Press Release The 13th edition of Rendez-vous aux jardins celebrates “The garden walk” throughout France, Friday 5th, Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th June 2015 On the 5th, 6th and 7th of June, the French Ministry of Culture and Communication invites the public to explore numerous parks and gardens, both public and private, historical and contemporary, all over France and to enjoy the numerous activities on offer. Press Contacts Department of Information and Communication +33 (0)1 40 15 74 71 [email protected] Directorate General of Heritage Christine de Rouville +33 (0)1 40 15 35 84 [email protected] Anne Samson Communications Léopoldine Turbat +33(0)1 40 36 84 35 / [email protected] Andréa Longrais +33(0)1 40 36 84 32 / [email protected] During the first weekend of June, over 2,300 gardens will provide the public with a large variety of activities, ranging from guided tours, workshops, reading, educational walks, performances, special lighting, late evening openings hours, amusing performances, etc. This year, for its 13th edition, the Rendez-vous aux Jardins investigate more specifically the theme of “The garden walk” and encourage to wander, to discover parks and gardens, enjoying their paths and awakening the pleasure of walking, in good company or by oneself. As a symbol of the French Ministry for Culture and Communication and the Directorate General of Heritage’s engagement in “green heritage”, the Rendez-vous aux jardins focus on the appreciation, protection, conservation, maintenance, restoration and creation of gardens. The transfer of knowledge and craftsmanship is also at the heart of the event This event unites numerous policies that have been put in place by the Directions régionales des affaires culturelles (Regional Directorates of Cultural Affairs) and regional local authorities. The event is being organised in close collaboration with the Centre des Monuments nationaux (Centre for National Monuments), the Comité des Parcs et Jardins (French Parks and Gardens Committee), the Demeure Historique (French association of the private historical monuments), the Vieilles Maisons Françaises (association to protect built and landscape heritage). On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Villes et Pays d'Art et d'Histoire (Towns and Lands of Art and History), the French Ministry of Culture and Communication highlights several activities and tours proposed by this network. In the run up to the 2015 edition, a conference on the theme of “The garden walk“ was organised on the 21st January 2015 in the Amphitheatre Colbert, by the Directorate General of Heritage of the French Ministry for Culture and Communication and the French Parks and Gardens Committee. Landscape gardeners, garden historians, etc. presented a number of case studies to illustrate the theme of “The garden walk” in several ways: from a historical approach, to digital tour projects, until a filmography of garden strolls. The notes from the conference will be soon available for consultation on the French Ministry for Culture and Communication’s website. Paris, 30th March 2015
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