KEMENTERIAN KEUANGAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA DIREKTORAT JENDERAL BEA DAN CUKAI SEKRETARIAT DIREKTORAT JENDERAL JALAN JENDERALA.YANI JAKARTA-13230 KOTAK POS 225 JAKARTA-13013 TELEPON (021) 4890308; FAKSIMILE (921) 4890871; SITUS: Nomor Sifat Lampiran: Hal Yth. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. S-\ 5 2. IBC.1/UP.9/2015 Sangat Segera Satu Berkas Penawaran Tiga Posisi Lowong di World Customs Organization '!5 Mei 2015 Para Pejabat Eselon II di lingkungan DJBC Para Kepala KPPBC di Iingkungan DJBC Para Kepala Pangsarop Bea dan Cukardi lingkungan DJBC Para Kepala Balai Pengujian dan Identifikasi Barang di lingkungan DJBC Para Kepala Bagian pada Sekretariat DJBC Sehubungan dengan surat Sekretaris Jenderal World Customs Organization ryvCO) nomor 15.A.50 tanggal 21 April 2015 tentang Penawaran 3 posisi lowong dari WCO periode 2015 dan nota dinas Direktur Kepabeanan Internasional nomor ND-398/BC.7/2014 tanggal5 Mei 2015 Hal Penawaran 3 Posisi Lowong di WCO, dengan ini k~mi sampaikan hal-hal sebagai berikut: 1. Bahwa WCO membuka kesempatan bagi para pegawai yang berminat untuk mengisi jabatan sebagai: a. Wakil Direktur (Deputy Director) (Grade A5) pada Direktorat Pengembangan Kapasitas; b. Pejabat Teknis (Technical Officer) (Grade A3) pada Direktorat Kepatuhan dan Fasilitas (Kepatuhan HAKI); c. Pejabat Teknis (Technical Officer) (Grade A3) pada Direktorat Tariff dan Perdagangan (Nomenclature). 2. Kualifikasi untuk masing-masing lowongan dijelaskan pada lampiran surat Sekretaris Jenderal World Customs Organization ryvCO) nomor 15.A.50 terlampir. 3. Berkenaan dengan hal-hal tersebut di atas, dimohon bantuan Saudara untuk memberitahukan lowongan tersebut kepada para pegawai di lingkungan Saudara agar mendaftar dan melengkapi persyaratan yang dibutuhkan dengan menyampaikan dokumen pendukung ke Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal dalam bentuk hardcopy dan softcopy melalui email [email protected] selambat-Iambatnya tanggal1 Juni 2015. Demikian disampaikan, atas perhatian dan kerjasama Saudara diucapkan terima kasih. \ Tembusan: Direktur Jenderal ,' WORLD CUSTOMS ORGANIZATION ORGANISATION MONDIALE DES DOUANES Establishedin 1952 as the Customs Co-operation Council Cn~eeen 1952 sousle nom de Conseil de cooperation douanlere The Secretary General 15.A.50 Brussels, 21 April 2015. Dear Director General, I am writing to inform you that three posts will become vacant during 2015 : (1) Deputy Director (Grade A5) in the Capacity Building Directorate. (2) Technical Officer (Grade A3) in the Compliance and Facilitation Directorate (Compliance - Intellectual Property Rights (IPR». (3) Technical Officer (Grade A3) in the Tariff and Trade Affairs Directorate (Nomenclature). Job descriptions are at Annexes I, II and III, respectively. Conditions of service are at Annexes IV and V, respectively. If you wish to nominate candidates for these posts, I should be grateful if you would let me know by 12 June 2015, and return the attached Application Form completed by the candidates by mail, by fax at No. : +3222099500, or, preferably, bye-mail at : [email protected]. Yours sincerely, Kunio Mikuriya. Rue du Marche, 30, B-1210 Bruxelles, Belgique • Telephone +32 2 209 92 11 • Fax+3222099292. Account-compte Fortis banque: 210-0475126-72. \ . Annex I JOB DESCRIPTION Post: Deputy Director Capacity Building Directorate Grade: AS Main functions This post reports to the Director of Capacity Building and is responsible for all capacity building activities assigned by the Director. Under the supervision and authority of the Director: Provides leadership, management direction and support to the work of the Technical Attaches, Technical Officers and Project Manager consultants assigned to the Capacity Building Directorate. Leads and advises on policy and programme development for capacity building. Supervises and directs the work of the technical and support staff of the Capacity Building Directorate responsible for the delivery and further development of strategic WCO capacity building programmes. Develops and maintains a close working relationship with the other Directorates of the WCO to efficiently share resources, manage workload and co-ordinate the cross-cutting work and activities. Supervises and directs the work of the technical and support staff of the Capacity Building Directorate in the area of the WCO's Customs integrity-related initiatives and activities, including the organization of the meetings of the Integrity Sub-Committee. Supervises and directs the work of the technical and support staff of the Capacity Building Directorate to maintain and update information on Customs developments received from the Members, other international organizations and the private sector; assures that access to sensitive information is restricted to authorized staff; maintains information on Regional Offices for Capacity Building, training centres, pool of trainers and training materials; and assists the Directorates with their responsibilities to the database. Supervises and directs the work of the technical and support staff of the Capacity Building Directorate to administer the relevant training activities, including the GRIPS Programme, the Fellowship Programmes, management development, the production of blended learning, training modules and the publication of various training materials, manuals and catalogues. Forges close links with donor countries and organizations, private sector capacity building companies and consultants, including oversight of drafting business case proposals to potential funding institutions. Promotes the WCO's role as "broker" in putting requesting Members for capacity building assistance in touch with other Members and organizations able to provide the necessary resources and expertise. 1. , . Annex I Provides strategic development advice to Members and represents the Secretariat! Capacity Building Directorate at appropriate fora and meetings. Ensures the Directorate staff provide accurate and timely management briefing and administrative information. Supervises and directs the work of Capacity Building Directorate staff in the area of the collating and reporting WCO Capacity Building activities, particularly in relation to the organization of the Capacity Building Committee meeting. The person appointed will also be required to perform such other duties as may be assigned and may be subject to reassignment within the WCO Secretariat. Qualifications Applicants for this position must have a university education or equivalent background. Extensive experience in the field of Customs strategic development demonstrated either in the headquarters or international capacity building function of a national administration. Extensive experience of working internationally in the provision of sustainable capacity building. Management experience preferably demonstrated in senior administrative Customs. positions in Demonstrable success in working for an international organization with responsibilities equivalent to those carried by the post. Demonstrable experience in Customs modernization projects. Personal qualities such as to ensure the establishment and maintenance of fruitful relations with Members, other organizations and other Secretariat services and Directorates in pursuit of the WCO's technical assistance and training objectives. Proficiency in speaking and drafting in one of the official languages of the WCO (English or French) and a good working knowledge of the other (other language skills will be an advantage ). Proficiency in the use of office automation equipment. April 2015. 2. Annex II JOB DESCRIPTION Post: Technical Officer (Compliance/Enforcement) Compliance and Facilitation Directorate Grade: A3 Main functions Under the authority of the Director, Compliance and Facilitation: 1. Participate in implementing the WCO Customs enforcement strategy, particularly as regards counterfeiting and piracy. 2. Organize national and regional seminars, and Customs training events on Customs enforcement, particularly as regards counterfeiting and piracy. 3. Assist with diagnostic studies of legislative and operational frameworks in place within WCO Member Customs administrations. 4. Organize operations to intercept illicit products, particularly as regards counterfeiting and piracy. 5. Represent the WCO in various Customs enforcement fora and meetings, particularly as regards counterfeiting and piracy. 6. Prepare studies and analyses on Customs enforcement issues, particularly as regards counterfeiting and piracy. 7. Contribute to the planning, organization and management of the Enforcement Committee, the Counterfeiting and Piracy (CAP) Group, and other enforcement-related meetings, including the preparation of pertinent working documents. 8. Prepare presentations/speeches 9. Prepare written articles for WCO publications and those of other international organizations. 10. Liaise with Members, including in particular Customs Attaches based in Brussels. for the management. The person appointed will also be required to perform such other duties as may be assigned and may be subject to reassignment within the WCO Secretariat. 1. Annex II Qualifications and skills A university degree or equivalent professional qualifications. Experience in Customs enforcement, particularly as regards counterfeiting and piracy. Experience in international co-operation in Customs matters. Good proficiency in drafting and speaking in French and working knowledge of English. Knowledge of other languages such as Spanish or Arabic would be an advantage. Capacity to deliver training and technical assistance. Good computer skills. Ability to work successfully in a multicultural environment. A positive attitude, self-motivation and initiative. April 2015. 2. Annex III JOB DESCRIPTION Post: Technical Officer (Nomenclature) Tariff and Trade Affairs Directorate Grade: A3 Main functions As an experienced specialist in Nomenclature matters, with a thorough knowledge of the Harmonized System, the incumbent will be expected to carry out the following duties: Research and study classification questions under consideration, including drafting relevant documents and preparing letters and reports on particular aspects of the Directorate's work. Advise on policy issues and complex technical matters relating to the Harmonized System and classification, including the preparation of documents on such matters. Act as rapporteur in meetings of Committees, etc. Draft amendments and prepare updates to the Harmonized System, the Explanatory Notes, the Compendium of Classification Opinions, the Alphabetical Index and other HS-related publications. Represent the WCO at meetings of other international organizations which deal with questions relating to the work of the Directorate. Prepare and deliver lectures in his/her field of specialization, at training courses, seminars, workshops, etc., held at WCO Headquarters or elsewhere. Prepare working documents and briefs for the Policy Commission and the Council, assist with preparation of documents for Chairpersons and cross-Directorates matters associated with meetings of Technical Committees. Draft articles for WCO publications and those of other international organizations. The person appointed will also be required to perform such other duties as may be assigned and may be subject to reassignment within the WCO Secretariat. 1. Annex III Qualifications Applicants for this position must have a university degree or equivalent professional qualification, comprehensive knowledge of the Harmonized System and at least five years' experience of practical issues relating to Nomenclature matters, in particular tariff classification, at the national level within their Customs administration. Applicants must have in-depth knowledge and experience in Sections XI to XXI, as well as good understanding of the other Sections of the Harmonized System. Applicants must be proficient in drafting and speaking in French, and to have a good working knowledge of English. Knowledge of a weo working language for HS matters (Spanish and Russian) would be an asset. Knowledge of other languages (written and spoken) would be advantageous. The candidate must have good analytical, drafting and oral communication skills. The candidate must be able to deliver clear and concise presentations in French. The candidate must have good interpersonal skills, be prepared to work in a team and have the ability to work in an international environment. The candidate can smoothly handle general office software (Microsoft Office). April 2015. 2. Annex IV CONDITIONS OF SERVICE Grade: AS (The general conditions of service are set out in the weo Staff Manual, a copy of which has been issued to all Member Administrations.) Emoluments At present, the A5 monthly salary scale is € 8,257.84 to € 11,146.59 (11 steps). Where appropriate, a household allowance of 6 % of the salary and an expatriation allowance of 10 % of basic salary at the first step of the grade for five years, then reduced to zero over five years, are paid in addition. Dependants' and education allowances are available and there are extensive sickness and life insurance schemes. Officials and their dependants are entitled to home leave travel expenses every two years. All emoluments are free of tax. Terminal Allowance A deduction of 9 % is made from the official's salary as a contribution towards the terminal allowance. This allowance is equal to 3 times the official's contributions during the last 12 months of service multiplied by the number of years of service. By way of example, the monthly net pay of an expatriate official, married with two young children, would be around € 9,100; and on leaving the service after five years, he would be entitled to a terminal allowance of approximately € 157,000. Duration of appointment Five years. The first six months of service will be a probationary period. Apri1201S. Annex V CONDITIONS OF SERVICE Grade: A3 (The general conditions of service are set out in the weo Staff Manual, a copy of which has been issued to all Member Administrations.) Emoluments At present, the A3 monthly salary scale is € 6,135.91 to € 8,295.41 (11 steps). Where appropriate, a household allowance of 6 % of the salary and an expatriation allowance of 10 % of basic salary at the first step of the grade for five years, then reduced to zero over five years, are paid in addition. Dependants' and education allowances are available and there are extensive sickness and life insurance schemes. Officials and their dependants are entitled to home leave travel expenses every two years. All emoluments are free of tax. Terminal Allowance A deduction of 9 % is made from the official's salary as a contribution towards the terminal allowance. This allowance is equal to 3 times the official's contributions during the last 12 months of service multiplied by the number of years of service. By way of example, the monthly net pay of an expatriate official, married with two young children, would be around € 6,900; and on leaving the service after five years, he would be entitled to a terminal allowance of approximately € 117,000. Duration of appointment Five years. The first six months of service will be a probationary period. April 2015. Annex IV CONDITIONS OF SERVICE Grade: AS (The general conditions of service are set out in the weo Staff Manual, a copy of which has been issued to all Member Administrations.) Emoluments At present, the A5 monthly salary scale is € 8,257.84 to € 11,146.59 (11 steps). Where appropriate, a household allowance of 6 % of the salary and an expatriation allowance of 10 % of basic salary at the first step of the grade for five years, then reduced to zero over five years, are paid in addition. Dependants' and education allowances are available and there are extensive sickness and life insurance schemes. Officials and their dependants are entitled to home leave travel expenses every two years. All emoluments are free of tax. Terminal Allowance A deduction of 9 % is made from the official's salary as a contribution towards the terminal allowance. This allowance is equal to 3 times the official's contributions during the last 12 months of service multiplied by the number of years of service. By way of example, the monthly net pay of an expatriate official, married with two young children, would be around € 9,100; and on leaving the service after five years, he would be entitled to a terminal allowance of approximately € 157,000. Duration of appointment Five years. The first six months of service will be a probationary period. Apri1201S. APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF WITHIN THE WORLD CUSTOMS ORGANIZATION WORLD CUSTOfv\SORGANIZATION 1. PARTICULARS I~ Please affix a passport-sized photograph .. Family name (in block capitals) Maiden name (in block capitals) First name(s) (in block capitals) Sex o M o F Date of birth Place of birth Present natlonallty' Nationality at birth If your present nationality is different from your nationality at birth, please give details of how and when it was acquired. Please indicate if you possess dual nationality. -1/10- 2. CONTACT DETAILS Postal address I Telephone I number(s) I Eiimail address(es} 3. PERSONAL DETAILS Marital status o Single Information I ~ about YGur spouse Family name and first names(s) : . Date of birth: Profession : ,Depehdant(s) o Other (please specify) : o Married . I Maiden name: Nationality: . . . (family name, first name, date of birth and relationship) -2/10- I Compuls~ry military_or non-military national service I Dates and latest rank: Outstanding obligations (if applicable): . .. J Have you ever suffered any serious illness or accident? 0 Yes 0 No Do you have a disability that should be taken into consideration? 0 Yes If yes, please give details: 0 No . I Honour(s) Sanction(s) I Indicate any conviction, administrative sanction or pending case -3/10- 4. HIGHER EDUCATION, POST-GRADUATE QUALIFICATIONS, LANGUAGES, IT SKILLS AND PUBLICATIONS Name, place and country of university or equivalent Oegr-ee(s),distinction(s) obtained From To ' '!lI. ~Kn()wledge of langua~ges ·t::' Mother tongue: ................................................................................................... Write ·"Speak Very wel" Welf. !fairly well , Very welf, Wel" FSlfly well 'Read Very well. Well"Ecairly well EI'l9lish ~F'rench Spanish Other (1) Other (2) ~:. '0 ' 1t " '< , :IT skills.' if'1'#; ro ·IF I List thii"word-processing and other software· with·-w..... h-:-ic~h-.0-:;;;:o--;-u~a-r-e---:(;:-am-c-=i"-:-·a-r -~---:.~::;------,-= it P.u6Iication(s) Indicate the title of any significant publications relevant to the post applied for) :. e, I you have written (in particular any publications -4/10- ~r ". ,,', , 5. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Present post Since: . Description of your duties Exact title of your post: I-:-:---:------:----------,.----i . Name and contact details of your employer Previous post From: . To: . '~" -:: ~.~DescriP~ion of ~~~rduties Exact title of your post: I-:-::----~__:___:_--:---:---:-------:----i . Name and contact details of your employer Previous post: From: . .;, To: . ""~")~l.. Description of your duties Exact title of your post: I-:-:---,---------------i . Name and contact details of your employer -5/10- Exact title of your post: Name and contact details of your employer From: To: . . Exact title of your post: ~:-----:------:-:--:-----::-:------=--------:-----l Name and contact details of your employer Exact title of your post: Name and contact details of your employer -6/10- . 6. CANDIDATE'S VISION OF THE POST Without exceeding the space provided, describe your vision of the post for which you are applying " -7/10- -8/10- 7. ADDITIONAL Have;you previously Yes 0 applied for employment No INFORMATION with the weo ? O· ,. ?;[j\ If yes, provide details: l-Have you Uved abroad for any perlod(s) exceeding~3fmonths? ~ Yes 0 Ii" No 0 " ~. If yes, provide details: -9/10- 8. REFERENCES Give the names and addresses of three persons, not related to you, who are able to vouch for your qualifications and character '" ~ ~: FAMilY NAME AND FIRST NAME ., ,,,~, ," '''''- ;;- OCCUPATION .. " \~~i¥f1~ ,. .~., CONTACT DETAilS Address, telephone number, e-mait ~ 1# I certify that the statements made by me above are accurate and complete and I undertake to supply, on request, any documentary evidence required in support of them. I am aware that any misrepresentation or material omission, even unintentional, may result in the rejection of my application or the annulment of any subsequent appointment. I agree to undergo the medical examination required before any appointment. (Date) (Candidate's signature) The World Customs Organization is an equal opportunities employer. -10/10- t
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