Important Information for Our Guests: We welcome you to Coker United Methodist Church. Nursery Care is provided for all worship services and is located in Wesley Hall. A Quiet/Cry Room is available if needed. This sound-equipped room is located off the back of the Sanctuary and can be entered from the foyer. Children’s Corner in the Narthex - get your coloring pages, crayons, pipe cleaners and more. Sunday School for all ages is at 9:30 am. Lists of classes are at the Newcomers Booth. Restrooms are located at either end of the hallway outside the Sanctuary. Large Print Hymnals and hearing-assist stations are available from the ushers. Upper Room devotional booklets are available in the entrance to all worship areas. (Donations are appreciated.) Visit our Welcome Booth in the Gazebo for more information about upcoming events and Coker’s ministry activities. Upcoming Worship 2nd Weekend after Epiphany John 14:8-9 Saturday - January 18 5:00 pm - in Chapel Sunday - January 19 8:15, 9:30, 11:00 am in the Sanctuary 11:00 am - Celebrate! Informal Worship in the Upper Room Church Office open Monday-Thursday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm and Friday from 8:00 am to noon 210-494-3455 Emergencies after hours or on weekends: Pastor Barbara R. Galloway - 896-5085 Pastor Damon Relder - 542-6068 Pastor Amelia Beasley - 570-9084 Rev. Dave Collett - 889-5903 Rev. Bethany Graham - 595-0383 If you are unable to reach one pastor in case of an emergency, please contact another pastor. Music Ministry Celebration Weekend On Saturday, January 25 and Sunday, January 26 we’ll have the opportunity to thank God for the many blessings shared by all of Coker's music makers in worship. Music Ministry Celebration Weekend will include children's and youth choirs, dance ministry, instrumentalists, praise bands and our adult choirs leading us in worship. Hans Christian Anderson speaks of music's ability to touch the deep places of the soul when he writes “when words fail, music speaks”. Come celebrate God's gift of music with us in worship. Welcome! Welcome to Coker United Methodist Church! It is a blessing to us that you have come as our guest this morning as we worship the Risen Lord. We hope that you will want to know more about Coker and consider joining in membership with us. Our “Connecting at Coker” class is a great introduction to our church and ministry areas. It will allow you to become better acquainted with Methodist history, organization, doctrine, sacraments, social principles, Coker history, and opportunities to get involved in small group activities. It meets on the first four Sundays of each month, beginning on December 1, in the Rector Conference Room from 9:30 to 10:30 am. Required: Baptism in any Christian denomination. For more information, call the church office at 494-3455. All are welcome! Love GOD + Serve Others + Change the World Barbara R. Galloway, Senior Pastor Damon Relder, Associate Pastor Amelia Beasley, Associate Pastor Dave Collett, Minister of Music & Arts Bethany Graham, Minister of Students & Young Adults Judy M. Davis, Deaconess for Congregational Care WE INVITE YOU TO JOIN COKER UMC TO LOVE GOD + SERVE OTHERS + CHANGE THE WORLD Church Conference Wednesday, February 26, 7:00 pm Mid-week Manna Dinner at 5:30 pm This is an opportunity to report to the congregation on the business of the church and to elect the lay leadership for 2014. All members of Coker UMC are voting members of the Church Conference. Other interested persons may attend but not vote. The Building Committee will update the congregation on progress being made on construction funded by Operation Open Door. We expect to schedule the ground-breaking for our new entrance and electronic sign to be a part of the Church Conference. Please plan to attend. Heart Saver CPR AED Training January 15, 9:00 am-1:00 pm This Heartsaver CPR AED class is available to anyone and lasts about 4 hours. It includes adult, child, and infant CPR. The class is limited to 8 participants. During the course, an AHA Instructor conducts videobased lessons and works with students to complete their CPR and AED skills practice and testing. Upon completion of this course, students receive an American Heart Association Heartsaver CPR AED Course Completion Card that is valid for two years. If interested, please email Dr. Escamilla to enroll, [email protected]. Free Blood Pressure Screening Sunday, January 19, 9:00 am - 12:15 pm In the Narthex & Gibbs Lower Lobby between worship services Please join us for our Winter Adult Mission Trip to Eagle Pass, Texas The Mission Outreach Committee invites you to be the hands, feet and heart of Jesus Christ by participating in the Winter Adult Mission Trip to Eagle Pass, Texas on January 18-19. We have opportunities for those with cleaning and construction skills. At Eagle Pass First United Methodist Church we will be making repairs and helping with a deep cleaning project on the property to provide a welcoming space for visitors and members. All repairs will be made on January 18, and van service will run to and from Eagle Pass on the same day. You may also choose to spend the night in Eagle Pass and attend Sunday services at Eagle Pass FUMC led by Pastor Becky Ballou. Signup tables will be under the Gazebo January 12. All are invited and welcome; the only requirement is a “Mission-Minded Heart”. We will also be collecting articles of clothing, especially coats, and diapers. Baskets for these donations are available around campus. If you would like more information please contact Jennifer Felty at 210-658-6173. sure to share contact information so we can get information to you about Coker. Lord, I Believe! John 9:38 If there is any way we can serve you, please do not hesitate to ask. Gathering Music How Great is Our God Notes Chris Tomlin Welcome! Meet and Greet Your Neighbor Thank you God for bringing us to worship today. Clear our minds and fill our hearts so we can hear a word from you and believe. Amen! Opening Music Wonderful Words of Life Cornerstone Beautiful UMH 600 Hillsong United Phil Wickham Reading God's Word Encounter with the Word Pastor Barbara "A Book with All the Answers?" Statement of Faith Prayers of the Community _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ The Lord's Prayer Offering Our Gifts Give Me Jesus Jeremy Camp Blessing as We Go into the World Sending Music Deep in the Shadows of the Past How Great is Our God FWS 2246 Chris Tomlin All are welcome to come to kneel for prayer as the music sends us out. If you would like to have someone pray with you, please open your hands. A partner will be with you right away. Please sign in, and if you are a guest today, Welcome! Be Spring Study Opportunities Small Group Ministry Looking for a small group in which to deepen your faith walk? Coker currently has 6 small groups that meet on a regular basis to share fellowship, prayer and study. If you would like more information, please contact Pastor Damon. Once again Coker adult ministries is happy to announce our Spring line-up of opportunities of educational classes for all ages. Some require books, others do not but all ask that you contact Gail Hatcher in the church office to sign up so we have enough room and materials. Look for brochures in Worship spaces today! Today is the first of a series on “Hot Potato” issues for Christians. Next week we will look for the Mosaic-like nature and character of God. Please come again! God bless you today and always. *Those who are able are invited to stand. FWS—The Faith We Sing 9:38 Praise and Worship Team Dawn Cole Maddy Cole Scott Crippen Robert LoBasso Maggie Stowe Nancy Laine, organist UMH—United Methodist Hymnal 231 E. North Loop Road • San Antonio, TX 78216-1812 • 210-494-3455 • January 12, 2014 COKER CONNECTION More Information at Adult Ministries Student Ministries United Methodist Men Today Meet every Monday at 6:30 am in Wesley 703 for breakfast and Bible Study United Methodist Women Tuesday, January 14 10:00 am, General Meeting, Wesley 703/704 6:30 pm, Faith & Hope Circle, Wesley 806 Thursday, January 16 9:30 am, Reflections Circle, Wesley 703-704 Saturday, January 18 8:30 am-Noon, District Leadership Training, Gibbs Building SAF/CALLL Friday, January 17, 8:30 am - 3:00 pm Join CALLL’s visit to Seguin’s 1856 Greek Revival Sebastopol Mansion and the Nut Cracker Museum with several thousand nutcrackers on display. Lunch on your own at Dixie Grill. Cost for the bus will be $4.00, tour is $2.00. Sign-up in the Gazebo today! We have received 456 pledges or $1,888,596 towards our 2014 operating budget. We are very thankful for these promised gifts and for the 37 new pledges we have received! If you haven’t yet turned in your commitment card, please do so today. We need to hear from all of you to finalize the budget for 2014. If you are unsure whether you pledged, please contact Becky Kirbo at 494-3455 X222 or at [email protected]. Looking for a service niche on campus? Mike Ford needs a co-leader to help supervise receiving food deliveries to the Coker Food Pantry for one hour 4 days a month and to help supervise food distribution from noon to 2:00 pm on Thursdays. Ask a friend to share the job with you! Call Mike at 210 379-8838. Join Us for Discussion Interested in discussing Scripture? Join the Seekers class on Sundays at 9:30 am in Wesley Room 801 beginning today as we consider: What does the Lord require? from the Book of Micah. 9:00 am – Journey Confirmation 9:30 am – Sunday School 6 :00 pm – New series “Renewal” begins tonight. Reminders Make plans to attend Midwinter 2014 at Echo Valley for students in 6th-12th grade, February 21-23, and the cost is $125 ($118 camp cost plus transportation). Sign-up now in the lobby of the Gibbs building or online at Apprentice of Jesus January 13, 6:30-8:00 The Apprentice Series (sponsored by Spiritual Enrichment Ministry) is designed to help people grow in Christ-likeness. This series is based on a basic formula for transformation that includes a mental side (changing narratives), a physical side (practicing spiritual exercises), a communal side (doing the first two in a group) and a spiritual side (the work of the Holy Spirit). When people engage in all three of these activities— under the leading of the Holy Spirit— transformation is not only possible, but practically inevitable. Talk with one of the 74 people who have taken the course at Coker. The first segment consists of ten weekly classes based on The Good and Beautiful God by James Bryan Smith. To register and receive additional information, please contact Paula Fredrickson by phone 210490-1983 or email [email protected]. Help is Needed... to set the Lord’s Table Communion Stewards are needed for preparation and clean up of the elements on the first Sunday of each month for the 11:00 am service. This job comes with minimal effort and great reward! If you are interested or have questions please contact Gail Hatcher at 494-3455 ext. 236. A special thanks to Mike and Kathy Harrison for their assistance this past year and to Kathy and Kerry Green for their many years of Children'sMinistries A note to 3rd grade parents: Please remember to turn in your child’s registration form for 3rd grade retreat. Wednesday Bible Adventure resumes on January 15, 6:30-7:30 for Kinder – 5th Grade. Thank you to all who have brought aluminum tabs to help benefit Ronald McDonald House. Keep them coming for a great way to give back! Great Thing Are Happening! Coker Early Learning Center offers classes for children who are 12 months to Kindergarten, and we would love for your little one to join us! If you, or someone you know, is interested in learning more about the program, please contact Melanie Rutkoski or Michele Condel with any questions, 494-5061 or [email protected]. San Antonio MLK Interfaith Service Sunday, January 19 “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” –Martin Luther King, Jr. The Coker Chancel Choir will be one of the featured choirs at this year's 50th anniversary MLK Interfaith Worship service on Sunday, January 19, 4:00 pm, at Antioch Baptist Church. This special service recognizes the legacy of Dr. King’s vision for all God's children to live in harmony and seeks to build bridges of cooperation among diverse religious and cultural groups within greater San Antonio. Reverend Carl Rolfs, San Antonio District Superintendent, will be the speaker and the Coker church family is cordially invited to attend. Emmaus Gathering and Worship Today, January 12 YOU are invited to share Holy Communion with our Emmaus Community Refreshments & Fellowship: at 5:00 pm in Wesley 703/704 Music & Worship: begins at 6:00 pm in the Chapel. Child care will be provided. Please join us for a meaningful and Spirit-filled experience! Calendar of Events - Week of January 12 SUNDAY, January 12 7:30 am .......................... Sunday Breakfast ............................................................................. Gym 7:40 am .......................... Agape Choir Rehearsal ........................................................ Choir room Between services........... Winter/Spring Studies Registration...................................... Gazebo 8:15, 9:00, 11:00 am ...WORSHIP SERVICE..................................................SANCTUARY 8:30 am .......................... Coker Nurses Meeting ................................................... Gibbs Upstairs 9:00 am .......................... Journey Confirmation ......................................................... Gibbs 1108 9:30 am .......................... Sunday School for Children, Youth & Adults.......................... Various 10:30 am ....................... Children’s Choirs rehearsal ................................... Gym/Bertha Jones 11:00 am ....................... Small Group Bible Study .................................................. Wesley 804 11:00 am ....................CELEBRATE! WORSHIP SERVICE ................. GIBBS UPPER ROOM 12:00 pm ....................... Youth Choir Rehearsal ................................................................. Chapel 12:15 pm ....................... Mission Outreach Committee Meeting ........................... Wesley 802 5:00 pm .......................... Emmaus Gathering................................................................... 703/704 6:00 pm ......................Emmaus Led-Worship .......................................................Chapel 6:00 pm .......................... Youth Ministries-UMYF ................................................... Gibbs Building MONDAY, January 13 6:30 am ........................ UMM Breakfast and Fellowship ................................................ Gym 9:00 am ........................ Co-ed Exercise Class ................................................................... Gym 6:30 pm ........................ Apprentice of Jesus - Book 1 Class Begins ................ Wesley 801 6:30 pm ........................ ACA Program ................................................................ Gibbs 1107 7:00 pm ........................ Al-Anon Women’s Program (nursery available) ....... Gibbs 1106 TUESDAY, January 14 10:00 am ....................... UMW General Meeting .......................................... Wesley 703/704 6:30 pm .......................... UMW Faith & Hope Circle ............................................... Wesley 806 7:00 pm ........................ AA-12 Step Program (nursery available) ................. Wesley 803 WEDNESDAY, January 15 9:00 am ........................ Co-ed Exercise Class ................................................................... Gym 9:00 am ........................ CPR/AED Training .......................................................... Wesley 805 11:30 am ...................... Women’s Bible Study “Grace” Class Begins ............. Wesley 802 12:30 pm ...................... Women’s Bible Study “A Mile in Her Shoes” Begins .... Wesley 804 5:30 pm ........................ Midweek Manna Meal ................................................................ Gym 6:30 pm ........................ Kids Bible Adventure .................................................Upstairs Rector 6:30 pm ........................ Adult Bible Study “A Bead and a Prayer” Begins ... Wesley 801 6:30 pm ........................ Adult Bible Study “11” Class Begins........................... Wesley 802 7:00 pm ........................ Youth Bible Studies .......................................................... Various Gibbs 7:00 pm ........................ Chancel Choir Rehearsal................................................. Choir Room THURSDAY, January 16 9:30 am ........................ UMW Reflections Circle ....................................... Wesley 703-704 10:00 am ...................... Hearts In Tune Rehearsal ................................................ Choir Room 12-2:00 pm .................. Food Pantry Open ................................................................ Annex 4 6:00 pm ........................ Festival Bells Jubilee Rehearsal ........................................Sanctuary 6:15 pm ........................ Leap of Faith Dance Rehearsal ...............................Upstairs Rector 6:30 pm ........................ S-Anon Program (nursery available) .......................... Wesley 805 7:00 pm ........................ Al-Anon Program (nursery available).............. Gibbs 1108-1109 7:00 pm ........................ Alateen Program (nursery available) ......................... Wesley 801 7:00 pm ........................ Celebrate! Band Rehearsal ............................... Gibbs Upper Room 7:15 pm ........................ Moving Spirit Dancers Rehearsal .....................................Sanctuary FRIDAY, January 17 8:00 am ........................ CALLL to Seguin .................................................... Lower Parking Lot 9:00 am ........................ Co-ed Exercise Class ................................................................... Gym 10:30 am ...................... Apprentice of Jesus - Book 2 Class Begins ................ Wesley 806 SATURDAY, January 18 7:00 am ........................ Eagle Pass Mission Trip ........................................Meet in Lower Lot 8:30 am ........................ UMW District Leadership Training .......................... Gibbs Building 12:30 pm ....................... S-Anon Program .................................................................. Gibbs 1108 5:00 pm ........................ Childcare for Chapel Worship ......................................... Gym 401 5:00 pm .................... SATURDAY WORSHIP.....................................COKER CHAPEL AA: Alcoholics Anonymous ACA: Adult Children of Alcoholics Al-Anon: Family & Friends of Alcoholics Alateen: Teen Family & Friends of Alcoholics S-Anon: Family/Friends of those with sexual addictions UMM: United Methodist Men UMYF: United Methodist Youth Fellowship Coker’s Prayer List is available in the back of the Sanctuary, Chapel and Upper Room Cares and Concerns Hospitals and Care Facilities ●Methodist Stone Oak – Jim Moore ●Christus Santa Rosa Babcock – Tom Peel The Remington – Margarett Christal Forum Lincoln Heights – Charlene Moore ●Kendall House at Menger Springs in Boerne Patricia Steede ●Select Rehab – Jim Schoultz, Ruth Yancy ●Sonterra Health Center – Ralph Moffitt, Colette Miley, Janell Christley, Allan Dennis Sympathy to: ●Mary Ann Moseley and family on the death of her husband, William Moseley, 1/8. Joy to: ●Danny and Lori Armstrong on the marriage of their daughter, Kelley Armstrong, to Edward Garza, 1/11 January 12 Sanctuary flowers are given: ●In memory of Bill Gaines by Debbie Gaines, Treasure Gaines and Chesney Oines. Lay Readers 8:15 - Rick McManus 9:30 - Sara Ramirez 11:00 - Judy Davis Mission Moment Pastor’s Benevolence Fund Through the offering taken for the Pastor’s Benevolence Fund each year, Coker is able to help people in crisis situations – often changing a life forever with just one gift. Your pastors use the money that is collected to make one-time payments of electric, gas, water bills or apartment rent. We often help with the purchase of medicines. When people are out of funds or their car breaks down on the way to the next place, we may buy a tank of gas or contract for a night’s rest at a local hotel. We send people to the grocery store (when the Food Pantry isn’t open). We buy bus passes to transport people to job interviews or down to Haven for Hope. Jesus said, “As you have done it unto the least of my brothers and sisters, you have done it unto me.” Help us respond to Him as His people have need. Your generous gift to the Pastor’s Benevolence Fund will be gratefully received! Flag Retirement Ceremony Troop 285 will be conducting their Annual Flag Retirement Ceremony on January 25. If you have a U.S. or Texas flag which needs the proper retirement, please bring it to the Rector Building or contact Bill McCalister at [email protected] or Important Information for Our Guests: We welcome you to Coker United Methodist Church. Nursery Care is provided for all worship services and is located in Wesley Hall. A Quiet/Cry Room is available if needed. This sound-equipped room is located off the back of the Sanctuary and can be entered from the foyer. Children’s Corner in the Narthex - get your coloring pages, crayons, pipe cleaners and more. Sunday School for all ages is at 9:30 am. Lists of classes are at the Newcomers Booth. Restrooms are located at either end of the hallway outside the Sanctuary. Large Print Hymnals and hearing-assist stations are available from the ushers. Upper Room devotional booklets are available in the entrance to all worship areas. (Donations are appreciated.) Visit our Welcome Booth in the Gazebo for more information about upcoming events and Coker’s ministry activities. Upcoming Worship 2nd Weekend after Epiphany John 14:8-9 Saturday - January 18 5:00 pm - in Chapel Sunday - January 19 8:15, 9:30, 11:00 am in the Sanctuary 11:00 am - Celebrate! Informal Worship in the Upper Room Church Office open Monday-Thursday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm and Friday from 8:00 am to noon 210-494-3455 Emergencies after hours or on weekends: Pastor Barbara R. Galloway - 896-5085 Pastor Damon Relder - 542-6068 Pastor Amelia Beasley - 570-9084 Rev. Dave Collett - 889-5903 Rev. Bethany Graham - 595-0383 If you are unable to reach one pastor in case of an emergency, please contact another pastor. Music Ministry Celebration Weekend On Saturday, January 25 and Sunday, January 26 we’ll have the opportunity to thank God for the many blessings shared by all of Coker's music makers in worship. Music Ministry Celebration Weekend will include children's and youth choirs, dance ministry, instrumentalists, praise bands and our adult choirs leading us in worship. Hans Christian Anderson speaks of music's ability to touch the deep places of the soul when he writes “when words fail, music speaks”. Come celebrate God's gift of music with us in worship. Welcome! Welcome to Coker United Methodist Church! It is a blessing to us that you have come as our guest this morning as we worship the Risen Lord. We hope that you will want to know more about Coker and consider joining in membership with us. Our “Connecting at Coker” class is a great introduction to our church and ministry areas. It will allow you to become better acquainted with Methodist history, organization, doctrine, sacraments, social principles, Coker history, and opportunities to get involved in small group activities. It meets on the first four Sundays of each month, beginning on December 1, in the Rector Conference Room from 9:30 to 10:30 am. Required: Baptism in any Christian denomination. For more information, call the church office at 494-3455. All are welcome! Love GOD + Serve Others + Change the World Barbara R. Galloway, Senior Pastor Damon Relder, Associate Pastor Amelia Beasley, Associate Pastor Dave Collett, Minister of Music & Arts Bethany Graham, Minister of Students & Young Adults Judy M. Davis, Deaconess for Congregational Care WE INVITE YOU TO JOIN COKER UMC TO LOVE GOD + SERVE OTHERS + CHANGE THE WORLD Church Conference Wednesday, February 26, 7:00 pm Mid-week Manna Dinner at 5:30 pm This is an opportunity to report to the congregation on the business of the church and to elect the lay leadership for 2014. All members of Coker UMC are voting members of the Church Conference. Other interested persons may attend but not vote. The Building Committee will update the congregation on progress being made on construction funded by Operation Open Door. We expect to schedule the ground-breaking for our new entrance and electronic sign to be a part of the Church Conference. Please plan to attend. Heart Saver CPR AED Training January 15, 9:00 am-1:00 pm This Heartsaver CPR AED class is available to anyone and lasts about 4 hours. It includes adult, child, and infant CPR. The class is limited to 8 participants. During the course, an AHA Instructor conducts videobased lessons and works with students to complete their CPR and AED skills practice and testing. Upon completion of this course, students receive an American Heart Association Heartsaver CPR AED Course Completion Card that is valid for two years. If interested, please email Dr. Escamilla to enroll, [email protected]. Free Blood Pressure Screening Sunday, January 19, 9:00 am - 12:15 pm In the Narthex & Gibbs Lower Lobby between worship services Please join us for our Winter Adult Mission Trip to Eagle Pass, Texas The Mission Outreach Committee invites you to be the hands, feet and heart of Jesus Christ by participating in the Winter Adult Mission Trip to Eagle Pass, Texas on January 18-19. We have opportunities for those with cleaning and construction skills. At Eagle Pass First United Methodist Church we will be making repairs and helping with a deep cleaning project on the property to provide a welcoming space for visitors and members. All repairs will be made on January 18, and van service will run to and from Eagle Pass on the same day. You may also choose to spend the night in Eagle Pass and attend Sunday services at Eagle Pass FUMC led by Pastor Becky Ballou. Signup tables will be under the Gazebo January 12. All are invited and welcome; the only requirement is a “Mission-Minded Heart”. We will also be collecting articles of clothing, especially coats, and diapers. Baskets for these donations are available around campus. If you would like more information please contact Jennifer Felty at 210-658-6173. sure to share contact information so we can get information to you about Coker. Lord, I Believe! John 9:38 If there is any way we can serve you, please do not hesitate to ask. Gathering Music How Great is Our God Notes Chris Tomlin Welcome! Meet and Greet Your Neighbor Thank you God for bringing us to worship today. Clear our minds and fill our hearts so we can hear a word from you and believe. Amen! Opening Music Wonderful Words of Life Cornerstone Beautiful UMH 600 Hillsong United Phil Wickham Reading God's Word Encounter with the Word Pastor Barbara "A Book with All the Answers?" Statement of Faith Prayers of the Community _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ The Lord's Prayer Offering Our Gifts Give Me Jesus Jeremy Camp Blessing as We Go into the World Sending Music Deep in the Shadows of the Past How Great is Our God FWS 2246 Chris Tomlin All are welcome to come to kneel for prayer as the music sends us out. If you would like to have someone pray with you, please open your hands. A partner will be with you right away. Please sign in, and if you are a guest today, Welcome! Be Spring Study Opportunities Small Group Ministry Looking for a small group in which to deepen your faith walk? Coker currently has 6 small groups that meet on a regular basis to share fellowship, prayer and study. If you would like more information, please contact Pastor Damon. Once again Coker adult ministries is happy to announce our Spring line-up of opportunities of educational classes for all ages. Some require books, others do not but all ask that you contact Gail Hatcher in the church office to sign up so we have enough room and materials. Look for brochures in Worship spaces today! Today is the first of a series on “Hot Potato” issues for Christians. Next week we will look for the Mosaic-like nature and character of God. Please come again! God bless you today and always. *Those who are able are invited to stand. FWS—The Faith We Sing 9:38 Praise and Worship Team Dawn Cole Maddy Cole Scott Crippen Robert LoBasso Maggie Stowe Nancy Laine, organist UMH—United Methodist Hymnal 231 E. North Loop Road • San Antonio, TX 78216-1812 • 210-494-3455 • January 12, 2014 COKER CONNECTION More Information at Adult Ministries Student Ministries United Methodist Men Today Meet every Monday at 6:30 am in Wesley 703 for breakfast and Bible Study United Methodist Women Tuesday, January 14 10:00 am, General Meeting, Wesley 703/704 6:30 pm, Faith & Hope Circle, Wesley 806 Thursday, January 16 9:30 am, Reflections Circle, Wesley 703-704 Saturday, January 18 8:30 am-Noon, District Leadership Training, Gibbs Building SAF/CALLL Friday, January 17, 8:30 am - 3:00 pm Join CALLL’s visit to Seguin’s 1856 Greek Revival Sebastopol Mansion and the Nut Cracker Museum with several thousand nutcrackers on display. Lunch on your own at Dixie Grill. Cost for the bus will be $4.00, tour is $2.00. Sign-up in the Gazebo today! We have received 456 pledges or $1,888,596 towards our 2014 operating budget. We are very thankful for these promised gifts and for the 37 new pledges we have received! If you haven’t yet turned in your commitment card, please do so today. We need to hear from all of you to finalize the budget for 2014. If you are unsure whether you pledged, please contact Becky Kirbo at 494-3455 X222 or at [email protected]. Looking for a service niche on campus? Mike Ford needs a co-leader to help supervise receiving food deliveries to the Coker Food Pantry for one hour 4 days a month and to help supervise food distribution from noon to 2:00 pm on Thursdays. Ask a friend to share the job with you! Call Mike at 210 379-8838. Join Us for Discussion Interested in discussing Scripture? Join the Seekers class on Sundays at 9:30 am in Wesley Room 801 beginning today as we consider: What does the Lord require? from the Book of Micah. 9:00 am – Journey Confirmation 9:30 am – Sunday School 6 :00 pm – New series “Renewal” begins tonight. Reminders Make plans to attend Midwinter 2014 at Echo Valley for students in 6th-12th grade, February 21-23, and the cost is $125 ($118 camp cost plus transportation). Sign-up now in the lobby of the Gibbs building or online at Apprentice of Jesus January 13, 6:30-8:00 The Apprentice Series (sponsored by Spiritual Enrichment Ministry) is designed to help people grow in Christ-likeness. This series is based on a basic formula for transformation that includes a mental side (changing narratives), a physical side (practicing spiritual exercises), a communal side (doing the first two in a group) and a spiritual side (the work of the Holy Spirit). When people engage in all three of these activities— under the leading of the Holy Spirit— transformation is not only possible, but practically inevitable. Talk with one of the 74 people who have taken the course at Coker. The first segment consists of ten weekly classes based on The Good and Beautiful God by James Bryan Smith. To register and receive additional information, please contact Paula Fredrickson by phone 210490-1983 or email [email protected]. Help is Needed... to set the Lord’s Table Communion Stewards are needed for preparation and clean up of the elements on the first Sunday of each month for the 11:00 am service. This job comes with minimal effort and great reward! If you are interested or have questions please contact Gail Hatcher at 494-3455 ext. 236. A special thanks to Mike and Kathy Harrison for their assistance this past year and to Kathy and Kerry Green for their many years of Children'sMinistries A note to 3rd grade parents: Please remember to turn in your child’s registration form for 3rd grade retreat. Wednesday Bible Adventure resumes on January 15, 6:30-7:30 for Kinder – 5th Grade. Thank you to all who have brought aluminum tabs to help benefit Ronald McDonald House. Keep them coming for a great way to give back! Great Thing Are Happening! Coker Early Learning Center offers classes for children who are 12 months to Kindergarten, and we would love for your little one to join us! If you, or someone you know, is interested in learning more about the program, please contact Melanie Rutkoski or Michele Condel with any questions, 494-5061 or [email protected]. San Antonio MLK Interfaith Service Sunday, January 19 “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” –Martin Luther King, Jr. The Coker Chancel Choir will be one of the featured choirs at this year's 50th anniversary MLK Interfaith Worship service on Sunday, January 19, 4:00 pm, at Antioch Baptist Church. This special service recognizes the legacy of Dr. King’s vision for all God's children to live in harmony and seeks to build bridges of cooperation among diverse religious and cultural groups within greater San Antonio. Reverend Carl Rolfs, San Antonio District Superintendent, will be the speaker and the Coker church family is cordially invited to attend. Emmaus Gathering and Worship Today, January 12 YOU are invited to share Holy Communion with our Emmaus Community Refreshments & Fellowship: at 5:00 pm in Wesley 703/704 Music & Worship: begins at 6:00 pm in the Chapel. Child care will be provided. Please join us for a meaningful and Spirit-filled experience! Calendar of Events - Week of January 12 SUNDAY, January 12 7:30 am .......................... Sunday Breakfast ............................................................................. Gym 7:40 am .......................... Agape Choir Rehearsal ........................................................ Choir room Between services........... Winter/Spring Studies Registration...................................... Gazebo 8:15, 9:00, 11:00 am ...WORSHIP SERVICE..................................................SANCTUARY 8:30 am .......................... Coker Nurses Meeting ................................................... Gibbs Upstairs 9:00 am .......................... Journey Confirmation ......................................................... Gibbs 1108 9:30 am .......................... Sunday School for Children, Youth & Adults.......................... Various 10:30 am ....................... Children’s Choirs rehearsal ................................... Gym/Bertha Jones 11:00 am ....................... Small Group Bible Study .................................................. Wesley 804 11:00 am ....................CELEBRATE! WORSHIP SERVICE ................. GIBBS UPPER ROOM 12:00 pm ....................... Youth Choir Rehearsal ................................................................. Chapel 12:15 pm ....................... Mission Outreach Committee Meeting ........................... Wesley 802 5:00 pm .......................... Emmaus Gathering................................................................... 703/704 6:00 pm ......................Emmaus Led-Worship .......................................................Chapel 6:00 pm .......................... Youth Ministries-UMYF ................................................... Gibbs Building MONDAY, January 13 6:30 am ........................ UMM Breakfast and Fellowship ................................................ Gym 9:00 am ........................ Co-ed Exercise Class ................................................................... Gym 6:30 pm ........................ Apprentice of Jesus - Book 1 Class Begins ................ Wesley 801 6:30 pm ........................ ACA Program ................................................................ Gibbs 1107 7:00 pm ........................ Al-Anon Women’s Program (nursery available) ....... Gibbs 1106 TUESDAY, January 14 10:00 am ....................... UMW General Meeting .......................................... Wesley 703/704 6:30 pm .......................... UMW Faith & Hope Circle ............................................... Wesley 806 7:00 pm ........................ AA-12 Step Program (nursery available) ................. Wesley 803 WEDNESDAY, January 15 9:00 am ........................ Co-ed Exercise Class ................................................................... Gym 9:00 am ........................ CPR/AED Training .......................................................... Wesley 805 11:30 am ...................... Women’s Bible Study “Grace” Class Begins ............. Wesley 802 12:30 pm ...................... Women’s Bible Study “A Mile in Her Shoes” Begins .... Wesley 804 5:30 pm ........................ Midweek Manna Meal ................................................................ Gym 6:30 pm ........................ Kids Bible Adventure .................................................Upstairs Rector 6:30 pm ........................ Adult Bible Study “A Bead and a Prayer” Begins ... Wesley 801 6:30 pm ........................ Adult Bible Study “11” Class Begins........................... Wesley 802 7:00 pm ........................ Youth Bible Studies .......................................................... Various Gibbs 7:00 pm ........................ Chancel Choir Rehearsal................................................. Choir Room THURSDAY, January 16 9:30 am ........................ UMW Reflections Circle ....................................... Wesley 703-704 10:00 am ...................... Hearts In Tune Rehearsal ................................................ Choir Room 12-2:00 pm .................. Food Pantry Open ................................................................ Annex 4 6:00 pm ........................ Festival Bells Jubilee Rehearsal ........................................Sanctuary 6:15 pm ........................ Leap of Faith Dance Rehearsal ...............................Upstairs Rector 6:30 pm ........................ S-Anon Program (nursery available) .......................... Wesley 805 7:00 pm ........................ Al-Anon Program (nursery available).............. Gibbs 1108-1109 7:00 pm ........................ Alateen Program (nursery available) ......................... Wesley 801 7:00 pm ........................ Celebrate! Band Rehearsal ............................... Gibbs Upper Room 7:15 pm ........................ Moving Spirit Dancers Rehearsal .....................................Sanctuary FRIDAY, January 17 8:00 am ........................ CALLL to Seguin .................................................... Lower Parking Lot 9:00 am ........................ Co-ed Exercise Class ................................................................... Gym 10:30 am ...................... Apprentice of Jesus - Book 2 Class Begins ................ Wesley 806 SATURDAY, January 18 7:00 am ........................ Eagle Pass Mission Trip ........................................Meet in Lower Lot 8:30 am ........................ UMW District Leadership Training .......................... Gibbs Building 12:30 pm ....................... S-Anon Program .................................................................. Gibbs 1108 5:00 pm ........................ Childcare for Chapel Worship ......................................... Gym 401 5:00 pm .................... SATURDAY WORSHIP.....................................COKER CHAPEL AA: Alcoholics Anonymous ACA: Adult Children of Alcoholics Al-Anon: Family & Friends of Alcoholics Alateen: Teen Family & Friends of Alcoholics S-Anon: Family/Friends of those with sexual addictions UMM: United Methodist Men UMYF: United Methodist Youth Fellowship Coker’s Prayer List is available in the back of the Sanctuary, Chapel and Upper Room Cares and Concerns Hospitals and Care Facilities ●Methodist Stone Oak – Jim Moore ●Christus Santa Rosa Babcock – Tom Peel The Remington – Margarett Christal Forum Lincoln Heights – Charlene Moore ●Kendall House at Menger Springs in Boerne Patricia Steede ●Select Rehab – Jim Schoultz, Ruth Yancy ●Sonterra Health Center – Ralph Moffitt, Colette Miley, Janell Christley, Allan Dennis Sympathy to: ●Mary Ann Moseley and family on the death of her husband, William Moseley, 1/8. Joy to: ●Danny and Lori Armstrong on the marriage of their daughter, Kelley Armstrong, to Edward Garza, 1/11 January 12 Sanctuary flowers are given: ●In memory of Bill Gaines by Debbie Gaines, Treasure Gaines and Chesney Oines. Lay Readers 8:15 - Rick McManus 9:30 - Sara Ramirez 11:00 - Judy Davis Mission Moment Pastor’s Benevolence Fund Through the offering taken for the Pastor’s Benevolence Fund each year, Coker is able to help people in crisis situations – often changing a life forever with just one gift. Your pastors use the money that is collected to make one-time payments of electric, gas, water bills or apartment rent. We often help with the purchase of medicines. When people are out of funds or their car breaks down on the way to the next place, we may buy a tank of gas or contract for a night’s rest at a local hotel. We send people to the grocery store (when the Food Pantry isn’t open). We buy bus passes to transport people to job interviews or down to Haven for Hope. Jesus said, “As you have done it unto the least of my brothers and sisters, you have done it unto me.” Help us respond to Him as His people have need. Your generous gift to the Pastor’s Benevolence Fund will be gratefully received! Flag Retirement Ceremony Troop 285 will be conducting their Annual Flag Retirement Ceremony on January 25. If you have a U.S. or Texas flag which needs the proper retirement, please bring it to the Rector Building or contact Bill McCalister at [email protected] or
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