Richland Kennel Club P.O. Box 386 Richland, WA 99352 Officers I President Chuck Ames 588-6430 Treasurer Michele Murray 531-0432 Vice President Kevin Davis 628-0556 Recording Secretary Liz Summa I Show Chairman Bruce Glenn 491-9180 Board of Directors Alyssa Paxton Lori Weed Committees I Corresponding Secretary Bonnie Ames 588-6430 Newsletter Bruce(past President) Kim Glenn 491-9181 Judges Selection Chrrnn Valerie Brown 554-1668 Judges Selection Co-chrmn Marion Ford 588-8413 I Historian / Handling Class Bonnie Ames 588-6430 Refreshments Next General Meeting RKC Board Meeting Thursday March 5th 7:30pm Richland Comm. Center Thursday Mar 19th, 2015 7:30 pm Denny's, Rhld Handling Classes We are back at 4-Paws 7pm th Mar 4 -Bonnie & Chuck Mar Ilth-Kim& Bruce Mar 18th-Alyssa Paxton Mar 25th-Linda Riedel Please bring proof of vaccinations if your dog has not been here before. Deadline for Newsletter 15th of the month Any material received after this date will be considered for inclusion in the following newsletter. Contact Info: BrucelKim Glenn [email protected] 4502 Arlington, Dr. W. Richland, WA 99353 491-9181 Upcoming Shows EC. ""\, ••••••••• Something to Howl About Club Member Brags - ~ Peninsula DF Bremerton, WA Dates: 3121-2212015 Closes: 31412015 Onofrio Chintimini KC Albany, OR Dates: 3128-2912015 Closes: 3/1112015 Onofrio Ephrata Moses Lake KC MosesLk, WA Date: 4111-1212015 Closes: 3/2512015 BaRay Palouse Hills DF Lewiston, ID Dates: 4117-1812015 Closes: 41112015 MBF Lewis-Clark KC Lewiston, ID Dates:4119-2012015 Closes: 41112015 MBF Walla WallaKC Walla Walla, WA Date: 4125-2612015 Closes: 41812015 Onofrio Cindy McInturff German Shepherd Vadara's Sale of The Century "Rush" 4-6 m BOB-Grp 1 Rose City Classic, 4-6 m Eukanuba Spectacular Herding Grp2 First weekend out RyinHom German Shepherd Vadara's I've got a Secret "Riddle" 4-6 m BOS Rose City Classic First weekend out Bonnie Ames Tibetan Spaniel Amsburg's U Can Count on Me "Count" 6-9 puppy dog 3 pt. Major Also Pembroke welsh Corgi Amsburg's own Thinking About U "Uni" 12-18 Female WB-BOW-BOB Grp4 President's Bark I would like to begin by offering my apologies to the membership for not having a President's Bark last month. Like many of us, I had been overwhelmed with distractions. I offer no excuse, only an apology. With that out of the way, I want to express my heartfelt joy over how this membership supports one another. At the Albany shows, there were several Richland Kennel Club members and they all wanted to be sure that if help was needed, they were there. I truly appreciated all the help I received to take dogs back into the winners ring. I am also very gratified to see how everyone supports other members during their showing and winning. It truly represents a group of people who honor others in the club for their successes. It definitely is NOT only about them! ! I want to congratulate several members on their wins. Aaron Stevens' Black Russian Terrier earned her championship with back-to-back majors; Marilyn Clark's Pembroke Welsh Corgi earned her championship with a major win; Chris Larson's cute litter terrier won the points on one day; Alyssa Paxton's Australian Shepherd won 2 more reserves; Cindy Mcinturf's German Shepherd puppy won her class every day; and while no awards were earned Liz Summa and Paul Tragesser looked really good in the ring. Whether you participate in conformation true character of our club and membership. events, or simply support the club, these represent the Thank you to everyone for your continued support and participation. I also want to let the membership know that Helen Criswell, a long-time member, continues to have respiratory problems with unscheduled trips to the hospital. Helen and Dave as they continue to work to get better. Our thoughts and wishes go out to Hopefully as this Spring continues on, everyone else is found to be in good health and spirits. I am looking forward to seeing everyone at our next Club meeting at 7:30pm on Thursday, March 5, 2015 at the Richland Community Center. May your future continue to be filled with good times and lots of enjoyment. Your President Chuck Ames Richland.KeuneI·Oub P.O. Box 380 RidlIand, WA 99352
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