- Rotary Club of Redcliffe City

 Club Bulletin 9 May 2015
“Service Above Self” President’s Report Attendance was low last week with the caravanners still away and great see Reg Neilson back with us. Terry Rogers introduced Christine Large as our guest for the night …. I was blown away by this young woman’s conservative appreciation and at the time, cavalier attitude to foreign currency trading. Look forward to seeing her back at the club. Doreen gave us an update on the District Conference and a short presentation on a “unique “ style of Rotary Club that accommodates both Morning and evening meetings. I urge you all to th​
attend our club Forum Meeting 19​
May. Have your say and how you want the club to be run in the 2015­2016 Rotary year. The Club whilst carrying out and supporting some very worthwhile projects has failed this year to meet its full potential (my view); maybe that’s where the disconnect is. Each club is different and has its own culture and DNA so please be sure to attend the meeting and assist Doreen and her incoming board put in place a programme next year that suits this club as whole and not the opinion of a few. Under Doreen’s stewardship things will happen but the President is only one and represents the opinion of the club as a whole. Be sure to have your say and your commitment to what you would like to see happen next year. Letter of thanks from Peninsula Animal Aid for $500.00 donation and invitation from the Rotary Club of Caboolture to attend there changeover on 16th June. Peter Gibbs gave us a brief update on the Helping Hands project and the second round next week at the RSL … we still need one more $350 sponsor please call Peter if you can assist. Michael and Zara gave us updates on Interact and the Summer Science School. The Red st​
Shield date has been changed back to the 31​
May and we need volunteers please we have over 20 Interactors helping out. A brief report on Duncan and Doreen’s meeting with Ross and Carmel from the Redcliffe Healthy Living Centre. Duncan has been itching to find a home some more of the $K100 we have sitting in the Bank and Doreen has started questioning the same. As,we all agree, we have a duty of care as custodians of the funds we have collected from the community; we must apply due diligence to any request and or suggestion where these funds can be best used. Please talk to a Board Member on any suggestions you may have. Our guest speaker Nick Ferre’ Business Site Manager for the Endeavour Foundation Redcliffe /Mooloolaba gave us a brief history of the organisation in Queensland and the unique skills their workers have including E­Waste, Paper Shredding Services for Industry. They compete with other commercial enterprises. Major Depots are Redcliffe, Townsville and Southport. Like all business they have to tender for all work and recently lost a lucrative contract with Bluescope Steel. More pressure is being put on the organisation with the change for Bizwatt to Greenacres Wage assessments procedures. Nick also spoke about the NDIS and some of the new issues some of their Clients /Staff are having to face. All in all challenging times and they appreciate the continued assistance from our Club. Duncan Quotable Quotes “​
The best antidote for international fear is international understanding; the best way to cultivate international understanding is through business and social intercourse.” Paul P. Harris— Message to 1928 Pacific Rotary Conference, Tokyo, Japan ​
Quotable quotes The Rotary 4­Way Test Of all the things we think, say and do: 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOODWILL and better FRIENDSHIPS? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? Club Service, Membership and Program Disaster Relief: How can you help? Locally: ​
go to ​
. You can either donate money or goods. There is a whole list of what is needed urgently in the Deception Bay area Nepal: ​
Where do you start! The Rotary Club of Daybreak are organising a dinner for the Nepal Earthquake Rebuilding Appeal. Guest speaker will be Deputy Commissioner of Police Ross Barnett speaking about “Security and the G20” When​
: Thursday 18th June Where​
: Murrumba Downs Tavern on Dohles Rocks Road Cost​
$45 P/P, cash bar RSVP​
11th June to ​
[email protected]​
or 0411 042 900 (Can we get a table together?) Or ​
donate direct BSB 633 000 A/C 1254 20737 Ref: “Surname ­ Nepal” Cheques: Payable to Rotary club of Pine rivers Daybreak Dates for your diary. Red Shield Appeal ­ Sunday 31 May District Assembly ­ Sunday 24th May: Note the change of date Attendance by as many board directors as possible would be greatly appreciated. Pride of Workmanship Awards ­ Tuesday 23rd June Changeover ­ Tuesday 30th June Need a 2015 Entertainment Book or know someone that does? The Club receives fundraising when you purchase​
through this link. International Service: “Helping Hands” next build session 16th May @ 10.00am ­ Redcliffe RSL Club. Redcliffe RSL Club, Irene St, Redcliffe is the venue for our next "Helping Hands" assembly session. This will take place on Sat 16th May in the “Peace Keeper Room” ­ adjacent to reception & to the right of the escalators. Start time will be 10.00am & we should be completed by 12.00 ­ 12.30pm. We have x10 Hands to complete & this will take our Club tally to x 40 Hands for this Rotary year. No doubt about the RSL – they are great supporters of this Project & continue to sponsor Hands & provide a great Venue for our assembly teams. At this time we have Sponsor Teams, great interest from the students of Southern Cross Interact Club, community volunteers & RSL Veterans attending our Hand building session. I believe the project presents a rare opportunity to do good on many levels. There is a great connection between the sponsor, the community members who assemble our hands & the prosthetic recipients. More Team Photos:​
http://www.rotaryd9570helpinghands.com/416165435 Peter Gibbs Director Foundation & International Service Vocational Service:​
. Yes it is a Google Ad but the message is Powerful! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OE63BYWdqC4 Youth: Attendance at Southern Cross School Interact on Tuesday showed the parcels made for the Australian Forces serving overseas for ANZAC day this year, using funds from their Interact Account, well done! Approximately 10 Interactors plus Christy will be able to help at the next Red Shield Appeal. They are also looking at sponsoring a hand from their Interact Account for the next Helping Hands project. Sara PR & Marketing: Nothing to report this week Sustainability Report: What would a more resilient society look like? http://www.resilience.org/stories/2015­05­05/a­resilient­society Community​
: Nothing to report this week Bunnings BBQ Nothing to report this week Welfare: Gloria Blanch is making a slow recovery. Give her call if you have a moment as per Bob’s email. Welcome back to the Green’s Club Program: See the Club MeetUp Page for more information ­ ​
http://rotaryredcliffecity.org/meetup May 11 Board meeting Belvedere Cafe @6.30pm 2015 MEETING TYPE WHERE ​
WHAT COMMENTS May 12 RAWCS in the Solomons Belvedere Greeters Registration set­up Toast Aust Toast Int'l Speaker Intro speaker thanks Clean­up P.Charlson, M. Cullen J. Davies J. Green P. Gibbs P. McNeill Sara Kharas, D. Johnston 2015 MEETING TYPE WHERE ​
WHAT COMMENTS May 16 International RSL Helping Hands 10am start TBC 2015 MEETING TYPE WHERE ​
WHAT COMMENTS May 19 Club Forum­ Business as usual is not an option Belvedere Where are we going? Have your Say….Involvement, Projects, Contribution Facilitator: John Green Greeters Registration set­up Toast Aust Toast Int'l Speaker Intro speaker thanks Clean­up B.Blanch, J. Brown L. O’Keefe, N.Powell Meeting RSVPs ­ in order of use 1. (Primary) ONLINE ​
or use the ​
[email protected] 3. Call 07 3880 0033 You must RSVP for meetings.​
This allows staff and meals to be organised by venue. RSVPs to be in by 11am on the day of the meeting. MAKE­UPS​
­ Please do notify ​
Mick Larter​
of your make­ups. You can locate other Clubs via the ​
Rotary.org ‘Club Finder’ tool. Have a contribution? ​
Directors can edit the Bulletin directly each week. Otherwise please send your article or announcement to ​
[email protected]​
It should be proofed and ready to cut & paste into the Bulletin. We are local business, professional and civic leaders. We get to know one another. We get things done in the Redcliffe community. We have fun doing it. rotaryredcliffecity.org