Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) Charity No. SC015557 [email protected] NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The 213th Annual General Meeting of the Society will be held on Wednesday 1st April 2015 at 6.45pm, in Lecture Theatre K3.25, John Anderson Building, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. The agenda will be as undernoted: 1. Minutes of 212th Annual General Meeting of the Society (Hon Sec) 2. President’s Review of the Year 3. Motion: To approve the recommendation from Council to establish for three years in the first instance, a Research and Study Grant Programme and for this purpose authorise expenditure of up to £15,000 from the funds of the Society at a level of £5,000 per year 4. Honorary Treasurer’s Report (i) Approval of accounts for year to 31st July 2014 (extract overleaf) (ii)Appointment of independent Accountant 5. Motion: To increase Membership subscriptions by £5 6. Election of Office-bearers and Council (see below) 7. Any other competent business Full supporting papers will be available at the AGM and are available on the internet at http://www. On behalf of the Council, Dr Felicity Grainger Hon Secretary Item 6: Elections Council makes the following nominations: President: Dr Jeffrey Jay Immediate Past President: Prof. Hamish Scott Vice Presidents: Prof. John Barker Prof. Jan McDonald Dr Carol Trager-Cowan Hon Secretary: Dr Felicity Grainger Hon Treasurer: Council: Mr Janan Sulaiman Mr Ephraim Borowski Dr John Carnduff Ms Margaret Houston Mr Alec Mitchell Prof. Alan Shenkin There are no nominations proposed by members. Dr Colin Brown Mr Stephen Gold Mr Mervyn Lovat Mr David Reid The Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow Accounts for the Year ending 31 July 2014 2014 £ Income Subscriptions Income Tax Recovered Investment Income Donations Bank Interest 2013 £ £ £ £ 15948 4194 16512 3893 4301 1105 129 4144 519 636 25677 25704 Expenditure Hall Rent 5683 3785 Lecturers' Expenses Refreshments Other Lecture Costs Web Site Costs Printing and Stationery 2551 3987 249 83 3189 3243 3177 0 45 2531 Postages Grants & Donations Miscellaneous Expenses Special Event Expenses Special Event Income Management and Administration 599 1000 74 3655 -1618 10143 1 0 536 2043 -1000 8982 29595 23343 (Deficit)/Surplus for year carried forward Change in Market Value of Investments -3918 24572 2361 32204 Total Recognised Gains for Yesr 20654 Balance Sheet at 31 July 2014 Fixed Assets President's Insignia Fixtures, Fittings and Equipment Investments 2690 0 220419 34565 2690 117 195847 223109 198654 CURRENT ASSETS Bankaccounts Debtors & Prepayments Accrued Charges 33608 365 -400 33531 4243 -400 Net Current Assets 33573 37374 Total Assets Capital and Reserves General Fund Kelvin Fund 256682 236028 254979 234325 1703 1703 256682 236028
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