ISSN No: 2321-5488 Vol 2 Issue 10 April 2015 ORIGINAL ARTICLE International Multidisciplinary Research Journal Research Directions Editor-in-Chief S.P. Rajguru Welcome to Research Direction ISSN No.2321-5488 Research DirectionJournal is a multidisciplinary research journal, published monthly in English, Hindi & Marathi Language. All research papers submitted to the journal will be double - blind peer reviewed referred by members of the editorial board readers will include investigator in universities, research institutes government and industry with research interest in the general subjects. CHIEF PATRON Mr. Sanjeev Patil Chairman : Central Div. Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara. PATRON Suhasini Shan Chairman LMC & Director - Precision Industries, Solapur. EDITOR IN CHIEF S.P. Rajguru Asst. Prof. (Dept. of English) Rayat Shikshan Sanstha's, L. B. P. Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Solapur. (M.S.) Sub Editors (Dept. Of Humanities & Social Science) Dr.Prakash M. Badiger Guest Faculty,Dept. Of History, Gulbarga University,Gulbarga. Nikhilkumar D. Joshi Gujrat Dr.kiranjeet kaur Nikhil joshi Dept.of English G.H.patel college of Engineering and Technology,Gujrat. Advisory Board S. N. Gosavi Shrikant Yelegaonkar Punjabrao Ronge D. R. More T. N. Kolekar Seema Naik M. L. Jadhav Annie John Suhas Nimbalkar Adusumalli Venkateswara Raw Deepa P. Patil R.D.Bawdhankar Ajit Mondal Guest Referee Maryam Ebadi Asayesh Islamic Azad University, Iran Henry Hartono Soegijapranata Catholic University, Indonesia Judith F. Balares Salamat Department of Humanities, IASPI, Philippines Mukesh Williams University of Tokyo, Japan Address:-Ashok Yakkaldevi 258/34, Raviwar Peth, Solapur - 413 005 Maharashtra, India Cell : 9595 359 435, Ph No: 02172372010 Email: [email protected] Website: Research Directions ISSN: 2321-5488 Impact Factor : 2.1005(UIF) Volume-2 | Issue-10 | April-2015 Available online at A STUDY OF ROLE COMMITMENT OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS TEACHERS. Bhosale U. V. Head and Associate Professor, Department of Psychology , Yashwantrao Chavan Mahavidyalaya, Karmala, Dist-Solapur (M.S.) Co-Author Details : ABSTRACT: The objective of the study was to compare the teacher’s overall role commitment between male teachers and female teachers of the s eco n d ar y s ch o o ls . An o th er objective of the study was to compare the teacher ’s role commitment towards students, teacher’s role commitment towards school, teacher’s role commitment towards parents, teacher’s role commitment towards society, teacher’s role commitment towards n a t i o n , a n d t e a c h e r ’s r o l e commitment towards own profession between male teachers and female teachers of the secondary schools. The study one hundred male teachers and female teachers were selected from various secondary schools. The study type of gender were independent variable and teacher’s overall role commitment as well as teacher’s role commitment towards students, teacher’s role commitment towards school, teacher’s role commitment towards parents, teacher’s role commitment towards society, teacher’s role commitment towards nation, and teacher’s role commitment towards own profession were dependent variables. Teacher’s Role Commitment Scale developed by Meena Buddhisagar Rathod and Madhulika Verma (2003) was used for the study. Finding indicates that there is no significance difference found between male teachers and female teachers of the secondary schools in terms of their teacher’s overall role commitment, as well as teacher’s role commitment towards students, teacher’s role commitment towards school, teacher’s role commitment towards parents, teacher’s role commitment towards society, teacher’s role commitment towards nation and teacher’s role commitment towards own profession. KEYWORDS Teacher’s Role Commitment, Secondary Schools Teachers. 1 A STUDY OF ROLE COMMITMENT OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS TEACHERS. 1.INTRODUCTION: Various educationists have given the different explanations of the word educate. ‘The word ‘Education’ word originated from the latin word ‘Educatum’. Mahatma Gandhi says “By education, I mean an all-round drawing out of the best in child and man-body, mind and spirit.” Education is very important for the development of human. It is natural as well as spontaneous process. Every animal learns through experience and make changes in its behavioral patterns. It is not limited to schools and colleges. Education also helps human being to get good job and profession. It helps to develop various dormant qualities in a child. Education helps the human being to become cultured person. It helps to inculcate the moral and spiritual norms in child, which helps the cultivation of character, physical health and body. Thus the physical development and disease free health is made through education. In this study, researcher has find out significant difference between male teachers and female teachers of the secondary schools in terms of teacher’s role commitment as well as teacher’s role commitment towards students, teacher’s role commitment school, teacher’s role commitment parents, teacher’s role commitment society, teacher’s role commitment nation, and teacher’s role commitment own profession. 2.OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 1.To study the teacher’s overall role commitment of the male teachers and female teachers of the secondary schools. 2.To study the teacher’s role commitment towards students of the male teachers and female teachers of the secondary schools. 3.To study the teacher’s role commitment towards school of the male teachers and female teachers of the secondary schools. 4.To study the teacher’s role commitment towards parents of the male teachers and female teachers of the secondary schools. 5.To study the teacher’s role commitment towards society of the male teachers and female teachers of the secondary schools. 6.To examine the teacher’s role commitment towards nation of the male teachers and female teachers of the secondary schools. 7.To study the teacher’s role commitment towards own profession of the male teachers and teachers of the secondary schools. 3.HYPOTHESIS OF THE STUDY 1.There is no significance difference in teacher’s overall role commitment among male teachers and female teachers of the secondary schools. 2.There is no significance difference in teacher’s role commitment towards students among male teachers and female teachers of the secondary schools. 3.There is no significance difference in teacher’s role commitment towards schools among male teachers and female teachers of the secondary schools. 4.There is no significance difference in teacher’s role commitment towards parents among male teachers and female teachers of the secondary schools. 5.There is no significance difference in teacher’s role commitment towards society among male teachers 2 A STUDY OF ROLE COMMITMENT OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS TEACHERS. and female teachers of the secondary schools. 6.There is no significance difference in teacher’s role commitment towards nation among male teachers and female teachers of the secondary schools. 7.There is no significance difference in teacher’s role commitment towards own profession among male teachers and female teachers of the secondary schools. 4.RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: 1)Sample of the study: The research one hundred male and female teachers were selected from various secondary schools. The research purposive sampling method was used for the selection of the sample. Their age range was between 25 to 60 years. 2)Variables of the study 1)Independent Variables a)Male Teachers b)Female Teachers 2)Dependent Variables a)Teachers Overall Role Commitment , b)Teachers Role Commitment towards students, c)Teachers Role Commitment towards School, d)Teachers Role Commitment towards Parents, e)Teachers Role Commitment towards Society, f)Teachers Role Commitment towards Nation, g)Teachers Role Commitment towards Own Profession. 3)Material of the study: Teacher’s Role Commitment Scale (TRCS) Teacher’s Role Commitment Scale (2003) (TRCS) is developed by Meena Buddhisagar Rathod and Madhulika Verma. This scale consist fifty eight sentences. This scale measures six dimensions of teachers role commitment toward students, teachers role commitment toward parents, teachers role commitment toward school, teachers role commitment toward society, teachers role commitment toward nation, and teachers role commitment toward own profession. This scale meant for teachers. 3 A STUDY OF ROLE COMMITMENT OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS TEACHERS. 5.STATISTICAL INTERPRETATION Table:1: Mean, SD and t Value on teacher’s overall role commitment. Dependent Variable Type of Gender N Mean SD Teachers Overall Role Male Teachers 50 153.68 4.41 Commitment Female Teachers t P NS 0.662 50 154.33 0.05 5.36 Table no.1 observed that the mean score of teacher’s overall role commitment is 153.68 and SD is 4.41 of male teachers of the secondary schools and the mean score of teacher’s overall role commitment is 154.33 and SD is 5.36 of female teachers of the secondary schools. Obtained ‘t’ score is 0.662. Which is not significant at 0.05 level. Hence hypothesis no.1. There is no significance difference in teacher’s overall role commitment among male teachers and female teachers of the secondary schools is accepted. Table:2: Mean, SD and t Value on teacher’s role commitment towards students. Dependent Variable Type of Gender N Mean SD Teachers Role Commitment Male Teachers 50 65.60 2.69 Towards Students Female Teachers t P NS 2.109 50 66.90 0.05 3.43 Table no.2 observed that the mean score of teacher’s role commitment towards students is 65.60 and SD is 2.69 of male teachers of the secondary schools and the mean score of teacher’s role commitment towards students is 66.90 and SD is 3.43 of female teachers of the secondary schools. Obtained ‘t’ score is 2.109. Which is not significant at 0.05 level. Hence hypothesis no.2. There is no significance difference in teacher’s role commitment towards students among male teachers and female teachers of the secondary schools is accepted. Table:3: Mean, SD and t Value on teacher’s role commitment towards school. Dependent Variable Type of Gender N Mean SD Teachers Role Commitment Male Teachers 50 19.54 1.79 Towards school Female Teachers t P NS 1.947 50 18.86 1.70 0.05 Table no.3 observed that the mean score of teacher’s role commitment towards schools is 19.54 and SD is 1.79 of male teachers of the secondary schools and the mean score of teacher’ role commitment towards schools is 18.86 and SD is 1.70 of female teachers of the secondary schools. Obtained ‘t’ score is 1.947. Which is not significant at 0.05 level. Hence hypothesis no.3. There is no significance difference in teacher’s role commitment towards schools among male teachers and female teachers of the secondary schools is accepted. 4 A STUDY OF ROLE COMMITMENT OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS TEACHERS. Table:4: Mean, SD and t Value on teacher’s role commitment towards parents. Dependent Variable Type of Gender N Mean SD Teachers Role Commitment Male Teachers 50 10.42 1.13 Towards Parents Female Teachers t P NS 0.711 50 10.26 0.05 1.12 Table no.4 observed that the mean score of teacher’s role commitment towards parents is 10.42 and SD is 1.13 of male teachers of the secondary schools and the mean score of teacher’s role commitment towards parents is 10.26 and SD is 1.12 of female teachers of the secondary schools. Obtained ‘t’ score is 0.711. Which is not significant at 0.05 level. Hence hypothesis no.4. There is no significance difference in teacher’s role commitment towards parents among male teachers and female teachers of the secondary schools is accepted. Table:5: Mean, SD and t Value on teacher’s role commitment towards society. Dependent Variable Type of Gender N Mean SD Teachers Role Commitment Male Teachers 50 15.98 1.32 Towards Society Female Teachers t P NS 0.323 50 15.90 0.05 1.15 Table no.5 observed that the mean score of teacher’s role commitment towards society is 15.98 and SD is 1.32 of male teachers of the secondary schools and the mean score of teacher’s role commitment towards society is 15.90 and SD is 1.15 of female teachers of the secondary schools. Obtained ‘t’ score is 0.323. Which is not significant at 0.05 level. Hence hypothesis no.5. There is no significance difference in teacher’s role commitment towards society among male teachers and female teachers of the secondary schools is accepted. Table:6: Mean, SD and t Value on teacher’s role commitment towards nation. Dependent Variable Type of Gender N Mean SD Teachers Role Commitment Male Teachers 50 10.74 1.31 Towards Nation Female Teachers t P NS 1.079 50 10.98 0.87 0.05 Table no.6 observed that the mean score of teacher’s role commitment towards nation is 10.74 and SD is 1.31 of male teachers of the secondary schools and the mean score of teacher’s role commitment towards nation is 10.98 and SD is 0.87 of female teachers of the secondary schools. Obtained ‘t’ score is 1.079. Which is not significant at 0.05 level. Hence hypothesis no.6. There is no significance difference in teacher’s role commitment towards nation among male teachers and female teachers of the secondary schools is accepted. 5 A STUDY OF ROLE COMMITMENT OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS TEACHERS. Table:7: Mean, SD and t Value on teacher’s role commitment towards own profession. Dependent Variable Type of Gender N Mean SD Teachers Role Commitment Male Teachers 50 31.40 2.47 Towards Own Profession Female Teachers t P NS 1.122 50 30.80 2.86 0.05 Table no.7 observed that the mean score of teacher’s role commitment towards own profession is 31.40 and SD is 2.47 of male teachers of the secondary schools and the mean score of teacher’s role commitment towards own profession is 30.80 and SD is 2.86 of female teachers of the secondary schools. Obtained ‘t’ score is 1.122. Which is not significant at 0.05 level. Hence hypothesis no.7. There is no significance difference in teacher’s role commitment towards own profession among male teachers and female teachers of the secondary schools is accepted. 6.FINDINGS 1.There is no significance difference found in teachers overall role commitment among male teachers and female teachers of the secondary schools. 2.There is no significance difference found in teacher’s role commitment towards students among male teachers and female teachers of the secondary schools. 3.There is no significance difference found in teacher’s role commitment towards school among male teachers and female teachers of the secondary schools. 4.There is no significance difference found in teacher’s role commitment towards parents among male teachers and female teachers of the secondary schools. 5.There is no significance difference found in teacher’s role commitment towards society among male teachers and female teachers of the secondary schools. 6.There is no significance difference found in teacher’s role commitment towards nation among male teachers and female teachers of the secondary schools. 7.There is no significance difference found in teacher’s role commitment towards own profession among male teachers and female teachers of the secondary schools. 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Agra India, National Psychological Corporation. 10.Monroe, P.(1990).International Encyclopedia of Education. New Delhi: Cosmo Publications. 11.Pandey, R. S., Principles of Education. Agra: Vinon Pustak Mandir. 12.Purkait, B. R. (1987). New Education in India (1st ed.). Ambala Cantt. India: The Associated Publishers. 13.Safaya, R. N. (1996). Educational Theory and Practice. Delhi: Dhanpat Rai and Sons. 14.Taneja,V.R.(1993). Education Thought and Practice. New Delhi: Sterling Publishrs Pravate Limited. 15.www. 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