25 March 2015 IMWE-RLY-MWR MEMORANDUM FOR Commander, 1st Infantry Division & Fort Riley Commander, Garrison & Fort Riley Commander, 1BCT Commander, 2 BCT Commander, 3IBCT Commander, 4 IBCT Commander, Combat Aviation Brigade Commander, 1st Sustainment Brigade Chief, Directorate of Family, Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Subject: 2015 Fort Riley Intramural Company Level Softball Program Memorandums of Inst ructions (MOU) 1. Purpose. To provide policies and procedures to assist commanders and unit sports personnel w ith the implementation of the 2015 Fort Riley Intramural Company Level Softball Program. 2. Scope. This memorandum applies to all military units locat ed at Fort Riley and to those active dut y military personnel. 3. General. a. Dates for League/Tournament Play: (1) Intramural League play, 4 May --- 30 July, 2015. (2) Intramural Championship Tournament (single elimination) 3 - 13 Aug 2015. The tournament w ill consist of all t eams. All teams in the Company Intramural Divisions w ill compet e in a single elimination tournament . The selection procedure is out lined in para 8a of this MOU. 1 IMWE-RLY-MWR SUBJECT: 2015 Fort Riley Intramural Softball Program (3) For the purpose of this MOU, the start of t he season w ill be rules clinic, 14 and 21 Apr 2015, at 1400, locat ed at King Field House, Bldg 202, Custer Drive, Fort Riley. b. Team eligibility: (1) All unit teams w ill provide, Lett er of Int ent (LOI), projected no-play dat es by, Official Team Roster and an Alpha Roster COB on 29 April 2015. (2) There must be a minimum of 4 teams that register to f orm a Company League Season. (3) To form a Company Team, all players must be assigned to that Company unless aut horized by t he Intramural Coordinator. (4) To qualify f or Commander Cup Points all team members must be Active Duty Soldiers and the team must complete the entire season. If a team has Active Duty Soldiers on their team that are not from their unit and have not been placed on that team by the Intramural Sports Coordinator, that team w ill not qualify for the Commander Cup Points. c. Player eligibilit y: (1) Any unit not having enough Soldiers to form a team should cont act the Sports Office, 239-2813. All players not on their unit team w ill be entered in a draft pool. Unit t eams w ill draft players from the pool according to team selection order determined by the DFMWR Sports Intramural Coordinat or. All players in draft pool must have commanders st ate in w riting that they w ill not have a team and the gaining commander w ill state in w riting t hat he w ill accept soldier(s) once drafted. THIS WILL BE DONE PRIOR TO SECOND WEEK OF THE SEASON. (2) All active dut y/TDY Soldiers just arriving or returning to Fort Riley and finding their unit does not have an intramural team must come t o the Sports Office to be entered into draft pool. This must be done before the first half of league games have been played (14 Jun 2015). TDY ORDERS / ASSIGNMENTS ORDERS ARE REQUIRED. (3) Once a player st arts w ith a team, he/she must remain w ith that team during all intramural softball competition. Should a t eam fold, players may not join another team. In the case of a unit transfer, t he Soldier must participate w ith the gaining unit or not at all. (Exception: Gaining commander states in w riting that the transf erred Soldier may finish the season w ith his f ormer unit.) If a unit elects to have more than one t eam 2 IMWE-RLY-MWR SUBJECT: 2015 Fort Riley Intramural Softball Program and one of the t eams makes it to the post tournament then persons from the other team may not join that unit t eam. (4) All protest need to be documented prior to officials leaving the field. If protest results from t he alleged use of an illegal player and the protest is upheld, the penalty w ill be forf eiture of the game. The Intramural Coordinat or w ill appoint a prot est committee. All players must have ID w ith them. d. Complex Rules: (1) The follow ing it ems w ill not be brought into the complex: coolers, glass containers and cans, alcoholic beverages, pets, skateboards, bikes, rollerblades, scooters and motorized vehicles (except delivery maint.) Tobacco products are prohibited on t he fields, in the dugouts, concession area and restrooms. (2) Children are parents’ responsibility. (3) Teams w ill be responsible for cleaning up dugout and the commons area after each game. 4. Responsibilities. a. Community Recreation Division, Sports Office w ill: (1) Supervise the Post Int ramural League and Championship Tournament s. (2) Provide t echnical assistance to the Intramural Program. (3) Assign facilities for practice, league, and tournament play. (4) Provide t he follow ing equipment for league and tournament play: Bases, home plate, pitcher’ s plate, field marking equipment, scorebooks for all play, and softballs for the Regular Intramural League and t he Championship Tournament. (5) Provide aw ards and officials for the Post Intramural League Championship Tournament. (6) Establish and enforce rules, policies, and guidelines. 3 IMWE-RLY-MWR SUBJECT: 2015 Fort Riley Intramural Softball Program (7) Publish the Intramural League and Championship Tournament Game Schedule. (8) Conduct a Rules Clinic for the coaches and Team members. b. Team coaches w ill: (1) Ensure t eam is present for competition 15 minutes prior to st art of game time, begin play at designated time, and that complex rules are adhered to. (2) Attend meetings called by the Intramural Coordinator. (3) Supervise all team members on and off the field and be responsible for all players’ actions. (4) Promote sportsmanship and fair play among players, coaches and spectat ors. (5) Maint ain liaison betw een t he Intramural Coordinator and their unit members. (6) Keep unit personnel informed about the Int ramural Sports Program. (7) Inform team members of game schedules. (8) Ensure the tournament team player roster is submitted to the Sports Office by the requested date. (9) Attend the Rules Clinic. Attended or not, all coaches are responsible for know ing the rules and providing a good email and phone contact. (10) Submit an after-action report t o the Intramural Sports Coordinat or NLT COB 1 Aug 15, if input is requested. (11) Ensure players do not consume alcoholic beverages or drugs during participation of the game and that they adhere to any and all military regulations w hile games are in play or w ithin the sports complex. 5. Rules Clinic. The Rules Clinic for coaches and A&R personnel w ill be held at 1400, 14 & 21 Apr 15, at King Field House, Bldg 202, Custer Drive, Fort Riley. 4 IMWE-RLY-MWR SUBJECT: 2015 Fort Riley Intramural Softball Program Additional t eam meeting and player draft w ill be conducted TBD. Any coaches w ho do not attend are responsible to know all important information. 6. Rules. The 2014-15 ASA (Amateur Softball Association) w ill apply w ith the follow ing additions. a. League play: (1) Teams are allow ed 18 players list ed on the game roster. (2) Teams w ill be allow ed to start and finish w ith nine players. When a team starts w ith nine players, the tenth batting spot is an automatic out. Should a team start a game w ith nine players, they w ill be allow ed to add the tenth to the batting order upon his/her arrival. (3) One-hour time limit. Time begins w ith the first w arm-up pitch. The score keeper and the official w ill keep the official time. A new inning w ill not begin w ith less than 2 minutes remaining in the game. (4) Run ahead rule w ill be enf orced; 20 runs after 3, 15 runs after 4 and 10 runs after 5 innings of play. (5) Game time is forf eit time, unless ext enuating circumstance w arrants a delay. A delay in game play must be approved by the Intramural Sports Coordinat or; time then may be adjusted from official game play. Exception w ill be the first game in w hich a grace period of 10 minutes w ill be allow ed. (6) The ball used f or all intramural play at Fort Riley w ill be 12’’ and have a core rating of MSP-44. (7) All bats must be ASA approved. Coaches are responsible for ensuring this is enforced and officials can remove players w ho violat e this rule. (8) Bases have been moved from 65’ to 70’ . (9) Only players, coaches and a unit commander or first sergeant is authorized in the t eam dugout. (10) Team coaches w ill present line-up 10 minutes prior to game time. (11) Teams are allow ed to play w ith an Extra Player (EP), this is optional but if used, it must be know n prior to the start of the game. If the team starts w ith an EP then they must complete the entire game, unless he/she is 5 IMWE-RLY-MWR SUBJECT: 2015 Fort Riley Intramural Softball Program injured during the game. The EP must remain in the same position in the batting order. Defensive changes may be made at any time. (12) Teams w ill start w ith a 1 and 1 count. (13) No limits on amount of home runs. (14) In the event of a homerun, the batter, and any runners, w ill not run the bases. This eliminat es any appeal play. (15) No base stealing is allow ed. (16) No Jew elry, w ith the exception of plain w edding bands and necklaces that maybe religious in nat ure. If the official feels jew elry is a saf ety issue, player may be asked t o remove. (17) No metal or metal screw on cleats is allow ed. If player is caught w earing metal cleats they w ill be eject ed from that game. (18) If cap and/or sunglasses are w orn, they w ill be w orn properly. (19) Leg/arm braces and casts must be padded. Any of this equipment is the judgment of t he official. (20) The official can call t he game at any time because of light ening, rain, darkness, fire, panic or any other causes t hat might place patrons and players in peril. A game called by the official shall be regulation if tw o or more complete innings have been played, or if either team is ahead by 20 or more runs. Games that are not considered regulation may be rescheduled and replayed at the desecration of the Intramural Sports Coordinat or. (21) A team that forfeits t hree times w ithout unsubstantiated reasoning w ill no longer be allow ed to participate in the Intramural League. Coaches or A&R representatives must call the Intramural Sports Coordinator 48 hours prior to reschedule a game. Phone calls af ter this time period and/or a no show for the game constitutes a forf eit. (22) The captain/coach is the representative of the team. He/she is t he only one that may address an official/referee on matters of interpret ation or to obtain essential information. This must be done in a court eous manner. (23) Profanity is strictly prohibited. Players may be ejected f or using profanity and the team may f orfeit the game. 6 IMWE-RLY-MWR SUBJECT: 2015 Fort Riley Intramural Softball Program (24) Fighting w ill not be tolerated. Players involved w ill be barred for t he sports season and t eam(s) w ill forfeit game. (25) Players ejected from a game for violations other than fighting w ill be suspended for one additional game (or until ruled upon by the Int ramural Coordinat or and an appointed committee.) (26) Any player/coach ejected from the game w ill leave the playing area, bench or sidelines immediat ely. Refusal or violations of this rule w ill cause t eam to forfeit the game. Any player/coach eject ed w ill serve an additional one game suspension. (27) Multiple violations of the rules constitut e removal of the team from the league. 7. Officials are assigned by the supplying cont ractor w ith oversight and direction from the Fort Riley Sports Office. 8. Post Championship Tournament. Seeding f or the post play-offs w ill be based on the follow ing: a. Highest w inning percentage of all games played. The top tw o t eams in each division w ill be seeded one and tw o seeds. The second place t eams w ill be the three and four seeds for the tournament based on their records or head to head competition. If still tied then a random draw ing w ill t ake place for the seeding. The remaining four teams making the play-offs w ill be seeded by their record. b. Teams must complet e the season. c. The Intramural Sports Coordinator and Community Recreation Personnel w ill rule on other points of selection that may arise about the choice of at -large teams. 9. Post Championship Tournament: a. A roster is required from each team entering the Intramural Championship Tournament. Completed rosters must be t urned into the Sports Office, King 7 IMWE-RLY-MWR SUBJECT: 2015 Fort Riley Intramural Softball Program Field House, Fort Riley, NLT COB tw o days before the tournament. The roster should be signed by the commander, executive officer, or the first sergeant of the participating unit, and w ill include full name, rank, and signature for each team member. Only 1 8 members, not including coaches (maximum tw o) w ho may or may not play, w ill be listed on the roster. There w ill be no changes to the rosters after t he playoffs begin. b. All players must play at least 1 regular season game, bef ore they are eligible to play in any post -season tournaments. c. All Regular Intramural MOU rules apply f or all tournament play. d. Players ejected from a game for violations other than fighting w ill be suspended for one additional game. Players ejected for fighting w ill be suspended for the remainder of the Tournament. 10. Point of contact is Renee Satt erlee, Intramural Sports Coordinat or @ 2392813. Schedules and standings can be located at w w w .rileymw r.com. Tab sports, tab intramural sports. 8
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