.('lcs. \ ~u.e OY<.L>..9.h.l. .Government ofHaryana t,::" ,'>f~w.fee Department . , . . PrinCipal' Secretary to GOvernment, Hargana, .", Finance Department' ., . . Td ~~(etaryReVenue~lIl· The Advocate General;: .. Harqana, Charuiiqarh; . . lqL:i!Y . .' ~ ;j No.\.S.4l .... i ._)._-_t<1... \ S; ,) CJ -_ _._-", . -.- a1e .._ ..!. .. "._' .•. Memo No. 4/ 61/201~-2Peri.sion (FI;?) . Dated, Chandigarhthe 11.05.2015 Subject:~ SLP against order dated 17.02.2014 in. CWP No. 15479 of 2012-DeI,i Singh Vs. State of Haryana & other connected matters. Kindly refer to the.subject noted above. . . It is intimated that in .year 2004/2005J SLPs were filed against -thejudqmeni in bunch of writ petition in main case of Sita Ram and others Vs State of Haryana wherein near-about 85 to 90 writ .petitions were disposed of by the Hon'JbleHigh' Court by q single order.' In those cases, it was decided. to'file one . SLP in 20 writ petitions. Accordinqlij, only 5 SLPs were filed. .T~said' bunch of Civil Appeals' in main Civil Appeal No. 5411·5430 of2' '()9 State of Haryana and others Vs Sita Ram was decided by the Hori'. ~ Supreme Court of India in the favour oj State Government vide order dated ,29th October 2013. The issue involved in these cases was counting of worked charge service while calculating the prescribed period of length of service for grant of ACPscale. Similarly vide a sinqle judqment dated 17.2.2014J.a bunch of .Civil Writ Petition has been disposed ofbuthe Hon'bie High Court in terms of the judgment in R.K. Aggarwal's case in main cWP No; 15479 Of 2P~2 D~~i :Stngh and others Vs State oj !faiyana. As per record tot~6 . umt petitions were disposed of alonqiuith: Debi Singh's case. In}!t~ waYJ to avoid contempt proceedinqs, it is appropriate to file only one SLP in these cases. [{ is also necessary to-point out here that in Debt Singh's \ case SLP has already been filed before the Hon'ble Supreme Cojurt of India. After constdering an the facts, the Hon 'ble Supreme Court of India has issued notice ill this case and stayed the contempt . ?eedings initiated by the Hori'ble Hi[fh.Court. i>: , At present, the State gover>'~ent is facing the problem that the departments concern are not prouidinq .eleuarit papers to Sh. B.X. Satt.} for filing SLP in.these cases. Hoioeuer, in the meantime the petitioners ar filing contempt petitions: ~\( ') . Therefore, you are requested to advise Sh. B~K. SatiJa t file'only one SLP in these cases. Similarly, vide order dated S~3~2014 hunch 0/10 civil writ petitions iuere disposed of in main CWPNo. 407 of 2014. In these cases also, file only one SLP may file. Vide order dated 19.02.2014, two writ petitions disposed of iri this cases also one SLP can be filed. . Vide order dated 21.2.2014, three civil writ petitions wer disposed of against the judgment dated 21.2.2014. OneSLP can be filed. "CONSERVEWATER--8AVE LIFE" .i , :. ,\ . '. .- -' . Detail ofthes~ writ petitions: 3 as under:" Date of Details of CWPs Judgments 17.2.2014 " 15479 of 2012~Depi Si,ngh,and otheiir-alonqiuith. 26 CWPs, 15920 of2012, 16578 of2012, 23079 of 2013, 2812~ of 2013, 25238 of 2013, 28082 of 2013, 2041 of 2014, 2038 of 2014, 2053 of 2014, 2020 of201f1,'20~0 of2014, 2024 of2014, 2050 of 2014, 2032 of 201,4, 2031 of 2014, 2033 of 2014, 2060 of2014, 2043 of2014, 2039 of2014, 1593 of 2014, 2265 of 2014, 2239 of 2014, 2219 of 2014, 1829 of 2014, 2416 of 2014 & 2933 of 2014 (27 CWPs) 3089 of2014 & 3091 0(2014 (2 Nos) 19.2.2014 3279,3280 and 3332 oi2014(3Nos} ~~; 21.2.2014 4079 to 4081, 4085, 4087 to 4088, 4095, 4098 to 5.3.2014 4099 and 410f l~jf2014{10Nos) 21.4.2014 6334 of 2010- 'ashuir Gulaii & others.{Secondary Education Deoi., Gopal & anothers{Power 15.5.2014. 9403 of 2014-Kirat Sr. No. 1 2 3 4. 5 6 Deptt.) 7 ,30.5.2014 8 2.7.2014 Total '". 11464 of 2014-Hari Singh Rathi & anothers (Secondaru & Elemeniaru.Educatiori Deatt.t 1241 7 of 2014-Kailash Chander Jain (Food and Supplies Depit.} 46 CWPs, : -scJ Under Secretary Finance (Pension) for Principal Secretary to Government Haryana, . Finance Department - 'r U.O. No. 4/61/2012-2Pension Dated 11.05.2015 (FD) ''/ A copy is forwarded to all Administratioe, Departments for information and immediate necessary action under intimation to Finance Department and they advised to file SLP in consultation with AG, Haryana immediately without any delay. In the said advice, it may specifically mention therein that ill case of any delay, the responsibilitu of erring officers/officials shall be fixed under the provisions of Rule-7' of Punishment and Appeals Rules, 1 937, , L'r; dcr ~~~ Secretary Finance (pension) for Principcl Secretary to Government Haryana, Finance Department ~ ·f} .
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