The Oldenborg Luncheon Colloquium

The Oldenborg Luncheon Colloquium at Pomona College presents
Indonesian – Latin American Relations:
Partnership for a Better Future
Sulthon Sjahril Sabaruddin
Visiting Fulbright Scholar, Department of Economics, Pomona College
Monday, April 20, 2015
12:15pm to 1:15pm
Oldenborg Dining Hall, south side
Diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Latin America have remained challenging despite attempts by
both parties to strengthen and improve their relationship. This talk will present an overview of this situation,
examining the different perspectives involved and recent attempts to promote cooperation thru diplomatic and
business channels.
Sulthon Sjahril Sabaruddin is a member of the Center for Policy Analysis and Development on American
and European Regions for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Republic of Indonesia. He is also an adjunct
economics lecturer at Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta. He has written articles in national scholarly
journals and has won several prestigious awards and scholarships including those from the Argentine Ministry
of Foreign Affairs and the government of Mexico. Sabaruddin received his doctorate degree in economics
from University of Indonesia in 2012.
For information on other Spring 2015 OLC events, visit and click on “Speaker Series.” Students swipe and CUC faculty and staff may
sign-in for Oldenborg Dining Hall access. Community members may attend at Oldenborg’s discretion and incur a charge.