Domain Engineering in Ferroelectric Crystals and Optical Waveguides with the Use of Electron Beam Irradiation and Atomic Force Microscopy. 1 2 1 1 3 T. R. Volk , L. S. Kokhanchik , R. V. Gainutdinov , Ya. V. Bodnarchuk , S. D. Lavrov , and Feng 41 Chen Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography of the Russian Academy of Science, Moscow 119333, 2 Russia Institute of Microelectronics Technology and High Purity Materials of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 142432 Chernogolovka, Moscow Region, Russia 3 Moscow State Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation, 119454 Moscow Russia 4 School of Physics and State Key Laboratory of Crystal Materials, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, P. R. China e-mail: [email protected] Microdomain patterns of specified design have attracted increased attention in view of their applicability for nonlinear-optical frequency conversion. We summarize our studies in fabrication of microdomain patterns in LiNbO3 and SrxBa1-xNb2O 6 (SBN) and optical waveguides formed on these crystals. Microdomains and microdomain gratings with periods from sub- to few microns were recorded using an electron-beam (EB) of SEM and dc- fields of an AFM tip. The recorded patterns were characterized by PFM and nonlinear -optical methods such as confocal SHG microscopy and nonlinear diffraction. The characteristics of the domain motion under these conditions were studied in detail. Mechanism of ferroelectric switching of LiNbO3 under electron beam (EB) irradiation is discussed in the framework of EB charging of insulators. The results obtained permit us to specify the domain characteristics by varying EB parameters (acceleration voltage U, current I, and irradiation time) The domain-wall motion under an AFM tip field was shown to occur via the creep mechanism. The specificity of switching in He-implanted optical waveguides as compared to the bulk crystals was found and related to the domain pinning by the implanted layer. Peculiar features of SHG images on reflection were observed in planar (few microns thick) domains and accounted for by the interference effects on the domain boundary. On a whole, the results obtained are promising for development of the domain engineering with the aid of used microscopic methods, in particular for the optical waveguides These studies are partially supported by RBRF (projects 12-02-00596а and 13-02-12440 ofi_m) The equipment of the Shared Research Center IC RAS supported by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science (project RFMEFI62114X0005) was used in experiments. 1. Ferroelectric microdomains and microdomain arrays recorded in SBN crystals in the field of atomic force microscope , Volk T R., Simagina L V., Gainutdinov RV., Tolstikhina A L. and Ivleva L I., J. Appl. Phys., 108, 042010, (2010) 2. Second harmonic generation in microdomain gratings fabricated in SBN crystals with an atomic force microscope, Simagina L V., Mishina E D., Semin S V., Ilyin N A., Volk T R., Gainutdinov R V. and Ivleva L I., J. Appl. Phys., 110, 052015 (2011) 3. Domain inversion in LiNbO3 and Zn-doped LiNbO3 crystals by the electron irradiation of the nonpolar Y-cut, Kokhanchik LS. and Volk T R., Appl. Phys. B, 110, 367, (2013) 4. Creation of domains and domain patterns on the nonpolar surface of SBN crystals by AFM, Volk TR., Gainutdinov R V. Bodnarchuk Y V. and Ivleva L I., JETP Lett. , 97, 483 (2013) 5. Characterization of electron-beam recorded microdomain patterns on the nonpolar surface of LiNbO3 crystal by nondestructive methods, Kokhanchik L. S., Gainutdinov R. V., Mishina E. D., Lavrov S. D., and Volk T. R. , Appl.Phys.Lett. 105, 142901 (2014)
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