Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden PO Box 3798, Federal Way, WA 98063 [email protected] ~ phone (253) 838-4646 ~ fax (253) 838-4686 May 1, 2015 Membership # Name Street Address City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country e-mail address MAY 1, 2015 POLLEN LIST This 2015 pollen list contains the RSBG pollen bank collection from 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 & 2015 to date. We hope you will find this list helpful in your hybridizing work. The cost per capsule is $4.00 for members and $5.00 for non members. • Shipping and handling is $4.00 per US order, or more if postage is over $4.00. • Shipping costs for international orders WILL BE A MINIMUM OF $6.55, due to increased international postage rates. Special Requests This list represents the most extensive selection of Rhododendron species pollen available. If you are hybridizing and require a specific species please let us know. We will try to collect pollen from those species and add them to next year's list. Instructions Mark the quantity preferred in the box preceding each selection and return the form or a photocopy to: • RSF Pollen Program, PO Box 3798, Federal Way, WA 98063-3798 Or FAX to (253)838-4686 Or e-mail to [email protected]. • Non-members must pre-pay with check, money-order or credit card. Quantity Ordered________ X $4.00 (members) =_________ + $4.00 shipping/handling (Washington State residents must include sales tax for the total amount using their local sales tax rate) =__________Total International charges will be a minimum of $6.55. Quantity Ordered________ X $5.00 (non-members) =_________ + $4.00 shipping/handling (Washington State residents must include sales tax for the total amount using their local sales tax rate) =__________Total International charges will be a minimum of $6.55. I am prepaying by: __Check enclosed ___VISA ___MasterCard Expiration _____-______ Month - Year ____ ____ ____ ____- ____ ____ ____ ____ - _____ ____ ____ ____ - ____ ____ ____ ____ V#___ ___ ___ Last 3 digits on signature strip Date Signature Quantity RSF # Species 4309 aberconwayi Female 1976/334 Year 2012 White Flower Color ♀ 4430 arboreum, ssp. arboreum 1964/118 2013 Best pink Form, 4064 arboreum, ssp. cinn., var. roseum 1976/159 2011 Pink 4393 argipeplum 2001/215 2013 Red 4183 argyrophyllum 2002/330 2012 Lavender 4205 arizelum 1965/335 2012 Rose with dark nectar pouch 4426 arizelum 1965/335 2013 Rose with dark nectar pouch 4229 arizelum 1975/335 2012 Rose with dark nectar pouch 4532 asterochnoum 1998/634 2014 White with red blotch 4215 asterochnoum 1998/680 2012 White with red Blotch 4415 asterochnoum 1998/680 2013 White with red Blotch 4441 augustinii 2004/145 2013 Dark Blue 4306 baileyi 1975/035 2012 magenta 4244 balfourianum 1976/251 2012 Light lavender, red flecks 4424 barbatum 1965/304 2013 Red 4221 barbatum 1994/088 2012 Red 4394 barbatum 1994/092 2013 Red 4537 basilicum 1982/038 2014 Pink with dark blotch 4202 beanianum 1977/217 2012 Pink 4684 beanianum 73/027 2015 red 4386 calophytum 1964/063 2013 Pink turning to white with purple blotch 4755 calophytum var openshawianum 2000/181 2015 4226 calophytum, var. openshawianum 2000/130 2012 Cream with red flecks 4208 calophytum, var. openshawianum 2000/130 2012 Cream with red flecks 4612 campylocarpum 2002/346 2014 Yellow 4445 camtschaticum 1973/054 2013 Rose-Purple 4239 catacosmum 1976/195 2012 Dark Red 4444 cerasinum 1975/043 2013 Dark Marron 4440 cerasinum 1990/038 2013 Marron with dark nectar pouches 4761 cillicalyx 82/013 2015 white 4250 cinnabarinum, ssp. xanthocodon 1982/161 2012 Salmon color 4435 cinnabarinum, ssp. xanthocodon 1982/161 2013 Salmon color 4216 coelicum 1980/059 2012 Red 4072 coeloneuron 1998/625 2011 Pink 4036 coeloneuron 1998/788 2011 Pink 4753 coriaceum 2015 white with purple blotch 4754 coriaceum 243 sd2001 65/305 2015 white 4767 crinigerum 1984/148 2015 White with pink stripes 4615 crinigerum 2005/013 2014 Cream with red blotch 4587 decorum 2001/063 2014 White 4493 decorum, ssp. diaprepes 1973/088 2013 White with Yellow Blotch 4325 degronianum, ssp. heptamerum var. 1999/541 hondoense 4584 degronianum, ssp. yakushimanum 1975/260 2012 magenta with red flecks 2014 Pink turning white 4238 denudatum 1998/504 2012 Dark pink, dark red flecks 4621 edgeworthii 1965/383 2014 Pinkish white, rred flecks 4066 eurysiphon 1977/610 2011 Pink, rred flecks 4494 excellens 1994/380 2013 Creamy white yellow blotch 4447 excellens 2006/243 2013 Cream, yellow throat 4062 faberi 1995/032 2011 creamy white with red flecks 4491 facetum 2005/136 2013 Carmine 4683 falconeri ssp eximium 77/738 2015 red 4429 forrestii, ssp. Forrestii 1976/373 2013 Red 4535 forrestii, ssp. forrestii 1976/373 2014 Red 4234 forrestii, ssp. forrestii 1980/116 2012 Dark Red 4391 forrestii, ssp. Forrestii 1998/559 2013 Red 4750 forrestii, ssp. Forrestii 98/559 2015 red 4438 fortunei, ssp. discolor 1979/043 2013 Pinkish white 4439 fortunei, ssp. fortunei 1976/029 2013 Pink 4083 fortunei, ssp. fortunei 1982/002 2011 Pink 4071 fulgens 1964/080 2011 Red 4310 galactinum 1979/110 2012 White with dark Blotch 4616 glischrum, ssp. rude 2013/357 2014 Dark pink, darker blotch 4482 griersonianum 1977/284 2013 Carmine 4448 griersonianum 1977/284 2013 Carmine 4330 griffithianum 1992/053 2012 Cream color 4771 griffithianum 1992/053 2015 Cream color 4581 habrotrichum 1965/275 2014 Pink, small red blotch 4629 habrotrichum 2008/342 2014 Pinkish white 4241 hodgsonii 1965/330 2012 Carmine 4541 hodgsonii 1976/191 2014 Dark Red 4762 hodgsonii 2003/222 2015 rose 4437 huianum 1998/515 2013 purple 4539 huianum 1998/515 2014 purple 4243 huianum 1999/484 2012 Dark purple 4171 hyacinthosmum, (Vireya) 1983/064 2011 White with light pink throat 4068 irroratum 1998/957 2011 Creamy White, Pink edges 4656 irroratum 2003/223 2015 creamy yellow with red flecks 4677 irroratum 88/075 2015 excellent dark pink with spots 4506 javanicum (vireya) 1994/376 2014 Salmon 4496 javanicum (vireya) 2001/002 2013 Reddish orange 4538 kesangiae 1995/050 2014 Red 4760 kesangiae 91/022 2015 pink 4757 kesangiae 95/050 2015 Red 4073 kesangiae CS 204 2011 Creamy White 4569 lacteum 1975/221 2014 Yellow 4536 lacteum 1975/274 2014 Yellow 4580 lacteum 1976/395 2014 Yellow 4509 lanatoides 2008/462 2014 White with a few red flecks 4512 lanatoides No tag 2014 White with a few red flecks 4218 lanigerum 1975/114 2012 Dark Red 4217 lanigerum 1976/149 2012 Red 4676 lanigerum 75/114 2015 magenta 4219 lanigerum "Borde Hill" 1979/113 2012 Red 4235 lapidosum 2003/365 2012 Cream with pink ridges, pink flecks 4505 lateum (Vireya) 1978/088 2013 4489 lepidostylum 1975/246 2013 Yellow 4681 leptocladum 1996/070 2015 chartruese 4479 liliiflorum 1998/01 2013 Cream with yellow throat 4449 liliiflorum 2005/262 2013 Cream 4589 lindleyi 1984/060 2014 White, yellow blotch 4172 lochiae (vireya) 1978/096 2011 4446 longiflorum ( vireya) 1999/324 2013 Salmon 4519 lukiangense 1975/072 2014 White with red flecks 4434 luteum 1976/432 2013 Yellow 4080 macrophyllum 1979/020 2011 Dark pink, red flecks 4082 macrophyllum 1981/008 2011 White with greenish flecks 4588 macrophyllum 1981/008 2014 White 4077 macrophyllum 1985/053 2011 White with chartreuse flecks 4483 maddenii, ssp. maddenii 2001/192 2013 Creamy White 4634 maddenii, ssp. maddenii 2001/192 2014 White 4081 makinoi 1997/144 2011 Pink, red flecks 4583 makinoi 1997/144 2014 Pink with red spots 4617 maoerense 2007/123 2014 Rose lavender 4220 meddianum, var. meddianum 1975/329 2012 Red 4103 molle, ssp. Japonicum 1981/032 2011 Orange 4084 molle, ssp. Japonicum 1998/168 2011 Orange 4063 morii 2003/141 2011 Creamy white with red blotch. 4674 morii 77/377 2015 white with red flecks 4763 moupinense 97/130 2015 white 4431 neriiflorum 'Rosevallon' 1974/025 2013 Red 4526 neriiflorum 'Rosevallon' 1974/025 2014 Red 4242 neriiflorum, ssp. phaedropum 2004/115 2012 Light red 4540 niveum 1975/115 2014 lavender 4768 niveum 1975/115 2015 Purple 4635 nuttallii 1980/155 2014 White 4163 occidentale 1974/090 2011 4636 occidentale 1977/384 2014 Edges orange, center creamy white White orange blotch 4412 ochraceum 1998/593 2013 Dark red 4534 ochraceum 1998/593 2014 Dark red 4237 ochraceum 1998/636 2012 Dark red 4284 ochraceum 1998/674 2012 Dark red 4533 ochraceum 2004/266 2014 Dark red 4758 ochraceum 2004/266 2015 Dark red 4231 ochraceum 2004/292 2012 Dark red 4654 ochraceum 2004/292 2015 red 4759 ochraceum 428sd096 2015 crimson 4756 ochraceum 98/681 2015 red 4655 ochradeum 1998/650 2015 red 4305 onii GR0405 2012 Bright Red 4308 orbiculare 1999/038 2012 Dark Pink 4638 orbiculare, ssp. cardiobasis 2007/276 2014 Pinkish white 4356 orbiculare, ssp. cardiobasis 2007/309 2012 Cream color 4223 oreodoxa 1980/121 2012 Pink with red flecks 4764 pachysanthum 1978/064 2015 White with yellow spots 4571 pachysanthum 1996/006 2014 Pink 4765 pachysanthum 1996/006 2015 Pink 4246 pachysanthum 1997/103 2012 Light pink, turning to white 4236 parmulatum 1966/563 2012 Cream with red flecks 4529 pocophorum, var. pocophorum 1975/054 2014 Red 4524 praevernum 1966/563 2014 White with purple blotch 4070 praevernum 1982/008 2011 Cream color with a dark blotch 4198 principis 1965/282 2012 Light pink 4752 proteoides 87/022 2015 white with scarlet flecks 4624 pruniflorum 1975/229 2014 Royal purple 4511 pudorosum 2004/222 2014 Pink with dark blotch 4521 ramsdenianum 1970/164 2014 Red with dark blotch 4484 retivenium (Vireya) 1989/005 2013 Safferon Yellow 4602 rex, ssp. fictolacteum 1975/158 2014 cream with dark blotch 4564 rex, ssp. fictolacteum 1977/417 2014 cream with dark blotch 4078 rex, ssp. Rex 1975/118 2011 4458 rex, ssp. rex 1976/181 2013 4436 rex, ssp. rex 1999/473 2013 Pink fading to white with dark blotch Pink fading to white with dark blotch Dark Pink 4181 ririei 1984/120 2012 Lavender 4227 rothschildii 1975/182 2012 4492 rushforthii (Vireya) 1997/087 2013 Carmine rose bud opens to white flushed carmine rose, Yellow 4637 sanctum 1973/250 2014 Magenta 4627 sanguineum, & ssp. var. haemaleum 1984/153 2014 Blood red 4642 sanguineum, & ssp. var. didymoides 2007/126 2014 Dark blood red 4093 sanguineum,var. didymoides 1970/135 2011 creamy white, flushed pink 4442 schlippenbachii 1980/163 2013 Pink 4544 semnoides 2001/051 2014 White with pink ribs 4069 sherriffii 1976/155 2011 4037 sherriffii 1976/193 2011 Deep Carmine with darker nectar pouches Dark Crimson 4682 sherriffii 76/155 2015 red 4769 sinofalconeri 1998/688 2015 Primrose Yellow 4770 sinofalconeri 2000/162 2015 Lemon Yellow 4766 sinofalconeri 2000/188 2015 Lemon yellow 4096 souliei 1976/245 2011 4527 sperabile, var. sperabile 1979/119 2014 White with a tinge of pink & pink flecks Dark Red 4257 stenophyllum (Vireya) 1985/046 2012 Red base, yellow orange tip 4507 stenophyllum (Vireya) 1985/046 2014 Red base, yellow orange tip 4679 strigilosum 99-251 2015 blood red 4525 sutchuenense 1977/205 2014 Lavender with red spots 4460 tephropeplum 2008/033 2013 lavender 4432 valentinianum GR 2004 2013 Yellow 4508 veitchianum 1974/001 2014 Pink with Yellow Blotch 4307 venator 1965/381 2012 Red 4468 vernicosum 1975/328 2013 4585 viscidifolium 1965/297 2014 Red buds open to crimson with darker flecks Yellow orange with red spots 4247 wardii 1967/721 2012 Yellow 3502 wardii 1970/059 2011 Yellow 4065 wardii 1970/059 2011 Yellow 4578 wardii 1970/059 2014 Yellow 4603 wardii 2003/387 2014 Yellow, small red blotch 4599 wardii 2003/387 2014 Yellow, small red blotch 4074 williamsianum 1966/606 2011 Pink 4421 williamsianum 1966/606 2013 Light pink 4611 williamsianum 1975/307 2014 Dark Pink 4419 wiltonii 1995/195 2013 Cream 4245 wiltonii 1998/587 2012 Light Pink, red blotch 4433 wiltonii 1998/587 2013 Light Pink, red blotch 4639 yuefengense 2008/246 2014 Pinkish white 4487 yuefengense 2008/387 2013 Pinkish white 4166 yuefengense 248sd,2006 2011 Pink turning to white 4486 zoelleri (Vireya) 1999/292 Yellowish Orange 2013
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