Canadian Mineralogist Vol. 12, pp.342-346 (19741 BU.RBANKITE FRO'M MONT ST. HILAIRE, QUEBEC T. T. CHEN AND G. Y. CHAO Department ol Geologl, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario KIS 586 AssrrAcr Burbankite occurs as small colorless, yellow or pink, dihexagonal prismatic crystals embedded in analcims or natrolite in the miaroles and pegmatite dikes in nepheline syenite, Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec. It is commonly associated with microcline, aegirine and minor amounts of calcite, siderite and ancylite. The space group symmetry of burbankite is P6smc wilb a = 10.5L4 and c : 6.520A. The mineral has a hardness of 4 and a distinct prismatic cleavage. It is optically uniaxral, oo - 1.616 61d eo - 1.597. analysis gaYe Average electron microprobe NagO 8.30; CaO 12.03; SrO 32.35; BaO 11.02; CezOt 2.I2; NdzOs 0.13; Dyqoa 0.08; Yb2Og 0.10; total 66.1.3%. Assuming the stoichiometric amount (33.17%) of COz the analysis recalculates With Z =2' to")0. density (calc) - 3.50 g/cms. NaaCa$r:(COr)o with the burbatrkite structure was synthesized at 1.5 kb and 500oC, indicating that rare earth elements are not essential in burbankite. Ba-bearing burbankite was also synthe. sized but the extent of the Ba substitution is uncertain. proximately 0.5 atom per formula) and RE for Ca up to 15.1 wt./o (approximately 0.7 atom per formula). Ths occurrence of burbankite at Mont St. Hilaire was first reported by Chao et al' (L967)Studies on this burbankite indicated that its composition is much closer to the ideal composi' tion than burbankite from other localities. OccunnBucr' At Mont St. Hilaire burbankite occurs in small quantity as small, long-prismatic crystals embedded in analcime and natrolite in miaroles and pegmatite dikes in nepheline syenite. The burbankite is commonly associatedwith micro" cline, aegirine and minor amounts of calcite, siderite and ancylite. Some burbankite crystals aro partly altered on the surfaces to ancylite. A few crystal molds of hexagonal prismatic habit similar to that of burbankite were noted. These hollow crystals are partly filled with minute crystals of ancylite and a reddish brown pow' dery material suggestingcomplete alteration and removal of the parental burbankite. INTRODUcTIoN Bur.bankite was first described by Pecora & Kerr (1953) as yellow hexagonal crystals intim' ately intergrown with ancylite in the carbonate veins of shonkinite at Bearpaw Mountains, Montana. It was later found as pink fibrous spheroidal aggregates in the lacustrine deposits of the (Milton & Wyoming Green River Formation, Fahey 1960), and as irregular veinlets and hexagonal crystals in calcite-dolomite veins in the Vuori-J[rvi pluton, USSR (Borodin & Kapustin 1,964\, The chemical formula of burbankite was originally propoeed by Pecora & Kerr (1953) as Na"(Ca,Sr,Ba,RE)n(COa)r where RE represents total rare earth elements. Recently, from their crystal structure analysis of burbankite, Voron' kov & Shumyatskaya (1968) established the structural formula to be A"Bu(COa)s, where l : Na, Ca and B : Ca, Sr, Ba, RE. PovarennYkh (1972, p. 611) assigned burbankite the ideal formula (Na,Ca)(SrCa)(COs)s and noted that Ba may substitute for Sr up to 13.6 wt./p (ap- X-nev CnvsrALLocRAPrrY AND PHYSTcAL PnoPsnrlEs Eight single crystals were studied by precession and Weissenbergr-ray methodswith MoKd and CuKa radiations respectively. The diffrac' tion symmetry and systematic extinctions a$ shown by the r-ray photographs are consistent with those of the spacegroups P62c, P6"mc and P6/mmc. Although P6s/mmc was adopted by Pecora & Kerr (1953) and by Borodin & Kapustin (1964), piezoactivity study and crystal struc' ture analysis by Voronkov & Shumyatskaya 11968)ascertainedthe correct spacegroup to be P6smc. The cell parameters obtained from single crystal photographs were refined by a leastsquares method using powder diffraction data (Table 1). The indexing of the powder pattern was based on the observed and calculated dvalues using single crystal photographs as a guide. The refined valuesare a - 10.514(3)and 342 343 BURBANKITE FROM MONT ST. HILAIRE DATA0F BURBANKITE DIFFRACTI0N TABLEl. I-RAY P0l,lDER 5Jmtne!r c Burbankl te ( casr2)( c03) 5 ( Na2ca) M o n ts t . H i l a i r e ,9,fl J 4obsA acal 4obs^ hkl cA 2 9.086 9.103 I' 10001 9 . 1 0 5 5 5.238 5.276 5.301 'l t0 5.257 'I 4.538 4.533 200 4.553 6 5.IJJ 3.732 201 t 3.430 3.444 210 3,441 I 3.230 J.ZOU 3.258 002 8 3.027 3.04r 211 3.043 4 2.740 2,754 301 2 , 7 5 2 l' 100 2.629 8 2.651 202 2.621 2.631 10 2.628 220 z 2.344 2.354 I 2.355 3ll 1 2.268 2.278 400 ?.276 I 2.209 2.221 2.220 30? b ?.139 5 2.150 401 2,149 a 2,094 2.11? 103 2.114 z 3 2.034 2.046 222 2 'I . 0 4 6 I OeO 4 1 L 410 .987 'l . 9 8 2 'I .945 .960 203 1.96t 1.856 I .600 1.867 402 at5 1.838 1.748 | ./JO 1. 7 5 9 322 'I ,^ .698 412 1 'I 'I . 6 9 7 3 1 . 6 6 4 421 .664 'I .657 'I .580 1. 5 8 6 511 .586 1.561 1.570 1.572 403 I .JJ/ 204 , I .520 1 422 'I . 5 2 2 1.453 .459 1.460 43r C U . K Er a d l a t l o n (f-l.54lUAli 51 stanoaro. Il4.bllm cilerai s y n t h e t i c ( N a r c a ) ( C a S r 2 ) ( C 0g3r)o5w na t I . 5 k b , 5 0 0 " C . c - 6.52OQ)A, comparable to the values reported for burbankite from other localities (Iable 2). The colour of the St. Hilaire burbankite varies from colourless, pale yellow to pink. The mineral has a vitreous luster, a hardness of about 4 and a distinct prismatic cleavage. The crystals are dihexagonal prismatic with a shallow pyramidal termination. The prismatic faoes are heavily striated parallel to c. The mineral effervesces strongly in dilute (IO%) IJCI. The optical properties of the St. Hilaire burbankite measured in Na-light at 25oC on a spindle stage are given in Table 2 where they are compared with properties of burbankite from other localities. The St, Hilaire burbankite is characterized by low refractive indices that are comparable to the refractive indices of synthetic Na,CaeSr:(C0s)5. OF BURBANKITE ANDOPTICAI.PROPERTTES TABLE2. CELI PAMMETERS :tfil d-e ?:''*3{ l. 2. 3. 4. 10.514(3) 6,\nQ) 1 . 6 1 6 0) 1. 5 e 7 0) 0.019 3 . 5 0( c a lc ) ErecrnoN Mtcnornose ANer-vsrs The St. Hilaire burbankite was analysedusing a Cambridge MK5 electron microprobe. A preliminary qualitative scalr was first made to survey the elements present for the selection of standards. The standards used were pyroxene (for Ca), jadeite (Na), celestite (Sr), benitoite (Ba), bastnaesite (C€,La"Sm,Pr), anorthite glass (Al), NdAlO, (Nd), DyrAlsOr" (Dy), YbaGarOu (Yb) and metallic Nd and Gd. Analyses \{ere made using a defocusedbeam at 15 kv accelerating voltage and a specimen current of about 5O nanoamps. The intensity data were processed by computer using the program written by Rucklidge & Gasparrini (1,969).All grains analysed were first checked for identity by l-ray diffraction using a Gandolfi camera. The averaged analysis of burbankite is given in Table 3. COz was not analysed due to the small amount of material available. Assuming a stoichiometric amount of COs, the analysis was recalculated, on the basis of 5 oxygen atoms per formula (excluding COr), to (COs)s. (Ctu.esSts.oD (Nat.reCar.oz) tu.a' OF BURBANKITE ANALYSES TABLE3. CHEI.IICAL Na20 A1^0^ Ca0 5r0 Ba0 ceZ03 LaZ03 Gd203 Nd203 srnz03 Pr^0. J 3.54-3.58 3.25(calc) lbnt st. Hilaire, R.I. at 25oc, Na-llght, splndle atage. tilontana(Peora & Kerr 1953). V u o r l - J e r v i p l u t o n , U S S R( B o r o d l n & K a p u s t i n 1 9 6 4 ) . S y n t h e t l c t t a r c a r s r r ( c 0 3 ) 5 . R . I . a t 2 5 o C ,N a - l i g h t . JZ.JC 11.02 2.12 n.q. n.o. 0.13 I v.z5 'I 3.46 19.42 'I 3.56 9.48 n.q, n .o . Nb^0" - za Yb?03 co2 Kzo 0.08 n .o . 0.'10 (33.I7) si02 Fe203 M9o '1. (ee.30) I 2 .1 9 0Ao 9.8n 9.96 I4.60 1,,, ) a5 Dyzoe D ' 2N - 5 '10.41 'r0.53(5) t 0 . 4 7 7( 2 ) HZ0! (2) 6.48 6.4s6(3) 6.47 'I ) 5(r) . 6 3 2 - 1 . 6 3 5 r'I.61 1.627 1 . 6 m - 1. 6 2 3 .596(1) toEal 0 . 0 12 0.019 0.0r2 I. 8.30 n .o . 12.03 32.55 32.14 0.15 0.16 0.03 0.I4 0.12 0.18 0.24 0.74 0.06 oo ?l 2.60 98.42 M o n ts t . H i l a i r e , Q u e b e cY, e l l o ! ,cl r y s t a l ; c 0 2 c a l c u l a t e d . 2. Montana(Pecoraand Kerr, 1953); analysis includes 4% inpuri ty. 3 . V u o r i - J $ r v i. p l u t o n , t S S R . ( B o r o d i na n d K a p u s t i n ,1 9 6 4 l i a n a l y s i si n c l u d e si m p u r i t y . 344 THE CAN,4DIAN With this analysis and assuming Z :1, the calculated density, 3.5'0g/c,m3,is well within the range of values reported for burbankite from other localities (Table 2). The small deviation of the total of cations from the ideal number (6) is attributable, in part, to errors in the analysis of Na. It was noted that during the analysis, Na counts decreasedwith .time, tending to give lower Na values. The St. Hilaire mineral may be distinguished from burbankite from other localities by its high Sr and low total rare earth contents Clable 3). The association of low rare earth content and low refractive indices for the St. Hilaire burbankite falls in line with the observations by Borodin & Kapustin (L964) thal the refractive indices of burbankite increase with increasing rare earth content. Several crystals of burbankite, although optically clear, were shown by x-ray diffraction melhod. to contain ancylite and carbocernaite. Electron microprobe analyses of these crystals consistently gave very high values of Ce:Os and La2Os,up to a total of. 46/s. SyNrneses op BunneNrItB In order to determine whether the rare earth elements are essential in burbankite, an attempt was made to synthesizerare-earth-free burbankite. Stoichiometric starting materials were prepared from reagent-grade CaCOg, NaCOr, BaCO' and SrCO". The mixtures were finely ground to ensure homogeneity. For all the runs, about 70 mg of the mixture and 25 mg HzO were sealed in a gold tube and treated hydrothermally at 1.5kb. and 500oC for a week. The products were quenched, examined under a polarizing microscope and identjfied by r-lay powder diffraction. The starting compositions and their products are listed in Table 4. Most of the runs were repeated and in all casesidentical results were obtained. Of all ttre runs only NaCa:Srr(CO3)5 (run l, Table 4) consistently yielded single-phase products that gave an .r-ray powder pattern identical to that of natural burbankite (Table 1). Calcium-free and Sr-free runs (5 and 6, Table 4) yielded no burbankite. All other runs contained Ba and yielded burbankite plus benstonite with or without strontianite. The crystals of synthetic Narcarsrz(Coa)s are small (0.03 x 0.01 x 0.O1mm) prismatic, with shallow pyramidal terminations (Fig. 1) resembling the natural crystals. The refractive indices of the synthetic compound are comparable to those of the St. Hilaire burbankite, whereas the cell parameters are considerably smaller (Table MINERALOGIST OF BURBANKITE SYI{IHESIS TABLE4. HYDMTHERJ.IAL ( 5 o o oI l 0 o c , 1 . 5 k b , 7 d a y s ) ( numberof-formirla weights) Run I'la2C03 CaC03 SrC03 BaC03 'I . 2. 2 'I 2 J. JI ( 8. '10. l1 12. 3 2.5 -22 2 ' 1- 2 .33 2 1.5 2 0,67 1.33 0,67 I t.2 r.5 2 121 211 U.3 0.5 Products BB BB+St+Cc+Sc BB+CC BB+CC lllt+st+sc Bc+Sc BB+St+Bs BB+BS BB+BS BB+St+Bs BB+St+Bs BB+BS B B b u r b a n k i t e ;S t s t r c n t i a n i t e : C c c a l c i t e ; S c s o d l u m carbonatehydrate; l'lt |litheritei Bs benstonitei Bc barytocalci te . 2). The compositions of the synthetic Ba,bearing burbankite (runs 7-12) are uncertain due to the presence of other phases. However, the larger cell parameters and the higher refractive indices of the Ba-bearing compounds in comparison with those of the Na,CarSrr(COa)ssuggest that significant amounts qf Ba must have been incorporated in the structure. Despite the fact that rare earth elementsmay be present in natural burbankite up to 0.7 atom per formula, the results of this experiment suggest that they are not essential for burbankite. Ifowever, the results are inconclusive on the Frc. l. Synthetic crystals of NaeCazSrg(CO.)s. Average length of crystals is approximately 0.03 mm. BURBANKITE FROM MONT ST. IIILAIRB extent of the Ba substitution in burbankite. The analyses of natural burbankite minerals suggest that the Ba substitution may be timited as the Ba content was never found to be greater than O.5 atom per formula. AcrNowr,rpcEMENTs We wish to thank Prof. G. B. Skippen for his critical reading of the manuscript and Miss J. Baker for her technical assistance.Lt. Col. Q. Wight generously provided several specimens of burbankite for this study. The work is suppofted by a National Research Council of Canada grant A5113 to GYC. REFERENCES BoRoDD.I,L. S. & KerusnN, Yu. L. (1964): The first specimen of burbankite found in the USSR. Dokl. Acad. Jci. UJSR, Earth Sci. Sect. t47, 144-147. Cruo, G. Y., Henws, D. C., HouNsr,ow, A. W., 345 MeNoARuyo,J. A. & PERRAULT,G. (1967): Minerals from the nepheline syenite, Mont SL Hilaire, Quebec. Can. Mineral. g, 109-123, Mu,row, C. & Feuev, J. I. (1960): Classificatior and association of the carbonate minerals of the Green River Formation. Amer. J. Sci. 258A, 242-246. Pecone,W. T. & KERR,J. II. (1953): Burbankite and calkinsite, two new carbonateminerals from Montana. Amer, Mineral. 38, 1169-1183. PovlnsNNy:sar,A. S. (1972): Crystal Chemical Classilication of Minera4*, (translated fmur. Russian by I. E. S. Bradley). Plenum Press, New York - London. Rucrc-mcs,J. C. & Glsrennnn, E. L. (1969): A computer program for processing electron microprobe analytical data, Dept, Geol. Univ. Toronto. VoRoNKov,A. A. & Srrurversr.lve, N. G. (1968): X-ray diffraction study of the structure of burbankite (Na,Ca)g(Ca,Sr,Ba,Tr)g(COg)s.Soviet Phystcs-Crystall.L3, 192-196 (Enelish transl.). Manuscript receivedFebruary 1974.
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