public speaking. FEE: $30. PLEASE BOOK. THURSDAY 12 FEBRUARY, 7.00-9.30pm Elizabeth Noske sees herself as a perpetual student of neuroscience, teaching leadership and parenting and is passionate about sharing knowledge, strategies and techniques so our brains not only survive but thrive in a world of challenge, change and opportunity. See also The Mysteries of The Teenage Brain page 16. Workplace Resilience – FEE: $20. PLEASE BOOK. Paula Wilson Rock & Water – for boys & girls 8-12yrs Surviving to Thriving There are big shifts and trends changing the world of work right now and it seems that changes keep on going, and faster than ever. Resilience is a key to navigating the organisational landscape during transformative times. While some workplaces are experiencing rapid change and evolving into a nourishing space for people, there are others that create stress and anxiety, and others that are stuck and create great suffering. Here is an opportunity to come along and learn some keys to building resilience designed to help you bounce back from a variety of workplace scenarios and bring balance and ease into your life. Paula draws on many and varied skills as a workplace strategist and educational kinesiologist helping people in organisations to manage changes and function more effectively for everybody’s benefit and comfort. FEE: $45. PLEASE BOOK. SATURDAY 14 MARCH, 9.30am-1.00pm Kids and Parents There may be courses in other sections that will be helpful to parents and teachers Achieving Higher Performance for Teens Tom Wixted Whether in sport or in studies many teenagers are striving hard to achieve their best. Tension, setbacks and the attitudes of other people can all undermine our best intentions. This evening with Tom Wixted, using techniques from our very successful Rock and Water programme, will help you to get "into the zone" when dealing with pressure situations. You will learn to develop greater "body awareness" in order to achieve calmness and congruence between your body state (dealing with anxiety or butterflies) and your mental state (desire to achieve). We work in casual clothes and bare feet. 8 Teaching and parenting is a highly targeted form of environmental input. Therefore, teaching changes brains. Experiences change the brain far more than earlier believed in the first third of our life. This can give educators and parents tremendous hope for change based on smart teaching. WEDNESDAY 4 MARCH, 7.00-8.30pm Tom Wixted This programme is for young people, to develop a stronger sense of identity and self-confidence when faced with life’s challenging moments. Participants will learn to become purposely grounded, centred and focussed and experience how they can become more in control of their minds and bodies. This enables them to maintain calmness and choose their response when challenged or threatened – Great parent feedback. Tom Wixted is very experienced as a teacher in the outdoors and in the classroom. Great for the holidays. FEE: $25. PLEASE BOOK with full fee. Friday 23 January, 9.30am-12.30pm Friday 17 April, 9.30am-12.30pm Movement – Yoga – Qi Gong Feldenkrais – Tai Chi etc Many people use these movements to let go and relax – great to use in partnership with other courses that offer a range of mental techniques and insights also Feldenkrais – Jaw, Neck and Shoulders In Movement Rita Ryan This workshop relates to the connections of the Jaw, Neck and Shoulders in Movement. By the end of the session you will have a clearer connection/understanding of these aspects and find it also assists in clearer voice projection. Come and enjoy this Feldenkrais morning. People are often amazed at the benefits they gain using such gentle movements. Rita Ryan is a Feldenkrais practitioner with many years experience in helping people reduce their pain. FEE: $25. PLEASE BOOK with full fee. FEE: $25. PLEASE BOOK. MONDAY 9 FEBRUARY, 7.00-9.00pm SATURDAY 7 MARCH, 9.30am-12.00noon. Freeing Yourself With Feldenkrais Qi Gong – the gentle way to health and fitness Rita Ryan Dr Moshe Feldenkrais was a great pioneer and researcher who developed many remarkably simple, gentle movements to benefit those who could not bend or move with ease. Come and experience them yourself. It has brought miraculous changes for many people. FEE per session: $14. FRIDAYS from 23 JANUARY, 10.00-11.15am. EACH WEEK except on Public Holidays. Gentle Yoga and Relaxation Michael Dunn These classes are designed to return you to the place of peace and calmness that already resides within you. Using simple postures for the joints and digestion system, and a guided relaxation that includes images that heal, this is an ideal class for rejuvenation and recovery both physically and mentally. Please bring a yoga mat or towel. FEE per session: $12. TUESDAYS FROM 3 FEBRUARY, 12.30-1.30pm. EACH WEEK except on Public Holidays. Introduction to Tai Chi and Qi Gong Terri Kozak Tai Chi and Qi Gong are often referred to as “Moving Meditations”. You’ll learn how to be present in the moment with these gentle flowing movement patterns which “grow” your brain. Muscles, joints and bones also strengthen and you’ll begin to improve flexibility and understand the wonderful health benefits this can bring – and it's great for your heart! Here is a gentle introduction with a highly experienced but fun presenter. FEE: $20. PLEASE BOOK. SUNDAY 22 FEBRUARY, 2.00-4.00pm Martial Arts – For Inner Strength and Peace George Eaton Behind the combative appearance of eastern martial arts lie techniques for calming the mind and defensive movements to create safety, without needing to attack back. This introductory lesson is an opportunity to learn peaceful responses to aggression, to develop your own strength and find effective ways to resolve immediate conflict. George has a lifetime of expertise and qualifications in these areas and has instructed hundreds of people in this art. People say of these evenings, "Wow, that was so interesting." Please wear loose clothing suitable for simple movements. FEE: $15. PLEASE BOOK. MONDAY 2 MARCH, 6.30-8.15pm Some people have gone to heaven and complained about the service – they didn’t realise the essence of heaven was serving others. Terri Kozak Qi Gong movements enrich your brain and nervous system while enhancing your health holistically. Just 10 minutes a day can make a profound difference to mind and energy levels. Qi Gong is energising and relaxing. It aids digestion, circulation, joint and spinal health, blood pressure and a feeling of wellbeing. Terri Kozak loves facilitating these Qi Gong sessions – so come and enjoy. FEE: $40 or $12 per session. PLEASE BOOK. WEDNESDAY 28 JANUARY, 10.00-11.00am (4 weeks) WEDNESDAY 25 FEBRUARY, 10.00-11.00am (4 weeks) WEDNESDAY 15 APRIL, 10.00am- 11.00am (4 weeks) Reinvigorate Yourself With Yoga James Rostas Here is a session designed to take you through physical movement patterns that stimulate and enhance muscle tone, joint mobility, balance, endurance and flexibility, all aimed at increasing your strength and vitality. You will experience breathing exercises with various rhythms in order for you to feel their energetic effects on the mind and body. These bring improved psychological and physical health when we practice them regularly. The whole purpose of this session is to leave you feeling invigorated and more highly motivated – James has been practicing yoga for over 30 years. FEE: $25. PLEASE BOOK. SUNDAY 15 FEBRUARY, 10.00am-12.30pm SUNDAY 29 MARCH, 2.00-4.30pm Yoga for Beginners Chris Lloyd Whether you're a beginning yoga student or someone who hasn't practised in a while, it's time to connect with your yoga practice now. Both the mind and the body will benefit from a class that begins and ends with relaxation and meditation and includes a range of all the important basic yoga postures. Chris teaches each pose clearly with an emphasis on correct alignment, building confidence and knowledge along the journey. FEE per session: $12. FRIDAYS FROM 23 JANUARY, 12.00-1.15pm. EACH WEEK except on Public Holidays. Yoga for Everyone Asako Ogi Asako's classes are based on Indian Hatha Yoga and Japanese Oki-do Yoga, which in combination use gentle movements to restore and maintain the body's natural rhythm. Asako is an intuitive teacher and works with individuals regardless of their age and level of fitness. The classes are easy to follow – you will come away refreshed and relaxed in mind and body. FEE per session: $14. TUESDAYS FROM 27 JANUARY, 5.45-6.55pm. EACH WEEK except on Public Holidays. 9 Motivation – Freeing – Specific Health Issues – Ageing It's good to remember that we can be creative also – How we communicate with words – How we move – explore health news – See what appeals elsewhere in other sections. Buteyko Breathing – for Asthma, Insomnia, Snoring, Allergies Jennifer Stark Here are 5 evenings suitable for people of all ages. Buteyko can bring a range of benefits such as improved general wellbeing, sleeping better, overcoming breathing difficulties, better energy, giving up medication, overcoming headaches, feeling revitalised, freedom from asthma and so much more. Explore what Buteyko Breathing can do for you. This is a small group so be sure to book. FEE: $390. PLEASE BOOK with a deposit of $90. WEDNESDAY 18, THURSDAY 19, FRIDAY 20 and then THURSDAY 26, FRIDAY 27 MARCH, 7.00-8.30pm over these 5 evenings. Cancer – Sessions to Support, Inform and Encourage Jeffrey Hodges Jeffrey is an outstanding presenter and author of several books. He has had a life-long search to discovering how we can harness our minds and expand our personal capacity to break through personal barriers. His sessions are infectious with his enthusiasm and Jeffrey has assisted thousands of people. We can guarantee you will come away from this session inspired and enthusiastic about what's possible and why. See more about Jeffrey on page 20. FEE: $35. PLEASE BOOK. SUNDAY 8 FEBRUARY, 2.00-5.00pm Dowsing For Answers Rod and Megan Middleton Dowsing has been used for thousands of years and by many cultures. It is a way of tapping into your mental and intuitive powers. When skills have been developed dowsing can be used in revealing answers to unanswered questions, finding lost objects and exploring what foods can be helpful – these along with other possibilities. TUESDAYS FROM 3 FEBRUARY, 10.30am-12.00noon. Except on Public Holidays. Rod and Megan Middleton have been teaching dowsing for many years. These are Each day I fascinating evenings. find what I need – FEE: $25. PLEASE BOOK. my great TUESDAY 24 MARCH, 7.00-9.30pm gift is that I have eyes that mbracing see – my mind is open and enquiring, Prosperity however bleak the Lionel Fifield and landscape. Jeffrey Hodges Claiming Your Eldership –for men and What is this prosperity? Is it simply luck of the draw – having a good idea – or could we be the magnet? Michael Dunn These are invaluable sessions guided by a man with over 30 years experience of such groups. It's an opportunity to not only receive ideas, insights and valuable information but also to see how participants can assist themselves after enjoying the support, friendship, and understanding of others in a similar situation – also includes a valuable relaxation session. FEE per session: $12 ($18 couple). women over 55 Margo Knox The Third Age lends itself to using our cooperative sense rather than competing with each other. We can now nurture this new ability to love and go beyond our addiction to materialism. It is such a paradox to have worked hard all your life and then to become more interested in the possibilities on offer from a path to peace. Moving to this new stage of life gives us a push in life’s seamless movement and can be mistaken for depression and anxiety, as this change occurs. However if looked at from another perspective it becomes a gift. It is this gift we will explore through looking at our Purpose and Vision for this beautiful age we have entered. Margo has written “Conscious Ageing, 7 Steps to Claiming Your Eldership”. FEE: $45 including book (repeaters $20). PLEASE BOOK. SATURDAY 28 FEBRUARY, 10.00am-1.00pm All the material wealth in the world can never buy happiness. 10 Coach Yourself to Success E Many people say, "I'll believe it when I see it" but it's probably more accurate to say, "I'll see it when I believe it." Beliefs are so powerful, particularly in relation to prosperity in all its forms including financially. When we've been a certain way it's not easy to see what has been holding us back, limiting us and blinding us to opportunity and and a true sense of prosperity. Come along today and discover what you can do now to bring about feelings of genuine wealth and abundance. FEE: $55 (concessions available). PLEASE BOOK. SATURDAY 28 MARCH, 10.00am-4.00pm T Book Club here are several people keen to launch the Book Club again this year. If you would like to join in, give us a call and register your interest. The first meeting is on Monday 9 February, 10am-12pm. Just $5 per week, refreshments included. Emotional First Aid Forgiving – How possible is it? Alexander Robey Margo Knox With high youth and male suicide levels, and domestic violence still prevalent in its different forms, it is not necessary to be a trained mental health professional to recognise the warning signs and act accordingly. This practical and informative session is designed for those in normal day to day living and from all walks of life to recognise the signs and know what to do. This workshop addresses suicide awareness, suicide ideation, risk taking behaviour and precursors to domestic violence. Alexander has extensive professional experience with both women and men affected by domestic violence, healthy male development, workplace bullying and complex family law issues. The greatest teachers throughout the ages have highlighted the power within forgiveness – and of course it takes real strength, maturity, insight, love, courage and much much more – very importantly it takes willingness. Some believe it’s the key to healing, to heath, to personal empowerment, to peace and to making connection with others – and particularly with ourselves. This is a wonderful session with a person who loves sharing what she’s discovered within forgiveness. FEE: $30. PLEASE BOOK. SUNDAY 15 MARCH, 2.00-5.00pm Getting Things Done – FEE: $30 (concessions available). PLEASE BOOK. overcoming procrastination MONDAY 2 MARCH, 7.00-9.45pm Gavin Blakey Environmental Therapy for Mind, We make resolutions, set goals, have great ideas, give promises and say we’ll make changes BUT something gets in the way. If you’d like to discover ways to move beyond procrastination and those nagging “meant to do” thoughts then come along to this session full of ideas with Gavin. What a great little course this is! FEE: $30. PLEASE BOOK. FRIDAY 23 JANUARY, 7.00-9.30pm Body and Soul Dr Malgosia Zlobicki Our health, relationships, energy, sense of self, our emotions, creativity, mental health and our attitudes are all greatly affected by the environment we find ourselves in and, equally, by what we may unwittingly create. Dr Zlobicki brings many years of personal and professional experience. When I'm in a FEE: $20. PLEASE BOOK. hole I always SATURDAY 21 MARCH, 2.30-4.30pm know there's light at the end rom 'Fed Up' to 'Get Up' of the in 4 Easy Steps tunnel. Joan Wilson-Jones F Feeling a bit jaded? Sick of waking up feeling unable to face the day? Need a bit of a boost? If you answered 'Yes' to any of these questions then maybe you deserve to treat yourself to a couple of hours with Joan Wilson-Jones. Joan has spent many years sorting through the vast array of information (from an extensive range of modalities, philosophies and cultures) on feeling and living better. She has subjected it to some rigorous testing and has fully road tested a range of approaches to find what really works. So come and discover your own tailored approach (because there is no one size that fits all) to get that bounce back. After all we all deserve the best don't we? People often describe Joan as a tonic. FEE: $35. PLEASE BOOK. MONDAY 16 FEBRUARY, 7.00-9.30pm Is the complaining mind addicted to complaining? Will it always find something to complain about even when surrounded by wonderful possibilities? So how much do we lock ourselves out of our natural inheritance? Introduction to Reflexology Sonia Bailey Discover the Reflexes in your hands and feet, and the amazing ability of the body to help heal itself through natural reflex signals. Take a look at how the feet and hands are a microcosm of the whole body and how you can improve overall health, harmony and wellbeing and see how Reflexology helps reduce stress in yourself and others. Bring a notebook and pen, and any health questions you may have, e.g. how can Reflexology help my child's head cold? Sonia is president of Reflexology Association of Australia. FEE: $45. PLEASE BOOK. SATURDAY 31 JANUARY, 10.00am-1.00pm Living Life in Full Bloom Winnie MacFarlane Here is an 8-week experience based on a remarkable book by Elizabeth Murray. It’s described as life-changing, wonderful medicine for the spiritual fatigue engendered by our consumer society – it wakes us up to our own creativity and love for life, purpose and imagination. Others say it is radiant with deep wisdom for living beautifully and transforming your life. It honours the earth and one another. In following your path to full blooming you will meet the gardener, the lover, the artist, the weaver and you will map your life. Come for a $10 introduction today – next week you will commence the 7-week journey of discovery. FEE: $160 for full course. PLEASE BOOK. WEDNESDAY 18 MARCH, 10.00am-12.30pm (8 weeks) 11 Freeing Your Creativity Expressing from Within You Nurturing Yourself Into New Possibilities It is good to remember that we can be creative also – how we communicate with words – how we move and explore health – see what appeals elsewhere in other sections. A Course in Miracles Study Group Maurice Robertson A Course in Miracles is a home study course that challenges our thinking and brings very insightful realisations. Its ultimate goal is giving up fear for love. These sessions are for people who are well into A Course in Miracles rather than newcomers. FEE per session $10. TUESDAYS FROM 27 JANUARY, 7.00-9.00pm. EACH WEEK except on Public Holidays. A Course in Miracles Margo Knox Here is a home study course that has revolutionized the lives of many millions of people in many countries across the world – it has been translated into over 20 languages. At the same time many people own it but very rarely look at it as they haven’t found the key to really getting into it. So come together with others today (whether you own a copy or not) and begin to realise all that this extraordinary course offers and how life-changing it can be. Get some insights into how it can best be understood and at the same time why it is so liberating. Find out how to use it in your daily life – that’s when you really discover the miracle. Yes, come along and find out why this has given meaning to so many millions of people. FEE: $25. PLEASE BOOK. SATURDAY 28 FEBRUARY, 2.00-5.00pm Chinese Brush Painting Jean Turnbull Here is an opportunity to do a 3-week Chinese Brush Painting course with Jean. You will have the chance to focus on one theme and this will be on painting Bamboo. So come along, learn and refine the skills to employ for all other future paintings. Chinese Brush Painting is essentially a meditation. The flowing and soothing energy of breath and movement facilitates spontaneous brush strokes. People comment regularly on the remarkable Finding who we are capacity Jean has as a teacher of this art. and being ourselves is FEE: $75 (including materials). PLEASE BOOK. MONDAY 16 MARCH 10.00am-12.30pm (3 weeks) 12 probably what we’re here for. Drawing on the Right Side of The Brain Carolyn Wilson Drawing on The Right Side of The Brain is mentioned in books such as The Brain That Changes Itself because of the new pathways it opens in our brains which means more than simply discovering the ability to draw. Participants are amazed at the creative skills they awaken and develop even with absolutely no previous experience. Over the years this has been a popular and deeply valued course. It has also surprised many people in their 50s, 60s and 70s who have spent a lifetime saying they could never draw. FEE: $90 (includes all materials). PLEASE BOOK with a deposit of $20. See also page 20. wednesday 11 february, 5.30-8.00pm (6 weeks) FRIDAY 13 FEBRUARY, 10.00am-12.30pm (6 weeks) I Just Want to Sing Maxine Chisholm Have you ever felt like you just want to sing, but don’t? Thoughts such as, ‘who am I kidding?’ or ‘someone might hear me’ or ‘I can’t sing in tune’ or just ‘I can’t sing!' seem to come into your head. There are so many reasons that we don’t sing and only one as to why we ought: It’s so good for us! The benefits of singing are numerous and often the reasons you don’t sing are easy to change. Maxine believes everyone who is vocal can sing, even if they have been told they can’t. Today is about uncovering that voice, learning to practise easy vocal techniques and letting that voice out! Shy singers very, very welcome. FEE: $25. PLEASE BOOK. SUNDAY 8 FEBRUARY, 1.30-4.30pm SATURDAY 28 MARCH, 1.30-4.30pm Knowing Your Numerology Henry Conlan We have known Henry Conlan for years. He eats and sleeps Numerology and has done so for over 36 years. He is so generous in his knowledge and understanding of numbers and in these 4 hours he will show you how to set up your own Numerology Chart for the months ahead. You will learn about Physical, Emotional and Organising and Creative Numbers and their meaning as well as the cycle of your life in detail including some of the challenges and changes you may face. A great afternoon! FEE: $35. PLEASE BOOK. SATURDAY 21 MARCH, 1.15-5.00pm Living From the Heart – Creating a Fulfilling Life Sonia Bailey If you never seem to achieve the life you want, we'll be looking at why this is happening: Integrating Metaphysical and Quantum Physics laws. Sonia's intention is for you to learn something new and gain greater confidence in yourself and your life. So please come with an open mind, allowing for a new you to emerge! Beliefs and old patterns can hold us back. When we live from our hearts we renew our contact with our dreams and purpose. FEE: $45. PLEASE BOOK. SATURDAY 31 JANUARY, 2.00-4.00pm Picture Planning – Direction and Meaning Loving Your Inner Child Introduction to 4-week Workshop 2015 John Bligh Nutting Jean Turnbull There is a part of us inside that never grows up, nor does it need to. That part is our very own Inner Child. It is incredibly real but it still carries many of our feelings of pain, stress, sadness and vulnerability. The first step in healing this, is to regain contact with your Inner Child (she or he is longing for this). Picture Planning is a great way to set the scene for this year whilst it's still new. So come and have a wonderful time with Jean designing your own Directional Vision Board by creating a colourful collage of discovery, pictorial planning and prosperity picturing for you for 2015. John brings many years of expertise, practice and counselling to these sessions. His Inner Child Work is recognised internationally. People have said they've found their direction again, come up with brand new ideas, rekindled childhood fun and yet created boards for themselves that have such meaning and inspiration – AND it was all in them already – that's the magic of these days – and Jean loves them as much as the participants. FEE: $65 (including $15 book). PLEASE BOOK. Bring lunch to share. SUNDAY 15 FEBRUARY, 10.00am-4.00pm FEE: $30 (Kids half price). PLEASE BOOK. WEDNESDAY 18 FEBRUARY, 10.00am-12.30pm Loving Your Inner Child 4-week Workshop These four evenings will be very much "hands on" as you experience the joy of communicating more and more openly with your magical Inner Child. You will also discover ways to heal childhood emotional wounds, improve selfconfidence and relationships as your grown-up parts take over the work. Attendance to Introductory day 15 February is not a prerequisite. FEE: $105 (including $25 book). PLEASE BOOK. THURSDAY 19 FEBRUARY, 6.45-9.30pm (4 weeks) Advanced Workshop Participants in this advanced group should have completed at least one previous Inner Child programme. Skills covered will include creating Inner Parents to help look after your Inner Child and then resolving trauma-based relationship and work issues. FEE: $105 (including $25 book). PLEASE BOOK. THURSDAY 19 MARCH, 6.45-9.30pm (4 weeks) Due to Easter the last two evenings are 9 and 16 APRIL. Memory in Your Hands – Sculpting a head Susan Margaret Here is a really exciting, memorable experience – a selfnurturing clay workshop culminating in the creation of a lifesized head. Come and sculpt your feelings through flowing and forming. Refine your spirit’s vessel for expression and awareness. While working with your hands, watch how emotional memory brings your ball of clay to express your unspoken feelings or thoughts. Have fun finding your archetypal expression. Listen to your heart and allow your hands to form what you hear – all materials provided. FEE: $55. PLEASE BOOK with a deposit of $15. Bring lunch to share. SUNDAY 29 MARCH, 10.00am-4.00pm How much do the beliefs you have of how you should be, and ought to be, dictate how people see yourself? I s it possible we can all sing? Is it possible we can all dance? (in some countries and tribes they all do.) Is it possible we can all paint and draw? How many kids love doing all these? So what happened – how have we become suppressed and crippled? And how amazing and liberating it is when we break out and experience what we thought would never be possible. BUT to do this we have to face those beliefs that we can't and those fears that we will fail (they could both be misleading us). Problem Solving (all sorts) Using Fun and Games Bruce Pascoe There is only one problem we've yet to find an answer to – that is, how to write up this introduction so that people realise how good and how much fun this is. Participants come out smiling, laughing and saying, "That was fantastic…" It's not competitive, it's creative, it's mindopening, it's stimulating for both the logical and intuitive aspect of our minds. Come along and give us a better description for the course next time! FEE: $20. PLEASE BOOK. Numbers limited. TUESDAY 3 FEBRUARY, 7.00-9.00pm MONDAY 23 MARCH, 7.00-9.00pm Sing Your Hearts Out Liz Thomas There is something about those old songs that just gets us singing and laughing and feeling good. For those of us over 50 they were all part of our daily diet and most of us still love them and sing along when we hear them. Liz has brought together a great selection of songs which people just love singing. Liz brings her keyboard, so let's feel free to sing our hearts out. FEE: $5 – teas/coffees/biscuits all included. Just come along. THURSDAY 12 FEBRUARY, 10.30-11.45am THURSDAY 5 MARCH, 10.30-11.45am THURSDAY 16 APRIL, 10.30-11.45am 13 The Artist's Way Jean Turnbull This 6-week course based on Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way is about developing creativity in every aspect of our lives. It's gently and brilliantly insightful. As we learn to recognise this inner artist we become more able to articulate our own boundaries, and true goals. Our desire to explore and discover becomes more alive than ever before. Many participants claim that the journey they go through over the weeks is one of the most meaningful, enjoyable, exciting and relaxed experiences they've had. Come today for a free introduction. If you wish to continue, next week you will start the 6-week journey of discovery. Introductory Morning – no payment THURSDAY 26 FEBRUARY, 10.00-11.30am The Artist's Way – 6 week course commences FEE: $125 ($65 for repeaters) PLEASE BOOK with a deposit of $25. THURSDAY 5 MARCH,10.00am-12.30pm (6 weeks) The Transformation Game Rod Smith Play the Game – change your life!! This game has assisted numerous people. Come along and explore an issue in your life and make beneficial changes. The Transformation Game provides a personal and meaningful way of understanding and gracefully transforming the way you play your life – it originated at the world famous Findhorn Foundation and is conducted in a board game format. The feedback on Rod's facilitation is always full of praise and appreciation. Maximum of 4 players. FEE: $53. PLEASE BOOK. These courses introduce such vital skills that open doors to awareness, seeing hidden qualities and blocks and further areas to explore. Compassionate Communication (NVC Workshop) Cate Crombie Imagine interacting with one another in a way that allows everyone’s needs to be equally valued. This is what this weekend workshop is about – offering a practical process to ensure that everyone’s needs are heard and understood; bringing resolution to personal conflicts with personal empowerment and learning how to be fully present when people express emotion, including anger, resentment, or criticism. This is an outstanding workshop offering invaluable skills for everyone. See Insights & Overview of Compassionate Communication below (5 February). FEE: $175. PLEASE BOOK with full fee or deposit of $75 (Repeaters $125). Bring lunch to share. SATURDAY & SUNDAY 21/22 FEBRUARY, 9.30am-5.00pm Couple Magic! Andrew Lindsay This talk highlights some of the key insights into re-creating and growing the magic in relationships. It provides simple and effective tools you can immediately apply to maximise the personal rewards available from relationships. Drawing from a wealth of professional and personal experience, and distilled knowledge of the field, Andrew is deeply driven to share this essential information because of the richness it brings within our grasp. Tune Into Your Life – by the Andrew Lindsay works with many individuals and couples experiencing the challenges of rediscovering and maintaining intimacy. With a young family and an adult son he understands well the challenges and complexities of companionship and family life. Jan Watson SATURDAY 28 MARCH, 9.30am-12.30pm Using the journal method of Ira Progoff, a psycho-spiritual approach developed in the 1960s and now trusted instrument for growth and change through writing. Meditative exercises access deeper levels. Flexible structure assists exploration and integration. There is no requirement for daily practice. Insights and Overview of Compassionate THURSDAY 29 JANUARY, 9.30am-1.30pm SUNDAY 15 FEBRUARY, 1.00-5.00pm SATURDAY 14 MARCH, 9.30am-1.30pm use of a journal In this 12-hour Life Context workshop you learn the method by experience, tuning in to your present life situation, placing it in the context of your whole life, often coming to fresh perspectives and freeing energy in moving towards the future. Your privacy is respected. Jan Watson is an outstanding teacher, see more page 20. FEE: $160. PLEASE BOOK with a deposit of $20. Bring lunch to share. SATURDAY & SUNDAY 14/15 MARCH, 10.00am-5.00pm A person who really listens is very rare in our society. 14 Communication – Relationships Connecting and Intuition FEE: $35 (couples $65). PLEASE BOOK with full fee. Communication Cate Crombie Don't underestimate this evening; it is more than simply an introduction. You will receive many concepts you can put into immediate use, at home, at work, and in every aspect of your life. This valuable session will give you an understanding of a life- and relationship-changing concept using ideas and approaches which are now bringing profound benefits to people in many countries. Enjoy this evening. See also above Compassionate Communication (NVC) Workshop. FEE: $25. PLEASE BOOK. THURSDAY 5 FEBRUARY, 7.00-9.30pm. Intuition, Instinct & Feelings – can we trust them? Maryann Madden and Lionel Fifield H ow much do you rely on or follow your instinct, intuition or feelings? Most of us have not been encouraged to do this yet the value they can bring us is so significant. It's like meeting ourselves and our inner wisdom and knowing. Unfortunately with our lack of practise we have become confused as to whether we're hearing our intellect, fears, emotions or our intuition. Maryann has the rare ability of being able to see and know if we are operating out of feelings or intellect. See more about Maryann below right. Relationships – what are they? Maryann Madden and Lionel Fifield o you think this a strange title? What is even stranger are the beliefs – expectations – hopes and delusions that we take into relationships and how the outcomes can be so different. D Maryann has a lifetime of experience of assisting others in their relationships – that's both the relationship each of us has with ourself and then with others. See more about Maryann below. FEE: $25. BOOKING ESSENTIAL. MONDAY 9 FEBRUARY, 7.30-10.00pm Say What You Mean and Mean FEE: $25. BOOKING ESSENTIAL. What You Say MONDAY 23 FEBRUARY, 7.30-10.00pm. Finding Answers: but what about the questions? Maryann Madden and Lionel Fifield e've all heard of putting the cart before the horse: this can certainly apply when we're looking for answers. Often people say there's something wrong and want to find answers and solutions but have unfortunately been unable, or not wanted to identify the exact problem first. This makes the chances of finding an answer virtually nil. Lots of answers may be offered by others for different questions but not what we want. The evening is all about seeing and identifying so we can be honest within ourselves as to the question or the problem. See more about Maryann below right. W FEE: $25. BOOKING ESSENTIAL. WEDNESDAY 11 MARCH, 7.30-10.00pm Free Yourself in Relationships with The Work of Byron Katie Rosie Stave We all come to recognise that our relationships – whether they be with our partners, parents, children, friends or people at work – can bring out the most unexpected pain, guilt, fear, anger, misunderstandings, frustrations and much more. Rosie Stave has been a foremost practitioner of Byron Katie Work for over 10 years. Don't underestimate the extraordinary breakthroughs, insights and renewed freedom that can come out of this day. FEE: $85. PLEASE BOOK with a deposit of $25. Bring lunch to share. SUNDAY 29 MARCH, 9.30am-5.00pm Loving What Is – The Work of Byron Katie Rosie Stave You may be amazed at what you get from this session. Rosie will introduce you to The Work of Byron Katie which has transformed the lives of millions of people throughout the world. It can bring the most remarkable immediate insights and movement in a most profound way. It has the capacity to liberate us into a renewed sense of being with ourselves and embracing and accepting life's surprises as well as the differences in other people's personalities and approaches. See above also. FEE: $25. PLEASE BOOK. SATURDAY 28 MARCH, 2.30-5.00pm Jennifer Carpenter Hall and Lionel Fifield Do you find it easy to say ‘No’ to sales people or to an invitation? Can you speak up to those involved when you feel something is not right, a decision is being made or to a professional opinion? Do you do many things to gain or keep approval from the family? Do you find it easy to step aside from family traditions or are you a reluctant prisoner to them? Do you often find yourself feeling resentful? Strangely enough it is these situations that cause so much stress and anxiety. When we speak and act contrary to what we feel is right it affects our health, our relationships, our friendships and of course our energy. Tonight is about how to change – how to approach difficult situations and ultimately how to free ourselves and be our own best friend. FEE: $25. PLEASE BOOK. TUESDAY 10 MARCH, 7.00-9.40pm The Difficulty Could Be – you've lost your sense of humour Maryann Madden and Lionel Fifield H ave you ever noticed just how quickly our sense of humour can disappear? One moment we can be bright and chirpy and then it's difficult to see anything vaguely amusing. So what's happening – why does the fun fade? Where have we gone, along with our spontaneity, our intuitive insights, our energy? Often we aren't really conscious that this has happened. See more about Maryann below. FEE: $25. BOOKING ESSENTIAL. MONDAY 23 MARCH, 7.30-10.00pm M aryann Madden has been able to assist thousands of people in many countries over the past 40 years. She works in every strata of society in numerous situations. She has a very individual style of presentation as she challenges repetitive and habitual thinking, controls, and conditioned reactions – at the same time she guides us to breathe into our truth and live with authenticity rather than performance. See her 4 presentations on this page. 15 The Enneagram – Understanding Relationships David Burke Do you sometimes scratch your head or get frustrated because of how other people behave? Are you often at a loss to believe how people close to you can behave in ways you just don't understand? These evenings offer remarkable insights into personalities and why we find some people easier to relate to than others and how we can best communicate and find our way through differences. David is recognised as an international authority on The Enneagram and has a really interesting way of communicating these insights. FEE: $25 per individual session or $65 for all 3. PLEASE BOOK. Enneagram Institute members $8 per evening. THURSDAY 12 MARCH, 7.15-9.30pm (3 weeks) Your Remarkable Ageless Brain There are many courses in other sections exploring how we can really expand these extraordinary brains of ours. Eat Your Way to Brain Health Elizabeth Noske Improve your child’s behaviour and learning by improving their diet. Eating adequate protein and getting other nutrients that support optimal brain function is one of the BEST methods for improving attention span and decreasing hyperactivity in children. A healthy diet can help minimize symptoms of ADD/ADHD, but they aren’t only for those who suffer from diagnosed attention deficit disorder. By giving the brain the nutrients it needs for optimal neurotransmitter and hormone function, everyone will benefit from better cognition, improved focus and drive, and less distractibility. Apply them to yourself and your child for better academic and professional performance. There's no denying that as we age chronologically, our body ages right along with us. Research is showing that you can increase your chances of maintaining a healthy brain well into your old age if you add ten important "smart" foods to your daily eating regimen. FEE: $20. PLEASE BOOK. THURSDAY 5 FEBRUARY, 7.00-8.30pm Get Your 3 Brains On The Same Page! Bill Lee-Emery The latest scientific research shows you have complex, adaptive and fully functional neural networks or 'brains' in your head, heart and gut. But if they are not cooperating you may have scattered, confused or indecisive thinking. You could be procrastinating, feeling overwhelmed, unsure or over-vigilant and also lacking fulfilment, direction, inspiration or passion. The list goes on and on including anxiousness, depression and burn-out. Join multiple brain integration coach Bill Lee-Emery for some intriguing and fascinating insights into the realms of your 3 brains… and how to get them to play co-operatively together! FEE: $30. PLEASE BOOK. SATURDAY 28 FEBRUARY, 2.00-4.30pm 16 Mysteries of The Teenage Brain Elizabeth Noske The teenage brain is still changing and growing, biologically and neurologically. This development continues well into the 20s. So it should be no surprise that adolescents can be very different from the children they used to be, but also from the adults they are yet to become. The biggest mistake teachers and parents can make is to treat them like adults – they are not. Their brains are still “under construction” in many crucial areas. In this workshop you will learn more about how the teenage brain works and ways to work with, instead of against your developing teenager/s. FEE: $28. PLEASE BOOK. TUESDAY 31 MARCH, 6.30-9.00pm Inspiring Films Sessions Come and enjoy the following films either on Thursday afternoons or Friday evenings. A Course in Miracles – Introduction and Film Robbie Aquilina Come and enjoy a fascinating film and discussion about this remarkable mindchanging course for home study known as A Course in Miracles. There are nearly 2 million copies in circulation worldwide in 18 languages. We have these books in stock ($29.95). Entry $5. Just come along. FRIDAY 10 APRIL, 7.00-9.30pm Biodynamic Gardening and Farming – film and talk Peter Kearney Here is an outstanding evening in which you will not only hear about this remarkable method but also see a beautiful and unforgettable film "One Man, One Cow, One Planet" which allows you to see vividly the power, value and miracle of biodynamic farming. It shows us the benefits for our future as human beings, and how we work with our environment, nature and all other creatures. It's already being used widely to grow the finest organic produce. Peter has been a leading practitioner, guide and teacher of biodynamics for many years. FEE: $12. PLEASE BOOK. FRIDAY 6 MARCH, 7.00-9.00pm Choice Point Here is a world-class documentary featuring major visionaries and inspirational figures of our time with the goal of unlocking the secrets at the heart of transformational change. It challenges you to understand your world, to align your purpose and to be the change. (Available in our Shop.) Entry $5. Just come along. FRIDAY 30 JANUARY, 7.00-9.00pm THURSDAY 5 MARCH, 1.00-3.00pm e-Motion I Can See Clearly Now The makers of this film ask you to imagine a world where trapped emotions, fears, anxieties and unprocessed life experiences we hold in our bodies are the source of everything that ails us. Experts from around the world share their wisdom and negative emotion clearing techniques to light a new pathway for humanity. This film suggests that what you see tonight is where we're going. (Available in our Shop.) Entry $5. Just come along. FRIDAY 20 FEBRUARY, 7.00-9.00pm THURSDAY 26 MARCH, 1.00-3.00pm Dr Wayne Dyer shares events from his life, from the time he was a little boy in Detroit up to the present day. Fresh Fresh celebrates the farmers, thinkers and business people across America who are reinventing our food system. Forging healthier sustainable alternatives they offer a practical vision for a future of our food and our planet. This is a truly inspiring and really enjoyable film to watch. (Available in our shop). Entry $5. Just come along. FRIDAY 6 FEBRUARY, 7.15-8.30pm Generation Rx Generation Rx examines a culture of medicine and corruption, documenting an unprecedented change in western culture… that of drugging children with psychiatric medications earlier – and more often than ever before. Many of these medications have never been proven safe and/or effective for the very conditions they are purported to treat. Entry $5. Just come along. FRIDAY 13 FEBRUARY, 7.00-8.30pm THURSDAY 19 MARCH, 1.00-3.00pm Humanity Ascending – Our Story Barbara Marx Hubbard, a leading Futurist for 40 years, says it may be that this intelligent species, which has finally gained understanding of the atom, the gene and the brain, is now getting a signal to evolve or die. Come for this groundbreaking documentary series where Barbara presents essential elements to awaken codes for our own conscious evolution. The series provides a direction, and gives meaning and vision to the developments in the world. Introduced by Trish Ferrier.(Available in our Shop.) Entry $5. Just come along. THURSDAY 29 JANUARY, 1.00-3.00pm (Part 1) THURSDAY 5 FEBRUARY, 1.00-3.00pm (Part 2) FRIDAY 10 APRIL, 7.00-8.45pm (Part 1) Dr Rufus Happiness Consultant If you have nothing You can be Happy If you always think you should have more – You can never be Happy. Here is an intimate look at an amazing teacher, but it also holds the key for seekers on a personal path of enlightenment. Wayne offers examples of how we can all recognise the hand of the Divine steering our individual courses, helping us accomplish the mission we came here to fulfil. Entry $5. Just come along. FRIDAY 27 FEBRUARY, 7.00-9.00pm (Part 1) FRIDAY 6 MARCH, 7.00-9.00pm (Part 2) THURSDAY 2 APRIL, 1.00-3.00pm (Part 1) THURSDAY 9 APRIL, 1.00-3.00pm (Part 2) Love, Medicine & Miracles and Mind The Healer Mind The Slayer Dr Bernie Siegel is a paediatric surgeon and pioneer of the groundbreaking work "Exceptional Cancer Patients". In this film he shares from over 30 years of medical practice and tells amazing stories, anecdotes, insights and strategies that will wonderfully touch your heart and powerfully uplift your spirit. ALSO you will see an interesting little film Mind The Healer Mind The Slayer, involving Drs Ainslie Meares and Ian Gawler: the title says it all! Entry $5. Just come along. THURSDAY 12 MARCH, 1.00-3.00pm FRIDAY 27 MARCH, 7.00-9.15pm Magnesium: Master Mineral It seems that in Australia we suffer from a deficiency in Magnesium and most of us do not understand what an incredibly significant mineral this is for us. Magnesium has been called the "Master Mineral" because of its central importance to so many cellular functions and proper body glucose balance. In this film Graeme Sait explains why so many of us lack this essential nutrient and how we can easily correct this shortage. Entry $5. Just come along. FRIDAY 27 FEBRUARY, 7.15-8.45pm May I Be Frank Here is the story of a 54-year-old overweight Sicilian American. It documents Frank's remarkable transformation as he stumbles into a Vegan Café and over 42 days begins a life-changing journey. Ultimately Frank gets a new body, a clearer mind, and most importantly, a soaring spirit. (Available in our Shop.) Entry $5. Just come along. FRIDAY 23 JANUARY, 7.00-9.00pm THURSDAY 19 FEBRUARY, 1.00-3.00pm All films shown in these pages are usually available in our Shop along with associated books and many other lifeenriching CDs and DVDs from the authors wherever possible. 17 The Living Matrix – the new science of Opening Doors Within Eileen Caddy has inspired thousands of people in regard to meditation, quietening your mind and receiving inner clarity. She was at the heart of the Findhorn Foundation. healing FRIDAY 6 FEBRUARY, 7.00-9.00pm This film will challenge your beliefs about health and healing – it examines the intricate factors that determine our well-being. Scientists, researchers and holistic practitioners share many insights. Entry $5. Just come along. The Work of Byron Katie – THURSDAY 26 FEBRUARY, 1.00-3.00pm FRIDAY 27 MARCH, 7.15-8.30pm Entry $5. Just come along. Resentment and Jealousy Two films to experience the remarkably freeing work of Byron Katie as she works publicly with people wanting to move on from regular resentment, jealousy and other patterns of recurring behaviour. See Loving What Is and Free Yourself in Relationships, page 15. Entry $5. Just come along. FRIDAY 13 MARCH, 7.00-9.00pm The Mystery of Consciousness P eter Russell Ph.D. draws upon his scientific background and research into ancient Eastern Wisdom, to question the two most unquestioned assumptions in science. Entry $5. Just come along. THURSDAY 12 FEBRUARY, 1.00-3.00pm FRIDAY 13 MARCH, 7.00-8.30pm The Art of De-Tox The Shadow Effect Graeme Sait talks about 74,000 registered chemicals so many of which our bodies were never designed to handle. Here are 7 wonderful ways to detox and clean our bodies. Entry $5. Just come along. Debbie Ford, the late world renowned thinker, reveals the transformative power of your shadow: the parts of yourself that you dislike and disown, the past that you regret and repress and the future that is waiting to be birthed. Entry $5. Just come along. FRIDAY 30 JANUARY, 7.15-8.30pm FRIDAY 13 FEBRUARY, 7.15-8.30pm Upcoming Speakers–April Over 50 and Healthy Kay Woodall Are you over 50? Would you like to take your health into your own hands and learn how to take preventative measures and reduce your current health issues? Petrea King – Visiting in May The Keys to Happiness The search for happiness leads us up many blind alleys and is often elusive or fleeting when we find it. It is often not until life brings us some significant obstacles that cause us to question our existence and ponder how we might embrace the challenge we face that we earnestly seek lasting and unshakeable happiness or peace. This challenge to our happiness might be a disappointment, a diagnosis, a disloyalty, a disaster, a divorce, a downpour, a disability, a depression, a dementia, a drama – one of the ‘Ds’ in life! Suddenly we are stopped in our tracks and we question ourselves and how we are going to proceed. This is a marvellous moment in time when we say to ourselves, ‘That’s it! Something’s got to change, and it’s me!’ We realise that it’s not about changing the outer circumstances of our life, but how we perceive and respond to these outer circumstances. There are four practical keys to happiness and everyone, regardless of their challenges, can find the peace that passes all understanding by implementing them. Learn a little about Ayurveda and how to use simple dietary and lifestyle guidelines to improve, heal, reduce symptoms and hopefully prevent the issues that take away the pleasure of being an elder – our health is precious. FEE: $20. PLEASE BOOK. FEE: $35. PLEASE BOOK with full fee. FRIDAY 1 MAY, 7.00-9.30pm TUESDAY 14 APRIL, 6.30-8.45pm Mastering Your Life Rory Goddard Rory says that optimal growth and development, and optimal health and fulfilment occur at the border of challenges and support. This is rather than seeing life as an option of either work or play or pain or pleasure. Building Resilience, Health and Happiness We don’t arrive at a place called ‘peace’ and unpack! Peace and happiness are a moment by moment choice and are built on our personal resilience. The foundation of our resilience is explained in four key principles that guarantee healing, health and lasting peace. This experiential workshop gives you a tailor-made roadmap to build your personal peace, emotional resilience and increase your healing potential. The brain is ‘plastic’ and we can lay down new pathways that lead to lasting happiness and inner stability. There are key principles to establishing a deep and lasting peace and happiness in our lives and these can be learnt and incorporated into our daily lives. It involves a Here is a short course of very interesting shift in perspective and a deep respect for our lives so that we can make our unique and empowering insights on mastering creative contribution to living a life of meaning and on purpose. See more on page 2. life and its seven areas. FEE: $90. PLEASE BOOK with a deposit of $30. Bring lunch to share. FEE: $20. PLEASE BOOK. SATURDAY 2 MAY, 10.00am-4.00pm – please note both days $115. TUESDAY 7 APRIL, 7-8.45pm 18 Books – CDs – DVDs – Cards W Welcome to our Shop of Books, DVDs, CDs, Cards, a few special health products and other ever-changing items to make every visit an adventure. hat a lot of new exciting Books, CDs, DVDs there are. The world is exploding with insights, sharing of experiences, dealing with health issues differently, taking power back into our own hands and, more than anything, recognising extraordinary qualities inside us waiting to be brought out. Brains have always been remarkable; we didn’t know how remarkable with cells that just keep renewing and, when we know how to harness them, how they can expand. So many of us have questions about relationships because we’re in a different world from the one we were born into: So many of us have questions as to what is wealth and security and what is really meaningful. All over the planet men and women are exploring new dimensions, breaking through conventions, challenging where society is heading and saying “This is our world, what can we make it and how can we make it a world that works for us all?” Yes, in our Shop there are voices of many pioneers in Books and on CDs and DVDs – they’re talking about consciousness, exploring spirituality, they’re looking at humanity ascending and moving into what is predicted by many to be a whole new era of experience. You will realise that the acceleration of change has been phenomenal over the past 100 years – mostly externally but now ever-increasingly within people. So often this has been speeded by personal crisis or breakdown leading to discoveries of new ways of living. It’s wonderful to have books in your hands. Our DVDs/Film section keeps expanding – Just look at the films shown on pages 16, 17, 18. Those CDs to relax and go inwards can be beautiful, those CDs to see life differently can be liberating, Mindfulness – living here now, finding peace, what a journey. Our Shop is with you and supporting you all the way. If you want an item and we don’t have it, our team is there to assist. We have great gems of books owned by others that have been given to us to pass on at very low prices. Just ask, just tell us what you need. Winnie and her team are here to listen. Old Favourites Just new in our Shop Anastasia, tells the story of entrepreneur Vladimir Megre's trip to the Siberian taiga in 1995. There he met a woman named Anastasia who shared with him her unique outlook on subjects as diverse as gardening, child-rearing, healing, Nature, sexuality, religion and more. Body & Mature Behavior – A Study of Anxiety, Sex, Gravitation, & Learning – Moshe Feldenkrais was decades ahead of his time and his theory is only now beginning to be fully appreciated. This book charts the first steps of his method for furthering human development, a movement-based approach that calls forth the organism’s powers of selfregulation. See Feldenkrais sessions page 8 and 9. Queen Bees – Wannabees – Rosalind Wiseman’s book is packed with insights about technology’s impact on teenage girls and enlivened with the experiences of girls, and offers concrete strategies to help empower your daughter to be socially competent and to treat herself with dignity. You Are Not Your Brain – The 4-Step Solution for Changing Bad Habits, Ending Unhealthy Thinking, and Taking Control of Your Life – Jeffrey M Schwartz, MD and Rececca Gladding, MD. This easy-to-follow program will teach you how to find your loving smart inner guide and lead a more fulfilling and empowered life. Tricky Teens – How to create a great relationship with your teen… without going crazy! – Andrew Fuller uses his years of practical wisdom and knowledge in one reassuring book to help and support parents and offers crucial advice on achieving a happy home life while raising teens. When Pain Is the Doorway – Awakening in the Most Difficult Circumstances – Pema Chödrön – For anyone experiencing emotional crisis these CDs provide expert guidance to help. Full of support and encouragement to help discover the deeper freedom available just beneath the surface. Adventures of The Soul – Journeys Through the Physical and Spiritual Dimensions – James Van Praagh takes you on a unique journey to discover the unique design of your very own soul. You’ll learn to open up your mind to your soul’s wisdom. Learn to Be an Optimist – Lucy MacDonald’s book is a complete guide to changing your mind and your life. Loving Yourself to Great Health – Thoughts and Food – the Ultimate Diet – Louise Hay, Ahlea Khadro and Heather Dane. Unlike any health book you’ve ever read. The Healthy Raw Food Diet – Susanne Roth – advice and recipes to energise, dehydrate, lose weight and feel great. Something for everyone as well as the kids 19 O I’m a Human Being – So are We All! ne thing we’ve all got in common, and that is, we are human beings! It doesn’t matter what colour, what religion, where we come from, how we speak, what we look like, we are all human beings. Funnily enough it’s what we all wrestle with day after day. All of us want to be liked, want to be recognised and acknowledged. We want to be respected, loved; and certainly accepted for who we are. Unfortunately, in our society we tend to judge people on who’s the most beautiful, the most handsome, the biggest, the strongest, and the cleverest yet as I have seen over the years, we can have all those aspects and still be going through just the same internal turmoil as everybody else. The beautiful can see themselves as ugly, the tall can feel tiny inside themselves, the strong can be so full of fears and the clever can give themselves a really hard time. Something else we have in common – we’re all looking for meaning, we want to feel we have value and we’re needed and we actually have a purpose, otherwise we can go round in circles. In our pain we look to things and people to make us feel better, we so want to somehow quench the thirst in the black hole within us, we want to feel complete where it feels empty, we so want somebody or something to prove to us we’re okay. Probably only a small percentage of us at any time leap out of bed with excitement and enthusiasm; we’re more likely to dwell on the day ahead, what can go wrong, difficult people we’ll encounter, things we don’t want to do, fears around money, struggles in relationships, regrets we have and sadness we can’t seem to shake off. Well it seems to me this is what personal and spiritual growth work is for and what we do here at the Relaxation Centre is about. Perhaps happiness is just natural once we can get these other things in check, when the real boss (the true us) is able to be in charge of that yapping little dog in our heads that causes us so much frustration and heartache. I believe at heart we all want peace, we all want to feel joy, we all want to feel happiness, we all want to feel meaning, we all want to feel included and we all want to feel the satisfaction of contributing. This is wishing you all the very best for 2015 in your quest for fully accepting that you are a human being and cannot be perfect. Wishing you power on your ongoing journey towards embracing what is inherent inside beyond the clouds of confusion and the noise of doubts and the chance to say "Thank You" – and MOST IMPORTANTLY, don’t forget to have some fun and laughter – remember to watch children – they play and laugh, are curious and explore – we have so much to learn from them. —Lionel Fifield Jeffrey Hodges F rom his earliest years Jeffrey Hodges has been on a search to achieve the impossible – to step beyond the limitations of the conditioned minds around him. He is always asking how and why. It is this capacity of exploring what’s possible in himself and seeing what’s possible in others that has given him the rare distinction of training Olympic Gold Medallists as well as numerous others wanting to find excellence in whatever they do. People always come out of his courses excited by what they have heard and keen to put his positive methods into practice in line with their own core values. Jeffrey is easy to listen to and easy to understand. Give yourself a treat and hear him speak on Coaching Yourself and Embracing Prosperity – see both on page 10. Can you Draw – Are you aware you have the potential? F or over 20 years our course Drawing on the Right Side of The Brain has brought amazed comments from people because for them, after 20, 30, 40 years of believing they couldn’t draw they started to draw pictures they never thought would have been possible. Carolyn Wilson is the presenter of this mind-opening course. Drawing on The Right Side of The Brain is mentioned in the book The Brain That Changes Itself and many people have reported a range of other benefits that they never expected from participating in these 6 weeks. Carolyn loves offering these courses and would love as many people as possible to benefit from them. So last year we decided to drop the price to only $90 for this 6-session morning or evening course. Come and take advantage of this mind expanding and very enjoyable course – see page 12. I Ira Progoff Journaling – For Tuning Into Yourself W e welcome Jan Watson from Melbourne back for her second presentation here in March. Last time more than half the participants said they’d love to do more – so here she is, see page 12. Practical Everyday Mindfulness f you’ve attended one of Nikki Ward’s courses previously you will know the quality and practicality of what she offers. So here’s a course which we believe will have a profound effect on participants – 2 full days, Saturdays, as she unfolds the 4 Foundations of Mindfulness. She speaks on the art of being really present and accessing deeper awareness, inner knowing and clarity. Nikki has elected to offer this course on 2 Saturdays with time for practice in between. See much more on page 5. V Numerology isiting us again is Henry Conlan who eats, sleeps, dreams and speaks Numerology and has done so for over 40 years and appears on radio talkback very regularly, both in the USA and in Australia. So come and get some insights into Numerology. See page 12. Relaxation Centre of Queensland Limited (by guarantee) is an Income Tax Exempt Charity – ABN 97 010 302 968 – founded in 1974. There are no owners or shareholders. 20
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