Mesa County Regional Transportation Planning Office To: From: Date: Subject: Grand Valley Regional Transportation Committee Regional Transportation Planning Office May 13, 2015 GVRTC Meeting Agenda The May 18, 2015 Grand Valley Regional Transportation Committee (GVRTC) Meeting will be held at 3:00 p.m. on the 2nd Floor in the Regional Transportation Planning Office (RTPO) located at 525 S. 6th Street, Grand Junction, CO. AGENDA Call Meeting to Order Member Representative Remarks Approval of Minutes 1. Adopt the minutes from the March 23, 2015 GVRTC Meeting Attachment 2. Adopt the minutes from the April 27, 2015 GVRTC Meeting Attachment Consent Item(s) The Consent Agenda is intended to allow the Committee to spend it’s time on more complex items. These items are generally perceived as non‐controversial and can be approved by a single motion. The public or Committee Members may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda for individual consideration. None Consideration Item(s) 3. Sign a Letter of Support for the Tiger VII grant application. The proposed project for this grant is the US‐6 / North Avenue Corridor Complete Streets Project – Todd Hollenbeck, RTPO Attachment Briefing Item(s) Briefing items are intended to allow the Committee to give Staff guidance in the day‐to‐day operations of the Regional Transportation Planning Office, or to hear general presentations from others. 4. New Mobility West: Vision for the Downtown I‐70B Corridor – Charlier Associates, Inc & Trent Prall, City of Grand Junction Presentation 5. June: Bike to Work Month – Biz Collins, RTPO Attachment 525 S. 6th Street . 2nd Floor . PO Box 20,000-5093 . Grand Junction . Colorado . 81501 . (970) 255-7188 . F (970) 623-8481 1 Mesa County Regional Transportation Planning Office 6. GVT Operations Report for April 2015 – Biz Collins, RTPO Attachment Other Business 525 S. 6th Street . 2nd Floor . PO Box 20,000-5093 . Grand Junction . Colorado . 81501 . (970) 255-7188 . F (970) 623-8481 2 AGENDA ITEM: 1 3 Mesa County Regional Transportation Planning Office GVRTC Minutes for March 23, 2015 Attendees: Jim Nall, Dean Bressler, Biz Collins, Todd Hollenbeck, Dan Sundstrom, Mike Vanderhoff, Jason Smith, Ron Quarles, Sam Atkins, Bennett Boeschenstein, Paul Jagim, Ken Haley, Tim Kirby, Kathy Young Roll Call: Chair Penny Prinster, Town of Palisade-absent, Stacey Mascarenas - City of Fruita, called the meeting to order, Scott McInnis – Mesa County and Phyllis Norris – City of Grand Junction are present. Call Meeting to Order: 3:03 p.m. Member Representative Remarks: Approval of Minutes 1. Adopt the minutes from the February 23, 2015 GVRTC Meeting. Stacey Mascarenas asked for a motion. Phyllis Norris so moved and Scott McInnis submitted a request to 2nd the motion. Vote was 3-0 in favor. Consent Item(s) The Consent Agenda is intended to allow the Committee to spend its time on more complex items. These items are generally perceived as non-controversial and can be approved by a single motion. The public or Committee Members may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda for individual consideration. None Consideration Item(s) None Briefing Item(s) Briefing items are intended to allow the Committee to give Staff guidance in the day-to-day operations of the Regional Transportation Planning Office, or to hear general presentations from others. 2. Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 2016 - 2019 Draft – Dean Bressler, RTPO Attachment GVRTC first reviewed initial TIP in January. February the draft was reviewed. The legal notice was published in the Daily Sentinel on Sunday, March 22, 2015 so it’s currently under the 30 day review for the public. It has been formatted based on comments from last month. Comments from CDOT in regards to Horizon Drive project is that it will probably not be obligated in FY15, so will move it into this TIP. Current funding amounts are $4 million in RAMP and $1 million from City of Grand Junction. These numbers have changed so new version will be updated to reflect this. Use the amended RAMP application amounts in this draft. Comments can be submitted via internet, mail, in person and can review a hard copy. Phyllis Norris won’t be here at the next GVRTC meeting so she will have another council member here to represent City of Grand Junction. Discussion about Horizon Drive accidents and looking at safety funding that may be available. Does this have anything to do with the State? Horizon Drive (apart from the interchange with I-70) does not qualify to be included in the TIP since it’s a local road. NHS doesn’t consider this part of their system. What about hazard elimination? Does this qualify? Especially since three people have been killed in this area. CDOT will follow up to see if there are any off system funds available. 525 S. 6th Street . 2nd Floor . PO Box 20,000-5093 . Grand Junction . Colorado . 81501 . (970) 255-7188 . F (970) 623-8481 4 Mesa County Regional Transportation Planning Office 3. Funding Advancements for Surface Transportation and Economic Recovery (FASTER) & FTA Grant Awards – Todd Hollenbeck, RTPO Attachment Majority of our funding is administered through CDOT, who then award the funds. 2015-2017 funds have been awarded and out years are place holders. These are all budgeted through 2016. When we replace a bus, how are we disposing of these, are we able to get revenue from this? The buses are auctioned off or donated to local agencies. When auctioned, some revenue is received but not very much. Discussion about other capital projects for the transit system. There are not any major capital projects planned other than pullouts. One that needs to be looked at is the existing CNG infrastructure that will be needed. The Federal Enhancement project funding available under previous bills is no longer available, but limited Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) funding has been made available. The City of Grand Junction was awarded $1.2 million in TAP funds for the B-1/2 Road re-purposing project. A new call for projects will probably happen Spring 2016. 4. Federal Transit Administration (FTA) 2014 Triennial Review – Todd Hollenbeck, RTPO Attachment Every three years we receive a review by FTA. This last review there were three areas of findings and all these have been resolved. In regards to procurement, Mesa County and City of Grand Junction work together to do procurement so if products could be purchased together, as a way to save money. There are certain requirements that FTA places on us that are more restrictive that what Grand Junction would need so this does limit some joint purchases. In regards to satisfactory continuing control; currently with the aging fleet GVT has, we run more vehicles that what we would normally have. This is due to competing grants for vehicles and facilities. FTA would prefer a spare ratio around 20% and we are around 45%. Staff has talked to fleet mechanics and with newer buses; we’ll be able to have a more reasonable spare ratio. There were questions about the drug and alcohol testing. All safety sensitive employees are required to get random drug and alcohol tests. There has only one incident where an employee was terminated due to drugs. The next review will be in 2017. We also receive a review by CDOT every two years but they typically piggyback off FTA’s. 5. Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) 2015 Legislative Bill Tracking Sheet – Todd Hollenbeck, RTPO Attachment Staff wanted to make everyone aware that this is a resource. Commissioner Pugliese had a question about a House Bill that was in the works. These are transportation related bills that CDOT has been tracking. Staff will provide as they become available. Associated governments also track this information and City of Grand Junction has a staff person who tracks these as well. 6. Grand Valley Transit (GVT) West Transfer Facility and Park-N-Ride Grand Opening – Todd Hollenbeck, RTPO Attachment Grand Opening will be on 4/8/15 at 11am. In coordination with Stand Up 4 Transportation event with the big event in Denver the next day. We would like all or one of the GVRTC committee members to speak at the event. Will be putting together an agenda for the event and looking for speakers. GVT will 525 S. 6th Street . 2nd Floor . PO Box 20,000-5093 . Grand Junction . Colorado . 81501 . (970) 255-7188 . F (970) 623-8481 5 Mesa County Regional Transportation Planning Office start operating out of the new facility on 4/13. Discussion about concerns with pedestrians and complaints may receive from the new facility opening. 7. GVT Operations Report for February 2015 – Biz Collins, RTPO Attachment Staff discussed a recent trip on GVT and meet another Mesa County employee who lives in Fruita and uses GVT to get to work. There was an increase in fixed route ridership. Dial-A-Ride and paratransit decreased. Fare revenue is increasing. Is it normal to have such a decrease for paratransit? We are tracking this and yes. Dial-A-Ride ridership is decreasing. It’s a fairly costly service. Increase for cost of Dial-a-Ride will go up on 4/13 from $1.50 to $3.00. Is this a decrease due people moving? Is there a reduction is number of applications for paratransit? Paratransit are not able to ride fixed route due to some type of disability are eligible. Paratransit is a requirement and Dial-A-Ride is not. Are these tracking at a downward trend year to year? Staff will follow up on these decreases and provide follow up information next month. The stop at the Peachtree Shopping Center stop in Clifton will be removed as of 4/6 and finding another location hasn’t been successful. Sidewalks to this location from Clifton Transfer Facility are limited. Isn’t the roadway within Clifton state and why aren’t they helping? We are working with CDOT on some long term solutions. 8. GVT Marketing Discussion – Biz Collins, RTPO Stand Up 4 Transportation/Proclamation: April 9, 2015 In conjunction with the GVT West grand opening on 4/8/15. Identify the need for long term transportation funding. JUCO Shuttles: May 23-30, 2015 Wondering if the GVRTC board is open to providing free transportation for JUCO ticket holders? Yes, it was a great service and had over 1,000 riders last year. Dump the Pump Day: June 18, 2015 National day to encourage people to ride public transportation. Would GVRTC board be open to offering free transportation? What was the ridership during the last event? Staff will need to research this. This gives people the opportunity to see what it’s like to ride the bus, that normally wouldn’t. Bike Bus Car Challenge: June 18, 2015 Origin & destination for each and have a race but have to abide by rules of the road. The outcome is usually bike, bus, and then car. Good media event. Ensure all laws are followed. Discussion came up about advertising since all the buses in Denver have advertising on the side of the buses. On the interior, DHS has the advertising rights. The outside is handled by a contract with CWOA and they are stating they don’t make enough revenue to do it. CWOA has talked about changing this percentage but have not formally brought anything forward. Mesa County Fair Shuttle: July 14-18, 2015 We’ve heard rumors someone providing a shuttle and parked at Central Services building. It’s internal to the parking lot at the fair grounds and is just parked overnight at Central Services. We are getting requests for this. Would charge $1.50 and have it operate hourly starting at Downtown Transfer Facility. Have talked to JoCarole Haxel at the fairgrounds and she is excited about the possibility. 525 S. 6th Street . 2nd Floor . PO Box 20,000-5093 . Grand Junction . Colorado . 81501 . (970) 255-7188 . F (970) 623-8481 6 Mesa County Regional Transportation Planning Office 9. I-70 Business Corridor Alternatives: Grand Avenue to 5th Street – Paul Jagim, City of Grand Junction Open House for New Mobility West Project: April 15th See handout provided during meeting from Paul Jagim. CDOT has completed an environmental assessment (EA) that included multimodal improvements, crosswalk improvements at intersection and additional lanes. Phases have already been implemented. CDOT will be doing design from Rimrock through Grand Ave. but construction would most likely only be through North Ave intersection. Does the current EA address the issues? There have been a couple preliminary scoping meetings with CDOT, DDA and City of Grand Junction. There is a workshop on 4/15 from 1-2:30pm and inviting City Council, GVRTC, BOCC, DDA. Hope at workshop is to look at design ideas and see if design in current EA could be soften to reduce the impact. Are there new ideas to the solution identified in the EA? What are the stakeholders really want moving forward? This area is within the 2040 plan. What is best for where we are at today and where we think we will be at? Important that this needs to be right. Need to ensure have projects that are shovel ready and this project is close to that. The Railroad and Amtrak need to be incorporated into this as there are 30,000 people a year who use Amtrak. Need for improved parking, pedestrian access, etc. Amtrak plans their routes to ensure they are through the mountains during the day time. 10. Walking and Biking Summit – Dean Bressler, RTPO The summit was held on 3/13/15 with Ralph Becker as the keynote speaker. There were 225 participants. Sponsorship included: Palisade, Fruita, GJ, MC, DDA, Horizon Drive District, St. Mary’s, Community Hospital, Bray and Co. Real Estate, etc. Discussed all press coverage received and that there were people who came from all over western Colorado. Mesa County Board of Commissioners received a letter about how great the summit was. Discussion of the effect of conservation easements within Mesa County and how this may affect land use planning, road improvements, bike lanes, etc. Mesa County is suggesting 30 year easements instead of in perpetuity. Buffer zones should be relooked at as well and this could be a discussion at the next City/County meeting. 11. The Innovative MPO: – Todd Hollenbeck, RTPO Briefly discuss the new “The Innovative MPO” guidebook. This is a document that came out in December and has some good information. If anyone would like a hard copy, let RTPO staff know and we’ll get you one. 12. District 51 Transportation – Todd Hollenbeck, RTPO Update on new District 51 Transportation Contract and alternative fuel. Starting in July 2015, School District will have a new bus company who will supply the buses and propane will be their choice for fuel. Three yards will have propane tanks to fill the buses. Discussions with the new company and they said the infrastructure wasn’t here for them to go with CNG. Company is willing to look at CNG in the future. Other Business: None Meeting Adjourned: 4:36 p.m.: Minutes submitted by Kathy Young. 525 S. 6th Street . 2nd Floor . PO Box 20,000-5093 . Grand Junction . Colorado . 81501 . (970) 255-7188 . F (970) 623-8481 7 This page intentionally left blank 8 AGENDA ITEM: 2 9 Mesa County Regional Transportation Planning Office GVRTC Minutes for April 27, 2015 Attendees: Mike Vanderhoof, Ron Quarles, Tim Moore, Todd Hollenbeck, Kathy Young, Jim Nall, Biz Collins, Trent Prall, Dean Bressler, Mark Rogers, Paul Jagim, Jason Smith, Ken Haley, Pete Baier, Rob Beck Roll Call: Chair Penny Prinster, Town of Palisade, called the meeting to order, Stacey Mascarenas - City of Fruita, Scott McInnis – Mesa County and Bennett Boeschenstein sitting in for Phyllis Norris – City of Grand Junction are present. Call Meeting to Order: 3:00 p.m. Member Representative Remarks: None Approval of Minutes 1. Adopt the minutes from the March 23, 2015 GVRTC Meeting. Continued until May’s GVRTC meeting due to not having a quorum who were at the March 23rd GVRTC meeting. Consent Item(s) The Consent Agenda is intended to allow the Committee to spend its time on more complex items. These items are generally perceived as non-controversial and can be approved by a single motion. The public or Committee Members may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda for individual consideration. 2. Adopting the 2016-2019 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) by approving Resolution 2015002, an Agreement between Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and the Grand Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (GVMPO) and authorizing the Chair to sign – Dean Bressler, RTPO There has not been any public comment or feedback received. Question about the amount shown for US 6 at 20 Road is for design. Yes it is for design and depending on which improvements are decided upon, may affect the cost of the final design and construction. Due to a meeting of City of Grand Junction and CDOT staff just prior to the GVRTC meeting, changes to the TIP were proposed for the I-70 Horizon Drive project. Changes are limited to funding amounts. RAMP funding would increase to $4.2 million, local would increase to $1,050,000, $300,000 would remain the same. The total cost in 2016 would be $5,550,000. This wouldn’t affect any other projects since this is the only RAMP project in this TIP. Is it appropriate to include these changes with the adoption of this TIP? Yes, as standalone it would fall under the administrative TIP amendment process. Penny Prinster asked for a motion. Stacey Mascarenas so moved and Scott McInnis submitted a request to 2nd the motion. Vote was 4-0 in favor. Consideration Item(s) None Briefing Item(s) Briefing items are intended to allow the Committee to give Staff guidance in the day-to-day operations of the Regional Transportation Planning Office, or to hear general presentations from others. 3. TIGER VII Policy Brief – Todd Hollenbeck, RTPO See attachment and powerpoint presentation. The City of Grand Junction is proposing a project for the North Avenue Streetscape. They have already received a grant to design from 1st Street to 29 Road and 525 S. 6th Street . 2nd Floor . PO Box 20,000-5093 . Grand Junction . Colorado . 81501 . (970) 255-7188 . F (970) 623-8481 10 Mesa County Regional Transportation Planning Office construction from 12th Street to 23rd Street. This application would expand construction from 1st Street to 12th Street and from 23rd Street to 30 Road. This corridor was built back in 1950 with the amenities that are not required now such as sidewalks. This grant application would make it a more complete street by adding missing features to the existing road such as lighting and crosswalks periodically at key locations as well as 8 foot sidewalks. The goal is to develop an 8 foot sidewalk throughout the North Avenue corridor. Tiger grant must be at least $10 million and they are proposing a $12 million project with at least a 20% or $2.4 million local match. City of Grand Junction has asked Mesa County, at the staff level, to partner with them at this point. The applications go directly to Feds. There are already three projects in the pool for this funding. Preapplications must be in by May 4th and application by June 4th. Staff is requesting letter of support from the GVRTC. Could bring back in May’s GVRTC meeting. When would partners need to officially provide their support? 2017-2018 would be soonest project would be ready for construction and have until 2020 to complete it. There are not other projects within our region. There were discussions about Orchard Avenue and it was decided to go after North Avenue project first as Mesa County didn’t think the Orchard Avenue project was quite ready to compete at a national level. Mesa County will be conducting a corridor study to improve chances for Orchard Avenue project in the future. Colorado, historically, has not done well with Tiger funding. There is a lot of business support for this project. Would be economic development project as well as roadway improvement project. Staff will bring a draft letter of support back to the GVRTC in May. Scott McInnis wants to be convinced the benefit equates to the improvements of North Avenue. Is there some kind of stats to prove the benefit costs? Most of these have to do with safety and environmental. The businesses in the area may have some of these stats. Discussed evaluation criteria and that this project meets most of these and working to meet the others. 4. TransitMix Pro Presentation – Todd Hollenbeck, RTPO See link: New software staff has received for our transit system to help plan GVT route structure. We are one of the few systems in the country using it and it’s currently being beta tested. Discussed how software works and has population density of areas serviced and higher poverty levels. It provides how many people it will affect within ¼ mile of the route. Currently going through and dissecting all GVT’s current routes. The layers available are based on census data. This is a tool to use internally at this point. When go out to the public on proposed routes change, staff will have the supporting data about why we want to make the changes. Discussion about looking at a shuttle between CMU & Downtown. Discussed the transportation fee CMU collects that was originally intended for GVT but no longer goes toward GVT and is being used for connection between CMU & WCCC operated through STRIVE. Showed possible route of CMU to new Community Hospital location which then would allow Route 8 to be shortened. Would GVT get any of the fees if we did that? We would hope so and get back to the $80,000 GVT used to receive from CMU which allowed students to ride for free with their ID. The proposed Route 1 could be the connection from CMU to Downtown. 5. Town of Palisade Request for Donation of GVT Buses – Todd Hollenbeck, RTPO See attached letter of request. This is similar to the request to donate buses many years ago. Bus replacement schedule of 6 new buses and all (6) of the older low floor buses would be disposed of. This request will be kept active since Palisade is requesting donation of the smaller cutaway buses. What about trading the buses being replaced for used cutaways to help Palisade? This is an option that staff will look into. Normally only receive about $1,000 per bus when they go up for auction. Anything above $5,000 must be returned to FTA. 525 S. 6th Street . 2nd Floor . PO Box 20,000-5093 . Grand Junction . Colorado . 81501 . (970) 255-7188 . F (970) 623-8481 11 Mesa County Regional Transportation Planning Office 6. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Goal 2016-2018 – Biz Collins, RTPO See attachment. In accordance with DOT, Mesa County must set a goal every three years and it goes into effect October 1, 2015. Notice placed in Daily Sentential and Passenger Transport. Only about 18 agencies registered in Mesa County and surrounding areas are DBE. With limited DBE’s, we have not met the goal. Examples of possible DBE’s include construction and janitorial services. If anyone has any other organizations that could help with meeting the DBE goal, please let us know. This is a requirement of FTA. Last three year goal was 3%. 7. GVT Operations Report for March 2015 – Biz Collins, RTPO See attachment. Ridership stayed about the same as 2014. Slight decrease of 0.27%. Huge pass purchase increase is due to City Market purchase on a quarterly basis. Ridership by route is staying about the same. Route 9b has been changed as it no longer goes to Downtown Transfer Facility which didn’t go into effect until the middle of April so should see those changes in next month’s report. As a follow up from April’s meeting. Dump the pump day showed over 2,000 in ridership based on previous two dates of offering the free day. What’s the loss of revenue? Small amount of riders who pay with cash. This would benefit GVT by getting possible new riders using GVT. On March 27, there were 2700 riders and about $300+ in cash fares received. Somewhat of a comparison of potential revenue loss. GVRTC is in favor of these changes. Are we meeting our expectation of increase of revenue with the new fareboxes? Expected was a 10% increase and we are meeting this. Seeing how ridership per route is now more accurate with the new fareboxes. Farebox revenue is around 20% of operating costs which is excellent. Most agencies are between 12-15%. Route changes went into effect on 4/13. Route 8 & 11 were having difficulties achieving on time performance and made some modifications that went into effect starting today and we are seeing improvements so far. Within our policies, we are able to implement these changes immediately but will have to bring back formally to GVRTC to adopt the route changes. Route 8 is seeing about 200 more riders. Discussing revamping GVT report and looking more like dashboard type report. Will present new report next month. Other Business: New Mobility West workshops and public open house, many staff from County, City GJ, CDOT, and GVMPO were there. Will have a report for GVRTC next month. Pleased to see so many CDOT staff participating. Neighborhood meeting with about 50 people for about 1 ½ hours. Good comments from the public. Need to look at connecting the train depot to downtown. 30,000 people use Amtrak a year out of Grand Junction. Meeting Adjourned: 4:07p.m.: Minutes submitted by Kathy Young. 525 S. 6th Street . 2nd Floor . PO Box 20,000-5093 . Grand Junction . Colorado . 81501 . (970) 255-7188 . F (970) 623-8481 12 AGENDA ITEM: 3 13 Mesa County Regional Transportation Planning Office May 18, 2015 The Honorable Anthony Foxx, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE Washington, DC 20509 Dear Secretary Foxx: The Grand Valley Regional Transportation Committee (GVRTC) is writing in support of the City of Grand Junction’s application for the Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Tiger VII Discretionary Grant program. The GVRTC administers the state and federally mandated planning activities for the Grand Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) , the Mesa County Transportation Planning Region (TPR) and the Grand Valley Transit (GVT) system. The GVRTC is composed of elected officials from Mesa County, the Cities of Grand Junction and Fruita, and the Town of Palisade. The Tiger VII Discretionary Grant request represents a committed and cooperative regional effort to secure the funding needed to support transportation projects in Mesa County. This project is part of the 2040 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) vision for the US‐6 / North Avenue Corridor. The vision for the US‐6 / North Avenue Corridor is to establish a “Complete Street” environment for North Avenue. This includes improving system quality and safety as well as increasing mobility for all users. This corridor serves as a multi‐modal “backbone” facility that acts as an urban arterial providing access to the Grand Junction urban area. Based on historic and projected population and employment levels, all modes are expected to increase. The community values high levels of mobility, transportation choices, and safety. It also depends upon commercial activity for economic vitality. Users of this corridor support the movement of all modes of traffic as evidenced by the comments received at public outreach activities during the development of the RTP and during visioning for the North Avenue corridor specifically. Again, we ask for your full support for funding the DOT’s Tiger VII Discretionary Grant project in Grand Junction, CO. We thank you for your time and effort in this matter. Sincerely, Penny Prinster, Chair Grand Valley Regional Transportation Committee 525 S. 6th Street . 2nd Floor . PO Box 20,000-5093 . Grand Junction . Colorado . 81501 . (970) 255-7188 . F (970) 623-8481 14 AGENDA ITEM: 4 15 PowerPoint Presentation 16 AGENDA ITEM: 5 17 18 15 14 22 29 21 28 Ride the Rockies: 10:30 a.m.– Fruita 4:00 p.m.—Downtown Grand Junction 9 a.m. — Bluegrass Bike Ride 6 a.m. — Ride the Rockies in Palisade 8 Ride to Stoker Stadium to support Special Olympics! 7 8:30 a.m.Grand Junction Off-Road Kids Fun Ride on Riverfront Trail 9 30 Support the Special Olympics World Games’ Athletes carrying the torch through GJ. Stay tuned for times & locations! 5 p.m.— Documentary & Leisure Ride in Palisade 23 16 Fruita Proclamation 2 1 31 9 a.m.— Mesa County Proclamation 6 p.m.— Colorado Trail Presentation 6:30 p.m.— John Klish Presentation Tue Mon Sun 19 FREE Breakfast FREE Snowcones Afterglow @ Edgewater Brewery 24 Bike to Work Day! 17 10 7:00 p.m.-City of Grand Junction Proclamation with FREE gelato 3 5:30 p.m.—Urban Trails Kick Off Event Wed 6 p.m. — Bike to Fruita’s 4th Friday 26 6 p.m. — Ride to Food Truck Friday 19 12 5 Fri NoonRide the RockiesCMU Concert 6 27 20 13 Ride to Stoker Stadium to support Special Olympics! Sat (Page 1 of 2: View page 2 for times, locations & more!) 7:30 p.m. — Bike to Concert in Fruita 25 7:30 p.m. — Bike to Concert in Fruita 18 GVT Dump-the-Pump Event 7:30 p.m. — Bike to Concert in Fruita 11 7:30 p.m. — Bike to Concert in Fruita 4 Thu May 26: Palisade Proclamation @ Palisade Town Hall—6:00 p.m. Bike Month Open House @ Fruita Recreation Center May 28-31: Grand Junction Off-Road Endurance Mountain Bike Event & Community Concert Grand Valley Bike Month—June 2015 20 For more information go to: June 24– Bike to Work Day FREE Breakfast (GJ City Hall, Taco Bell on Horizon Drive & Fruita Rec. Center from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.) FREE snow cones on Horizon Drive ( Octopus Coffee at 2:00 p.m.) Celebrate Grand Valley Bike Month & Bike to Work Day at the family friendly Afterglow (Edgewater Brewery @ 6:00 p.m.) June 23— Palisade Library Documentary + Leisure Ride (Palisade Library @ 5:00 p.m.) June 19— Palisade Bike Ride to Food Truck Friday (Meet at Community Center @ 6:00 p.m.) June 18— GVT Dump-the-Pump Event / Bike vs. car vs. bus race! June 15— Ride the Rockies in Palisade (Palisade Community Center from 6:00 a.m.—8:00 a.m.) June 14— Bluegrass Ride in Palisade (Meet downtown Palisade @ 9:00a.m.) Ride the Rockies in Fruita / Ride to downtown Fruita, live music, festivities (Civic Center Park from 11:30 a.m. –2:30 p.m.) Ride the Rockies in Downtown GJ / music, festivities & fun! (Downtown GJ from 4:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.) June 13— Ride the Rockies Celebration / Ride to CMU, hang out & watch live music (CMU campus from Noon –7:00 p.m.) June 4, 11, 18 & 25— Bike to Concert in Fruita (Civic Center Park @ 7:30 p.m.) June 3— Urban Trails Kick-Off Event / Leisure family ride (bring your own helmet) and FREE dessert! (Meet at GJ City Hall @ 5:30 p.m.) City of Grand Junction Proclamation (GJ City Hall @ 7:00 p.m.) June 2— Fruita Proclamation June 1— Mesa County Proclamation (Old Courthouse @ 9:00 a.m.) Colorado Trail Presentation (Palisade Community Center a@ 6:00 p.m.) John Klish Presentation (Mesa County Central Library @ 6:30 p.m.) May 28-31— Grand Junction Off-Road Endurance Mountain Bike Event and Concert on Main Street of Grand Junction, see for full details May 26— Palisade Proclamation (Palisade Town Hall @ 6:00 p.m.) Bike Month Open House (Fruita Recreation Center—Time TBD) Colorado Bike Month—June 2015 Event Details AGENDA ITEM: 6 21 22
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