presented by Rhode Island School of the Future and Humanity Centered Robotics Initiative at b r o w n u n i v e r s i t y ROB O T BLOC K PA R T Y A NAL TIO C S NA OT I B K R O W E EN T E EV saturday APRIL 11 2015 11am - 4 pm PIZZITOLA SPORTS CENTER • BROWN UNIVERSITY HUMANITY CENTERED ROBOTICS INITIATIVE •••• •••• •••• •••• RISF. net xxxxx nnnnn nnnnn at brown universit y The Humanity Centered Robotics Initiative HCRI is a group of Brown University faculty, students, and affiliates dedicated to robotics as a means to tackle the problems the world faces today. Beyond pursuing the goal of technological advancement, we want to ensure that these advancements are applicable and beneficial economically and socially. We are working across many disciplines to document the societal needs and applications of human-robot interaction research as well as the ethical, legal, and economic questions that will arise with its development. Our research ultimately aims to help create and understand robots that coexist harmoniously with humans. We organize a regular speaker series about robotics whose talks are open to the public. See Events surrounding 2015 National Robotics Week include a symposium on Societal Implications of Robotics on May 1 See Rhode Island School of the Future RISF is a volunteer-driven non-profit organization in Rhode Island, creating opportunities for students and their families to engage in hands-on, inquiry based science, technology, engineering and math activities. We manage FIRST® LEGO® League, Jr. FIRST® LEGO® League and the Robot Block Party state-wide, and through those programs introduce participants to scientists, engineers and computer science professionals, provide professional development to coaches and teachers who implement these activities, and plan tournaments and events where students share what they’ve learned with the community. For more information on RISF, Jr. FIRST LEGO League and FIRST LEGO League Rhode Island visit: APRIL 4 -12, 2015 The Purpose of National Robotics Week is to: • Celebrate the US as a leader in robotics technology development • Educate the public about how robotics technology impacts society, both now and in the future • • Advocate for increased funding for robotics technology research and development Inspire students of all ages to pursue careers in robotics and other Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math-related fields For info: R O B O T B L O C K PA R T Y SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Happening All Day 11am - 4 pm Exhibits from Industry, Universities, Community Organizations, K-12 Schools and After-School Programs. Brown - IEEE Robotics Olympiad –a micromouse competition for teams of university students ROBOT BLOCK PARTY PARADE: 11:45, 12:30, 1:30, 2:30, 3:30 Robot floats travel along the parade route while teams describe their work. Exhibit space I CHAIN REACTION MACHINE: 11:30, 12:45, 1:00, 1:15, 2:15, 3:15 In the spirit of Rube Goldberg, each team has built a device that starts and ends with the pull of a string triggering a series of creative physical events. Exhibit space I Watch out for ! BIG NAZO WIFI Network: robotparty WIFI Password: april2015 TWITTER: @robotblockparty #roboweek INSTAGRAM: RISF_Events #roboweek #robotblockpartyRI CLOSE OF EVENT: 4:00 pm Food for Sale Main Hallway - Frenchy’s Concession Stand T-Shirts For Sale Robot Block Party T-shirt ($12) University exhibits & demonstrations Brown University exhibit F1 exhibit A4 exhibit H5 exhibit D4 University of Rhode Island sponsor Brown Robotics Lab The Brown Robotics Lab will demonstrate cloud robotics technologies, quadrotor and telepresence robots. RISF and the Brown Robotics Lab are outreach partners, collaborating on the Robot Block Party, creating coding workshops for FLL, and offering lab tours to community groups. sponsor SSERVI-SEEED NASA and international space probes are exploring all the planets of the solar system and will reach Pluto this summer. Come see pictures of Mars from the sophisticated Curiosity rover, and share close-up images of the surface of a comet. Meet scientists from Brown University who are exploring the planets and satellites of the Solar System and learn of their discoveries and future plans for human and robotic exploration! Humans to Robots Lab (H2R Lab) Professor Stefanie Tellex of Brown and Professor Claudia Rebola of RISD exhibit robots that are learning to help around the house. The Laboratory for Engineering Man/Machine Systems (Computer Vision @ LEMS) Vision has emerged as an exciting and interdisciplinary area of investigation. The Blindfind project focuses on computer vision, image processing and perception. exhibit F2 exhibit F3 A2 School of Business Studies and Technology displays student technology projects including Bitcoin Mining and TOMNOD crowd sourcing software applications. exhibit H4 exhibit H3 A demonstration of robotics, quad-copters, and support products used by faculty and students. School of Engineering, Computing and Construction Management Professor Matthew Stein and his students will demonstrate a human scale mobile robot for virtual telepresence. The enabling technology will allow a remote student to move around the room and direct the focus of viewing, interact with lab equipment and participate in natural conversation. Rhode Island School of Design exhibit New England Institute of Technology URI’s Autonomous Surface Vehicle Team The URI RoboBoat team and the Robotics Laboratory for Complex Underwater Environments (R-CUE) will team up to display the URI Autonomous Surface Vehicle; a pair of flying robots; at least two underwater robots; and a variety of ‘soft robotics’ prototypes use for underwater grasping and manipulation. Roger Williams University Salve Regina University exhibit Graduate School of Oceanography will display the autonomous kayak that pilots itself and can search coastal waters. These kayaks may be used someday to bring supplies to tsunami vicitims. They will also display Lagrangian floats, a flexible drifting platform that carries a number of sensors and positions itself in the water column using ballast control. H6 The RISD Rover 2015 team has built a human-powered vehicle designed to meet a variety of criteria associated with going into space. A team of industrial design students used the design process to solve problems, focusing on iteration and testing to achieve technical and conceptual goals. The team will race this vehicle at the NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge this year. exhibit BROWN IEEE ROBOTICS OLYMPIAD B Teams from Brown, Harvard, Lehigh, Princeton, Rensselaer, Union College, University of Delaware, Worcester Polytechnic Institute and Yale compete in an engineering design competition created by IEEE where autonomous mice find their way through a maze. Industry exhibits & community organizations exhibit A1 exhibit A3 exhibit A6 exhibit C4 exhibit A5 exhibit A7 exhibit C3 exhibit E3 exhibit E5 IGUS, INC. sponsor igus® will be showcasing their wide range of components that are used in robotics applications all around the world, including hightech plastic bushings, linear slides, and cable carrier systems. Machines will be on display, and giveaways for the whole family. 3DPPVD - 3D PRINTING PROVIDENCE sponsor A community of individuals who are interested in 3D Printing technology, exhibiting 3D printers and printed items to show how this technology is used in robotics and in their daily lives. MAKE: sponsor Make:’s book publishing team will show off projects from recent and soon-to-be-published books, hands-on interactive projects from our upcoming Getting Started with littleBits book, some 3d-printed-in-place objects, and some Raspberry Pi demos. IEEE PROVIDENCE SECTION exhibit H1 exhibit H2 exhibit H7 exhibit XACTSENSE INC. XactSense Inc. is developing modern solutions for tomorrow’s data driven world, with advancements in LIDAR collection software, payload integration, and UAV design. THE PROVIDENCE CHILDREN’S MUSEUM STEAMBOX D5 Steambox will display a slide show of our offerings with a trial of our virtual reality projects. exhibit AS220 LAB builds new technically literate communities by running workshops and providing access to tools like the Providence Fab Lab. They’ll be showing a new line of electronics kits and some drawing machines from the Lab. D6 STEM DAY CAMP exhibit D8 G4 CHRIS LINAKIS exhibit COLLEGE CRUSADE exhibit Has a community-based robotics teams, composed of Cranston & Providence youth. They will demonstrate a FTC rover. BLT - BETTER LIVING THROUGH ROBOTICS exhibit exhibit Demos a small flexible robot platform- the low level functions are handled by an radii io and the high level by a raspberry PI. HASBRO Will demonstrate a variety of cuddly animatronic creatures and explore how they are designed and built. D2 Play with RIGAMAJIG! Invent creative constructions with this large-scale building kit featuring wooden planks, wheels, pulleys and rope designed by RISD professor Cas Holman. Visit our booth and explore Artbots, a fun way to learn about circuits and bot technology FABNEWPORT Will lead an ArtBots activity, a fun way to learn about circuits and bot technology. BLT will be exhibiting the Robotic Vertical Hydroponic Farm. Discover how the arduino platform is used to monitor feeding and plant health. sponsor Will demonstrate their role in the robotics industry and professional development of engineers. AQUIDNECK ISLAND 4-H CLUB AIR 4-H runs robotics programs for kids aged 9-18. AIR 4-H will exhibit robots from their FRC and FTC teams. G6 G7 RHODE ISLAND COMPUTER MUSEUM The RICM Learning Lab will exhibit tech toys like Arduino’s, Raspberry Pi ‘s, vintage computers, breadboards. FIRST LEGO LEAGUE FLL teams from All Saints Academy, Wheeler School and Nathan Bishop Middle School demonstrate their LEGO EV3 & NXT robots. PROFESSOR GIZMO’S WORKSHOP Will be showing the Dougall (a motorized scrub brush that moves by vibration) and the Scribbler, which draws with markers . ROBOTIX LEARNING SOLUTIONS Meet Phiro, an affordable robot that helps teach kids how to code in an easy and interactive way. Team exhibits & demonstrations exhibit exhibit PROVIDENCE COVENTRY G9 C1 Alan Shawn Feinstein Middle School will demonstrate student projects and a Chain Reaction Machine. E4 LaSalle Academy demonstrates the Ramses FRC robot designed to pick up, move and stack recycle bins and barrels. EAST GREENWICH G5 Nathan Bishop Middle School The East Side Crows will demonstrate their FIRST LEGO League Robot. D1 Mt Pleasant High School will demonstrate robotics projects D7 Providence Career and Tech Academy will include robots from the various programs that the school is involved in (VEX and FIRST), and some 3d printers. G3 Wheeler School demonstrates several robots built by the Lower School junior FLL club, the Middle School FLL club, and the Upper School FTC club. These robots will perform a variety of tasks, including picking up and lifting balls and responding to humans that trigger their sensors! D3 FTC #3032 will present a FIRST Tech Challenge robot. Lincoln School exhibits a collection of Tetrix robots built by the Robotics I & II girls from Lincoln School, plus a demonstration of our FIRST Tech Challenge bot with field elements from the 2015 FTC game, Cascade Effect. MIDDLETOWN WARREN Our Lady Of Mercy School will exhibit student robotics projects. EAST PROVIDENCE G8 Martin Middle School demonstrates parade floats and interactive projects. D9 Riverside Middle School exhibits parade floats, a Chain Reaction Machine and interactive projects. G10 Gordon School will be displaying their robotics creations, and sharing how they learned to program and engineer. KINGSTON C2 G2 All Saints STEAM Academy will be highlight their STEAM initiative, including the App builder, Hydroponics, Dress code, and our very successful rookie Cyper Patriots team, and our state championship winning Mindstorms Mayhem FLL robotics team. I Kickemuit Middle School will exhibit a chain reaction machine. WARWICK G1 NEWPORT E1 Elementary, Middle & High Schools Warwick Veterans Memorial High School will demonstrate their FIRST Tech Challenge robot. WEST WARWICK Newport Community School will demonstrate two parade floats. E2 21st Century Community Learning Center, YMCA at John Deering Middle School will exhibit student robotics projects. B ENTRANCE Brown IEEE ROBOTICS OLYMPIAD A 1 H C igus ® 1 1 Our Lady of Mercy School 2 2 FTC #3032 3 STEM Kingston 1 6 Mt. Pleasant HS 2 7 3 BLT 3DPPVD 3 8 Lincoln School 4 Brown University/MIT SSERVI-SEEED 4 9 Brown University LEMS STEAM Box Xactsense F 1 AS220 Labs Newport Community School Chris Lirakis 4 LaSalle Academy 3 University of Rhode Island Ocean Engineering R-CUE & Roboboat 5 Riverside MS 2 New England Institute of Technology University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography 3 Riverside MS 1 3 YMCA at John Deering MS Rhode Island Computer Museum 2 FAB Newport Brown University Brown Robotics Lab 2 Providence Career & Tech Academy 5 10 5 Day Camp RI Providence Section E D Salve Regina University AIR 4-H 4 IEEE College Crusade 4 Roger Williams University 5 Brown University Humans to Robots Lab 6 MAKE: G 7 Warwick All Saints STEAM Academy Wheeler Veterans Jr. FLL FLL & STEAM projects School 1 Memorial HS 2 3 6 Professor Gizmo’s Workshop Providence Children’s Museum ENTRANCE I RISF RBP SHIRTS 7 Robotix Learning Solutions 8 Edward R. Martin MS (MS - Middle School) Robot Block Party PARADE FLL Table Nathan Bishop MS 4 5 9Alan Shawn 10 Gordon Feinstein MS 6 Rhode Island School of Design School 7 Hasbro Gordon School Kickemuit MS Alan Shawn Feinstein MS CHAIN REACTION MACHINES LOADING DOCK R O B O T B L O C K PA R T Y presented by i n pa r t n e r s h i p w i t h t h e Rhode Island Students of the Future Humanity Centered Robotics Initiative at Brown University C H A R I TA B L E T R U S T SEEED Brown-MIT Providence Section SSERVI Evolution and Environment of Exploration Destinations 3 DP P V D 3D PRINTING PROVIDENCE Active Data Solutions WIFI Network: robotparty WIFI Password: april2015 Advance Web Marketing TWITTER: @robotblockparty #roboweek Photo credit: Peter Goldberg & Brown University, Daniel Gagnon INSTAGRAM: RISF_Events #roboweek #robotblockpartyRI mockingbird design
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