Since March 2002 An International, Registered & Referred Monthly Journal : Research Link - 135, Vol - XIV (4), June - 2015, Page No. 71-73 Impact Factor - 2014 - 1.8007 ISSN - 0973-1628 RNI - MPHIN-2002-7041 G eography Agricultural Implements and Gross Irrigated Area in West Khandesh Region of Maharashtra : A Tahsil Wise Analysis Agricultural implements are essential in practicing agriculture. This study region is predominantly engaging in practicing traditional agriculture. Agricultural implements namely iron and wooden plough, tractor and tractor operated implements, sprayers, electric & diesel pumps are widely used in this region. The total numbers of wooden and iron ploughs are 137389, Electric & Diesel pumps are 84008, tractors 3721, and tractor operated implements are 11738, and sprayers were 36432. Coefficient of correlation between GIA and diesel & electric pump set has 0.01 during the period of triennium 2001-2003.Hence tahsil wise proportion of diesel and electric pump set with GIA area is uneven in study region. Keywords : Implements, Land use, Coefficient of correlation, GIA, Agricultural practices. DR.B.D.PATIL Introduction : scratches the soil, the hand sickle made more for a child than India is a sub-continent and a variety of indigenous for a man, the old fashioned winnowing fray that woos the implements are used in the different parts of the country for wind to shift the grain from chaff, and the rude choffer with the last several centuries. In these days some effective its waste of fodder are un displaced from their primitive but foreign implements have been introduced in many regions immemorial functions” (Agricultural Economics, 2006). of the country. Tools and implements are an integral part of Wooden ploughs are used where the alluvial soil and by agricultural practices. Broadly the two types of inputs are small farmers. In the irrigated areas wooden ploughs are now used in agriculture namely mechanical and biochemical these replaced by iron plough because most of poor farmers can are the basic inputs to makes it possible to carry out farming made available easily. operations more quickly and help in rapid progress Table No 1 : Salient features on agricultural Implements in farm production In the study area mainly the W&I E&D TO Tahsil GIA Tractors Sprayers traditional inputs are used for land operation as Ploughs pumps Tools well as well as mechanical and biochemical inputs. 12970 27977 22305 555 2259 7734 The inputs in land operations such as tractors Dhule and tractors operated tools, wooden and iron Sakri 20024 19090 19304 449 1163 674 ploughs, oil engine, electric pumps, sprayers, Nawapur 17360 6092 1742 141 540 916 dusters, high yielding variety seeds etc. are used Nandurbar 5519 9610 11013 441 1003 3430 in the area under study. The study of Shafi [1985] 6674 5355 1320 307 971 843 points out that about half energy in Indian Taloda 10911 4247 1719 47 122 408 agricultural activity is supplied by drought Akkalkuwa animals. Power supplied by human labour is one Akrani 5378 3788 97 00 00 5516 tenth and remaining forty percent of the power Shahada 52678 22330 3650 1001 3191 5071 comes from tractors, pumps and machines. Those 21527 14681 11951 405 1386 6121 agricultural inputs are considered here whose Shirpur Shindkheda 10681 24219 10907 375 1103 5719 inputs are mainly practiced in this study area. Wooden and Iron plough : Region 163722 137389 84008 3721 11738 36432 Wooden plough is a device used for land Correlation coefficient 0.44 -0.01 0.78 0.77 0.15 scratching. M. L. Darling has rightly affirmed that “The plough that looks like a half open pen knife and just The important feature of this iron scratchier is to works Associate Professor (Department of Geography), R.C.Patel Arts, Commerce and Science College, Shirpur, Dist-Dhule (Maharashtra) Research Link - An International Journal - 135 Vol - XIV (4) June - 2015 71 on any type of topography. Both tools have done same work on land therefore herein jointly discuss its work for an analysis. After examining the values shown in table no 1, it reveals that the total number of wooden and iron ploughs in the region was 137389. The numbers of this particular tool indicates traditional method of farming. The total numbers of these tools are unevenly distributed in the certain tahsils. By applying Pearson's product movement method between gross irrigated area and wooden and iron ploughs has obtained low positive correlation with amounting 0.44 at the tahsil level. This is not significantly at 0.01 and 0.05 levels that means fail to prove the use of this tool equally in all tahsils for land operation. The values depicted in above table about the numbers of wooden and iron ploughs per thousand hectares of gross irrigated areas are categorized into the following groups. [A] Higher Number of Implements (1500 - Above) : Dhule, Nandurbar, and Shindkheda tahsils have falls in these categories. Shindkheda tahsil has 2268 followed by Dhule tahsil amounted 2157 wooden and iron ploughs. These tahsil have less irrigated area, dotted with few hills and course soils. Thereby land requires repeated to reclamation of land which made available for sowing to crop. [B] Moderate Number of Implements (750 1500) : Sakri and Taloda tahsils are reported in this category. Sakri tahsil has 954, followed by Taloda tahsil has 803 wooden and iron ploughs per thousand hectares of gross irrigated area. It reveals that use of other modern tools in land reclamation. [C] Poorer Number of Implements (0 - 750) : Nawapur, Akkalkuwa, Akrani, Shahada and Shirpur tahsils have poorer concentration of wooden and iron ploughs. Akrani tahsil has 705, followed by Shirpur tahsil has 682 wooden and iron ploughs per thousand hectares of gross irrigated area. Shahada tahsil has poorer proportion of 424 wooden and iron ploughs per thousand hectares of gross irrigated area. The poorer proportion of wooden and iron ploughs has indicated that the use of modern farm tools in Shahada tahsil. After analyzing the numbers of wooden and iron ploughs used per thousand hectares of irrigated area for land operation indicate uneven distribution at tahsil level. In the districts as whole has 840 wooden and iron ploughs per thousand of gross cropped area. Tractor and Tractors Operated Implements : Tractor is the basic mechanical input which largely determines the extent use of allied machinery and equipment; it is necessary that where very large tracts are to be sown more than once and for practices of irrigated land. Tractors and tractors operated tools are capable to tillage of farming or land without consuming time. It is seen that tractors used were plain region and irrigated tracts nowadays tractors to be used for land leveling thereby barren and undulating land convert into cultivated land. After an examine table no 1 the regional analysis shows that the proportion of tractors per thousand hectares of irrigated area is uneven. During the period of triennium, 2001-03, the number of tractor has amounted 3721 tractors in the study area. Nandurbar tahsil has 80 tractors per thousand hectares of irrigated area amongst all the tahsils followed by Taloda tahsil has 46 number tractors per thousand hectares of irrigated area. Dhule and Shindkheda tahsils has 43 and 36 tractors per thousand hectares of gross irrigated area respectively. Akkalkuwa tahsil has five tractor per thousand hectares of irrigated area, meanwhile Akrani tahsil has none tractors. Both tahsil has few features such as tribal's dominated and hilly areas with pathetic infrastructure even in Akrani tahsil fourfifths of areas has lack of road access. In district as a whole have 23 tractors and 72 tractors operated tools per thousand hectares of gross irrigated area. Shahada and Shirpur have only nineteen tractors per thousand hectares of irrigated area. It is observed that use of tractors and tractor operated implements are not well proportioned as per irrigated area. The number of tractors is very high in certain tahsil where the use of tractors for other purpose. Farmers took tractors on rental basis for land operation. The values depicted in table 1, indicate variation in the use of tractor and tractors operated equipments in all tahsils. Correlation coefficient of tractors and tractor operated tools with gross irrigated area has high positive correlation amounting r = 0.78 and r = 0.77. The regression line with points are shows positive correlation between tractor, tractor operated tools and gross irrigated area. It means use of tractor and tractors operated inputs area associated with agricultural practices. Today the farmers are realized the importance of these tools. There is increase in the use of tractor and tractor operated implements in certain tahsils. Electric and Diesel Pumps : Diesel and electrically operated pumps are the most important equipments to lift water from wells and boar wells. Water is a significant input to growth of crop and yield. The availability of water for irrigation purpose is possible through surface flow and belowground. By using diesel and electric pumps lift the water from surface and below ground. The oil engine or diesel pumps deployed along with the canals for extracting the water. The electric pumps are mostly used for extracting ground water. The values depicted in the table 1 reveal that, during the period of triennium 2001-03 total pump sets are 84008 of gross irrigated area in the study region. Correlation coefficient between diesel and electric pumps and gross irrigated area has (-0.01) negative correlation. It means diesel and electric pump sets are not associated with gross irrigated area. For analysis of spatial pattern of electric and diesel pump set of gross cropped area are categorized into the following groups. [A] Higher proportion of (1000 Above) electric and diesel pump sets are recorded in Dhule, Nandurbar and Shindkheda tahsils. Nandurbar tahsil has 1996 pump sets deploying in the wells and boar wells to per thousand hectares of irrigated area. Research Link - An International Journal - 135 Vol - XIV (4) June - 2015 72 Graph 1 : Regressions gross irrigated area and Electric and diesel pumps, 2001-03 Electric & Diesel Pumps (r = - 0.01) 25000 20000 15000 Pump Sets Linear fit (8534-0.00816x) 10000 5000 0 5000 15000 25000 35000 45000 Gross Irrigated Area 55000 Dhule tahsil has 1720 pump set sets per thousand hectares of gross irrigated area followed by Shindkheda. Due to non-perennial wells, the proportion of wells has higher with gross irrigated area. Thereby the proportion of diesel and electric pumps has higher in these tahsils. [B] Moderate proportion of (500-1000) Electric and diesel pump sets are reported in Sakri and Shirpur tahsils. Both the tahsils have well irrigated tract with assured rainfall. Sakri tahsil has 964 electric and diesel pumps per thousand hectare of gross irrigated area while Shirpur tahsil has 556. In Shirpur tahsil, farmers deployed pump set on canal for irrigation purpose. [C] Poorer proportion of (0-500) Electric and diesel pump sets per thousand hectares of irrigated area is recorded in Nawapur, Taloda, Akkalkuwa, Akrani and Shahada tahsils. All these tahsils are endowed by surface and underground water. But major barrier is its topography and geology is not to allow sink wells and boar wells. All these tahsil fall under assured rainfall zone and economically backward region. Therefore farmers are unable to go for purchasing new technology. The spatial pattern suggest uneven proportion of electric and diesel pump sets per thousand hectares of gross irrigated area in certain tahsils. The correlation and regression shows in graph 1. suggest negative relationship between electric and diesel pumps and gross cropped area in the study area. Sprayer : Sprayer is a dispenser that turns a liquid into a fine mist. Much of the crop losses infected by a large variety of insect, pests and weeds could be reduced by adequate and timely plant protection measures. Sprayer has been accepted as one of the supporting tools to control pest and insect. It is largely used in the areas were the cotton producing regions. This tool is run by both inanimate and animate energy. By using this tool spray liquid of insecticides and pesticides on the crops for controlling pest. Correlation coefficient between number of sprayers and gross irrigated area has r = 0.15 It is rejected at 0.01and 0.05 significant level indicates fails to prove any positive growth between them. The values depicted in table no 1, sprayers are categorized into the following groups. [A] Maximum proportion (600 - Above) of sprayers are confined in tribal populated areas where the sprayers are provided free of coast by Ministry of Tribal Development. Therefore Nandurbar and Akrani tahsils have large number of sprayers. Ironically, Akrani tahsil has 1206 sprayers per thousand hectares of irrigated area while Nandurbar has 622 sprayers per thousand hectares of gross irrigated area. [B] Moderate proportion of (300 - 600) sprayers is found largely in Dhule and Shindkheda a cotton growing tahsils. Dhule tahsil has 597 and Shindkheda has 536 sprayers per thousand hectares of gross irrigated area. [C] Poorer proportion of sprayers (0 - 300) per thousand hectares of irrigated area are recorded in Sakri, Nawapur, Taloda, Akkalkuwa, Shahada and Shirpur. These tahsils are falls under multiple crop growing regions therefore less use of sprayers. Uses of sprayers per thousand hectares of irrigated area are recorded below 100 in Sakri, Nawapur, Taloda, Akkalkuwa and Shahada tahsils. Shirpur tahsil has 236 sprayers per thousand hectares of irrigated area indicates cotton and chilly growing area. Concluding Remark : It is observed that the variation in the use of agricultural input as per changes in GIA .The proportion of wooden and iron ploughs to per thousand hectare of gross irrigated area was poorer in irrigated tahsil. However, use of tractors in agricultural operation to per thousand hectares to gross irrigated is less. As well as sprayers provided to free of coast to the tribal farmers. Overall agriculture is practiced traditionally in this region. References : Agricultural implements are essential in practicing agriculture. This study region is predominantly engaging in practicing traditional agriculture. Agricultural implements namely iron and wooden plough, tractor and tractor operated implements, sprayers, electric & diesel pumps are widely used in this region. The total numbers of wooden and iron ploughs are 137389, Electric & Diesel pumps are 84008, tractors 3721, and tractor operated implements are 11738, and sprayers were 36432. Coefficient of correlation between GIA and diesel & electric pump set has 0.01 during the period of triennium 2001-2003.Hence tahsil wise proportion of diesel and electric pump set with GIA area is uneven in study region. References : (1) Socio economic review 2001, 2002 and 2003. (2) Pawar C. T. (1989): Impact of Irrigation: A Regional Perspective, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay. (3) Husain Majid (1979): “Agricultural Geography”, Inter-India Publications, Delhi. (4) Singh, Jasbir. Dhillon, S. S. (1994):“Agricultural Geography”(Second edition), Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited. New Delhi. (5) Monkhouse, F. J. and Wilkinson, E. R. (1971): Maps and Diagrams, Methuen and Company Ltd. London. Research Link - An International Journal - 135 Vol - XIV (4) June - 2015 73 Since March 2002 An International, Registered & Referred Monthly Journal : Research Link - 135, Vol - XIV (4), June - 2015, Page No. 74-76 Impact Factor - 2014 - 1.8007 ISSN - 0973-1628 RNI - MPHIN-2002-7041 G eography yeejeB efpeues ceW Yetpeue mlej keâer efmLeefle : Skeâ Yeewieesefuekeâ efJeJesÛeve Øemlegle MeesOehe$e, yeejeB efpeues ceW Yetpeue mlej keâer efmLeefle kesâ Yeewieesefuekeâ efJeJesÛeve hej DeeOeeefjle nw~ DeOÙeÙeve #es$e kesâ peue mebmeeOeveeW kesâ mJe®he kesâ DeOÙeÙeve kesâ efueS ØeeLeefcekeâ SJeb efÉleerÙekeâ DeebkeâÌ[eW keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~ ØeeLeefcekeâ DeebkeâÌ[W JÙeefòeâiele heÙe&Jes#eCe SJeb mee#eelkeâej Éeje Skeâef$ele efkeâS ieS nQ~ efÉleerÙekeâ DeebkeâÌ[W peue mebmeeOeve efJeYeeie, yeejeB, efpeuee heefj<eo yeejeB, Yetpeue efJeYeeie, keâesše Deeefo DevÙe mebyebefOele efJeYeeieeW SJeb meceeÛeej he$eeW mes Øeehle efkeâS ieS nQ~ Øeehle DeebkeâÌ[eW keâe meejCeerÙeve, JeieeakeâjCe SJeb efJeMues<eCe nsleg DeeJeMÙekeâ meebefKÙekeâerÙe efJeefOeÙeeW keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles ngS MeesOehe$e lewÙeej efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~ DeOÙeÙeve mes mhe° neslee nw efkeâ efpeues kesâ Yetpeue mlej ceW ueieeleej efiejeJeš leLee Fmekeâe oesnve ueieeleej yeÌ{ jne nw, efpememes efvekeâš YeefJe<Ùe ceW Yetpeue YeC[ejeW kesâ meceehle nesves keâer DeeMebkeâe nw~ Dele: YeefJe<Ùe keâer Deeyeeoer "erkeâ"ekeâ jns, Fmekesâ efueS DeYeer mes hegKlee Deewj "esme GheeÙe keâjves neWies leLee GefÛele ØeyebOeve kesâ Éeje nce efpeues keâes nesves Jeeues Yetpeue mebkeâš mes yeÛee mekeâles nQ~ [[email protected]â.pesleJeeue* SJeb YegJevesMe kegâceej je"ewj** ifjp; % HkkSxksfyd v/;;u esa ^izn's k* dh ladYiuk lnSo ls pyh vk jgh gS] D;ksafd izn's k i`Foh ry dk ,d vfHkUu vax gksrk gSA blh izn's k ij ekuo ds le{k vusd izdkj dh leL;k,¡ ifjyf{kr gskrh gSAa ,d HkwxksyosÙkk ekuo thou ds le{k mifLFkr leL;kvksa dks js[kkafdr dj muds lek/kku }kjk ekuo dY;k.k gsrq lnSo lfØ; gSA blh rF; dks /;ku esa j[krs gq, v/;;udÙkkZ }kjk Hkh ckjk¡ ftys esa Hkwty dh fLFkfr dk v/;;u fd;k x;k gSA v/;;u {ks= dk ifjp; % ckjk¡ ftyk jktLFkku ds nf{ Hkkx gkM+kSrh v¡py esa fLFkr gSA ftys dh HkkSxksfyd fLFkfr 24024* mÙkjh v{kka'k ls 25026* mÙkjh v{kka'k rFkk 76012* iwohZ ns'kkUrj ls 77026* iwohZ ns'kkUrj gSA ftys dh mÙkjh&iwohZ] iwohZ] nf{k.k&iwohZ rFkk nf{ lhek e/;izn's k jkT; ls tqMh+ gqbZ gSA bl lhek ds lgkjs e/;izn's k jkT; ds Øe'k% ';ksiqj] f'koiqjh o xquk ftys yxs gq, gSaA ftys dh mÙkj&if'pe] if'pe o nf{k.k&if'pe lhek jktLFkku ds dksVk o >kykokM+ ftyksa dks Li'kZ djrh gSA ftys dh mÙkj&if'pe o if'pe lhek ij dksVk o nf{k.k&if'pe lhek >kykokM+ ftys dks Nwrh gS] ftldh izkÑfrd lhek dkyhfla/k o ijou ufn;k¡ cukrh gSAa dkyhfla/k unh ckjk¡ o dksVk rFkk ijou unh ckjk¡ o >kykokM+ ftys dh izkÑfrd lhek dk fu/kkZj.k djrh gSA ikoZrh unh ftys ds yxHkx e/; ls xqtjrh gSA ftys dh vf/kdre yEckbZ mÙkj ls nf{k.k 110 fdyksehVj o iwoZ ls if'pe dh pkSM+kbZ 120 fdyksehVj gSA bl izdkj ftys dh pkSM+kbZ bldh yEckbZ ls 10 fdyksehVj vf/kd gSA ftys dk dqy HkkSxksfyd {ks=Qy 6992 oxZ fdyksehVj gS tks lexz jktLFkku ds {ks=Qy dk 2-04 izfr'kr gSA 2011 dh tux.kuk ds vuqlkj ftys dh dqy tula[;k 1222755 O;fDr gSA lkekU;r% ckjk¡ ftys dh tyok;q ekulwu ds vykok iw.kZ :i ls 'kq"d gSA ;gk¡ xzh"e _rq esa Hkh"k.k xehZ rFkk 'khr _rq esa dBksj lnhZ iM+rh gSA ;gk¡ vkSlr okf"kZd o"kkZ dh ek=k 901-5 fe-eh- gSA vkSlr o"kkZ dk 94 izfr'kr Hkkx nf{k.k&if'peh ekulwu rFkk 'ks"k if'peh fo{kksHkksa o pØokrksa ls izkIr gksrh gSA *efJeYeeieeOÙe#e (Yetieesue efJeYeeie), jepekeâerÙe ceneefJeÅeeueÙe, yetvoer (jepemLeeve) **MeesOeÚe$e (Yetieesue efJeYeeie), jepekeâerÙe ceneefJeÅeeueÙe, yetvoer (jepemLeeve) Research Link - An International Journal - 135 Vol - XIV (4) June - 2015 74 viokg {ks= dh n`f"V ls ftys esa dkyhfla/k] ikoZrh] ijou o dqUuq ufn;k¡ izeq[k :i ls cgrh gSa] buesa ls Hkh ikoZrh izeq[k unh gS tks fd ftys ds yxHkx e/; esa ls xqtjrh gSA ;g {ks= pEcy unh ds viokg {ks= esa vkrk gS tks fd pEcy csflu ds iwohZ Hkkx esa fLFkr gSA vk¡dM+ksa dk ladyu ,oa fof/krU= % v/;;u {ks= ds ty lalk/kuksa ds Lo:i ds v/;;u ds fy, izkFkfed ,oa f}rh; vk¡dM+ksa dk iz;ksx fd;k x;k gSA izkFkfed vk¡dM+s O;fDrxr i;Zos{k.k ,oa lk{kkRdkj }kjk ,df=r fd, x, gSAa f}rh;d vk¡dM+s ty lalk/ku foHkkx] ckjk¡( ftyk ifj"kn] ckjk¡(] Hkwty foHkkx] dksVk vkfn vU; lEcfU/kr foHkkxksa ,oa lekpkj i=ksa vkfn ls izkIr fd, x, gSaA izkIr vk¡dM+ksa dk;u] oxhZdj.k o fo'ys"k.k gsrq vko';d lkaf[;dh; fof/k;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, 'kks/k i= dk fuekZ.k fd;k x;k gSA v/;;u {ks= dh eq[; Hkwty /kkjd lajpuk,¡ % ftys esa Hkwty Hk.Mkj ds fglkc ls Hkwty bdkb;ksa dk oxhZdj.k djus ij Kkr gksrk gS fd vk/ks ls vf/kd yxHkx 55% {ks= esa foa/;;u lewg ds ^^ckyw iRFkj** ¼Sand Stone½] 17% {ks= esa ^^pwuk iRFkj** ¼Lime Stone½ rFkk yxHkx 10% {ks= esa ^^'kSy iRFkj** ¼Shale Stone½ ik;k tkrk gSA ftys esa 14% {ks= esa ykok fufeZr vkXus; pêku ^^cSlkYV** ¼Basalt½ dk foLrkj gS] tcfd ek= 4% {ks= esa ^^uwru feêh** ¼Alluvium½ dk foLrkj gSA ckjk¡ ftys esa Hkwty Lrj dh fLFkfr % Hkwlrg ds uhps fLFkr ty dks Hkwfexr ty dh laaKk nh tkrh gSA ;g ty /kjkryh; vUr%L=o.k }kjk Hkwfexr gksrk gSA Hkwfexr ty izkfIr ds izeq[k L=ksr dq,¡] uydwi o ckofM+;k¡ vkfn gSaA v/;;u {ks= esa fo|eku Hkwty dk mi;ksx eq[;r% is;ty ,oa flapkbZ vkfn :iksa esa fd;k tkrk gS] tks o"kkZ dky ds vfrfjDr o"kZ ds vf/kdka'k eghuksa esa fofo/k vko';drkvksa dh iwfrZ djrk gSA ckjk¡ ftys dk dqy {ks=Qy 6992 oxZ fd-eh- gS rFkk vkSlr okf"kZd o"kkZ 901-5 fe-eh- gSA ftys esa o'kZ 2003 esa Hkwty dh dqy miyC/k ek=k 497 fefy;u ?ku ehVj Fkh tks orZeku esa ?kVdj 495 fefy;u ?ku ehVj jg x;hA ds fo'ys"k.k ls Kkr gksrk gS fd ftys esa o"kZ 2003 esa vkSlr Hkwty Lrj dh xgjkbZ 1039 ehVj Fkh] tks yxHkx 24 ls-eh- izfro"kZ dh nj ls fxjrs gq, 2013 esa 12-78 ehVj gks x;h gSA xr 10 o"kksZa ¼2003 ls 2013½ esa ftys esa lokZf/kd Hkwty Lrj esa fxjkoV vV: iapk;r lfefr esa 11-49 ehVj ntZ gqbZ] ogha lcls de fxjkoV NhikcM+kSn esa 0-94 ehVj ntZ dh x;hA ftys ds Hkwty Lrj esa yxkrkj fxjkoV gks jgh gS] dsoy vUrk o fd'kuxat iapk;r lfefr ds Hkwty Lrj esa lq/kkj gqvk gSA 1 % ckjk¡ ftys esa vkSlr Hkwty Lrj ¼o"kZ 2003 ls 2013½ Hkwty Lrj dh xgjkbZ ¼ehVj esa½ iap k;r lfefr vUrk ckjk¡ fd’kuxat 'kkgckn vV: NcM+k NhikcM+kSn ckjk¡ ftyk 2003 10.32 13.67 9.02 6.65 14.60 8.54 9.98 10.39 2013 7.19 18.37 7.85 9.41 26.09 9.63 10.92 12.78 ifjorZu + 3.13 & 4.7 + 1.17 & 2.76 & 11.49 & 1.09 & 0.94 & 2.39 lzksr % Hkwty foHkkx] dksVk 2 % ckjk¡ ftys esa Hkwty mi;ksx@nksgu dh fLFkfr ¼o"kZ 2003 ls 2013½ Hkwty mi;ksx dh ek=k ¼% esa½ iap k;r lfefr vUrk ckjk¡ fd’kuxat 'kkgckn vV: NcM+k NhikcM+kSn ckjk¡ ftyk 2003 69 82 35 42 105 77 98 74 2013 99 113 45 60 122 109 110 96 ifjorZu 30 31 10 18 17 32 12 22 lzksr % Hkwty foHkkx] dksV k o"kZ 2003 ds vuqlkj ftys ds 7 iapk;r lfefr;ksa esa ls rhu iapk;r lfefr;k¡ ¼vUrk] fd'kuxat o 'kkgckn½ lqjf{kr esa Fkh] dsoy 1 iapk;r lfefr ¼vV:½ vfrnksfgr esa Fkh] tcfd o"kZ 2013 ds vuqlkj 2 iapk;r lfefr;k¡ ¼fd'kuxat o 'kkgckn½ lqjf{kr esa gS vkSj 04 iapkr lfefr;k¡ ¼ckjk¡] vV:] NcM+k o NhikcM+kSn½ vfrnksfgr esa vk pqdh gSa vkSj ;fn Hkwty nksgu dh nj ;gh jgh rks 'ks"k iapk;r lfefr;k¡ Hkh 'kh?kz gh vfrnksfgr Research Link - An International Journal - 135 Vol - XIV (4) June - 2015 75 esa vk tk;sxhA ds fo'ys"k.kkuqlkj ftys esa 2003 esa Hkwty nksgu dh nj 74% Fkh] tks 2013 esa c<+dj 96% rd gks x;h] tks fd ftys dks fo"ke esa n'kkZrk gSA bl izdkj ftys esa miyC/k Hkwty Hk.Mkj 495 fefy;u ?ku ehVj ds fo:) 476 fefy;u ?ku ehVj dk nksgu gks jgk gSA ftys esa lokZf/kd Hkwty dk mi;ksx vV: iapk;r lfefr esa 122% gks jgk gSA ogha xr n'kd esa lokZf/kd Hkwty mi;ksx esa o`f) NcM+k iapk;r lfefr esa 32% ns[kh x;h gSA ckjk¡ ftys esa yxHkx 70% is;ty ;kstuk,¡ ,oa flapkbZ dk;Z Hkwty ij vk/kkfjr gSaA lcls vf/kd Hkwty yxHkx 90% Ñf"k esa] 7% is;ty o m|ksxksa eas rFkk 'ks"k 3% vU; xfrfof/k;ksa esa [kpZ gksrk gSA yxkrkj Hkwty nksgu ls ftys esa Hkwty Lrj fxjrk tk jgk gS] tks {ks= ds Hkwty Lrj ij tula[;k ds c<+rs ncko o vfu;ksftr lrgh ty dks bafxr djrk gSA ;fn ftys esa Hkwty nksgu dh xfr ;gh jgh rks Hkwty ds Hk.Mkj lEHkor% o"kZ 2020 rd lekIr gks tk;sx a ]s ftlls u dsoy flapkbZ vfirq ihus gsrq Hkh ikuh dh Hk;adj deh vk tk;sxhA ?kVrs Hkwty Lrj o c<+rs nksgu ds dkj.k % ¼1½ c<+rh tula[;k] izfr O;fDr ty dh [kir esa o`f)] o`{kksa dh vU/kk/kaq/k dVkbZA ¼2½ Hkwty dk e'khuksa ,oa fo|qr ;U=ksa }kjk vU/kk/kqa/k nksguA ¼3½ Ñ"kdksa dh vKkurk o vuqfpr flapkbZ dk <axA ¼4½ ijEijkxr ty L=ksrksa dk mi;ksx u djuk] Qyr% Hkwty fudklh ij vR;f/kd izHkkoA ¼5½ Hkwty izcU/ku esa tu lgHkkfxrk dk vHkkoA ¼6½ lekt dh ljdkj ij c<+rh fuHkZjrk] LokFkhZ izo`fÙk ,oa ty ds izfr laosnughurk vkfnA Hkwty ds vfrnksgu ds nq"ifj.kke % ¼1½ Hkwty Lrj esa Hkkjh fxjkoVA ¼2½ fctyh ij vf/kd [kpkZA ¼3½ Hkwty dh xq.koÙkk esa fxjkoVA ¼4½ Hkfo"; esa 'kq) is;ty vkiwfrZ dh pqukSrhA ¼5½ dqvksa] cksjosy vkfn ds fMLpktZ esa deh ,oa budk lw[kukA ¼6½ fudV Hkfo"; esa Hkwty Hk.Mkjksa ds lekIr gksus dh lEHkkouk,¡A ¼7½ Hkkoh ih<+h ds fy, xEHkhj ty ladV dk cqykokA lq>ko % ¼1½ Hkwty Lrj eas fxjkoV ds nq"izHkkoksa dk O;kid izpkj&izlkjA ¼2½ Hkwty ds vR;f/kd nksgu dks jksdus gsrq tkx`r djukA ¼3½ flapkbZ gsrq ty cpr dh rduhdksa tSls & cw¡n&cw¡n flapkbZ@QOokjk flapkbZ i)fr dk mi;ksx djukA ¼4½ de ty [kir djus okyh Qly viukukA ¼5½ nSfud mi;ksx esa ty dh cckZnh dks jksduk rFkk ty dks ^^ewY;oku** oLrq dh rjg lajf{kr djukA ¼6½ {ks= esa v/;kid oxZ ,oa f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds e/; ^^Hkwty lalk/ku leL;k,¡ vkSj lek/kku** vkfn fo"k;d tkudkjh izlkfjr dj tu tkxj.k djukA ¼7½ unh&ukyksa esa cgrs O;FkZ o'kkZ ty dks ,fudV] ck¡/k ;k csfj;j bR;kfn ty laxzg.k lajpukvksa }kjk laxzfgr djukA ¼8½ ijEijkxr ty L=ksrksa dk iqj:)kj djuk rFkk l?ku o`{kkjksi.kA ¼9½ uxjh; flost o vkS|ksfxd vif'k"V ds fuLrkj.k gsrq Bksl mik; djuk rkfd lrgh ty ,oa Hkwty dh xq.koÙkk izHkkfor u gksA fu"d"kZ ,oa leh{kk % fu"d"kZ :i esa dgk tk ldrk gS fd ftys ds Hkwty Lrj esa yxkrkj fxjkoV rFkk bldk nksgu yxkrkj c<+ jgk gS] ftlls fudV Hkfo"; esa Hkwty Hk.Mkjksa ds lekIr gksus dh vk'kadk gSA vr% Hkfo"; dh vkcknh BhdBkd jgs] mlds fy, vHkh ls gh iq[rk vkSj Bksl mik; djus gksaxs rFkk mfpr izcU/ku ds }kjk ge ftys dks gksus okys Hkwty ladV ls cpk ldrs gSaA Research Link - An International Journal - 135 Vol - XIV (4) June - 2015 76 Since March 2002 An International, Registered & Referred Monthly Journal : Research Link - 135, Vol - XIV (4), June - 2015, Page No. 77-78 Impact Factor - 2014 - 1.8007 ISSN - 0973-1628 RNI - MPHIN-2002-7041 G eography Øeeke=âeflekeâ JeeleeJejCe hej ceeveJeerÙe ØeYeeJe : Skeâ DeOÙeÙeve Øemlegle MeesOehe$e ceW Øeeke=âeflekeâ JeeleeJejCe hej ceeveJeerÙe ØeYeeJeeW keâe DeOÙeÙeve efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~ Øeeke=âeflekeâ JeeleeJejCe mechetCe& peerJeve peiele keâe efveÙeb$ekeâ nw Deewj he=LJeer hej peerJeve keâes megÛee® ®he mes Ûeueeves ceW Fmekeâer ØeeLeefcekeâ Yetefcekeâe jnleer nw~ otmejer Deesj ceeveJe Øeeke=âeflekeâ JeeleeJejCe keâe GheÙeesie meYÙelee kesâ ØeejbYe mes keâj jne nw~ ÙeÅeefhe Øeeke=âeflekeâ JeeleeJejCe ceW mJeÙeb meblegefuele jnves keâer #ecelee nesleer nw, efkeâvleg Ùeefo Fmekeâe DeefleMeÙe Mees<eCe efkeâÙee peeS DeLeJee Øeotef<ele efkeâÙee peeS lees Ùen Demeblegefuele nes peelee nw, efpememes Fmekeâes neefve nesleer nw, efpemekeâe ØeYeeJe mebhetCe& peerJe peiele hej neslee nw~ pewJe efJeefJeOelee hej mebkeâš mes Deepe Deveskeâ peerJe-peblegDeeW SJeb heeohe keâer ØepeeefleÙeeB efJeueghle nes jner nQ~ DeeJeMÙekeâlee ceeveJeerÙe ef›eâÙeeDeeW keâes mener efoMee osves keâer nw, leeefkeâ Fve ØepeeefleÙeeW keâes mebjef#ele efkeâÙee pee mekesâ~ mebkesâle efce"ejJeeue i;; izØe ok;qe.My dh n'kkvksa ds izfrQy gksrs gSaA pwafd ok;qe.Myh; n'kkvksa rFkk izØe lkSf;Zd ÅtkZ ls lacaf/kr gksrs gSaA bl rjg izeq[k i;; izØe ;Fkk tyh;] fgeunh;] ifjfgekuh rFkk ok;q vkfn lkSf;Zd ÅtkZ }kjk fu;af=r gksrs gSaA ekuoh; xfrfof/k;k¡ i`Fohry ij O;kid #i esa ifjofrZr ykrh gSAa dHkh i;kZoj.k vod"kZ.k rks dHkh i;kZoj.k izn"w k.k ds #i esaA ikfjfLFkfrd foKku dk Hkh vk/kkjHkwr fu;e gS fd ^^lHkh oLrq,¡ nwljh lHkh oLrqvksa ls tqM+h gqbZ gSa vkSj izd`fr esa dksbZ Hkh dsoy fdlh ,d oLrq dks ifjofrZr ugha dj ldrkA dqN izeq[k i;; izØeksa ij euq"; ds izHkkoksa rFkk mlds }kjk fd, x, ,oa fd, tk ldus okys ifjorZuksa dk mYys[k fd;k tk jgk gS % ¼1½ tyok;q ij ekuoh; izHkko ¼2½ ouLifr ij ekuoh; izHkko ¼3½ i'kqvksa ij ekuoh; izHkko ¼4½ e`nk ij ekuoh; izHkko ¼5½ ty ij ekuoh; izHkko ¼6½ Hkw&vkd`frd Lo#i ij ekuoh; izHkko ¼7½ tSo fofo/krk ij ekuoh; izHkkoA ¼1½ tyok;q ij ekuoh; izHkko % tula[;k vkSj rduhdh ds yxkrkj fodflr gksrs jgus ls lEiw.kZ fo'o dh tyok;q izHkkfor gqbZ gSA fo'o dh tyok;q dh izHkkfor djus ds fy, mÙkjnk;h ekuh tkrh gS % xSlkas dk mRltZu ¼dkcZu&MkbZ vkWDlkbM] ehFksu] Dyksjks ¶yksjks dkcZu] ukbVªl vkWDlkbM] fØIVku 85½ rkih; izHkko] fge Vksfi;ksa ij /kwy dk teko] ouksUewyu] pjkbZ dh vf/kdrk] vfr'k; flapkbZ] ty ;kstdksa ds fuekZ.k }kjk egklkxjh; /kkjkvksa esa ifjorZuA tyok;q ij ekuoh; izHkko dk ,d izeq[k mnkgj.k ^^gfjr x`g izHkko** ds #i esa ns[kk x;k tks orZeku fo'o ds i;kZoj.kfonksa ds lEeq[k ,d pqukSrh cuk gqvk gSA ftu xSlksa ds dkj.k gfjr x`g izHkko gksrk gS mudk mRltZu ekuoh; fØ;kvksa fo'ks"k dj m|ksxks]a okguksa] ,;j daMh'kuj] fQzt vkfn ls gksrk gSA tyok;q ij ekuoh; izHkko dk ,d vkSj mnkgj.k vEyh; o"kkZ gSA vEyh; o"kkZ ls rkRi;Z gS& tc izkd`frd o"kkZ dk ty gok esa mifLFkr dfri; iznw"kdksa dh izfrfØ;k ds QyLo#i vEyh; gks tkrk gS] rks mls vEyh; o"kkZ dgrs gSaA ekuoh; fØ;kvksa ls i`Foh ds ok;qe.My dh lajpuk esa ifjorZu vk tkrk] tks Xykscy okfeZax] vkstksu fojyrk] vEyh; o"kkZ vkfn ds lkFk lkekU; tyok;q ifjorZu ds fy, mÙkjnk;h gksrk gSA ¼2½ ouLifr ij ekuoh; izHkko % izkd`frd ouLifr ij ekuoh; izHkko ^ouksUewyu* ds #i esa ns[kk tk ldrk gSA tSl& s tSls ekuo fodkl ;k=k ij vxzlj gksrk x;k] ouksa dk {ks= Hkh lhfer gks x;kA izkjEHk esa d`f"k] fQj m|ksx] vf/koklksa dk clko] ifjogu vkfn ds fy, ouksa dk fouk'k djrk jgk gSA ouksUewyu ds izeq[k dkj.k jgs& d`f"k gsrq] fuekZ.k dk;Z gsrq] dk"B] bZa/ku ,oa vU; mi;ksx gsrq vFkkZr~ O;kikfjd dk;kZas gsrq ouksa dh dVkbZ dks] [kuu }kjk] 'kgjhdj.k ds foLrkj lsA ekuo dh LokFkZijdrk vkSj O;kikjhdj.k ds dkj.k tks ouksa dk fouk'k gks jgk gS mldk izfrdwy izHkko tyok;q] e`nk ,oa oU; thoksa ij izR;{k iM+ jgk gS vkSj blls ikfjfLFkfrdh vlarqyu mRiUu gks jgk gSA ¼3½ i'kqvksa ij ekuoh; izHkko % i'kqvksa ij ekuoh; izHkko dks lqfo/kktud #i esa ik¡p oxksZa esa oxhZd`r fd;k tk ldrk gS& ikyrwdj.k] izlj.k] foyqfIrdj.k] foLrj.k ,oa ladqpuA mijksDr leLr oxksZa esa foyqfIrdj.k i'kqvksa cekeâeve vebyej 621, meskeäšj-14, jesnlekeâ (nefjÙeeCee) Research Link - An International Journal - 135 Vol - XIV (4) June - 2015 77 ds fy, lokZf/kd ?kkrd voLFkk gSA oU; iztkfr;ksa dk foyqIr gks tkuk fo'o esa xaHkhj ikfjfLFkfrd leL;k dk dkj.k cu ldrk gSA oU; thoksa ds laj{k.k ds fy, vUrjkZ"Vªh; ,oa jk"Vªh; Lrj ij dbZ Lo;a lsoh laLFkk,¡ iz;kl dj jgh gSA lcls cM+h leL;k fofHkUu izdkj ds izkd`frd vkoklksa ds ekuoh; gLr{ksi }kjk lekIr gksus ls mRiUu gqbZ gSA ¼4½ e`nk ij ekuoh; izHkko % e`nk ekuoh; thou dk vk/kkj gSA uohu rduhdksa ds iz;ksx ds }kjk Hkwfe mi;ksx izk#i esa ifjorZu dk izHkko e`nk ij Li"Vr% bafxr gksrk gSA yo.krk ;|fi e#LFkyh; o vðZe#LFkyh; nksuksa esa ,d izkd`frd izØe gS] ysfdu tc fofHkUu ekuoh; dkj.kksa ls mldh ek=k c<+ tkrh gS rks ;g ?kkrd gks ldrk gSA ty fudkyus ,oa foLr`r flapkbZ ls e`nk esa yo.k Lrj c<+ tkrk gSA jklk;fud moZjdksa ds iz;ksx uss Hkh e`nk dh jklk;fud lajpuk dks izHkkfor fd;k gSA eq[; #i ls ukbVªsV] QkLQsV ,oa iksVk'k dk iz;ksx blds fy, mÙkjnk;h ekuk tkrk gSA e`nk vijnu dks oukjksi.k] Qly izca/ku] <ky izokg fu;a=.k] ok;q vijnu fu;a=.k ,oa leksPp jksi.k ds }kjk la;af=r fd;k tk ldrk gSA ¼5½ ty ij ekuoh; izHkko % orZeku fodkl Hkh izR;{k ;k ijks{k #i ls ty }kjk gh gksrk gSA uxjhdj.k] izn"w k.k] izR;{k izdV ifjorZu rFkk ty laxzg {ks=ksa dh fo'ks"krkvksa esa #ikUrj.k vkfn ds }kjk euq"; us ty dh ek=k ,oa xq.koÙkk nksuksa dks gh izHkkfor fd;k gSA vkS|ksfxd izfØ;kvksa ,oa dkcZu&MkbZ vkWDlkbM ds vf/kd ls vf/kd mRltZu ls i`Foh ds vkSlr rkieku esa o`f) gks jgh gS ftldk foijhr izHkko i`Foh ds /kqzoh; ,oa mPp ioZrh; {ks=ksa esa fLFkr fgekfu;ksa ij iM+ jgk gS vkSj os rsth ls fi?kyrs tk jgs gSaA ekuoh; fØ;k dk izHkko Hkwfexr ty ij gks jgk gSA is;ty gsrq ,oa d`f"k vkfn dk;ksZa ds fy, vR;f/kd nksgu ds dkj.k Hkwfexr ty Lrj esa fujUrj deh vk jgh gSA blds dkj.k {ks=h; i;kZoj.k izHkkfor gks jgk gSA ck¡/k cukus ls foLr`r {ks= ty eXu gks tkrk gS blls ogk¡ dh ouLifr] tho tUrq lekIr gks tkrs gSaA ¼6½ Hkw&vkd`frd Lo#i ij ekuoh; izHkko % ekuoh; fØ;kvksa dk Hkw&vkdkjksa rFkk Hkw&vkdkfjdksa izØe ij Hkh izHkko iM+rk gSA blds vUrxZr vi{k;] vijnu ,oa fu{ksi Hkh lfEefyr gSAa vusd ekuoksn~Hkoh Hkw&vkdkjksa dk mn~Hko ekuoh; fØ;kvksa dk izfrQy gSA ekuoksn~Hkoh Hkw&vkdkj vizR;{k #i ls ekuoh; fØ;kvksa ds dkj.k curs gSa fdUrq /kjkry ij fof'k"V u gksdj lkekU; gksrs gSAa fdUrq ;s izkd`frd izØe dks vo'; izHkkfor djrs gSAa ;s ekuo }kjk izkS|ksfxdh ds mi;ksx dk ifj.kke gksrs gSa vkSj {ks=h; i;kZoj.k dks izHkkfor djrs gSaA Hkwfe /klko vf/kdka'kr% izkd`frd dkj.kksa ls gksrk gS fdUrq vusd ckj ekuoh; fØ;k,¡ buesa o`fð dj nsrh gSAa Hkwfexr {ks= ls rjy inkFkZ tSls rsy] xSl rFkk ikuh fudkyus ls vFkok Bksl [kfut fudkyus ls Hkwfe /klko gks tkrk gSA ¼7½ tSo fofo/krk ij ekuoh; izHkko % tSo fofo/krk ls vk'k; fdlh Hkh {ks=] ns'k] egk}hi vFkok fo'o Lrj ij ik;s tkus okys tho/kkfj;ksa dh tSfodh; jpuk esa fofo/krk ls gSA izR;sd {ks= ds i;kZoj.k ,oa ikfjfLFkfrdh Lo#i esa fof'k"V izdkj ds tho&tUrq] ikni vkfn dk fodkl gksrk gSA ;fn ikfjfLFkfrdh ra= esa cnyko gksrk gS vFkok i;kZoj.k vodf"kZr gksrk gS rks budh {kfr gksus yxrh gS vkSj tc vR;f/kd ifjorZu vk tkrk gS rks budh iztkfr;k¡ foyqIr gksus yx tkrh gSaA tSo fofo/krk ds {kj.k ds izkd`frd dkj.kksa ds vfrfjDr ekuoh; dkj.k vf/kd mÙkjnk;h gSAa tSo fofo/krk dh ?kVrh la[;k ds fy, mÙkjnk;h ekuoh; dkj.k gSa%& vkokl fouk'k] vkokl fo[k.Mu] izn"w k.k] vk[ksV] tula[;k o`fð] ouh; {ks=ksa esa vfrØe.k] ouksa dh vkx] tSfod lalk/kuksa dk 'kks"k.k] tyok;q ifjorZu ,oa izkd`frd vkink;sa gSaA ekuo ,oa mldh fØ;k,¡ fo'o esa tSo fofo/krk ds ladV ds fy, mÙkjnk;h gSAa tSo fofo/krk i;kZoj.k dks larqfyr j[krh gSA vr% bldk laj{k.k vko';d gS vkSj Lo;a ekuo gh bldks cpk ldrk gSA fu"d"kZ % izkd`frd okrkoj.k lEiw.kZ tho txr dk fu;a=d gS vkSj i`Foh ij thou dks lqpk# #i ls pykus esa bldh izkFkfed Hkwfedk jgrh gSA nwljh vkjs ekuo] izkd`frd okrkoj.k dk mi;ksx lH;rk ds izkjEHk ls dj jgk gSA ;|fi izkd`frd okrkoj.k esa Lo;a larqfyr jgus dh {kerk gksrh gS fdUrq ;fn bldk vfr'k; 'kks"k.k fd;k tk, vFkok iznwf"kr fd;k tk, rks ;g vlarqfyr gks tkrk gS] ftlls bldks gkfu igqp ¡ rh gS] ftldk izHkko lEiw.kZ tho txr ij iM+rk gSA mi;qZDr fooj.k esa ekuoh; fØ;kvksa dk izkd`frd i;kZoj.k ij iM+us okys izHkkoksa dk foospu fd;k x;k gSA ekuoh; fØ;kvksa ds dkj.k tgk¡ ok;q ,oa ty iznw"k.k esa fujUrj o`f) gks jgh gS] ogha vusd fo'oO;kih leL;kvksa tSls tyok;q ifjorZu] gfjr x`g izHkko] vkstksu fojyrk] ouksUewyu] e`nk vijnu vkfn fpUrk dk dkj.k curh tk jgh gSA tSo fofo/krk ij ladV ls vkt vusd tho&tUrqvksa ,oa ikni dh iztkfr;k¡ foyqIr gks jgh gSaA vko';drk ekuoh; fØ;kvksa dks lgh fn'kk nsus dh gSA lanHkZ % ¼1½ usxh] ih-,l- % ikfjfLFkfrdh ,oa i;kZoj.k Hkwxksy] jLrksxh ifCyds'kUl] esjB] 2007¼2½ gqlSu] ekftn % ekuo Hkwxksy] jkor ifCyds'kUl] t;iqj] 1999¼3½ lDlsuk] ,p-,e- % i;kZoj.k Hkwxksy] jkor ifCyds'kUl] t;iqj] 2004¼4½ xmMh ,aMª;w % izkd`frd okrkoj.k ij ekuo dk izHkko] CySdosy ifCyds'ku] 2006¼5½ Sharma, P.D. : Ecology and Environment, Rastogi Publications, 1975. 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