game schedule

RRROCA Soccer Program
Wednesdays 6:30pm‐7:30pm
Starting Apr 29th, 2015 – Ending June 17, 2015
Field Information:
 Rocky Ridge (located at Rocky Ridge Blvd and Rocky Vale Dr.) – check our website under Spring Sports for a link to a map
 Royal Oak (located at Royal Oak Dr. and Royal Birch Grove) – check our website under Spring Sports for a link to a map
 Royal Oak School (located at 9100 Royal Birch Blvd N.W.)
Thank you to our Sponsors!!
RRROCA Soccer Program ‐ U8 (Wednesdays 630‐730)
Yellow Bolts
Royal Oak
1 Silver Liners
White Doves
Royal Oak
1 Red Bulls
Orange Neons
Royal Oak
1 Light Blue Thunders
Navy Blue Sharks
Rocky Ridge
1 Teal Dolphins
Maroon Eleven
Rocky Ridge
1 Purple Pines
Light Green Gators
Rocky Ridge
1 Green Celtics
Blue Royals
Royal Oak School
1 Orange Tigers
Golden Eagles
Royal Oak School
2 White Doves
Black Hawks
Royal Oak
2 Yellow Bolts
Orange Neons
Royal Oak
2 Silver Liners
Navy Blue Sharks
Royal Oak
2 Red Bulls
Maroon Eleven
Rocky Ridge
2 Light Blue Thunders
Light Green Gators
Rocky Ridge
2 Teal Dolphins
Blue Royals
Rocky Ridge
2 Purple Pines
Golden Eagles
Royal Oak School
2 Green Celtics
Orange Tigers
Royal Oak School
3 Black Hawks
Orange Neons
Rocky Ridge
3 White Doves
Navy Blue Sharks
Rocky Ridge
3 Yellow Bolts
Maroon Eleven
Rocky Ridge
3 Silver Liners
Light Green Gators
Royal Oak School
3 Red Bulls
Blue Royals
Royal Oak
3 Light Blue Thunders
Golden Eagles
Royal Oak
3 Teal Dolphins
Orange Tigers
Royal Oak
3 Purple Pines
Green Celtics
Royal Oak School
4 Navy Blue Sharks
Black Hawks
Royal Oak
4 Orange Neons
Maroon Eleven
Royal Oak
4 White Doves
Yellow Bolts
Royal Oak
4 Light Green Gators
Blue Royals
Rocky Ridge
4 Silver Liners
Golden Eagles
Rocky Ridge
4 Red Bulls
Orange Tigers
Rocky Ridge
4 Light Blue Thunders
Green Celtics
Royal Oak School
4 Teal Dolphins
Purple Pines
Royal Oak School
5 Black Hawks
Maroon Eleven
Rocky Ridge
5 Navy Blue Sharks
Light Green Gators
Rocky Ridge
5 Orange Neons
Blue Royals
Royal Oak School
5 White Doves
Golden Eagles
Royal Oak School
5 Yellow Bolts
Orange Tigers
Rocky Ridge
5 Silver Liners
Red Bulls
Rocky Ridge
5 Green Celtics
Purple Pines
Royal Oak
5 Light Blue Thunders
Teal Dolphins
Royal Oak
6 Orange Neons
Black Hawks
Royal Oak
6 Maroon Eleven
White Doves
Royal Oak
6 Navy Blue Sharks
Yellow Bolts
Royal Oak
6 Light Green Gators
Orange Tigers
Rocky Ridge
6 Teal Dolphins
Green Celtics
Royal Oak School
6 Light Blue Thunders
Purple Pines
Royal Oak School
6 Silver Liners
Blue Royals
Rocky Ridge
6 Red Bulls
Golden Eagles
Rocky Ridge
1 Black Hawks
7 Black Hawks
White Doves
Royal Oak
7 Orange Neons
Yellow Bolts
Royal Oak
7 Maroon Eleven
Navy Blue Sharks
Royal Oak
7 Orange Tigers
Light Green Gators
Rocky Ridge
7 Blue Royals
Golden Eagles
Rocky Ridge
7 Purple Pines
Teal Dolphins
Royal Oak School
7 Green Celtics
Light Blue Thunders
Royal Oak School
7 Silver Liners
Red Bulls
Rocky Ridge
8 Golden Eagles
Black Hawks
Rocky Ridge
8 Blue Royals
Orange Tigers
Royal Oak
8 Light Green Gators
Green Celtics
Royal Oak
8 Maroon Eleven
Purple Pines
Rocky Ridge
8 Navy Blue Sharks
Teal Dolphins
Royal Oak
8 Orange Neons
Light Blue Thunders
Rocky Ridge
8 White Doves
Red Bulls
Royal Oak School
8 Yellow Bolts
Silver Liners
Royal Oak School
Player Clinics highlighted in Yellow ‐ to be held at the assigned field.
Weather back up for Player's clinic will be June 3 or June 10 for any of the groups from May clinics.
Photo Day: Thursday, May 28 2015 at Victory Church ‐ 450 Royal Oak Drive NW 6pm
All Players and their families are invited to attend our Sports Party/Family Fun Day on Saturday, June 6 at Royal Oak Victory Church.