Sleep On It Choose from eight headboard and bed styles, four headboard heights, five bed sizes, slipcovers, tufting, fabric or leather, nail trim and wood finish options. Build your own bed. Make it yours. build 8 headboard styles height s 4 h e adb o ar d your own b ed tufted options Bonnie (502) Bonnie Tufted (512) Sophie (M504/S504) flanged slipcover Bruno (L502) Bruno Tufted (L512) Lacey (M505/S505) laced slipcover Hillary (503) Hillary Tufted (513) Hank (L503) Hank Tufted (L513) Benjamin (M506/S506) button tabbed slipcover iz e s 5 bed s nail trim options fabric Options Audrey (507) Audrey Tufted (517) Asher (L507) Asher Tufted (L517) Caroline (509) Caroline Tufted (519) Casey (L509) Casey Tufted (L519) Drew (508) Drew Tufted (518) Daniel (L508) Daniel Tufted (L518) le a t h e r O p t io n s 509CQ-PF Caroline Bed. Shown: Queen 66" upholstered bed. Fabric: Vladimir Graphite. #9 Nickel nail trim on headboard, side rails and footboard. Espresso finish. 9511H-NR Pebble Hill Chest in New Rich Walnut finish. Make It Yours by East King St & Co | page 93 Meet Bruno. Meet Bonnie. Leather Headboard or Bed Headboard or Bed Bonnet Top inside foot taper 502BQ-H Bon nie Headboard Shown: Queen Fabric: Tory N 56" headboar atural. #52 Bl d. ack Silver nail trim, spaced 1". ed. lstered b 66" upho n ced e a e p u s Q , il trim Shown: Silver na nd nie Bed k a n c s o la il B B ra F 2 on side eaf. #5 L 502CQ-P im w tr e N il a e ver n alatin Black Sil Fabric: P oard. #9 b d a e h . n h 1", o so finis . Espres footboard page 94 | Make It Yours by East King St & Co inside foot taper 4 h e adb o ar d height s 76” 66” 56” 48” Bonnet Top 5 tufted option available SIZES 1. twin 2. full 3. queen 4. king 5. cal. k ing optional nail treatment (#9 Natural Brass standard) L502BQ-H Bru no Leather H eadboard Sh headboard. Le own: Queen 56 ather: Bolero " Caramel. #5 trim, spaced 2 Black Silver 1". nail 4 h e adb o ar d height s option m i r nail t s 76” 66” 56” 48” 5 tufted option available SIZES 1. twin 2. full 3. queen 4. king 5. cal. k ing optional nail treatment (#9 Natural Brass standard) Make It Yours by East King St & Co | page 95 Meet Hillary. Meet Hank. Headboard or Bed Edged Panel inside foot taper Leather Headboard or Bed 503BQ-PF Hill ary Bed Show n: Queen 56" Fabric: Tellurid upholstered be e Taupe. #9 Bl d. ack Silver nail side rails and trim on head footboard. Es bo ard, pr es so finish. W36 Chest in New 5H-NL Alister Linen finish. holstered in 66" up w T : ral, n w o und Natu rd Sh Headboa ard in Gro il trim. o ry a b n d la a r il e e H v h rder of Black Sil o 503CT-H B 9 : # c l. ri b ra Natu rd. Fa finish. rk Small headboa Espresso in Fretwo l in e n le a b p a t T Inse Lamp S Barrett C307L-E page 96 | Make It Yours by East King St & Co inside foot taper 4 h e adb o ar d height s 76” 66” 56” 48” Edged Panel 5 tufted option available SIZES 1. twin 2. full 3. queen 4. king 5. cal. k ing optional nail treatment (#9 Natural Brass standard) L503BQ-H Hank Leather Headboard Shown: Queen 56" upholstered leather headboard. Leather: Brentwood Tan. #9 Black Silver nail trim. 4 h e adb o ar d height s option m i r nail t s 76” 66” 56” 48” 5 tufted option available SIZES 1. twin 2. full 3. queen 4. king 5. cal. k ing optional nail treatment (#9 Natural Brass standard) Make It Yours by East King St & Co | page 97 Meet Sophie. Meet Lacey. Muslin Headboard & Slipcover F lipcov S d e g lan er Muslin Headboard & Slipcover M504BQ-H/S 504BQ-H Soph ie Muslin Hea Slipcover Sh dboard with own: Queen 56 " slipcovered Naylor Natural headboard. Fa . bric: 4 h e adb o ar d height s 76” 66” 56” 48” fabric Options Naylor Natural shown. 5 page 98 | Make It Yours by East King St & Co M505BQ-H/S 505BQ-H Lace y Muslin Hea Slipcover Sh dboard with own: Queen 56 " slipcovered Fabric: Tasche headboard. n Ecru with co ntrast lacing in Naylor Nat ural. 4 h e adb o ar d height s 76” 66” 56” 48” M504BQ-H/S504BQ-H Sophie Muslin Headboard with Slipcover Shown: Queen 56" slipcovered headboard. Fabric: Naylor Natural. L a c e d S li p c o v e r Naylor Natural shown. 5 SIZES 1. twin 2. full 3. queen 4. king 5. cal. k fabric Options ing M505BQ-H/S505BQ-H Lacey Muslin Headboard with Slipcover Shown: Queen 56" slipcovered headboard. Fabric: Taschen Ecru with contrast lacing in Naylor Natural. SIZES 1. twin 2. full 3. queen 4. king 5. cal. k ing Make It Yours by East King St & Co | page 99 Meet Benjamin. Muslin Headboard & Slipcover Button Tabbed S li p c o v e r M506BQ-H/S 506BQ-H Ben jamin Muslin Slipcover Sh Headboard w own: Queen 56 ith " slipcovered Ramsey Crea headboard. Fa m with contra bric: st tabs in Aspe buttons in Nay ct Angora and lor Natural. contrast 4 h e adb o ar d height s 76” 66” 56” 48” fabric Options Ramsey Cream shown. 5 M506BQ-H/S506BQ-H Benjamin Muslin Headboard with Slipcover Shown: Queen 56" slipcovered headboard. Fabric: Ramsey Cream with contrast tabs in Aspect Angora and contrast buttons in Naylor Natural. page 100 | Make It Yours by East King St & Co SIZES 1. twin 2. full 3. queen 4. king 5. cal. k ing 509BK-PF Caroline Bed Shown: King 56" upholstered bed. Fabric: Preston Amber. Espresso finish. 8501L-WM Crete Lamp Table in Waxed Mahogany finish. Meet Audrey. Meet Asher. Headboard or Bed E m p ir e Top inside foot taper Leather Headboard or Bed 507BQ-PF Au drey Bed Sh own: Queen 56 Fabric: Tasche " upholstered n Ecru. #9 Bl bed. ack Silver nail bottom of side trim on border rails and foot s, board. Espres so finish. inside foot taper 4 h e adb o ar d height s 507BQ-PF Audrey Bed Shown: Queen 56" upholstered bed. Fabric: Taschen Ecru. #9 Black Silver nail trim on borders, bottom of side rails and footboard. Espresso finish. 76” 66” 56” 48” 5 tufted option available SIZES 1. twin 2. full 3. queen 4. king 5. cal. k ing optional nail treatment (#9 Natural Brass standard) page 102 | Make It Yours by East King St & Co E m p ir e Top L507CQ-PF As her Leather B ed Shown: Q leather bed. D ueen 66" upho iscontinued le lstered ather. #9 Blac borders, bott k Silver nail tr om of side ra im on ils and footboard. 8504H Homer Espresso finis Chest in Wea h. thered Shingl e finish. 4 h e adb o ar d height s option m i r t nail s 76” 66” 56” 48” 5 tufted option available SIZES 1. twin 2. full 3. queen 4. king 5. cal. k ing optional nail treatment (#9 Natural Brass standard) Make It Yours by East King St & Co | page 103 Meet Drew. Meet Daniel. Headboard or Bed Leather Headboard or Bed Wood M o ld in g Top inside foot taper 508BQ-PF Dre w Bed Show n: Queen 56" Fabric: Tory N upholstered be atural. New Ri d. ch Walnut fin ish. inside foot taper 4 h e adb o ar d height s 518BQ-PF Drew Tufted Bed Shown: Queen 56" upholstered bed. Tufted headboard. Fabric: Tory Natural. New Rich Walnut finish. 76” 66” 56” 48” 5 tufted option available SIZES 1. twin 2. full 3. queen 4. king 5. cal. k ing optional nail treatment (#9 Natural Brass standard) page 104 | Make It Yours by East King St & Co Wood M o ld in g Top L518DQ-PF D aniel Tufted Le ather Bed Sh upholstered le own: Queen 76 ather bed. Tu " fte d headboard. Midnight. #9 Leather: Bole Black Silver na ro il trim on head footboard. Su board, side ra preme Walnu ils and t finish. W365H New Linen fin -NL Alister Ch ish. 9714B-M es t in I Sa lt Springs Side Millsite finish. board in 4 h e adb o ar d height s option m i r t nail s 76” 66” 56” 48” 5 tufted option available SIZES 1. twin 2. full 3. queen 4. king 5. cal. k ing optional nail treatment (#9 Natural Brass standard) Make It Yours by East King St & Co | page 105 Meet Caroline. Meet Casey. Headboard or Bed C a m e lb a c k Top inside foot taper Leather Headboard or Bed 509BQ-PF Ca roline Bed Sh own: Queen 56 Fabric: Ramse " upholstered y Cream. #9 bed. Black Silver na side rails and il trim on head footboard. Es board, presso finish. inside foot taper 4 h e adb o ar d height s d. tered be 6" uphols 5 g Lamp in te K : re Shown L-WM C 1 d e 0 5 B 8 e . n h finis F Caroli spresso 509BK-P Amber. E n to . s h re is P n fi Fabric: ahogany Waxed M Table in 76” 66” 56” 48” 5 tufted option available SIZES 1. twin 2. full 3. queen 4. king 5. cal. k ing optional nail treatment (#9 Natural Brass standard) page 106 | Make It Yours by East King St & Co C a m e lb a c k Top L509BQ-PF Ca sey Leather B ed Shown: Q upholstered le ueen 56" ather bed. Le ather: Bolero Silver nail trim Caramel. #9 on headboard, Black side rails and Espresso finis footboard. h. 4 h e adb o ar d height s option m i r t nail s 76” 66” 56” 48” 5 tufted option available SIZES 1. twin 2. full 3. queen 4. king 5. cal. k ing optional nail treatment (#9 Natural Brass standard) Make It Yours by East King St & Co | page 107 How to Personalize "Sleep On It" Beds & Slipcover Headboards _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RETAILER NAME Attach this form to your purchase order 1SELECT BED OR HEADBOARD STYLE o 502 BONNIE (Bonnet Top/Fabric) o L502 BRUNO (Bonnet Top/Leather) o 512 BONNIE TUFTED (Fabric) o L512 BRUNO TUFTED (Leather) o 503 HILLARY (Edged Panel/Fabric) o L503 HANK (Edged Panel/Leather) o 513 HILLARY TUFTED (Fabric) o L513 HANK TUFTED (Leather) o 507 AUDREY (Empire Top/Fabric) o L507 ASHER (Empire Top/Leather) o 517 AUDREY TUFTED (Fabric) o L517 ASHER TUFTED (Leather) o 508 DREW (Wood Molding Top/Fabric) o L508 DANIEL (Wood Molding Top/Leather) o 518 DREW TUFTED (Fabric) o 509 CAROLINE (Camelback Top/Fabric) o L509 CASEY (Camelback Top/Leather) o 519 CAROLINE TUFTED (Fabric) o L518 DANIEL TUFTED (Leather) o L519 CASEY TUFTED (Leather) OR SELECT SLIPCOVER/MUSLIN HEADBOARD o S504SOPHIE (Slipcover) o S505LACEY (Slipcover) o M504SOPHIE (Muslin) o M505LACEY (Muslin) o S506BENJAMIN (Slipcover) o M506BENJAMIN (Muslin) Fabric or Leather _________________________________________________________________ o A (48") o T (Twin) o B (56") o C (66") o F (Full) o Q (Queen) o D (76") o K (King) o PF (Bed) o H (Headboard Only) SELECT OPTIONAL NAIL SIZE & TRIM 5 #9 Nail standard. o #54 Nail o #9 Nail Nail Trim Color __________________________________________________________________ o #52 Nail SELECT WOOD FINISH FOR TAPERED FEET ON BED 6 Espresso finish standard. 503BQ-PF Hillary Bed Shown: Queen 56" upholstered bed. Fabric: Telluride Taupe. #9 Black Silver nail trim on headboard, side rails and footboard. Espresso finish. W365H-NL Alister Chest in New Linen finish. ___________________ Bed Size example: 507CQ Audrey, 66" High, Queen o C (California King) SELECT TYPE 4 Box spring required for bed. Ships with metal bed slats. (Slipcover/muslin available as headboard only.) ___________________ Headboard Height example: 507C Audrey, 66" High ___________________ Nail Size & Trim example: 507CQ-PF Audrey, 66" High, Queen, Bed, #52 Natural Brass 3SELECT SIZE ___________________ Style example: 507 Audrey ___________________ Bed Type example: 507CQ-PF Audrey, 66" High, Queen, Bed 2SELECT HEADBOARD HEIGHT CREATE YOUR STYLE UPHOLSTERED HEADBOARD OR BED Wood Finish _____________________________________________________________________ ___________________ Wood Finish example: 507CQ-PF Audrey, 66" High, Queen, Bed, #52 Natural Brass, Espresso Finish CREATE YOUR STYLE MUSLIN HEADBOARD WITH SLIPCOVER ___________________ Style example: S504, M504 Sophie ___________________ Headboard Height example: S504A, M504A Sophie, 48" High ___________________ Bed Size example: S504AQ, M504AQ Sophie, 48" High, Queen ___________________ Bed Type example: S504AQ-H, M504AQ-H Sophie, 48" High, Queen, Headboard with Slipcover
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