Nepal Update : 14 May 2015 Australian and UK DARTs now in Kathmandu And the Victorian Government donates equipment for us to use in Nepal Dave Tuzewski from South Australia has now landed in Kathmandu. He is currently settling in and will be joined by UK DART Peter Hazell at the weekend. They have two Australian SkyHydrant™ water filtration systems to deploy, with more to follow. Reports from Dave and Peter are expected soon, including aspects of the latest, massive earthquake in Nepal. Victoria's Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning heard of our efforts and generously provided 400 tents and stretchers from its stocks. They will be delivered by DARTs, local Rotarians and others as a part of our work in Nepal. Other Disaster Aid relief items being shipped include: 200 tents from India; 200 tents from our warehouse in China; 200 Sawyer water filters1 flown in from USA (1we also used these in Vanuatu); 220 Disaster Aid International tents scheduled to be delivered by end of May. Our Rotarian contacts in Nepal have advised blankets are available to purchase locally. We intend allocating funds for that and similar purposes. PLEASE KEEP AN EYE ON OUR WEBSITE, AND IN PARTICULAR FROM THERE TO FACEBOOK FOR LATEST NEWS OF OUR RELIEF EFFORTS. Will you please help support the work of Disaster Aid Australia? It is a Rotary Club project that really is making a difference in Nepal. Do you have a question, a comment, or need information about items in this Update? Office Editor [email protected] 1300 881 913 PDG Ray Stewart [email protected] A DONATION FORM IS ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE, OR GO TO to make a donation. Thank you in anticipation of your support. © Disaster Aid Australia 2015 An Australian Rotary Club Project, with international associates in Rotary Clubs in Malaysia, New Zealand, UK & Ireland, and the USA. DONATION FORM (donations are fully tax deductible) Name Address ____________________________________________ Phone Email Rotary Club _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ District Amount $ ____________ _____________________________________ _______________________________ Postcode _________ I wish to pay by * Cheque _________ Please send me a tax receipt Credit Card (Visa or MasterCard – please circle) Name on card __________________________________________ Signature .......................................................... Expiry Date ____ ____ ____ ____ __/__ * To: PO Box 790 Endeavour Hills Vic. 3802 Australia Card Number * Direct credit: BSB 633 000 Acc. no. 1400 38993 Disaster Aid Australia Overseas Aid Fund Ref: (your name) * Please also confirm, by email, details of your donation (date and amount) and your name and address to: [email protected] This will enable us to ensure you receive your receipt etc. in an effective manner. AN IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING DONATIONS We are often, understandably, asked for donated funds to (only) go to purchase particular items of aid and/or to be deployed in a particular country. Nepal is an extant example, with Vanuatu and the Philippines prior to that. It is operationally impossible to provide that absolute guarantee. The differing natures of response and timing make it impractical. We need to constantly build our stocks to be as ready as we can to respond in an effective manner to disasters in prescribed countries. While we do everything we can to comply with any equipment and/or country-specific requests when donating, we are sure you will understand it is not always practicable. Patron Max Walker AM © Disaster Aid Australia 2015
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