Roosevelt High School Youth Football Camp Grades 5th-8th July 6, 7, 8 and 9 (10am -1pm) Fee $100.00 Join Roosevelt High School Head Football Coach Matt Nelsen, RHS assistant coaches and current RHS players for an exciting week of football. Players will learn strength and conditioning techniques, develop/improve football skills and have fun in a positive environment. Non-contact Registration form attached Please send registration with payment by check to 8034 Forest Dr. NE, Seattle WA 98115 Checks made to Roosevelt High School Email questions to : Shannon Bloedel- [email protected] Camp Check in-July 6th 2015 9:45am Roosevelt High School Football Field This camp is being held to benefit the Roosevelt Football Team and has been approved by Roosevelt High School. ROOSEVELT YOUTH FOOTBALL CAMP 2015 Location-Roosevelt High School JULY 6TH-JULY 9TH 2015 COST $100.00 Join Roosevelt High School Head Football Coach Matt Nelsen, Roosevelt assistant coaches and current Roosevelt players. Players will learn strength and conditioning techniques, develop/improve football skills and have fun in a positive environment. Non-contact REGISTRATION NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP Payment: Make checks payable to Roosevelt High School Football $100.00 and send to: 8034 Forest Dr. NE Seattle, WA 98115 T-SHIRT SIZE (ADULT) S M L XL XXL PARENT INFORMATION PARENT NAME PARENT EMAIL PARENT CELL PARENT NAME PARENT EMAIL PARENT CELL Parent Permission and Release: We, undersigned parent or guardian, grant permission for our child to participate in the Roosevelt High School Youth Football Camp. In exchange for this opportunity, we (player and parent) hereby release and discharge forever all instructors and representatives of this camp, from any damages arising from any and all injuries while participating in this camp. Roosevelt High School Football Camp does not assume responsibility for any injuries. We further state that we have no knowledge of any impairment that would limit or preclude this child from participating in this camp. CAMPERS SIGNATURE PARENT SIGNATURE DATE DATE This camp is being held to benefit the Roosevelt Football Team and has been approved by Roosevelt High School. ROOSEVELT YOUTH FOOTBALL CAMP 2015 MEDICAL RELEASE I verify that (camper name) ________________________________________ has insurance which effectively covers any medical cost incurred as a result of participation in the Roosevelt Youth Football Camp. Further, I authorize the Coaching Staff at the Roosevelt Youth Football Camp to seek any necessary emergency medical treatment my child may need during the course of camp. Insurance Company Name: _______________________________________ Policy Number: _________________________________________________ Front and back copy of insurance card is required to participate in camp activities. Please include with registration. _____________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ______________ Date _____________________________________ Parent/Guardian Printed Name This camp is being held to benefit the Roosevelt Football Team and has been approved by Roosevelt High School.
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