spring hill mall - Rouse Properties

1 11 4 Ave o f t h e Ame ricas
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1 072 S pr in g H ill Mal l
W e st D unde e , IL 601 1 8
Spring Hill Mall
will be undergoing a major redevelopment
which will consist of a stadium seat theatre and a dynamic outdoor/indoor
restaurant pavilion. These changes will further enhance the mall in partnership
with the new interior amenities including soft seating, free Wi-Fi and tablet
tables which were added in 2014 and the strong retail line up. Retailers include
Carson’s, Macy’s, Kohl’s, Buckle, Shoe Dept. Encore, Victoria’s Secret and Barnes
& Noble.
rouseproperties.com | NYSE: RSE
Spring Hill mall
west dundee, illinois
Impressive growth
Chicago suburbs
affluent families
Spring Hill Mall
Unique blend of retailers surrounded by recent
renovations in a fast-growing community.
Trade Area Profile
Mall Information
20-Mile Radius
Northwestern suburb of Chicago
2015 Population
2020 Projected
2015 Households
Carson Pirie Scott, Kohl’s, Macy’s, Sears
2020 Projected
Total Retail Square Footage
2015 Median Age
2015 Average HHI
2020 Projected
2015 Average HHI
1992, 2005, 2013
2015 Population
2020 Projected
2015 Households
2020 Projected
Single-level, enclosed, regional
2020 Projected
Daytime Employment
3-mile Radius
5-mile Radius
2015 Median Age
Source: Claritas, Inc.
5 Compelling Reasons to Locate Here
Population Growth
Largest Mall Within 30-40 Minute Drive
Vehicular Traffic
Spring Hill Mall is located in the fastest growing
northwestern Chicago area suburb with
anticipated growth of 10.6% over the next 5
years. This is double the U.S. growth rate and
quadruples the growth rate of Illinois.
The closest regional enclosed malls to the east
and southeast are a 30 minute drive (14 and 17
miles); to the northwest the closest mall is a 60
minute drive (40 miles).
Between Rte 31 and Rte 72, over 41,000 cars
pass by Spring Hill Mall on a daily basis.
Strong Buying Power
The average household income in 2014 is
$88,091 with over 45% earning more than
The center is easily accessible from 3 major
highways – I-90, Rte 31, and Rte 72.
Unduplicated National Retailers
Spring Hill Mall has over 40 unique national
retailers within this trade area which are not
duplicated by Algonquin Commons or other
retail establishments in the same area of Randall
Road. Only about a dozen national retailers are
duplicated between the two retail areas.
Spring Hill Mall