ar d Calend n update s visit: of Event sd2 binson.u o /r :/ p t t h For a May 2015 Principal Amy Champlin Secretary—Kim Meller 973-8690 Assistant Principal Stephanne Seals (7th grade L-Z, 8th grade) 973-8617 Assistant Principal Eric Malashchuk (7th grade A-K, 6th grade) 973-8617 Eighth Grade Dance and Promotion: The 8th graders will celebrate their completion of middle school with a dance and an evening of fun here at Robinson on Friday, May 15, 6:00-8:00 p.m. Tickets will be sold the week of the dance for $7.00 each. This cost covers the photo booth, DJ, and food. The theme for the dance chosen by our 8th grade class this year is “New York, New York”. Mark your calendars….we will have our 8th Grade Promotion ceremony on Thursday, May 21, in the Robinson Gym beginning promptly at 9:00 a.m. Students are encouraged to dress nicely for this event. Following the ceremony, 8th graders will be released to their parents/ guardians. Last Day of School: The last day of school for the 2014-15 school year is Thursday, May 21. We will run a regular schedule on the 21st. School will start at 8:00 a.m. and we will dismiss at 3:10 p.m. Locker cleanout will be held on May …………………. Please coordinate with your student…they will need to bring a bag to tote things home in! Staff Appreciation Week: We will be celebrating Staff Appreciation Week at Robinson on May 4-8. Please encourage your student to the Robinson teachers and staff know how much they are appreciated!! Foundation/PTSO: Our last Foundation meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 5, in the Robinson library. Our last PTSO meeting has been moved to Tuesday, May 12. We will meet in the Robinson cafeteria. We hope to see you there!! 2015-16 Enrollment: Please make sure that the address we have on file for your family is up-to-date before you leave for the summer. In early July, we will be mailing home enrollment information for the 2015-16 school year! Enrollment dates for USD 259 are July 30, 31, and August 3, 4. Thank You!!: Thank you for another fantastic year at Robinson Middle School! Your continued support and assistance is greatly appreciated! Thank you for sharing your kids with us! We look forward to seeing our current 6th and 7th graders back at Robinson in the fall! We wish our outgoing 8th graders the best of luck as they head for high school!! Have an exciting and safe summer! PAGE 2 Congratulations to the 8th grade band for receiving straight “one” ratings at Middle School Band Festival on April 24 and straight “one” ratings at the Music in the Parks festival on April 25!! Final Band Concert – All band students – Thursday, May 14, EAST HIGH SCHOOL, 7:00 ALL BAND STUDENTS – Gentlemen: Black pants, black shirt, black socks (that cover ankles), black shoes Ladies: black pants, black shirt, black shoes, black socks, NO FLIP FLOPS 6th Grade Band - Information has been sent home regarding rental of school instruments. The flute, clarinet, trumpet and trombone are rented from the school for the 6th grade year only. French Horns, baritones, and tubas may be rented through the school every year the student is enrolled in band. The Robinson Jazz Band was hand selected to perform on for the Kansas Association of School Business Officials convention luncheon on April 16. The band’s performance was outstanding and was well received by the audience! Congratulations to Janaya Cruz in 8th grade and to Paityn Chambers in 7th grade for having work chosen and submitted to the USD 259 district art show. Great job ladies! Janaya’s Watercolor Collage JPaityn’s Watercolor PAGE 3 The name of our department has changed from Categorical to Applied Academics. Anytime you read anything about Applied Academics, they are talking about students in Rooms 123 and 124. For May, students in Mr. Livingston and Mrs. Lo Nigro’s classes will be learning a Science concept by examining, “Plants and Gardens in Fields.” The chapters will include: (1) What is a Plant? (2) Photosynthesis; (3) Fruits from Plants; (4) Vegetables from Plants (5) Grains from Plants; and (6) My Plate. Our Life Skills lessons will include: (1) Garden in a Bag; (2) Sack Lunch; (3) Taking Care of Fruit; (4) Veggie Taste Test: Fresh, Frozen or Canned; (5) Vegetable Fried Rice; and (6) My Plate Pizza Preference. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Important Events in May: Thursday, May 7 - Dental Screenings- Every student at Robinson will have their teeth checked. If your student needs more intense help with their teeth, they will be back on May 13-15. If they do not have a lot of students return the consent form, then they will only come for one day. Friday, May 8th- All Star Sports Fundraiser- This will be from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Wednesday, May 13th- Applied Academics Music and Awards Assembly- 2:00- Our music and awards assembly will be held in the Cafeteria right at 2:00. Please do not be late; we will start exactly at 2:00 so kids whose parents are not able to attend can get on the bus. Thursday, May 14th- 8th Graders attending East High School next year will be at East from 9:00-10:30. Friday, May 15th- 8th Grade Dance- The 8th grade dance will be from 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. The theme will be New York Lights and the cost is $7.00. Thursday, May 21st- Last Day of School- School will go the whole day for our 6th and 7th graders. Thursday, May 21st- 8th Grade Celebration- 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. in the Gymnasium. Please be early for this!!! There is not much room to sit, so a lot of parents are standing. All of our students will be sitting together since there are so many. When the ceremony is over, you may take your student home or if you are not able to attend, your student will stay at Robinson the whole day. th The Applied Academic Team would like to thank all of our parents for a great school year. We have a big 8th grade class leaving, so we want to wish all of our 8th graders the best as they move onto high school next year. We will see and talk to our current 6th and 7th grade parents when school resumes on Tuesday, August 18th. From: Laurie Lo Nigro, Tami Patterson, Deborah Robles, Virginia Montano, Melanie Fleming and Steve Livingston PAGE 4 PAGE 5 Welcome Incoming 6th Grade Families and current Family & Friends of Robinson As we look towards the final few weeks of this school year, the planning has already begun for this fall and we encourage all existing and incoming RMS families to consider volunteering their specific talents and time here at Robinson. We have three Parent Organizations. Our PTSO which serves many functions by developing our many social activities such as our traditional 6th grade mixer party at the beginning of the school year, all school dances, conference and teacher appreciation and fall fundraising for educational necessities and technology. RMS also has a Foundation which is a tax exempt 501(c) 3 organization to raise and properly disseminate funds for RMS educational purposes. Our school also has a Site Council which meets at least 4 times a year to work with administration by offering input for our building initiatives and the betterment of the entire school district. We encourage everyone to attend our final PTSO meeting this month on Tuesday, May 12 th and to also look over our Parent Organization pages on the RMS website. If you are looking towards volunteering, please feel free to contact our organization officers and/or our Volunteer Site Contact [email protected] Have a wonderful Summer! – We’ll see you at Enrollment!! PAGE 6 RMS Celebrated National Volunteer Week with a Recognition Luncheon and gift drawing. All Volunteers received a Thank You from the district and a copy of this year’s Presidential Proclamation. Again, A BIG thank you to ALL of our Volunteers! Presidential Proclamation -- National Volunteer Week, 2015 NATIONAL VOLUNTEER WEEK, 2015 ------- BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION As a Nation, our greatest resource is our people. We each have the power to strengthen the fabric of our society and make the world a better place. Every day, Americans across the country realize this enormous potential through service to others and by giving back to their communities. During National Volunteer Week, we recognize those who embrace a life of active, energetic, and engaged citizenship, and we reaffirm our belief that all people have something to contribute to the American story. This spirit of service is deeply embedded in our culture and vital to our national character. It reflects the idea that we are each our brothers' and our sisters' keepers, and it is a core part of being an American. Through service, ordinary people can make an extraordinary impact. In times of tragedy, volunteers are a source of comfort and resilience; in places of great need, they offer hope and renew our faith that a brighter day lies ahead; and in small neighborhoods and bustling cities, these dedicated individuals help build ladders of opportunity for people of all ages and backgrounds. Volunteers -- often with few resources and little recognition -make enormous sacrifices to lift up the people around them as well as those they may never meet. As they do, they give new life to the values that bind us together as Americans and to the promise that those who love their country can change it. My Administration is working to empower more Americans with opportunities to give back to their neighborhoods and to our country, and we are committed to supporting those who already do. That is why we created a task force to find new ways to expand and improve national service. And last year we launched the Employers of National Service initiative because we know those who are passionate about making a difference in their communities have the talents and experience to bolster our Nation's workforce. Through the Corporation for National and Community Service, we are investing in programs like AmeriCorps and Senior Corps, and we have expanded the scope of these opportunities -- initiatives such as School Turnaround AmeriCorps, justice AmeriCorps, and STEM AmeriCorps are focusing on some of our country's most pressing needs. The unending task of perfecting our Nation does not fall to any one person or to our Government alone -- and the solutions to the problems we face do not lie beyond our reach. We must enlist all Americans in the effort to build a better future for the next generation, and we should each make service a lifelong commitment. Together, we can work to meet our Nation's challenges, not just for one day, but every day. This week, let us renew our commitment to this important cause and rededicate ourselves to the work ahead. NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 12 through April 18, 2015, as National Volunteer Week. I call upon all Americans to observe this week by volunteering in service projects across our country and pledging to make service a part of their daily lives. To find a service opportunity nearby, visit IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this tenth day of April, in the year of our Lord two thousand fifteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-ninth. BARACK OBAMA PAGE 7 LOOKING FOR MAY VOLUNTEERS There are two May events that need parent volunteers. If you can help out, please e-mail Kirk Seminoff at [email protected]. Here are the events: Wednesday, May 6: As part of Staff Appreciation Week, PTSO will be preparing lunch for the staff (about 90 people). We are looking for volunteers to help serve that day, as well as parents who can send salads or desserts. Thursday, May 21: On the last day of school, PTSO will provide refreshments for students and their loved ones at the eighth-grade promotion. If you’re a sixth- or seventh-grade parent and can help serve late in the morning, please email. NEXT PTSO MEETING IS MAY 12 Join us at 6 p.m. in the Robinson Café on Tuesday, May 12, as we wrap up the 2014-15 PTSO year and look ahead at 2015-16. We’ll elect officers and get our calendar set for next year. Mrs. Champlin’s last Site Council meeting of the school year immediately follows. Please join us! As we approach the end of the school year, we would like to remind our students and their families of a number of important upcoming events. On Wednesday, May 6, East High School is having a Visitation Night for the Class of 2019 from 6:30 to 7:30 pm in the East High Auditorium. This will give you an opportunity to meet the staff and administration and get information on clubs, activities, and sports. Athletic physicals will also be available in the East Gym and Locker Rooms from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at a cost of $10. In order to participate in any cheerleading, dance or sports during the 2015 – 2016 school year, you must have a physical after May 1, 2015. Friday, May 15th from 6:00 to 8:00 pm will the Robinson Eighth Grade Dance. Don’t forget to make sure your are not on the RAM list so you will be eligible to attend. On Thursday, May 21, we will saying our last goodbyes to the eighth grade class of 2015 at the th 8 Grade Promotion Ceremony from 9:00 to 11:00 am in the Robinson Gym. Practice for the program will be on May 20 from 8:15 to 10:15 in the gym. PAGE 8 Science—Ms. Zongker—In sixth grade Science we are working on our solar ovens. We will be outside collecting data, our variables are black construction paper on one half of the bottom of the pizza box and foil on the other half. Students will be tracking temperatures of each side and looking at the qualitative data. The qualitative data will be to observe the melting of the chocolate chips and marshmallows. They will use this experiment as there Science Performance Assessment. We will then start dissecting our owl pellets and put together the skeleton of the prey the owl caught. We will also make a data table to see what the owls had for dinner and use this to speculate what type of prey would be available in that area. We will end with a microscope lab; we will be viewing green onions, yogurt, a piece of their hair, and cheek cells from the inside of the student’s mouth. Students will learn how to stain a sample for viewing and experience how to make their own slide. Language Arts—Mrs. Pfannenstiel and Ms. Bailer Big Idea: Change Enduring Understanding: Everything changes. KCCRS ELA Topical Questions: How does understanding the effect of a cause or possible solutions to problems help you determine whether an action is worth taking? How does analyzing the overall structure of a text then help you understand the author’s ideas and purpose in writing that text? (RI.6.5, RI.6.6) Why is it important to trace and evaluate claims made by author’s with the evidence that supports those claims? (RI.6.8) How does determining the connotation and denotation of words and phrases help you understand the content of a text? (RI.6.4, L.6.5c) How can a writer best organize an essay using the strategy of cause and effect text structure? (W.6.2a-f) Unit Overview: This unit challenges students to think about how everything changes. Students will evaluate the impact change can have on our world and in their own lives. They will read texts from a variety of genres and analyze change in both people and the world. Students will conclude the unit by writing a 3-5 paragraph informative/explanatory essay about change. Social Studies—Ms. Thach—Students’ final learning destinations will be the ancient African kingdoms and Mesoamerica cultures. They will get to study and read some folklore stories from these civilizations as well as immerse themselves in these cultures. Lastly, please take about 5 minutes a day to talk about current events with your child. Math—Ms. Meitler and Mr. Franks—We have been working in our newest math book, Covering and Surrounding. Students are gaining a deeper understanding of how to calculate area and perimeter of different shapes. Students are discovering the relationships between area and perimeter. Students are also getting a deeper understanding of how area and perimeter of one shape are related to area and perimeter of another shape. Have your student explain what they have learned about the area and perimeter of different shapes. Families may want to help remind students that they are not to write in the math books. The book looks like a workbook, but students are not allowed to write in it. Students will have these books checked out to them, and they will return the books at the end of the unit. Just like any other textbook, students are responsible for returning the book in good condition. If the book is damaged, lost, or stolen, the student will be charged approximately $12 to replace the book. As always, it is good to practice their basic facts in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division on a regular basis at home. Frequent practice allows your student to gain confidence and ability to be a better mathematician. Also, remember to sign your student’s agenda once a week. Students use their agenda as a communication tool between school and home, so we hope that you’ll look it over and use it to discuss what your child is learning every day. PAGE 9 Math: 7th grade students are just wrapping up our unit on statistics and sampling. Students learned to do statistical analyses of data to make decisions about populations. The final topics for this year revolve around geometry: measuring angles, finding area, and calculating volume and surface area. There is a lot of new vocabulary that students will need to master, so encourage them to make flash cards and review their notes on a regular basis. Share ideas with your student about how area, perimeter, and volume are used in real life! Science: Let’s finish the school year strong! Students have been observing the phases of the moon! Ask your student about ‘waxing’, ‘waning’, and ‘gibbous’! Astronomy Planet research/presentation projects are being completed. Check with your student about which planet they are learning more about. We will be covering the 4th R Unit – Healthy Relationships, Safe Choices, Connected Youth; with a five day coverage of the District Curriculum on Human Growth & Development. Social Studies: The last few weeks of social studies will be all about Asia! Students will be navigating the whole continent of Asia in 19 days. We will begin in China and end in Japan. We will develop mapping skills, and learn about the history and culture of numerous countries. Students will also learn new facts about the middle east, Australia, and New Zealand. We will be learning until the very last day of school! Language Arts: 7th grade Language Arts will be reading selections from the next unit. This unit’s theme is Perception. We will be reading both fiction and non-fiction pieces and writing for reflection and discussion purposes. Please make sure your child has make-up work completed and overdue library books turned in as the end of the school year is quickly approaching. May 2015 Update for the PAGE 10 Robinson Foundation for Educational Excellence We are truly grateful to the following families who have contributed to Robinson Foundation. In April, the foundation allocated funds to Ms. Sweet for a camcorder that will be sued for recording performances, tests and more. THANKS TO THESE FAMILIES who have donated to Foundation for the 2014-2015 school year: Clay Becker Family, Kate Blair-Dixon and Rene Peres, Patricia and Jeffrey Blessant, John Budde Family, Tracy Callard & Mark Barfield, Lowell and Patresa Ebersole, Ralitsa Greene Family, Adam and Jennifer Halabi, Bram Hileman Family, Charles Jenney, Jacqueline Jessop Family, Andrew and Karen Knott, Mark and Suzanne Laycock, Chiaw-Weai Loo and Phuoc Le, Viswanathan Madhavan, Dan and Maria Mason, Jacob Mosher Family, Tamara Patterson, Jerry and Carri Siebenmark, Nitya Singh and Bharti Sinha, Amit Tamhane and Vaidehi Likhite, Archibong and Ima Ukoefreso,Olivia Wilch Family, and Eric and Paula Zoller. Your gifts ensure great opportunities continue to come to our students at Robinson. Please consider supporting the Robinson Middle School Foundation! Your donation makes a difference! Donations go directly to the school, are immediately available, and 100% benefits our students. Sincerely, Patresa Ebersole Foundation President and The Board of Directors FOUNDATION FUNDRAISING EVENTS IN MAY Thank-You for supporting Rams Concessions this year!!! Dairy Queen Night—5335 East Central Tuesday, May 5 | 5 to 10 pm. Eat in or carry out and tell them you are a Robinson family. They will give 20% back to our school. Il Vicino Night—4817 East Douglas Tuesday, May 19 | 5 to 10 pm. Eat in or carry out and tell them you are a Robinson family. They will give 20% back to our school. Save your BOXTOPS and put them in the collection box in the school office = $$$ for our school! THANK YOU Albero Cafe, Chipotle, Dairy Queen, Il Vicino, Wine Dive and The Hill for being community sponsors of our school. Join us Next Year for Foundation Board Meetings! All Robinson parents are welcome to attend. Some of the present Robinson Foundation board members will be leaving us at the end of the year. If you want to join the Robinson Foundation board, let me (Patresa Ebersole, President) know via e-mail, [email protected]. We would love to have you join us! PAGE 11 8th Grade—Tyler Kelly-Best 7th Grade—Erika Valazquez 6th Grade AVID Class PAGE 12 Graduation Wrappings? Don’t forget to recycle! If it’s Paper and it tears, put it in the Bin; Don’t forget the Plastic and the Tin! Robinson Middle School participates in a recycling program. The program helps Youth Sports here in Wichita. Robinson has been so successful with our program we won $200 for our Science Department! You are welcome to help us out The recycle poly carts are red and green; located on the south side of the courtyard off Bleckley under the windows beyond the ramp. Cardboard only in the green recycle bin in the NE corner of the south parking lot. We can collect: books (hard & soft) newspaper tablets manila folders glossy advertising all envelopes colored paper all types of junk mail computer paper magazines laminated paper phone books color/workbooks cardboard white paper catalogs brochures Paper clipped, stapled or rubber banded is OK! We can even collect: food packaging, plastic, aluminum, and steel; PLEASE empty and rinse!
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