ROYAL CORNWALL AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION Registered Charity No. 250312 POULTRY SECTION SCHEDULE A POULTRY CLUB OF GREAT BRITAIN ROYAL CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW AND STAND ALONE CHAMPIONSHIP EGG SHOW -----------AN EXHIBITION FOR POULTRY, WATERFOWL AND EGGS To be held at THE ROYAL CORNWALL SHOWGROUND, WADEBRIDGE THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY 4th, 5th & 6th June 2015 ENTRIES CLOSE 8TH MAY 2015 Send entry form together with payment to: K R Dowrick Esq 24 St Mewan Lane Trewoon St Austell PL25 5SP email (preferable method of contact) [email protected] Tel: 01726 65166 Please enter early. No entries accepted without accompanying fee. The Poultry Show is held under a General Licence in respect of the Avian Influenza (Preventive Measures) (England) Regulations 2006 Held under PCGB rules JUDGES Waterfowl and W/F Eggs – P Meatyard Hard Feather – D Copas. Soft Feather – J Dwight. True Bantams – S Harvey. Eggs – C Hadley. POULTRY CLUB REPRESENTATIVE STEWARDS Secretary: Show Manager: Chief Steward: Welfare Officer: Egg Section: N S Hutchinson K R Dowrick A Marment A Marment Messrs Clemens, Couch & Murch M & J Jackson, J Murch Tent Supervision, Information and Office: M Clemens, G & J Murch, Mr & Mrs F J Kemp, D Reed, G C Couch, S James, P Thomas, A H Oatey, A Fearn, P Williams, C Gardner, J & C Kestell, H Rich, R Clemens. Presentation of Trophies 4.00pm Saturday 6th June We would like to thank the following for their Sponsorship of the Poultry Section 2015 MEETINGS: BLUE ANCHOR, FRADDON ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND FANCIERS 19th May 2015 STAGING 31st May 2015 The Royal Cornwall Show is organised by the Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association (Secretary: Christopher P Riddle). The Show is held under a General Licence in respect of the Avian Influenza (Preventive Measures) (England) Regulations 2006. RULES 1. This show is held under PCGB rules and exhibitors making entries agree to be bound by such rules. 2. All exhibits to be penned by 8.30am on Thursday 4th June. Birds may be delivered between the hours of 4.00pm and 8.00pm on Wednesday 3rd June. Pen numbers to be collected at the tent on arrival. 3. Birds are fed and watered throughout the show. Please place water containers, as supplied, at front of pen. 4. Should the judges consider the exhibits unworthy of the highest prize offered, it shall be in their power to award a lower prize. The decision of the judge to be final. 5. The committee reserves the right to cancel any class, amalgamate within breeds, or otherwise at their discretion. 6. No exhibit to be removed before 5.00pm on the final day of the show without the permission of the Show Committee. Boxing of birds to commence at 4.45pm. Any exhibit not collected by 5.15pm will be boxed up by the steward and the show will not accept any responsibility. Pens will be taken down commencing at 5.15pm. All help appreciated. 7. The Royal Cornwall Advisory Committee to have sole jurisdiction over objections. Any objection to be made in writing with a deposit of £20, returnable if objection upheld. 8. Classes Male or Female with sufficient entries and/or Exhibitors will be divided. 9. Photographs may be mounted on card and should be minimum print size 5 inch by 3 inch, maximum 8 inch by 6 inch. 10. All exhibitors/entrants are advised to cleanse and disinfect the show cages, crates or baskets before the event and to cleanse and disinfect on return to the home premises and before they are used to hold any other bird. EXHIBITION POULTRY SCHEDULE OF CLASSIFICATION Entry Fee: £1.50 per exhibit 50p per egg/photograph exhibit Prize Money Eggs: Photographs: All other Classes: 1st £1.50 1st £1.50 1st £2.50 1. A V Large 3. A V Soft Feather Bantam 2nd £1.00 2nd £1.00 2nd £1.50 3rd 50p 3rd 50p 3rd £1.00 EXHIBITION - TRIOS 2. A V Hard Feather Bantam 4. A V True Bantam LARGE FOWL – HARD FEATHER 5. Asian Hard Feather, male 6. Asian Hard Feather, female 7. OEG Carlisle type, male 8. OEG Carlisle type, female 9. OEG Oxford type, male 10. OEG Oxford type, female 11. Indian or Jubilee Game, male 12. Indian or Jubilee Game, female LARGE FOWL - SOFT FEATHER 13. Australorp, male or female 14. Barnvelder, male or female 15. Brahma, male or female 16. Cochin, male or female 17. Croad Langshan, male or female 18. Dorking, male or female 19. Hamburgh, male or female 20. Leghorn, male or female 21. Marans, male 22. Marans, female 23. Orpington, Buff, male or female 24. Orpington, any other colour,male or female 25. Rhode Island Red, male 26. Rhode Island Red, female 27. Sussex, male 28. Sussex, female 29. Welsummer, male or female 30. Wyandotte, male or female 31. Rare Breed, male 32. Rare Breed, female 33. AOV, male or female 34. Chick, Cockerel or Pullet (hatched after 01.01.2015) 35. Utility (Purebred Large or Bantam to be judged on utility features meat production), Male 36. Utility (Purebred Large or Bantam to be judged on utility features egg production), Female 37. Juvenile exhibitor aged 5 – 16 years on the day of the show, Large HF or SF, male or female 38. Junior Handler Class to be judged at 10am on Thursday 4 June (age 5 – 16 on day of the show – Please state Size and Breed of Exhibit) SILKIE CLUB REGIONAL SHOW 39. Large White, male 40. Large White, female 41. Large Black or Blue, male or female 42. Large Gold or Partridge, male or female 43. AC Bearded, Large or Bantam, male or female 44. Non-Standard, Large or Bantam, male or female 45. Bantam, White, male 46. Bantam, White, female 47. Bantam AOC, male or female BANTAMS - SOFT FEATHER AND TRUE BANTAMS 48. Rhode Island Red, male 49. Rhode Island Red, female 50. Wyandotte, White, male or female 51. Wyandotte, AOC, male 52. Wyandotte, Laced, female 53. Wyandotte, Partridge or Pencilled, female 54. Wyandotte, AOC, female 55. Frizzle, male or female 56. Croad Langshan, male 57. Croad Langshan, female 58. Light Sussex, male 59. Light Sussex, female 60. Sussex, AOC, male or female 61. New Hampshire Red, male or female 62. Australorp, male or female 63. Marans, male or female 64. Orpington, male 65. Orpington, female 66. Brahma, male or female 67. Plymouth Rock, Barred, male or female 68. Plymouth Rock, Buff, male or female 69. Plymouth Rock, AOC, male or female 70. German Langshan, male or female 71. Welsummer, male or female 72. Brown Leghorn, male or female 73. AOC, Leghorn, male or female 74. Ancona, male 75. Ancona, female 76. Hamburgh, AC, male 77. Hamburgh, Spangled, female 78. Hamburgh, Pencilled, female 79. Poland, male or female 80. Rosecomb, male 81. Rosecomb, female 82. Japanese, male 83. Japanese, female 84. Dutch, Gold Partridge, male 85. Dutch, Gold Partridge, female 86. Dutch, AOC, male 87. Dutch, AOC, female 88. Sebright, male 89. Sebright, female 90. Pekin, Black, male 91. Pekin, Black, female 92. Pekin, White, male or female 93. Pekin, AOC, male 94. Pekin, AOC, female 95. Barbu d’Uccle, male or female 96. Barbu d’Anvers, AC Quail, male 97. Barbu d’Anvers, AC Quail, female 98. Barbu d’Anvers, AOC, male 99. Barbu d’Anvers, AOC, female 100. Belgian, AOV, male or female 101. Serama, male or female 102. Rare Breed, male (please state breed) 103. Rare Breed, female 104. AOV, male or female 105. Chick, Cockerel (hatched after 01.01.2015) 106. Chick, Pullet (hatched after 01.01.2015) 107. Juvenile exhibitor aged 5 - 16 years on the day of the show, Bantam HF or SF, male 108. Juvenile exhibitor aged 5 - 16 years on the day of the show, Bantam HF or SF, female HARD FEATHER 109. Malay, male or female 110. Ko Shamo, male or female 111. AOV Asian H F, male or female 112. Indian or Jubilee Game, male 113. Indian or Jubilee Game, female 114. Rumpless, male or female 115. Modern Game, Black Red, male or female 116. Modern Game, Brown Red or Birchen, male or female 117. Modern Game, AOC, male or female 118. OEG, Spangle, male 119. OEG, Spangle, female 120. OEG, Light Red or Dark Red, male 121. OEG, Wheaten or Partridge, female 122. OEG, Black or Blue, male 123. OEG, Black or Blue, female 124. OEG, Furnace or Brassy Back Black, male 125. OEG, Furnace or Polecat, female 126. OEG, Duckwing or Pile, male 127. OEG, Duckwing or Pile, female 128. OEG, Crele or Cuckoo, male or female 129. OEG, AOC Blue, male or female 130. OEG, AOC, male or female 131. OEG, Muffed or Tasselled, male or female 132. Chick, AV HF, cockerel or pullet (hatched after 01.01.2015) WATERFOWL 133. Call, White, Drake 134. Call, White, Duck 135. Call, Mallard, Drake or Duck 136. Call, Silver, Drake or Duck 137. Call, AOC, Drake 138. Call, AOC, Duck 139. A V Bantam, Drake or Duck 140. Muscovy Drake 141. Muscovy, Duck 142. A O V Heavy, Drake 143. AOV Heavy, Duck 144. A V Light, Drake 145. A V Light, Duck 146. Indian Runner, White, Drake or Duck 147. Indian Runner, AOC, Drake 148. Indian Runner, AOC, Duck 149. A V Gander 150. A V Goose 151. Juvenile aged 9 – 15, Waterfowl, male or female (please state breed) TURKEYS 152. A V Male or Female CHAMPIONSHIP EGG SHOW – (Judges are not able to reclassify eggs). EGGS - Large EGGS - Bantam – (not to exceed 1.5oz / 42.5g) 153. 6 Same Colour 154. 6 Different Colours 155. 3 Dark Brown 156. 3 Light Brown 157. 3 Cream 158. 3 AOC 159. 3 different colours 160. Single White 161. Single Dark Brown 162. Single Light Brown 163. Single Cream 164. Single AOC 165. 3 Large, 3 Bantam, same colour 166. 1 Large, 1 Bantam, same colour 167. 1 Large, 1 Bantam, different colour 168. 1 Large or Bantam, Mis-shaped 169. 6 Any Colour 170. 3 White 171. 3 Dark Brown 172. 3 Light Brown 173. 3 Cream 174. 3 AOC 175. 3 different colours 176. Single White 177. Single Dark Brown 178. Single Light Brown 179. Single Cream 180. Single AOC 181. 3 Goose 182. 3 Duck, Large 183. 3 Duck, Bantam 184. 1 Large Duck, 1 Bantam Duck (same colour) 185. 1 Large Duck, 1 Bantam Duck (different colour) Waterfowl 186. Single Goose 187. Single Duck, Large 188. Single Duck, Bantam Turkey 189.3 Turkey 190. Single Turkey 191. Large, Contents only 192. Bantam, Contents only 193. Waterfowl, Contents only Contents 194. Large, Internal - External 195. Bantam, Internal - External 196. Waterfowl, Internal – External CHILDREN’S CLASSES 197. 3 Large Same Colour 198. 3 Large Different Colours 199. 1 Single Large 200. 3 Bantam Same Colour 201. 3 Bantam Different Colours 202. 1 Single Bantam DECORATED EGG SECTION – (maximum size 6” x 6”) 203. Painted or Decorated Egg: Girls 3 to 6 years 204. Painted or Decorated Egg: Boys 3 to 6 years 205. Painted or Decorated Egg: Girls 7 – 11 years 206. Painted or Decorated Egg: Boys 7 – 11 years 207. Painted or Decorated Egg: Girls 12 – 15 years 208. Painted or Decorated Egg: Boys 12 – 15 years 209. Painted or Decorated Egg: Open Individual PHOTOGRAPHS – (maximum size 7” x 5”) 210. Poultry, Single Bird 205. Poultry, More than 1 Bird 204. Waterfowl, Single Bird 206. Waterfowl, More than 1 Bird OPEN SPECIALS Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association Challenge Trophy for the Show Champion presented by the Worshipful Company of Poulters A Bone China plate, presented by S J Chown for the Best Exhibit in Show RCAA plate for Best Hard Feather Large RCAA plate for Best Soft Feather HB Bantam RCAA plate for Best Soft Feather LB Bantam RCAA plate for Best Soft Feather Large RCAA plate for Best True Bantam RCAA plate for Best Egg(s) RCAA plate for Best Rare Breed RCAA plate for Best Trio T B Bax Memorial Salver for Champion Large Fowl Bielefeld Trophy presented by W Detering for Champion Bantam P Heywood Trophy for Champion Cochin Thomas Perpetual Trophy for Champion Welsummer Cornwall Farmers Trophy re-presented by S Lean for most points in Poultry Section Jack Alford Trophy for most points in Indian or Jubilee Game Classes Tom Laity Memorial Perpetual Cup for Best Hamburgh Ben Dale Memorial Plate for Best Waterfowl John Rich Memorial Cup for Best Hard Feather Bantam Frank Voysey Memorial Trophy for Best Rhode Island Red D Channings shield for Champion Silkie £10 Cash - Best Exhibit in Show £5 Cash - Reserve Best in Show £5 Cash - Best Large Exhibit £2.50 Cash - Best Large Exhibit opposite sex £5 Cash - Best Bantam £2.50 Cash - Best Bantam opposite sex £5 Cash - Best Hard Feather Bantam £2.50 Cash - Best Hard Feather Bantam opposite sex £5 Cash - Best Soft Feather Heavy Breed Bantam £5 Cash - Best Soft Feather Light Breed Bantam £2.50 Cash - Best Soft Feather Bantam opposite sex £5 Cash - Best True Bantam £2.50 Cash - Best True Bantam opposite sex £5 Cash - Best Waterfowl £2.50 Cash - Best Trio £5 Cash - Best Eggs Exhibit £2.50 Cash - Reserve Best Eggs Exhibit £2.50 Cash - Best Egg Contents (Classes 191 - 196) POULTRY CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP AWARDS - MEMBERS ONLY ELIGIBLE All Breed Clubs are invited to offer Specials Entries close 8th May 2015 ENTRY FEES MUST BE ENCLOSED WITH YOUR ENTRIES
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