Lifelines - Roseville Church of Christ

Roseville Church of Christ
17415 Eleven Mile Road
Roseville, MI 48066
July 5, 2015
Roseville Church of Christ
—- 17415 Eleven Mile Rd, Roseville, MI 48066
—- 586-771-5311
“Just Checking in Today, Lord”
“Your Job is to Serve this Ship!!!”
(Continued from front page)
The next
“Breakfast in
the Foyer” is
next Sunday, July
Join us before
Bible Class
for excellent
light breakfast
fare and great
cent and punished unfairly. How do we respond? Do we…..
seek out revenge or do we forgive the wrongs that were done
to us? Romans 12 verse 19 tells us “Do not take revenge my
friends but leave room for God’s wrath,” for it is written: “It is
mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.
There are many references in the scriptures on this
subject. God tells us that he will forgive our sins and remember
them no more. It is our place to forgive likewise. We will be
judged on our actions and how we deal with these matters. We are to
forgive our enemies, feed them when they are hungry, and give them
drink when they need it. We are to have compassion on those who
need it.
Jesus was punished for crimes he did not commit. He was
whipped and scourged; was sent to the cross and crucified. What was
his response? “Forgive them for they know not what they do.” We live
in evil times. Christians and Jews are killed for their beliefs. We, as
humans, must refrain from evil deeds. We must love those that hate
us even though it is very hard for us to do. It is our job to love, teach
and help those that need it. It is God’s place to do the judging and
The next monthly potluck dinner will be Sunday, July 26, the
final Sunday of
July. Please join
us for a sumptuous meal together in our fellowship hall.
…..our lives. We may be inno-
By Terry Hamilton
In the movie Ben Hur, played by Charlton Heston, he was a rich Jewish business man. His childhood friend, played by Steven Boyd, had become a tribune
which was a high ranking officer in the Roman army. He was sent to Judea to put
down rebellions by the Jews against Rome. He wanted Judah Ben Hur to betray the
leaders of the rebellion.
Judah would not assist him thus making him an enemy of his childh hood friend. When the new Roman governor arrived leading his army, Ju
dah’s sister leaned over to get a better look but a roof tile came loose falling
to the ground and throwing the governor off his horse and injuring him. Mes
sala then arrested his friend for trying to kill the new governor. He had him
s sent to the galleys to serve on a ship for the Roman navy. He was serving
many y years when a new general arrived whose job was to defeat the Phoenician
The general went down to the galley below and told the slaves they would
die with their legs strapped to their chains if the ship was to go down. Before the
battle Judah was asked how long he was on the ship and was whipped by the general to see how he responded. He was rewarded by being unchained before the battle. The general told him he was alive to serve this ship.
During the battle the general was wounded and knocked overboard and was
saved by Judah. When he awoke on the raft, he asked Judah why he didn’t let him
drown and Judah gave him the same answer: ‘We keep you alive to serve this ship’
thus making the roles reversed. They were rescued after the battle. The general was
grateful and adopted Judah as his son.
Judah was obsessed with getting revenge on Messala and went back to Judea as a person of power and ordered Messala to find his mother and sister. In the
end everything worked out. Judah was restored to his wealth and his mother and
sister saved from the leper colony.
There are times we are accused of things in…..
(Continued on back page)
Our Numbers for
June 28
Attndng 132
Gvng $2625.00
Vol. 15-028
Service Schedule:
Bible Class 10 AM
Morning Worship 11 AM
Evening Worship 5 PM
Tuesday PM:
James Group
Dinner at 5:30 PM
Bible study at 6:30 PM
Wednesday Bible
10:00 AM & 7:00
Dave Chaffin
John Magness
George Westerman Jr
George Price Jr
John Bonbrisco
Neil Cherry
Randy Milam
Jim Petronski
Gunther Schlender
Bob Wilson
(see any elder)
Church E-Mail Address:
[email protected]
Continued Prayers
Friendship Renewed
Linda Lawson has become
very weary but keeps her
positive attitude and has brief
moments of respite. She
happily joined with the
‘Saints’ this past Sunday!
Linda has been a great encouragement to all of us as
she displays remarkable
faith and courage and the will
to win her battle with cancer.
What a great treat it was to have
Keith & Cindy Andersen with us
last Sunday, On a day where
there was no electrical power in our building, Keith
brightened our day with a
very thoughtful wheel
chair sermon. They have
already returned to their Illinois home .
Soozie’s New Address
James Group
All scheduled meetings of the
James Group during the
month of July have been cancelled as the staff takes a
breather. Regular meetings
will resume Aug. 4. This
good work has continued unabated for 10 years accomplishing great things to the
glory of the Lord.
Nell Recovering from Fall
After throwing a great scare at
the family, Nell Chamblee has
been discharged from the
hospital where she’d been
taken by EMS. She had fallen at the foot of our stairs at
our Wed. night bible class receiving numerous bumps and
bruises, a concussion and
facial swelling. Nothing broken but hospital personnel
kept her in ICU for several
days as a precaution. She
will continue staying with
daughter Jeanne for now but
calls and visits should be
Susie Donaldson has moved
into a new apartment in St. Clair
Shores to be closer to her kids -
21625 Eleven Mile
SCS, 48084
Osterhoudt Family
Loyal continues to improve and
eat better. Lue has been fighting
a nasty infection which just won’t
give up and is on antibiotics. Laurie is back to normal after outlasting respiratory ailments.
Come One, Come All!
All are cordially invited to a graduation party for Don Kershaw
planned at Warren Racquetball
Center, 29901 S. Civic Center Blvd.
in Warren, July 12; 2 - 6:00 pm
Wallyball, Racquetball & Lotsa
food—Please RSVP (ASAP)
to (586) 779-4222 or
[email protected]
Daily in our Prayers
Frances Sinclair - Frances has asked us to keep her family and herself in
our prayers. Frances’ son suffers with effects of multiple sclerosis.
Don Noble - father-in-law of Lynnette (Milam) Noble, and his family has begun chemo treatment to battle the stage 4 cancerous condition in his
pancreas. Prayers have been requested.
Ethan Paladino - Brenda brings the following message to us in Ethan’s own
“Please thank everyone at the church forGracious
all theirFather,
prayers and donations and keep me in your prayers.” - Sincere words
an 11-year
Please smile
benevo- old
young man who yet faces a long struggle with cancer. It is not too late to contriblently on these special
ute to his treatment fund.
Chuck West - Chuck is being closely monitored and medics
thinkofa our
scription shows great hope to stymie his throat cancer.
to chemo
have infusions
their hurts
Maggie Woloszyk - continues to do well with regular weekly
in her
treatment of multiple myeloma.
no the
Hamilton/Bedards - Jim continues at his daughter Cheri’s home
rest of
family has seen some measured success with their medical struggles.
***** Extended Health Concerns
…..include Bob Wilson, Barb Trombly, close friend of John & Peggy Bonbrisco; and the
Osterhoudt family. Additionally, the Pincombes, Len Desmarais, Chuck Washer, Bill
and Betty Green and the Holzhauers are all enduring continuing health concerns
Heart-felt prayers and showering of love and concern in behalf of those mentioned on these pages is exactly what our Lord had in mind when he said that
true religion was to Love One Another! It is part of our ‘Christian Calling’
that we pray for each other. We are only too happy to do so!
For Encouragment
The Gordon family, Jan & Rhonda
Runyon, Joe Phillips, Bill & Betty
Green, Ed George, Sue Johnson,
the Osterhoudts, the Holzhauers, the
Pincombes, Lisa K’s sister Amy, Len
Desmarais, the Bedard/Hamilton family, the Barb Trombley family, and Acie
and Barb Mahon.
Those Struggling with Cancer
Roger Hamilton, Linda Lawson, Chuck
West, Don Noble & Helen Whitty
Our Shut-Ins
Len Desmarais, Bill & Betty Green, Justine
Arnold, the Pincombes and Jim & Pauline