Salamanca - Rotary Tasmania District 9830
Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Salamanca
Tuesday 7 July 2015
Melissa Harvey
Steward 1
Anne Palmer
Steward 2
Rosanne B S
Steward 3
Tony Colman
Changeover Dinner 30 June 2015
Paul Harris
for Karen
Club Forum
Thumbnail Sketch by
Sue and Keith Scott
Pam Scott
Antarctic Forensic Scientist
Melissa Carlton
Steward 1
Fletcher Austin
Steward 2
Greg Smith
Steward 3
Chris Love
Stewards’ duties:
S1  Cash Collector
 Record apologies/make-ups
S2  Meet & greet & introduce
visitors to president
 Set up & pack up (with S3)
 Heads & Tails prize
S3  Vote of thanks
 Corporal duties & help
treasurer collect H&T’s coins
 Help S2 set up & pack up
NB ‘set up & pack up’ includes the
data projector.
July (New Rotary Y ear)
1 Loui’s Van
6 RC City Central meeting
11 Coles BBQ
18 GWCTD (fully booked)
25 Coles BBQ
August (Membership)
3 City Central meeting?
9 Coles BBQ
23 Coles BBQ
26 Loui’s Van
Olive, Fig and Rosemary: the Essence of Rotary
In the spirit of the motto for the new Rotary year, Be a Gift to the World, incoming president,
executive chef Ainstie, made an olive fig and rosemary paste, giving jars of it as gifts
to everyone at the changeover dinner, with the following comments:
‘To be a gift to the world is something we can all do, locally and inter nationally,
the achievements may be big or small but we all work to the same goal.’
‘[The Olive, Fig and Rosemary paste] is a my interpretation of this year’s theme:
The Olive signifies the essential good of charity and generosity. Olive oil is
seen as the very essence of the tree. To me a local rotary club is like the olive
oil, it is the very essence of what makes up Rotary International.
The Figs show that we DO give a fig about our community and what happens in
the rest of the world. We DO give a fig about giving and caring and about fellowship within the Rotary Community.
And lastly the Rosemary. An emblem of remembrance. It is about remembering
what it means to be a Rotarian:
That is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a base for worthy enterprise.
To maintain high ethical standards in our business, professional and personnel life.
And to remember above all that Rotarians believe in "service above self "
President: Ainstie Wagner [email protected]. Secretary: Sue Scott [email protected].
Bulletin Editor: Jane Keble-Williams [email protected].