Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Simon Fraser University March 30, 2015 Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Motivation and Objectives I Using data on North American public companies, we explore how a company’s customer-supplier relations in the pre-crisis period help to explain its resilience to the financial crisis of 2008-2009 as measured by stock returns. I On average, stock returns are expected to be negatively affected by the financial crisis. I If a firm’s stock return is less negatively affected by the crisis, this firm is considered to be more resilient. Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Motivation and Objectives I Inspired by the Sharpe (1964) & Lintner (1965) Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) beta, we construct two measures or indices to capture the cross-sectional dependence contained in the customer-supplier network: customer and supplier beta. I The two betas we construct summarize each company’s return covariances with its customers and suppliers, respectively. Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Motivation and Objectives I I I Our objectives are threefold. First, customer and supplier relations could have different risk characteristics. Decomposing them into two different measures allows us to separately analyze their characteristics and implications. Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Motivation and Objectives I Second, if the importance of any one of the two betas is verified by the regression results, it is useful tool when conducting risk or stress analysis. I Third, our proposed techniques allow us to investigate effects from higher-order linkages. Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Adjacency Matrix in Customer-Supplier Network I In a customer-supplier network: I I I Each company i is represented by a node i; A customer-supplier relationship between company i and j is described by a link between them, where the supplier is the source and the customer is the target. The structure of the network can be characterized by an adjacency matrix, G, which is a square matrix with dimension of the number of companies (i.e., notes) in the network, such that I I (G )ij is 1 if and only if i (j) is the supplier (customer) of j (i); and (G )ij is 0 otherwise. Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Example Customer-Supplier Network v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 Adjacency Matrix 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 G = 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Transpose of Adjacency Matrix Accordingly, I (G T )ij is 1 if and only if i (j) is the customer (supplier) of j (i); and I (G T )ij is 0 otherwise. Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Example (cont’d) Customer-Supplier Network v1 v2 v3 v4 G T = 0 1 1 0 0 Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) v5 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Two Special Cases: Self-Loop and Bilateral Linkage I Suppose a11 a21 G = . .. a12 a22 .. . ··· ··· .. . a1n a2n .. . and G T = an1 an2 · · · ann where aij = 1 or 0 for any i and j. I I a11 a12 .. . a21 a22 .. . ··· ··· .. . an1 an2 .. . a1n a2n ··· ann First, aii = 1 for some i if company i is a customer (or supplier) of itself, that is, node i has a self-loop. Second, aij = aji = 1 for some i and j, where i 6= j, if company i is both a supplier and a customer of company j, that is, the link between node i and j is bilateral. Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Two Special Cases: Self-Loop and Bilateral Linkage Self-Loop Bilateral Linkage vi vi vj Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks The CAPM Beta I Our customer and supplier betas are inspired by the CAPM beta. I Let us recall: the CAPM beta of an asset (or portfolio) i is βi = cov (ri , rm ) 2 σm (1) where cov (ri , rm ) is the covariance of the return on asset i with the 2 return on the market portfolio, and σm is the variance of the return on the market portfolio. Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks The CAPM Beta I Suppose that there are n assets in the market, an n × 1 vector β, where βi , i = 1, ..., n, is the ith entry of β, can be expressed as β1 β2 Σ X m m β= . = (2) 2 σm .. βn I σ11 σ21 where Σm = . . σn1 In principle, Σm and in the market. σ12 . . σ1n x1 x2 σ22 . . σ2n . . . . . and X = m . . . . . σn2 . . σnn xn Xm in the CAPM beta should contain all assets Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Customer and Supplier Beta I Suppose that there are n companies in the network, define the customer and supplier beta respectively as, βc = (G ◦ Σ) X βs = G T ◦ Σ X I (3) (4) where I I I I ◦ denotes the element-wise product of two matrices; Σ is the n × n return variance-covariance matrix; X is the n × 1 vector containing the relative weight of market capitalization of each company; In practice, Σ and X would only contain the companies that are identified from the customer-supplier network. Hence, in general, Σ 6= Σm and X 6= Xm . Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Customer and Supplier Beta βc = (G ◦ Σ) X βs = G T ◦ Σ X I βc and βs are n × 1 vectors I I I The ith entry in βc , βci , is the weighted average of company i’s return covariances with its customers; The ith entry in βs , βsi , is the weighted average of company i’s return covariances with its suppliers; The weights applied are the relative market capitalizations of its customers and suppliers, respectively. Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Example (cont’d) I G extracts each company’s return covariances with its customers 0 σ12 σ13 0 0 0 0 0 σ24 0 0 σ34 σ35 G ◦Σ= 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I G T extracts each company’s return covariances with its suppliers 0 0 0 0 0 σ21 0 0 0 0 T 0 0 0 G ◦ Σ = σ31 0 0 σ42 σ43 0 0 0 0 σ53 0 0 Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Example (cont’d) I Hence the customer and supplier betas in this network are σ12 x2 + σ13 x3 σ24 x4 βc = [G ◦ Σ] X = σ34 x4 + σ35 x5 0 0 0 σ21 x1 h i T σ31 x1 βs = G ◦ Σ X = σ x +σ x 42 2 43 3 σ53 x3 Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) βc1 βc2 = βc3 β c4 βc5 βs1 βs2 = βs3 β s4 βs5 Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Customer and Supplier Beta I Other things being equal (assuming positive return covariances), for company i, there are three aspects that contribute to higher βci (or βsi ): I I I I it has more customers (or suppliers); its customers (or suppliers) have larger market capitalizations; it has larger return covariances with its customers (or suppliers). Hence, customer and supplier betas can be considered the summary of a company’s overall status of customer and supplier relations, respectively. Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Customer and Supplier Beta vs. CAPM Beta I The CAPM beta indicates an asset’s return covariance with the entire market regardless of whether there are connections between this asset and other assets in the market; I Our betas are supported by real customer-supplier relations – they summarize each company’s return covariances with its trading partners only. Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Customer and Supplier Beta vs. CAPM Beta I Under two assumptions, the relationship between the CAPM beta and our betas can be demonstrated by a decomposition. I First, assume that there are n companies in the network and their stocks are the only assets in the market. Thus, Σm = Σ and Xm = X . I Second, assume that there is no self-loop or bilateral linkage in the network. Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Customer and Supplier Beta vs. CAPM Beta I Under these two assumptions, the CAPM beta can be decomposed into several components, including the customer and supplier betas: β =ΣX 1 2 σm = (G ∗ ◦ Σ) X 1 2 σm 1 G + G T + G u + In ◦ Σ X 2 σm 1 = (G ◦ Σ) X + G T ◦ Σ X + (G u ◦ Σ) X + (In ◦ Σ) X 2 σm * 1 = βc + βs + βu + Var 2 σm = Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Customer and Supplier Beta vs. CAPM Beta where I I G∗ = 1 1 .. . 1 1 .. . ··· ··· .. . 1 1 .. . is an n × n matrix of 1; 1 1 ··· 1 In is the identity matrix of size n; I G u = G ∗ − G − G T − In captures the lack of a customer-supplier relationship between companies, that is, companies that are unconnected; I βu captures each company’s weighted average return covariances with companies that are neither its customers nor suppliers, and the weights applied are the relative market capitalization of the companies that are neither its customers nor suppliers; and I Var captures each company’s weighted return variance, and the weight applied to each company is the relative market capitalization of that company. * Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Customer and Supplier Beta vs. CAPM Beta I Implicitly, the CAPM beta contains an “adjacency matrix” with all the entries being one. I I In this sense, the CAPM beta does not utilize the specific structure of the customer-supplier network. By performing this decomposition, we observe that the return covariance between a company and the market portfolio captured by the CAPM beta originates from several sources: a company’s return covariances with its customers, suppliers, and unconnected companies and its own return variance. Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks I Using data on North American public companies, we explore how a company’s βc and βs in the pre-crisis period help to explain its resilience to financial crisis as measured by stock returns. I We study the financial crisis of 2008-2009. Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks I The main cross-sectional regression is r¯icr − r¯ipr = δ0 + δ1 βci + δ2 βsi pr pr pr cr cr cr + δ3 bˆmi + δ4 bˆSMBi + δ5 bˆHMLi + δ6 bˆmi + δ7 bˆSMBi + δ8 bˆHMLi + i I (5) Where I I r¯icr is the time-series average of monthly excess returns for company i during the crisis period (i.e., year 2008-2009), r¯ipr is the time-series average of monthly excess returns for company i during the pre-crisis period, r¯icr − r¯ipr is hence the difference between these two averages for company i. one βc and one βs are constructed for the pre-crisis period; βci and βsi are the ith entry from the n × 1 vector βc and βs , respectively. Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Fama-French Three-Factor Model - Rationale for the Control Variables I The Fama-French three-factor model (Fama and French, 1992, 1996) postulates that the expected return on an asset is explained by the sensitivity of its return to three factors: I I I (i) the excess return on the market portfolio (m); (ii) the difference between the returns on two portfolios – a portfolio of small stocks and a portfolio of large stocks (SMB portfolio); and (iii) the difference between the returns on two portfolios – a portfolio of high book-to-market stocks and a portfolio of low book-to-market stocks (HML portfolio). Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Fama-French Three-Factor Model – Rationale for the Control Variables I Specifically, the three factor sensitivities of asset i, bmi , bSMBi , and bHMLi , are the slope coefficients in the time-series regression rit − rft = αi + bmi (rmt − rft ) + bSMBi rSMBt + bHMLi rHMLt + it (6) where rit is the rate of return on asset i at time t, rft is the risk-free rate of interest at time t, rmt is the rate of return on the market portfolio at time t, rSMBt and rHMLt are the rates of return at time t on the SMB and HML portfolios, respectively. I Their main result states that the sensitivity of an asset’s return to the three factors provides a simple but powerful characterization of the cross-section of average stock returns. Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Fama-French Three-Factor Model - Rationale for the Control Variables I Recall the main cross-sectional regression r¯icr − r¯ipr = δ0 + δ1 βci + δ2 βsi pr pr pr cr cr cr + δ3 bˆmi + δ4 bˆSMBi + δ5 bˆHMLi + δ6 bˆmi + δ7 bˆSMBi + δ8 bˆHMLi + i I pr ˆpr Using monthly data from the pre-crisis period, bˆmi , bSMBi and pr ˆ bHMLi for each company i are estimated from Equation (6). I I pr ˆpr According to the Fama-French three-factor model, bˆmi , bSMBi and pr bˆHMLi explain part of the cross-sectional variation in average stock returns during the pre-crisis period. cr ˆcr cr Similarly, bˆmi , bSMBi and bˆHMLi are constructed using crisis period data – they would capture part of the cross-sectional variation in average stock returns in the crisis period. Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Data I We use data on the North American public companies; our full sample is from January 2003 to December 2009. I According to the U.S. Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No.131, public companies are required to report those customers that account for at least 10% of their total yearly sales. This information is contained in the Compustat Customer Segment files, which are used to construct the G matrices. I Companies’ monthly total returns and annual total market values are the Compustat item TRT1M and mkvalt, respectively. I The monthly returns on risk-free assets and the Fama-French three factors are obtained from Kenneth French’s Data Library. I The returns are all in percentages. Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Summary Statistics Mean Std. Dev. Min. Max. N r¯cr − r¯pr -1.452 2.054 -11.011 3.882 714 βc 0.057 0.156 -0.235 1.351 714 βs 0.005 0.039 -0.013 0.817 714 pr bˆm 0.965 0.579 -0.830 3.475 714 pr bˆSMB pr bˆHML 0.562 0.789 -1.955 5.138 714 0.122 0.846 -4.72 2.647 714 cr bˆm 1.022 0.566 -0.656 3.084 714 cr bˆSMB 0.506 0.98 -2.691 4.755 714 cr bˆHML -0.104 0.905 -3.264 5.016 714 Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Histogram of the Dependent Variable 150 100 r7ipr : 2003-2007 50 0 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 Return in Percentage 150 100 r7icr : 2008-2009 50 0 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 8 10 Return in Percentage 80 60 r7icr ! r7ipr 40 20 0 -10 -8 -6 Return in Percentage Figure 1: Histogram of average monthly excess returns. r¯icr − r¯ipr is the regressand in the main cross-sectional regression. The returns are in percentages. The upper, middle and lower figure depict the histogram of r¯ipr , r¯icr and r¯icr − r¯ipr , respectively. The sample size is 714 companies. Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Table 1: Resilience to the Financial Crisis as Measured by Stock Returns (1) βc (2) 1.0396∗ (0.0904) 4.1774∗∗ (0.0148) βs pr bˆm 0.2378 (0.1685) −0.0055 (0.9597) −0.1789 (0.1016) −0.4978∗∗∗ (0.0027) 0.0659 (0.5003) 0.2586∗∗ (0.0103) −1.1543∗∗∗ (0.0000) pr bˆSMB pr bˆHML cr bˆm cr bˆSMB cr bˆHML −2.6265∗∗∗ (0.0000) Intercept R¯ 2 n ∗ 0.00 1048 p < 0.1; ∗∗ p < 0.05; 0.05 714 ∗∗∗ Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) (3) 1.8886∗∗∗ (0.0001) 0.4504 (0.4097) 0.1074 (0.5389) −0.0838 (0.4474) −0.1730 (0.1084) −0.5588∗∗∗ (0.0007) 0.0770 (0.4277) 0.2664∗∗∗ (0.0089) −1.0371∗∗∗ (0.0000) 0.06 714 p < 0.01 Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Regression Results I We observe asymmetric effects of relations on the customer and supplier side – in column (3) (main regression with full set of control variables), the coefficient on βc is positive and statistically significant, but the coefficient on βs is not statistically significant. I This result is generally robust to different choices of pre-crisis period, which are consecutive subsets of the years 2003 to 2007. Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Regression Results I Recall that customer and supplier beta are a summary of the overall status of a company’s customer and supplier relations, respectively. I “Stronger” and more “robust” relations with customer (or suppliers) is characterized by having more customers (or suppliers) that are larger companies and stronger cross-sectional dependence (i.e., larger positive return covariance) with the customers (or suppliers). I The regression results imply that, from the perspective of an individual company, relations with downstream customers have more significant implications than relation with upstream suppliers. Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Regression Results I During a financial crisis, it becomes difficult to retain customers. Hence a “robust” customer relationship in the pre-crisis period is important for a company to survive a crisis, which explains the positive sign and the statistical significance of the coefficient on βc . I However, in a crisis, it is relatively easy to retain suppliers, because “willingness to buy” is always welcomed. Hence a “robust” relationship with suppliers in the pre-crisis period is not crucial for a company to survive a crisis, which explains the statistical insignificance of the coefficient on βs . Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Application of the Customer Beta I Customer beta can explain a company’s resilience to the financial crisis 2008-2009, as measured by stock returns. I Investors or portfolio managers could construct customer beta when conducting risk or stress analysis to gain insights into the relative negative impact of a potential financial crisis on a stock’s performance. I Specifically, the customer betas of stocks of interest should be constructed and ranked from high to low by magnitude, with a higher rank indicating more resilience to a crisis as measured by stock returns. I This is an innovative way of conducting stress analysis in the sense that it utilizes information contained in the customer-supplier network. Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Application of the Customer Beta I Moreover, the application of customer beta can be incorporated into existing approaches to portfolio selection as an additional dimension or perspective. Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Application of the Customer Beta I For example, consider the single-period mean-variance (MV) model of Markowitz (1952) with no risk-free asset, to find a portfolio on the MV-efficient frontier, solve N N X X min x1 ,x2, ...,xN xi xj σij i=1 j=1 subject to N X xi µi = a i=1 N X xi = 1 i=1 Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Application of the Customer Beta I The customer beta, which captures a stock’s relative resilience to a crisis, can be incorporated into the above problem as an additional constraint. I For instance, after stocks are ranked by the magnitude of customer beta, only stocks that are above a certain threshold (e.g., 25-percent quantile) can be included in the portfolio. I By enforcing such a constraint, only securities that are relatively more resilient to potential crisis are used to construct the MV-efficient frontier. Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Higher-Order Linkages – Powers of Adjacency Matrix I I G captures the first-order customer linkages. G k captures the kth-order customer linkages. I G k ij is equal to the number of walks of length k from node i to node j. I I a walk from node i to node j of length k is a succession of k links beginning at i and ending at j. A similar interpretation applies to the transpose of G , that is, (G T )k captures kth-order supplier linkages. Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Example (cont’d) Customer-Supplier Network v1 v2 v3 v4 G = 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) v5 3 G = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Effects from Higher-Order Linkages I To investigate the effects from higher-order linkages, we construct βc and βs that correspond to each order of linkages: βck = G k ◦ Σ X βsk = (G T )k ◦ Σ X (7) (8) where k = 1, 2, ..., K . Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Effects from Higher-Order Linkages I The following cross-sectional regression is conducted: cr pr r¯i − r¯i = δ0 + δ1 βc1i + δ2 βc2i + δ3 βc3i + δ4 βc4i + δ5 βs1i + δ6 βs2i + δ7 βs3i + δ8 βs4i pr pr pr +δ9 bˆmi + δ10 bˆSMBi + δ11 bˆHMLi cr cr cr +δ12 bˆmi + δ13 bˆSMBi + δ14 bˆHMLi + i Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) (9) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Table 2: Effects from Higher-Order Linkages βc1 βc2 βc3 βc4 βs1 βs2 βs3 βs4 pr bˆm pr bˆSMB pr ˆ bHML cr bˆm cr bˆSMB bˆcr 1.0717∗ −0.9546 5.5600∗ 7.7537∗∗∗ 10.5179∗∗∗ −24.0929 −408.1975 32210.1572 HML −2.6286∗∗∗ Intercept ¯2 R n ∗ 0.2378 −0.0055 −0.1789 −0.4978∗∗∗ 0.0659 0.2586∗∗ −1.1543∗∗∗ 0.00 1048 p < 0.1; ∗∗ p < 0.05; 0.05 714 ∗∗∗ Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) 1.9800∗∗∗ −1.1802 4.2785 2.6617 1.9461 −6.4654 −35.5332 3162.1340 0.1103 −0.0736 −0.1778 −0.5766∗∗∗ 0.0705 0.2603∗∗ −1.0198∗∗∗ 0.06 714 p < 0.01 Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Effects from Higher-Order Linkages – Regression Results I The coefficient on βc1 is the only one that is consistently positive and statistically significant in the main regression with the full set of control variables (i.e. column (3)). I This result is robust to different choices of pre-crisis period that are consecutive subsets of 2003-2007. I This implies that a company’s weighted average return covariances with its higher-order or indirect trading partners are not important in explaining this company’s resilience to the financial crisis of 2008-2009 as measured by stock returns. Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Conclusions I Under certain assumptions, the CAPM beta can be decomposed into several components, including the customer and supplier betas. I We find asymmetric effects on the customer and supplier sides – for a company to survive a financial crisis, relations with suppliers during the pre-crisis period are not as important as having “robust” relations with customers. I This result provides firms with useful guidelines on managing relations with trading partners; that is, more attention should be devoted to downstream customers. Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks Conclusions I Investors or portfolio managers could construct customer beta when conducting risk or stress analysis to gain insights into the relative negative impact of a potential financial crisis on a stock’s performance. I Moreover, the application of customer beta can be incorporated into existing approaches to portfolio selection as an additional dimension or perspective. I As measures or “indices” containing useful information of the customer-supplier network, our betas could potentially be applied in other areas as well, which should be explored in future studies. Xiao (Christy) Yu (with Ramazan Gen¸cay) Resilience to the Financial Crisis in Customer-Supplier Networks References I Acemoglu, D., V. M. Carvalho, A. Ozdaglar, and A. Tahbaz-Salehi (2012). The network origins of aggregate fluctuations. Econometrica 80 (5), 1977-2016. I Allen, F. and A. Babus (2009). 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