MCT Oil Absolutely Rocks

MCT Oil Absolutely Rocks
MCT, short for Medium Chain Triglycerides is naturally found in coconuts, dairy products like butter and
goat milk. All triglycerides are categorized as either medium or long chain fats. Long chains contain 12 to
18 carbon molecules and medium-chains contain 6 to 10. Due to the shorter length, the medium chain
triglycerides are absorbed in the body more readily making them a dominating force in any good diet.
Also the short length means they’re rarely stored as fat and the body likes to use them immediately for
energy. It is made of 4 different acids: Laucric, Caprioc, Caprylic, Capric and Acids. This clear, odorless
and tasteless oil is an extraction of all natural foods which makes it an ideal supplement for those who are
looking for better cognition, fat loss and curbing pesky carb cravings. One of my favorite kitchen items,
coconut oil, is rich in MCT oil (about 66% of the coconut oil makeup) and has tremendous side benefits
such as: improving blood cholesterol, protecting enamel on your teeth and even protecting your skin of
sun damage.
How is it different from other fats?
If you haven't hopped on the Keto-wagon then you may not know all of the unique benefits MCT oil has to
offer. MCT oil is not a keto-thing or a paleo-thing, it's just that most people still get strung out about too
much fat in their diet. Well, if you have read The Result Cult Restoration Guide you know that by
including lots of good fats in your diet your body regulates a lot of the common carb cravings, afternoon
snooze-fests and insulin related issues of todays modern health concerns.
1. Good fats like MCT oil help regulate appetite by stimulating better hormone and neurotransmitter
production. Which in english means, your stomach and brain gets better and more accurate appetite
2. Helps to create ketones which are excellent sources of energy.
3. When fats are metabolized for energy your liver is not at risk of producing non-alcohol related waxy
fatty tissue.
4. MCT oil naturally exists as a nutritional component of breast milk thus a critical piece of our
5. Many studies have proven MCT oil can treat seizures with a high rate of success.
Geeking Out on MCT Oil
Over the past year I've been paying much more attention to fats. There are certainly benefits to
carbohydrates in certain scenarios. However, the more I learn about the benefits of ketosis the more I
recognize the need for good fats as a prominent part of a great diet. By avoiding fats, particularly MCT oil
you are missing out on some side benefits that cannot be found anywhere else on earth. Provided that
medium-chains are an essential fatty acid, we do not produce it on our own. That's right, we desperately
need but the body cannot produce it. Without a deliberate effort to incorporate it in your diet, you are
missing out on the anti-microbial, weight loss, memory enhancing and skin protecting benefits unique to
MCT oils.
1. Anti-Microbial: It doesn't take much but a tablespoon a day can help fend off viruses and other
villainous bacteria. The Lauric acid in MCT oil, once digested is converted into monolauren. Monolauren
is responsible for shooting lasers at viruses like the flu, HIV, herpes and even antibiotic-resistant bacteria
like staph infection and MRSA. Is this a super hero in a bottle? No just your friendly neighborhood MCT
oil. It will also battle against multiplication of bacterial cells. In this study, monolaurin performed better
at beating bacteria than the antibiotic Vancomycin.
2. Alzheimer’s Treatment: Alzheimers is a horrific way to watch a loved one go. I'm not one to tell you to
force a loved one to chug MCT oil, however it would behoove you to start. At worst, because MCT oil is
virtually tasteless, it is easy to sneak it into a meal at any time. There is a growing body of studies showing
increased cognitive performance of Alzheimers patients who take MCT. In one study, they outperformed
the group without regular MCT oil by scoring double on memory evaluations. It's important to note that
MCT oil as part of a ketogenic diet can have a dramatic effect on neurological disorders but not the
supplement alone.
3. Thermogenic effect: This means weight loss. Acids like fats take more energy to metabolize than
carbohydrates. This metabolic affect creates more heat or calorie expenditure in order to process them. An
enhanced metabolism, along with a great movement based training program helps keep you lean.
4. Skin Protection: “Bad fats” such as hydrogenated oils have been proven to be inflammatory and
possibly contributing to greater risk of skin damage from the sun. Good fats such as MCT Oil can have the
opposite affect by moisturizing and protecting the skin. MCT oil has also shown the ability block up to
25% of UV rays, acting as a completely natural sunscreen.
I'm not seeing the downside to adding some MCT oil into your diet. Whether it's through an extracted
liquid supplement or coconut oil you are going to reap the benefits of MCT oil both immediately and over
the long term.
Anything that sounds too good to be true, is
Every fitness program, nutrition guide and magazine is promising amazing results with their new product.
We promote a paleo style diet because it makes sense but even that, has been sexualized to the point
where 'paleo dessert' books are being sold by legitimate publishers. People are lining up for paleo this and
paleo that with the hope all of their problems will be solved by their next cookbook purchase. Well of
course it never happens. However, some simple additions to your diet can make a big impact. With the
range MCT oil has to cover many aspects of health with virtually no negative side effects, it's a no brainer
for nearly everyone from all walks of life. There are some scenarios when adding more fats in general to
your diet may be proceeded with caution. Always consult with your doctor before making extreme diet
Proceed with caution if:
You are diabetic: There is such a condition called ketoacidosis which can occur in people, with diabetes,
who over produce ketones while unable to manage blood sugar properly. This condition is very serious
and could result in death. If you are not a diabetic, then it is unlikely you will produce ketones to the point
of ketoacidosis. For more reading on ketosis, read Jimmy Moore's “Keto-Klarity.”
You get digestive cramping from MCT oil: Some people who have avoided fats for a long period many not
be able to break down a large increase of medium-chains in the diet. If you do feel strong discomfort from
it, do not give up. Instead dial back the dosage and allow your liver to start producing more bile for your
small intestines to process the new load of fats. Side note: If you are experiencing any liver complications,
alcohol or non-alcohol related, it is best you consult a doctor before taking MCT oils
You have high cholesterol: Elevated cholesterol levels can be bad news if c-reactive protein and blood
glucose is also high. If this is the case, an increase of fats like MCT with a high carbohydrate diet can
increase total cholesterol, more importantly LDL cholesterol which is bad news. LDL cholesterol is the
plaque hardening cholesterol which can lead to heart disease.
Aside from these special cases, it is extremely usual to hear about negative side-effects coming from those
who take MCT oil. If you want to be on the safe side, consult a dietician and/or a physician about your
dietary needs.
MCT Oil Dosage for Weight Loss
In case you haven't gotten the picture by now, MCT oil is a must have item in your kitchen. You can, but
don't need to, take it as a supplement. Grassfed dairy and meats are rich in medium-chain-triglycerides
and very easily digested in these natural foods. If you're worried about additives to conventionally raised
food then your best bet might be supplementation as you can bypass the added hormone filled GMO'd
meat. Not only are these good for your health but, as mentioned earlier, MCT's can help you become
damn sexy as well. Whether you are attempting to get ready for beach season or earn more pullups,
getting lean is almost always happily welcomed by all. So how can you use MCT Oil to get lean?
1. MCT's help normalize appetite: Fats like medium-chain-triglycerides improve satiety which is one big
reason why high carb-low fat diets never work for people in the long term. When you are consuming these
fats, and no refined sugar, you won't be dealing with blood sugar spikes all day causing carb cravings and
faulty hunger signals causing overreating.
2. Oxidizes fat: MCT oil actually helps process fat tissue into usable energy. Did you hear that? You will
get energy from increasing your intake of medium-chain-triglycerides and lose weight in the process.
Increased energy includes to better capacity to exercise, better mood and motivation.
3. It's too easy: When you need to make a decision between baking a frozen pizza and a tablespoon of oil,
it's a no brainer. Should you eat MCT oil for dinner? No way. But it will regulate your appetite so you
aren't making your decisions at the bottom of a blood sugar crash. Easy decisions = less emotional eating.
4. It's safe and natural: Cholesterol and heart medication ads are all 90 seconds long and 60 seconds of it
is spent listing the horrifying side effects. Why don't you instead try a natural, non-stroke causing
supplement which has been proven to help lower cholesterol and decrease risk of heart disease just as
well, if not better than the nepalm they are selling on TV.
HOW TO TAKE MCT OIL What you are about to read is going to shake your world. In fact, I'd prefer if
you didn't share this information with anyone else at all. This is highly sensitive and should remain here
this book for your eyes only. Here's the little secret: Everyone is different. That's right, you are different
than your neighbor. But how different? Your bodyweight will be a good predictor of how much MCT oil
you should be taking. Heavier people can take more than lighter people but a good rule of thumb is to
start with a tablespoon once or twice a day and slowly increase the frequency every few days. Allow your
body acclimate itself to the increase dosage before taking more than that in a day. If you increase dosage
too fast you can experience GI discomfort, cramping or nauseous feeling but it is easily fixable and not
cause for alarm. You can avoid this issue simply by starting with a tablespoon once or twice a day and
slowly increasing as tolerated.Aside from dosage, how you take the oil matters. Because of the way food is
slowly digested and processed, you are very unlikely to overdo MCT oils specifically. Coconut oil is one of
the best ways to naturally get MCT's along with grassfed organic meats and dairy. The great thing about
coconut oil is it's multi-use capabilities. You can use it as a cooking oil, skin lotion and teeth scrub to
name a few. You are safe with organic grassfed meats but conventionally raised meats (corn fed or corn
finished) have a different fatty acid profile which contain saturated fats rich in long chain fatty acids.
Conventionally raised meat and hydrogenated oils are saturated fat sources you want to eat in less
The supplemental oil doesn't taste like anything which makes it extremely easy to take. Also, taking MCT
as an isolated supplement makes it very simple to monitor how much to consume. If you don't want to
take it directly you can go incognito and use it on a salad or any other time you would use a cold oil. Be
careful though, due to it's low smoke point, you shouldn't cook with it. On days when you consume more
foods rich in MCT you will need less supplementation just as with any supplementation.
With a thoughtful plan you are well on your way to fat loss, controlled appetite and a ramped up
metabolism thanks to MCT oil. As always, any supplement should only accompany a great diet and
exercise routine. Make sure you are sleeping 7-9 hrs a night and working on qualitative movement on a
regular basis. I hope it helps!
Order Your MCT
Oil Here:
Or the softgels here: