BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR LOCAL HISTORY Journal of the British Association for Local History The Local Historian, British Association for Local History, 41, 2 (May, 2011) Beckett, J., Local history in its comparative international context. Longcroft, A., New insights into vernacular architecture: a view from the flatlands of East Anglia (BLAH Annual Lecture 2010). Jennings, P., Liquor licensing and the local historian: the Victorian public house (Themes in Local History). Walker, P., Hive enclosures for bee skeps in England. Ottewill, R., Representations of Congregational identity in Edwardian Hampshire. Lord, E., Review round-up: business history to church scandals and families. The Local Historian, British Association for Local History, 41, 3 (August, 2011) Smalley, R. The Labour movement in Westmorland 1887-1924. Curtis, M., Education in a nineteenth-century Oxfordshire village. Francia, S., The spice of life? The multiple uses of cumin in medieval England. Sneath, K., A consumer revolution in Huntingdonshire? (Wolfson Lecture in Local History: November 2009) Horner, H., Guidelines for setting up a volunteer group to transcribe local documents. Planel, P., Opinion: consensus or contestation – visions of local history as viewed from Devon. The Local Historian, British Association for Local History, 42, 1 (February 2012) Shannon, W.D., Dispute maps in Tudor Lancashire. Hunter, J.G., Changing fashions in monumental inscriptions. Maund, D., Locality and change in an area of North Herefordshire during the nineteenth century. Jones, H., British cities: celebrating and commemorating the Second World War. Wright, J., The military survey of 1522: a case study of Holt Hundred, Norfolk (BALH Publications Award winner 2011) Papajík, D., The past, present and future of regional history in the Czech Republic. French, C., Review article: the continuing attraction of London and its suburbs to local historians. The Local Historian, British Association for Local History, 42, 2 (May 2012) Huggins, M., The local history of British sport: approaches, sources and methods. Mattingly, J., Built to last? The rise and fall of the church house. O’Dell, S., Holiday plotlands and caravans in the Tendering district of Essex 1918-2010. Trinder, B., Country carriers revisited. Various., Review article: publications by record and special interest societies. Winstanley, M., Review article: new directions in local history since Hoskins. The Local Historian, British Association for Local History, 42, 3 (August 2012) Steele, M.; Benbough-Jackson, M., Civic pride on an international stage: the Liverpool ‘Shipperies’, 1886. Dunleavy, J., ‘With right good will’: Haslingden Catholics celebrate Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee. Curtis, M., nineteenth century customs and the maintenance of social equilibrium in an Oxfordshire village. Hutton, S., Anxiety, dread and disease in the ports of Liverpool and Tynemouth during the midnineteenth century. Hargreaves, J.A., Yorkshire Luddism: image and reality 1812-2012. Dalton, R., Farm reportage in the Derbyshire Advertiser 1910-1915: assessment and interpretation. Evans, W., Opinion: identity, place and local history. Crosby, A., The camera as historian (with reviews). The Local Historian, British Association for Local History, 42, 4 (November 2012) Hunt, K. The local and the everyday: interwar women’s politics (BALH Annual Lecture 2012). Spinks, P., First World War conscientious objection in South Warwickshire (BALH Publications Awards Winner 2012). Monteith, P., The management of the Harboard family’s estate at Gunton in Norfolk. Beckett, J., Rethinking the English Village (BALH Wolfson Lecture). Collett-White, J., Bedfordshire Historical record Society and Bedfordshire record Office: their contribution to local history over a hundred years. The Local Historian, British Association for Local History, 43, 1 (February 2013) Barke, M., ‘The Devouring Element’: the fire hazard in Newcastle upon Tyne 1720-1870. Davis, A., Women’s experiences of combining childcare and careers in postwar Oxfordshire, c.1940-1990. Crosby, A.G., Piety and charity 1480-1580: the evidence of probate records from four Surrey parishes. Heery, M., A compassionate community? Poor relief in Westbury-on-Trym 1656-1698. Gerhold, D., Record office online catalogues: an appraisal. Lord, E., A review of periodicals 2012. Escott, M., Review article: perspective son the history of Wales. The Local Historian, British Association for Local History, 43, 2 (May 2013) Davis, D., The householders’ schedules in the 1841 census. Gritt, A.J., Marriage, family and property accumulation during the agricultural revolution: a case study of a Lancashire parish 1700-1850. South, M., Smallpox inoculation campaigns in eighteenth-century Southampton, Salisbury and Winchester. Austin, P., Pollard in early-modern South East Hertfordshire. Gibson, J., Image and reality: Banbury Cross 1859-2013. French, C., Slums and suburbs: a review article. The Local Historian, British Association for Local History, 43, 3 (August 2013) Smyth, G., ‘Lonely day without news’: the confiscation of wireless sets in the German-occupied Channel Islands 1940-1945. Jackson, K.C., The house building cycle: a neglected aspect of local history. Saccani, C., Rebuilding St Mary’s church, Cheadle: gentry patronage in east Cheshire 1500-1540. Chandler, J., Long-playing record societies, but how long? Spufford, P., The British Record Society 1960-2010: a personal view. Lord, E., Review article: books about people. Various, Review article: books on belief, religion and churches. The Local Historian, British Association for Local History, 43, 4 (October 2013) Chase, M., The Local ‘state’ in Regency Britain (BALH Annual Lecture 2013) Hancock, I., The ‘Irish Gent’ and his strumpet: the story of Hercules Burleigh. Jones, C., Dr George Stuart Hawthorne of Liverpool and his ‘infallible’ treatment of Asiatic cholera 1848-1849. Burton, N., The establishment and organization of civil defence operations in Berkshire 19361945. Merrick, P., Prisoners of war in Britain in the 1940s. Thompson, K., Review article: ‘Ye have the poor always with you’. Lord, E., Review article: books about places. The Local Historian, British Association for Local History, 44, 1 (January 2014) Jackson, K.C., The architectural provenance of speculative housing: some further evidence. Lorenzen-Schmidt, K-L., Local history in Germany: an overview. Benson, D., Ripples from the French Revolution in Tewkesbury. Bird, P., ‘Open’ and ‘closed’ villages: a new methodology for assessing landownership concentration. Crosby, A.G., Perceptions of Liverpool 1530-2010: the historical evidence of contemporary observers. Heyland, D.; Tiller, K., Joan Thirsk (1922-2013): an appreciation. Trinder, B.; Anderton, P., Two reviews of Victoria Counry History volumes. The Local Historian, British Association for Local History, 44, 2 (April 2014) Croom, J.N., Courts, yards and houses: enclosing, enhancing and servicing the medieval and early modern great house c. 1050-c. 1750. Grigg, R., Getting away with murder? Infanticide in Wales 1730-1908. Mughal, A., The expectations of South Asian immigrants: adapting to life in Bradford 1950-1980. Dunleavy, J., England’s glory: the Sunday school centenary in 1880. The Local Historian, British Association for Local History, 44, 3 (July 2014) Austin, P., Coppice management in South-East Hertfordshire 1550-1910. Jones, A., Records of the Lloyd George survey of land values in 1910: comparisons and insights from Gloucestershire. Merrick, P., Horses for the Great War. Hey, D.; Ferguson, C., Margaret Spufford (1935-2014): an appreciation. The Local Historian, British Association for Local History, 44, 4 (October 2014) Minnis, J., A Lost Elysium? The motor car and England in the inter-war years. Clark, G.H., Black Isle school logbooks (1875-1919): a statistical approach. Probert, R., ‘A Banbury Study’: cohabitation and marriage among the Victorian poor in ‘notorious Neithrop’. Hughes, F., Was lunacy and idiocy a rural or an urban condition? A comparison of two county asylum services 1845-1900. Reeves, J., The Liverpool Women’s War Service Bureau and its work, 1914-1918. Curthoys, M., ODNB’s tenth anniversary: local history research in a national resource. Coope, J; Mills, D., Reflections on a co-production project: the social world of Nottingham’s Green Spaces project. The Local Historian, British Association for Local History, 45, 1 (January 2015) Pridgeon, E., Researching medieval wall paintings: a guide to archival sources in England and Wales. Whiet, B., Food protests and the [in]equality of sacrifice in First World War Devon. Hopper, T., Italian ice cream families in the East Sussex seaside resorts. Kavanagh, H., The secrets of Magpie Lane: prostitution in medieval Oxford (BALH medieval and early modern essay winner 2014) Lee, J.S., Medieval local history from published records: a case-study of the manor, market and church of Masham, Yorkshire (BALH medieval and early modern essay winner 2014) Evans, W., Opinion: us and them. The Local Historian, British Association for Local History, 45, 2 (April 2015) Crosby, A., Zen and the art of local history: some transatlantic perspectives. Dunleavey, J., Ideal and reality: the principles of the garden city movement and the first council houses in Worcestershire. Jackson, A.J.H., The history and heritage of Lincoln’s council estates: local history and ‘critical’ public history in practice. French, C., Housing the middle classes in late Victorian and Edwardian Surbiton. Robson, N., Fervent rejoicing and muted protest: London at the time of King George V’s Silver Jubilee. Crust, L., Rex Russell 1919-2015: an appreciation. Local History News. Magazine of the British Association for Local History Local History News 102 (Winter 2012) Merrick, P., Middlebridge Street on show. Williamson, E., Rededicating the Victoria County History. Murphy, L., Britain’s first photo album. Hobbs, S., Recycled history. Jackson, A., Approaching the local history of the twentieth century: problems and possibilities. Draper, G., ‘I will close K. John in a boxe and send him to you’: another free resource for local history. Local History News 103 (Summer 2012) Crosby, A., Walking on the edge. Tringham, N., Staffordshire History Day. BALH Awards 2011 – profile of Malcolm Dolby. Hunter, R., Local history and World War One. Freeman, R., Church of England Record Centre. Progress on the Exeter Blitz Project. Luddite Bicentenary – John Hargreaves on some commemorations. Bourne, F., Royal College of Nursing Archives. Draper, G., Memorials of War. Local History News 104 (Summer 2012) Crosby, A., Tip of the iceberg. Pennell, C., Community responses to the outbreak of war, 1914. Stokes, W., The Great Ejectment in the ‘Wilds of Wannie’. Pinches, S., News from VCH Hertfordshire. Hobbs, S., Let nothing be lost. BALH Awards 2012 – profile of John Crane. Anderton, P. Local History Day 2012. Local History News 105 (Autumn 2012) Crosby, A., Honorary Guild Burgess. White, B., The agricultural community at war 1914-1918. The East India Company at Home, 1757-1857. A collaborative research project. Butler, C., Tudor Southampton and the People Project. Tringham, N., Staffordshire’s next VCH volume. O’Sullivan, M., Wedgwood Archives. Local History News 106 (Winter 2012) Crosby, A. Down under. McMurray, M., WVRS archive – an introduction. BALH Awards 2012 – profile of Malcolm Bisby. Duffett, R., Soldiers’ letters from the front. Beckett, J., Laxton’s open fields and Court Leet. Hobbs, S., Reading between the lines (title deeds). Whistance, N., Pauper Prisons. Pauper Palaces (Midlands). Hodsdon, J., VCH Gloucestershire. Neman, R., John Snow was born 200 years ago. England’s Immigrants 1330-1550 – project for Local History Day. Changing Communities – Cheltenham conference programme. Webb, N., A website for private archives. Brown, J., Recording war memorials in NE England. O’Sullivan, M., Sales of archives at auction. Developments in parish studies (and more websites). Local History News 107 (Spring 2013) Thom, D., Women and work in the First World War. Cookson, G., Danbury Court Leet. BALH Awards 2012 – profiles of Douglas Harwood and Meurig Owen. White, P., Researching Wandsworth Common. VCH Leicestershire – progress report. Mapping Popular Politics – the conclusion of a successful project.. New archive and local studies facilities in Derbyshire. The Country House at War – a new project in Yorkshire. Merrick, P., Visiting lecturers’ difficulties. Experiences of World War One workshop programme. Yorkshire Archaeological Society celebrates 150 years. Scannell, J., Irish News. Turland, M., A lesson in futility – a sad tale. Changing Communities – Cheltenham Conference report. BALH, local history and the new National Curriculum. Local History News 108 (Summer 2013) Lomas, T., Schools in the First World War. Fowler, S., Women and wartyime charitable work. BALH Awards 2013 – profile of Hugh Beavin. Staffordshire Hoard – update. VCH Cumbria – progress report. Behind the scenes at Bedfordshire & Luton Archives & Records. Hobbss, S., History for art’s sake. Shephard, J., Signatures from the past. Bidford on Avon – mini book review. Pauper Prisons … Pauper Palaces (Midlands) – conference report. BALH Awards 2013. Local History Day 2013 – annual overview. Launch of new VCH volume for Staffordshire. Local History News 109 (Autumn 2013) Kay, A., Railwaymen at war. Lady Anne Clifford in Cumbria. The Children’s Society archives report. British Library archives UK websites. BALH Awards 2013: profile of Michael Hall. VCH Middlesex – progress report on Westminster. Secondary royalties – are you receiving yours? Stafford – archives of a town. Academic snobbery – a view from Australia. Local History News 110 (Winter 2013) Crosby, A., Those were the days my friend. Grayson, R., Local narratives. World War One project by FACHRS. Groves, L., County Gardens Trusts. Nostell Priory and World War I – a National Trust project. BALH Awards 2013: profile of Peter Keene. Motoring and the local historian. Hobbs, S., All in an archivist’s day. Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project – community action in Northumberland. Society for One-Place Studies. Remembering Basque refugee children. World War I records at Wirral Archives Services. The Great War at Home – Anglo American Conference July 2014. Open Forum on new TNA catalogue ‘Discovery’. Local History News 111 (Spring 2014) Crosby, A., Keeping up with technology. Pearce, C., War Resisters in Britain. Townley, S., VCH Oxfordshire. Bowen, J., Extreme weather events. Nutt, G., BALH Awards 2013. Evans, W., Recent local history. Fillmore, J., Electronic sources. Home Front Legacy. Falvey, H., Baroness Dimsdale’s doughnuts. The Kennedy family in Cumbria archives. World War I commemorative events in Wales. Local History News 112 (Summer 2014) Crosby, A., Seaweed. Warren, A., Researching the Country House, Estate and Community during the Great War. Howells, J., A champion of local history: Cheryl Butler. Hobbs, S., Obituary: Alan Dodge. Davies, J., VCH Shorts: a new publication venture. McConell, A., Lacock Unlocked. Resources for Community heritage Groups: Building and Enriching Shared Heritages. Dixon, S., Historical Directories. Fowler, S., Gaps in our knowledge. Draper, G., Local history and the Gascon Rolls. Butler, C., The People Project: a digital window into the past. Lomas, T., BALH: are we heading in the right direction? The views of individual members. Miller, E., End of an era: not just yet. BALH Awards 2014. Local History News 113 (Autumn 2014) A centenarian – memories from Alan Crosby’s old friend. White, J., London. First World War Engagement Centres. Recovering lost medieval Yorkshire – the VCH Howden project. BALH Awards 2014 – profile of Alan Griffin. Isaac’s Tea Trail – a heritage route in the north Pennines. Clayton, D., Obituary: Peter McNiven. Pauper Prisons … Pauper Palaces (Midlands). Stamford Boys 1911. BALH at the Leeds medieval Congress. County Societies Symposium 2015. Local History News 114 (Winter 2015) Crosby, A., Local History in Denmark. Researching an exhibition. Sister Kate Maxey. BALH Awards 2014 – profile of Randle Knight. VCH Durham – update on the project. Sullivan, M., Topographical drawings for local history. Hobbs, S., Keeping it altogether – collecting fastners. First World War Engagement Centre. Falvey, H., Protests against the Hearth Tax. Winchester, A., Common land – BALH 2015 annual lecture. James, T., Guided visit in Lichfield. Pauper Prisons – Pauper Palaces. Conference. Local History News 115 (Spring 2015) Crosby, A., Disappearing landscapes. Kennedy, R., Children and the First World War. BALH Awards 2014 – profile of Ron Dale. VCH Vonunteers. Discovering Jersey – local history on one of the Channel Islands. FFHS editors’ seminar. Europeana 1914-1918 – sharing WW1 online. First World War Engagement centres – in the Midlands. Taking local history into the community – an active group in Devon. Legacies of British slave-ownership – a project database. Saved for the nation – archives under the hammer. England’s immigrants 1330-1550 – concluding conference report. Update on some Yorkshire archives and libraries. Guided visits past and future. Crosby, A., Historic KFC on fast food.
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