“Where Will You Wake?” Room Selection Sweepstakes

“Where Will You Wake?”
Room Selection Sweepstakes
Submission Deadline: Wednesday, April 1st by 5:00 pm
Winners Announced Thursday, April 2nd
Residence Life and Housing is excited to announce the annual room sweepstakes video contest during our annual “Where Will You Wake?” room selection process. Enter to win the first place in line regardless of your priority number. Winners will be invited to choose their housing assignment before the general room selection process begins on April 13. Any student who qualifies to live on campus may enter. Your Challenge: Make a video with up to 3 friends, and yourself, stating why you love living on campus at Wake Forest University and include footage of your current room. •
You must answer the question “Why do you love living on campus?” in the video. The video can be no longer than 3 minutes in length. All students in the group must appear in the video. The Demon Deacon must appear in the video in some form (in the form of a t-­‐shirt, stuffed animal, etc.). Rules for participation:
You must be eligible to participate in room selection for 2015-­‐2016 You must be a full time student You cannot participate if you are Studying Abroad Fall 2015 Rooms within Greek Blocks, Theme Housing, Resident Adviser spaces, and Substance-­‐Free Healthy Living are excluded from the contest. Participant Registration:
Participant Category (Select One) o Single (one participant) o Double (two participants) o Apartment (Max. of four participants) Participant Information: By signing below, the individual(s) listed consent to and authorize the use, publication and reproduction of this video for Residence Life and Housing’s unrestricted use. This video may be used for promotional and marketing purposes. 1.
Name (Print): ____________________________________________ Current Room Assignment: ______________________ Sign: ________________________________________________________ Date: ________________ ID #: ________________ 2.
Name (Print): ____________________________________________ Current Room Assignment: ______________________ Sign: ________________________________________________________ Date: ________________ ID #: ________________ 3.
Name (Print): ____________________________________________ Current Room Assignment: ______________________ Sign: ________________________________________________________ Date: ________________ ID #: ________________ 4.
Name (Print): ____________________________________________ Current Room Assignment: ______________________ Sign: ________________________________________________________ Date: ________________ ID #: ________________ Submit your video on a flash drive along with your paperwork to Residence Life and Housing, Alumni Hall, Suite 104. Flash drives are available upon request.