PANGEA Alliance for Rural Electrification Information Paper RELEVANCE AND IMPLEMENTATION POSSIBILITIES FOR BIOENERGY TECHNOLOGIES IN RURAL ELECTRIFICATION MARKETS Photo credits: All Power Labs, Ankur Scientific Energy Technologies, Porc Chicaron, Selectra. An information paper for energy decision makers by the Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE) and Pangea Information Paper RELEVANCE AND IMPLEMENTATION POSSIBILITIES FOR BIOENERGY TECHNOLOGIES IN RURAL ELECTRIFICATION MARKETS 1 PANGEA Alliance for Rural Electrification TABLE OF CONTENTS I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY3 KEY RECOMMENDATIONS3 CONCLUSIONS4 II. SCOPE OF THE PAPER5 III. OVERVIEW OF BIOENERGY AND THEIR PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES FOR OFF-GRID PURPOSES 6 IV. MODELS FOR THE USE OF BIOENERGY IN RURAL ELECTRIFICATION 7 MARKET-BASED MODEL7 FEE-FOR-SERVICE MODEL7 DEALER MODEL8 LEASE MODEL8 COMMUNITY-BASED MODEL8 UTILITY MODEL8 HYBRID MODELS8 V. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACTS 9 VI. ANNEX 1: EXAMPLES OF BIOENERGY PROJECTS FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION AROUND THE WORLD 11 ALL POWER LABS11 ANKUR SCIENTIFIC ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES PVT. LTD.12 JENNY’S PORC CHICARON14 SELECTRA15 VII. REFERENCES16 Information Paper RELEVANCE AND IMPLEMENTATION POSSIBILITIES FOR BIOENERGY TECHNOLOGIES IN RURAL ELECTRIFICATION MARKETS 2 PANGEA Alliance for Rural Electrification I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY According to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon1, “energy is the golden thread that connects economic growth, social equity and an environment that allows the world to thrive”. Equally important is the role renewable energies play in combating the environmental challenges the world is facing. Due to the sheer abundance of biomass often available in developing countries, this paper aims to showcase how the effective use of bioenergy technologies can contribute to sustainable economic growth, and provide access to electricity for millions of people in rural areas. Photo credits: Engineers Without Borders The paper is jointly prepared by the Alliance for Rural Electrification and Partners for Euro-African Green Energy (PANGEA), and aims to encourage interested stakeholders from the public and private sector to make use of lessons learnt and to combine them with innovate models to utilise bioenergy technologies for electrification purposes in areas where there is no conflict with nutrition and linked issues. The paper shows the added value of available technology solutions based on various types of clean bioenergies and appropriate ways to implement them for the benefit of electrification for rural communities in the developing world. It looks at modern uses for solid biomass, liquid biofuels and biogas along with practical examples and best practices of the various bioenergy-based business models currently being implemented for rural energy access as well as opportunities for further expansion. KEY RECOMMENDATIONS • • 1 ensure skilled job creation, local value addition, low costs for technology and increased regional trade. Adequate support from public authorities and donors is needed in order to speed up the implementation of sustainable bioenergy projects for rural energy access with an emphasis on improving the “bankability” of these technologies, to access low cost capital. Even though appropriate technologies exist that are proven in the market and often provide low risk, uptake is limited due to a lack of awareness by investors and communities alike. That lack of awareness translates to perceived risk by investors and banks, inhibiting implementation of otherwise viable projects that could be providing rural energy. By setting policy targets for bioenergy-based rural energy, policymakers can help to eliminate that perceived risk and instead encourage investors and communities to take a closer look at available options and technologies. Key is to attract the attention of global bioenergy technology developers that the region is “open for business”, driving demand for bioenergy-based technologies, which will in turn open up the portfolio of available technologies while also driving down prices through competition. A major aim should be to encourage local manufacturing of bioenergy technologies to • Those policy targets should be matched with awareness creation campaigns in rural areas mixed with technical assistance to show communities how to use the technologies and implement them in their local situations. Direct support to communitybased and national entrepreneurs to develop and implement business plans using these technologies will be key to ensuring uptake at a fast pace and help to make up for lost time. • Support for community financing models that will allow farmers to participate not only in the supply of feedstock and the purchase of energy, but also in the value creation that comes along with the investment itself must not be overlooked. Bioenergy provides vast opportunities for value addition to agriculture, allowing rural communities to not only grow crops but also process, package and store them using their crops and waste, meaning that many bioenergy technologies, targets and programmes can be co-financed or co-located in rural development and agricultural programmes. • Mechanisms for supporting Research & Development is a key aspect of ensuring sustainable Ki-moon, B. (2014). Sustainable Energy ‘Golden Thread’ Connecting Economic Growth, Increased Social Equity, Secretary-General Tells Ministerial Meeting. Seoul Information Paper RELEVANCE AND IMPLEMENTATION POSSIBILITIES FOR BIOENERGY TECHNOLOGIES IN RURAL ELECTRIFICATION MARKETS 3 PANGEA Alliance for Rural Electrification technology transfer from foreign companies to local communities while also encouraging development of home-grown technologies. Many technologies may be appropriate but need to be adapted to the local context, or scales need to be reduced so they can match local energy demand from available resources. For example, co-generation of electricity from sugarcane bagasse is common among large sugarcane mills but is not yet economically viable at the community level. Local knowledge can help to adapt other technologies that may not have been trialled in rural areas of developing countries but could provide opportunities for additional energy production and access. projects relies on the financial structure of the project as well as the economic and regulatory features of the location where bioenergy technologies are to be installed. • Biofuels present lower ratios in Net Energy Balance (NEB) and fewer GHG emissions per NEB in comparison with petrol and diesel. However, noteworthy differences exist within the wide variety of biofuels depending on the feedstock employed for production and the production method. Ethanol made from corn can have fewer environmental benefits utilising some production methods and more benefits when utilising others, while many vegetal oil-made biodiesel (from oil seeds) and cellulosic ethanol can have the most advantages. • Off-grid systems paired with sustainable agriculture to grow biomass for the systems foster rural communities and can create income opportunities for a wide range of stakeholders through the sale of biomass for fuel. They fit well into existing local structures, contribute to the betterment of education by improving electricity provision for schools, strengthen health by providing power to medical facilities and reduce indoor air pollution when used for cooking, as well as enhancing women’s participation in the community. • Biomass can greatly enhance electrification levels in rural areas. Crop waste is an abundant, lowcost source of biomass in the short-term, while underutilised areas can also be planted with energy crops to provide additional resources in the medium- and long-term. For example, only 12% of arable land in Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia is used for crop production, providing significant opportunities for crop expansion. Figures such as this provide evidence for the potential of bioenergy expansion and make this kind of energy feasible to operate off-grid schemes in the same rural environment. CONCLUSIONS • There is a broad range of bioenergy-based alternatives including solid biomass, liquid fuels as well as biogas available to improve access to reliable, efficient and price competitive access to energy and services. Traditional solid biomass represents 70% of the Africa’s current total final energy consumption. Roughly 90% of traditional biomass is used by households, mostly for cooking purposes. The population relying on traditional use of solid biomass has tracked population growth fairly closely indicating the need for significant uptake in the use of modern bioenergy. • The choice of the right bioenergy technology and the kind of feedstock used for the conversion of biomass into energy is determined by a number of factors such as reliable access to sustainable feedstock, economic and technical feasibility of using one technology over another, human capital to manage the technology, local weather conditions, and a sustainable business structure. As with all bioenergy projects, biomass-powered off-grid projects are site-specific in nature. • The successful implementation of an appropriate business model for biomass-powered off-grid 2 International Energy Agency, “Africa Energy Outlook”, 2014, pp. 3, 13 and 122 3 Laishley, R. (2009). Is Africa’s land up for grabs?: foreign acquisitions: some opportunities, but many see threats. Africa Renewal; Vol. 23. No. 3; p. 4: New York Information Paper RELEVANCE AND IMPLEMENTATION POSSIBILITIES FOR BIOENERGY TECHNOLOGIES IN RURAL ELECTRIFICATION MARKETS 4 PANGEA Alliance for Rural Electrification II. SCOPE OF THE PAPER Given the fact that the International Energy Agency (IEA) has identified Sub-Saharan Africa as the region in the world with the highest need for energy access - according to latest estimates about 530 million people will remain without energy access by 2040 – the paper pays specific attention to this important region when looking into implementation and replication opportunities. Yet in most cases information given will be applicable to other developing regions. To help compensate the negative impacts traditional biomass energies including charcoal can have for humans and environment, the paper shows implications of modern bioenergy technologies for the economy, environment, and society. Issues relating to environmental and social sustainability in a bioenergy context are examined, from greenhouse gas emissions and lifecycles of various types of bioenergy to impacts on land use and women. Economic sustainability is dealt with the sections reviewing the various types of business models currently used in the African bioenergy context. produced bioenergy, but lack of awareness regarding these technologies as well as uncertainty over the sustainability of bioenergy as a whole have been major impediments to further utilisation of biomass-based energy in Africa and globally. Better understanding of the benefits and challenges of bioenergy by policymakers and donors alike is key to ensuring confidence in these uses and technologies so that NGOs and the private sector can move forward quickly with their implementation, making up for lost time and ensuring that IEA’s prediction of continued energy poverty does not come to pass. What is clear is that enormous opportunities abound for the electrification of rural areas utilising sustainably Information Paper RELEVANCE AND IMPLEMENTATION POSSIBILITIES FOR BIOENERGY TECHNOLOGIES IN RURAL ELECTRIFICATION MARKETS 5 PANGEA Alliance for Rural Electrification III. OVERVIEW OF BIOENERGY AND THEIR PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES FOR OFF-GRID PURPOSES Off-grid electricity generation is a time and cost efficient way to electrify rural areas. In general, decentralised generation and distribution can be differentiated between mini-grids (small-scale generation from 10kW to 10MW), micro-grids (1kW to 10kW) and stand-alone systems based on different types of renewable energies. All of them can be set up from scratch (“greenfield”) or contribute to the hybridisation of existing electricity generators driven by fossil fuels (“brownfield”). Regarding the latter, bioenergy power can be added to these generators and thus reduce the release of carbon emissions while decreasing reliance on imported fuels that are highly volatile in price. According to IEA and Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) existing biofuels in the market of renewables production can be differentiated as follows: • Primary solid biomass can be employed through traditional or modern uses. Traditional uses are basically the burning of fuelwood, charcoal, dung and crop residues to obtain energy that operates cooking stoves in households. Modern uses involve the industrialisation of the biomass treatment and less GHG emissions. Black liquor, commercial heat, power generation and wood pellet heating systems are the main modern uses of biomass. Type of bioenergy Solid biomass (modern) Advantages • • Liquid biofuels • • • • • • • Biogas • • • • • • Information Paper • Liquid biofuels are the most employed modern bioenergy type. First generation biofuels consist of ethanol from natural sources rich in sugar and starch and biodiesel from oil seeds and animal fats. Animal feeds and oils are typical by-products of cereal-based biofuel production. Second generation biofuels refers to cellulosic ethanol, pyrolosis oil, and alcohols obtained from thermo-mechanical processes. Third generation biofuel comes from algae. • Biogas is a gaseous biofuel produced through the process of anaerobic digestion. Landfill waste, sewage sludge, animal slurries and waste from agrofood industries such as animal processing in abattoirs and breweries are organic feedstocks to generate biogas. The fermentation under which these sources are treated enables sequestering methane and carbon dioxide (CO2) that provide electricity, heating, lighting and fuel for domestic stoves. Slurry-type fertiliser is produced as a byproduct of the anaerobic digestion process. Disadvantages Wide feedstock availability Processing technologies are often less expensive Wide range of uses Simple distillation process from sugars and starch Vegetable oils can be used directly instead of biodiesel Wide variety of feedstock types Small-scale technologies available Animal feed by-products Clean cooking without harmful fumes or smoke Wide range of feedstocks Relatively simple technology Low cost technologies available Good for sanitation Fertiliser as by-product Can be used to clean water • • • • • • • • • • • Present uses Burning in open fires releases carbon Lots of feedstock required to make viable • • • Biodiesel has short storage life Safety precautions are vital Limited number of small-scale technology providers End-uses are fuelspecific Ethanol must be denatured to ensure no human consumption • • Maintenance requirements Gas storage safety requirements Distribution challenges End-uses are fuelspecific • • Cooking Boilers Combined heat and power (CHP) New potential uses • • • • • Transport • Chemical and industrial • applications Limited cooking use Combined heat and power • • • Mini-CHP Mini-grids Power agricultural processing Co-location with non-agri industry Wider cooking use Electricity production Balance crop surpluses Transport Cooking Industrial colocation RELEVANCE AND IMPLEMENTATION POSSIBILITIES FOR BIOENERGY TECHNOLOGIES IN RURAL ELECTRIFICATION MARKETS 6 PANGEA Alliance for Rural Electrification IV. MODELS FOR THE USE OF BIOENERGY IN RURAL ELECTRIFICATION As Chesbrough4 said, “technology by itself has no single objective value. The economic value of a technology remains latent until it is commercialised in some way via a business model”. This section is therefore aimed at reviewing the literature on models frequently used in rural electrification strategies5. operational management system structure that deals with several non-interconnected mini-grids spread across different villages that are relatively close each other. Thus overheads, labour costs and transport costs associated with the mini-grid system are reduced. Given the increasing prevalence and huge potential of clean energy mini-grids to electrify rural areas, particular attention will be given to this technology, which empowers a wide variety of renewable energy technologies. MARKET-BASED MODEL A private entity deals with all stages of the off-grid systems, from planning and building to management, operation and maintenance. The active involvement of the private sector in rural electrification requires above all a sound policy and regulatory framework as well as access to finance. In this context and as these markets are often still in their early stages, private equity and commercial funding usually needs to be complemented by government and donor support, e.g. through grants, subsidies, near-market finance and risk mitigation mechanisms. The following scalable business models are designed to meet the challenge of having little revenue from endusers at each site while facing inevitable management and operational costs. • • • The franchise model allows the transfer of management costs to the franchiser and minimises this burden for the franchisee. With a large number of franchisees, economies of scale in theory outweigh the additional management costs of the franchising structure. The ABC model (Anchor customers – Local Businesses – Customers) relies on the possibility that (A) anchor customers such as crop suppliers, food supply chain SMEs and customers of biomass-sourced heating can provide revenues to the investors; mini-grids can be installed to support the development of (B) local businesses and the rest of the (C) customers also enjoy the supply of mini-grid energy after the aforementioned groups have been serviced. For example, MTN in Nigeria uses biodiesel provided by Biodiesel Nigeria to power some of its cell phone towers, whereby excess power is supplied to the community hosting the tower. The clustering approach advocates for one • The local entrepreneur approach is successful in the sense that the local entrepreneur is based on site. This business actor deals with the operation of the system and owns parts of the generation and distribution assets. The entrepreneur usually has an extensive social network and background in the local reality that helps to reduce risk management costs of foreign investors. Examples include ethanol distribution for clean cooking, whereby the stoves are sold to customers and then containers of denatured ethanol, bottles of ethanol gel or biodiesel are sold in one-litre volumes. This model was demonstrated by Ndzilo in Mozambique using ethanol where stoves and fuel are sold at kiosks throughout the capital Maputo, while SME Funds in Nigeria using ethanol gel that is distributed through an entrepreneur dealer network. These broad approaches are aimed at optimising the financial blueprint of rural electrification projects. Further business models, considering the ownership of energy systems, the role of customers and methods of paying the energy used, have been developed. A number of these models are described as follows. FEE-FOR-SERVICE MODEL Energy service companies (ESCOs)6 invest in and own the off-grid power generating system and supplies electricity to rural customers. It also deals with operation, maintenance and replacement of the power system. The customers pay for the electricity they use either based on metering (kW/h) or a fixed charge. The electricity tariffs are usually financially viable to cover the costs. Co-generation from bagasse or other crop residues is technically possible at smaller scales than sugar mills for use in mini-grids such as the fee-for-service model but 4 Chesbrough, H. (2010). Business Model Innovation: Opportunities and Barriers. Long Range Planning, 43(2-3), pp.354-363. 5 A comprehensive analysis and review of models and costs of rural electrification is included in RECP. Africa-EU Renewable Energy Cooperation Programme, (2014). Mini-grid Policy Toolkit. Policy and Business Frameworks for Successful Mini-grid Roll-outs. European Union Energy Initiative Partnership Dialogue Facility (EUEI PDF). This section extensively borrows from this publication. 6 “An energy service company (ESCO) is a company that is engaged in developing, installing and financing comprehensive, performance-based projects, typically 5–10 years in duration, centred around improving the energy efficiency or load reduction of facilities owned or operated by customers. ESCOs are seen as an important vehicle for promoting energy efficiency around the world, especially in those countries experiencing increased competition and privatisation in the electric utility business” (Vine 2005) Information Paper RELEVANCE AND IMPLEMENTATION POSSIBILITIES FOR BIOENERGY TECHNOLOGIES IN RURAL ELECTRIFICATION MARKETS 7 PANGEA Alliance for Rural Electrification the practice is not yet widely developed. Other potential models include power generation from gen-sets fueled by ethanol or biodiesel to provide electricity services to customers. Planetary Power’s HyGen can provide electricity with 50% or less of the fuel consumption compared to typical diesel gen-sets but has the benefit of using ethanol, biodiesel or biogas while also tying in with solar panels and/or mini-wind turbines. DEALER MODEL Customers own the power systems, which are usually rural households or a facility owner (e.g. rice miller). In doing so, customers assume responsibility for all operational and replacement costs. Once the system is bought, only the O&M needs to be paid for. There are no tariffs since the customer is also the owner. In Kenya, rose growers are using biomass-powered boilers provided by Thermax India to produce the heating and cooling needed to keep young rose plants at a constant 15-17 °C to ensure proper plant growth and higher yields. In tea-growing and pineapple-growing areas, Thermax also provides crop waste-to-energy technology providing facilities with all of their energy needs. LEASE MODEL Unlike the dealer model, the equipment is owned by the lessor (usually an ESCO) and transferred to the customer when the leasing period finishes. The lessor is still responsible for maintenance and repair, while the customer pays a monthly rental fee during the leasing period. Technologies are under development to make it easier for biomass to be used under a lease model. For example, Planetary Power’s HyGen can be leased using just the fuel option without the solar and wind options, while South Africa’s Selectra is developing a container-based biogas system that dairies can “plug and play” using a lease option. COMMUNITY-BASED MODEL Members of rural communities are responsible for the ownership, operation and management of an off-grid system. A village committee and community cooperatives are some of the forms under which rural communities’ participation is shaped. There is enormous opportunity for farming communities to take advantage of biomassbased energy for their household lighting, cooking and heating needs using crop and animal waste. In addition, enough power can be produced to operate agricultural processing machinery, allowing communities to add value to their crops while also creating semi-skilled jobs. 7 In many cases, governments or non-governmental organisations (NGOs) participate in the finance of this business initiative (through grant-based funding) and the delivering of technical support, which rural communities usually do not have. It is important to stress the provision of governmental funding. This could be 100% granted from government or NGOs or through long-term soft loans and community contributions in order to get the project operating and off the ground. UTILITY MODEL In the utility model the utility is responsible for all operations. The funding is usually secured from the national treasury or government. Utilities operate minigrids in much the same way as the national electricity network. Power is generated by the utility, fed into the distribution grid and supplied to the consumers, usually at the same rates paid by the utility’s customers connected to its main grid. Thus, utilities usually crosssubsidise electricity tariffs for mini-grids. Utilities, given adequate financial and human capacities to manage mini-grids, could rapidly install a large number of mini-grids in rural areas. However, utilities usually do not invest voluntarily in mini-grids because they often consider mini-grids as a non-core business. Therefore, when utilities manage mini-grids, most of the time they are directed to do so by the government. 7 Large-scale co-generation projects that produce electricity from sugarcane baggase - a waste product from the sugar production process - typically sell excess power to the national grid, providing a stable though often season supply of clean electricity to the grid while providing an additional revenue source to the sugarcane mill. Examples include Mumias Sugar in Kenya who supplies 35MW of electricity annually at around US$ 0.08 per kW/h, and Addax Bioenergy in Sierra Leone will supply 15MW of electricity when it is fully commissioned in 2016. HYBRID MODELS Hybrid models combine features of the utility model, market-based model and community-based model. Investment, ownership and operation of a mini-grid might not be carried out by the same entity. The Public Private Partnership approach is frequently applied in rural electrification programmes. Public and private collaboration can be set up in a wide variety of ways. One example is when the public partner retains ownership, either investing in the off-grid generation system, or entering into a contract with a private partner for the operation, maintenance and management of the system. RECP Africa-EU Renewable Energy Cooperation Programme, (2014). Mini-grid Policy Toolkit. Policy and Business Frameworks for Successful Mini-grid Roll-outs. European Union Energy Initiative Partnership Dialogue Facility (EUEI PDF). Information Paper RELEVANCE AND IMPLEMENTATION POSSIBILITIES FOR BIOENERGY TECHNOLOGIES IN RURAL ELECTRIFICATION MARKETS 8 PANGEA Alliance for Rural Electrification V. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACTS When speaking about the use of bioenergy in a sustainable way it is important to consider the environmental and social impacts this may cause, which are explained here in alphabetical order. IMPACT ON AGRICULTURAL AND ANCHOR BUSINESSES Contrary to the belief that the expansion of biofuel production can lead to an increase of food prices and other disadvantages to the local farmers, biofuels actually increase food production, provide for the creation of advanced jobs and modernise local infrastructure.8 This belief against biofuels could be partially true in the case of some large-scale production depending on local circumstances but rural electrification is commonly based on small-scale projects where the previously mentioned negative consequences are significantly reduced. In smaller-scale projects, as there is not large-scale production of agricultural feedstock, the potential impacts on food commodity prices that lead small farmers to poverty are limited or negated. In fact, tighter links between the farmer and the biofuel producer are likely to emerge in small-scale models so that the revenues are concentrated in the rural environment. As regions typically focus on the production of a limited variety of crops, the volume of those crops are concentrated in areas often isolated from major markets, creating mini-markets where the onset of harvest boosts crop availability far beyond immediate demand and as a result weighs heavily on local prices. Removing surplus crops from the that availability to produce energy raises crop prices locally, benefiting the rest of the farming community who receive more money for their produce, while energy and animal feed by-products can be sold locally or further afield, providing even more income to the farmers and the community. The most important feature of biomass-sourced offgrid systems is the improvement of market prospects for anchor businesses such as telecom towers, health and education providers, businesses related to the food supply chain, etc. Integrating organic waste streams such as crop and livestock waste or sanitation systems into bioenergy installations co-located with anchor businesses can provide the reliable access to energy required for those businesses to succeed, making them stronger in the face of competition with those still reliant on expensive diesel generators or the unreliable national grid. Utilising waste streams has the added benefit of reducing environmental impact of industry. Off-grid development encourages further research on bioenergy technologies applied to households, such as new types of digesters for biogas or integrated combinedheat systems for SMEs that can benefit from the surplus energy not required by anchor businesses. Overall, new sustainable market opportunities are possible to support the development of thriving rural communities, boost their incomes and, hence, overcome extreme poverty. IMPACT ON EDUCATION Within Sub-Saharan African countries, there is a wide gap between rural and urban areas regarding education. The young population in rural areas is more likely to not attend school, fail to complete primary education and be unemployed.9 Poor education premises are part of this learning disadvantage between areas and have a direct impact on rural poverty levels. The accelerated development of sustainable bioenergy projects to electrify rural areas can help solve this problem by providing schools with adequate lighting, promoting sanitation via biogas systems and by enabling the development of new education centres. Biogas can also be used for cooking, allowing schools to provide students with meals that should encourage higher attendance. With additional demand for low and medium-skilled jobs resulting from biomass collection, processing and energy production need for these workers will increase and serve as a driver for youth to remain in school in order to take advantage of these new opportunities. IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT Bioenergy production presents significant advantages to fossil fuel use, although processes can include fossil fuel use in some production aspects, and as such the environmental impacts of such energy use should be analysed. The same holds true for fossil fuel consumption during feedstock production, impacts on water supplies and land, as well as biodiversity. Net Energy Balance10 is the ratio of energy contained in the final biofuel (energy output) compared to the energy used to produce it (energy input), and the charts below show that tropical plants have the highest energy balance due to growing in more ideal conditions using sunlight, drier weather or rainfall. They are often cultivated manually using less fossil-fuel energy for harvesting, and 8 PANGEA (2012). Annual report, p. 5. 9 Zhang, Y. (2006). Urban-Rural Literacy Gaps in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Roles of Socioeconomic Status and School Quality. COMP EDUC REV, 50(4), pp.581-602. 10 To learn more about life-cycle assessment (LCA) see Köpffer, W. (1997). Life cycle assessment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 4(4), pp.223-228. Information Paper RELEVANCE AND IMPLEMENTATION POSSIBILITIES FOR BIOENERGY TECHNOLOGIES IN RURAL ELECTRIFICATION MARKETS 9 PANGEA Alliance for Rural Electrification inputs from fertilisers and pesticides are almost absent (ICTSD, 2008). Sugarcane ethanol and Jatropha in SubSaharan African countries (not included in the charts) are a good case in point. Because of the tropical climate – dry conditions with occasional rainfall – Africa can grow these crops that provide higher fuel content than the feedstocks cultivated in temperate zones. Biodiesel produced from Jatropha curcas represents a 72% savings in GHG emissions compared to conventional diesel fuel and the NEB is 4.7.11 1.4 Cellulosic biodiesel 1.2 Soybean oil biodiesel 1.0 NEB 0.8 0.6 Sugar cane ethanol Corn grain biodiesel Energy outputs: Product Co-product Energy inputs: Farming, harvesting and transport Processing 0.4 0.2 Corn grain ethanol 0 0 2 IMPACT ON SOCIAL SITUATION Sugar cane biodiesel Cellulosic ethanol 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 NEB ratio GHG emissions per NEB (grams per megajoule) 120 96.9 100 (100) 84.6 (87.3) 80 60 37.1 (38.3) 40 92.3 (100) 50.8 (61.7) 39.1 (40.3) 15.6 (19) 20 In developing countries the indirect land use change (ILUC)12 impacts of biofuels are highly relevant and are one of the most controversial subjects regarding biofuel production. However, it is less of an issue in Africa and even less so in small-scale operations. ILUC refers to the release of carbon dioxide emissions resulting from land use change brought about by the expansion of croplands for biofuel production as demand for crops grows beyond existing land use. On the other side, biofuel production can make use of land, which is currently unsuitable for food production due to its previous use (e.g. landfills), thereby giving it a new purpose that can create positive effects for the whole community without increasing the overall carbon dioxide emissions. 42.4 (51.5) 15.1 (18.3) Su ga r G a ca soli ne n Co e et rn h an gr ai ol n Ce et llu ha lo no si l c et ha no Su l ga D rc ie a se Co n l bi rn od gr ie ai se n Ce l bi llu od lo ie So si se c yb l ea biod n ie oi se lb l io di es el 0 Source: Caspeta and Nielsen (2013). The cultivation of Jatropha can be suitable in some subSaharan African countries as the plant is drought tolerant, but it should not be cultivated on a large scale on fertile lands to avoid competition with food production. However, by growing the Jatropha plants on small parcels local farmers can take advantage of unused land and create an extra source of income without harming the local biodiversity. Four out of five people in Sub-Saharan Africa rely on the traditional use of solid biomass, mainly fuelwood used for cooking. The IEA13 predicts that this use will increase by 40 % within 2040, which will increase energy inefficiency and worsen household’s wellbeing. There is a proven correlation between the use of traditional biomass and poverty, and today a large proportion of traditional biomass users live on less than US$2 a day.14 With the expansion of off-grid systems propelled by environmentally sustainable biofuels, biogas and biomass for electricity production these people can experience significant improvements for their local economies, education and gender equality. IMPACT ON WOMEN When burned in open fires and basic traditional cookstoves; wood, coal, charcoal, and other solid fuels produce harmful smoke emissions that claim 4 million lives annually through a range of diseases and injuries – making household air pollution from cookstove smoke the fourth greatest health risk in the world.15 An increase in the use of sustainable bioenergy, particularly for clean electricity and clean smokeless cookstoves, could also improve the equality and health of women in developing countries as they would no longer spend time collecting wood and charcoal, sometimes in unsafe conflict areas and refugee camps, to fuel hazardous and polluting cookstoves. Access to clean cooking fuel would provide women extra time for other activities instead of collecting cooking fuel, while electricity would allow women more opportunity for education as well as income generating activities, empowering women and enabling them to take up more leading roles in their rural community. 11 Ndong, R., Montrejaud-Vignoles, M., Saint Girons, O., Gabrielle, B., Pirot, R., Domergue, M. And Sablayrolles, C. (2009). Life cycle assessment of biofuels from Jatropha 12 For more information on indirect land use change see the International Food Policy Research Institute’s report Progress in estimates of ILUC with MIRAGE model. 13 International Energy Agency, “Africa Energy Outlook”, 2014, pp. 3, 13 and 122 14 Amigun, B. and et al., (2014). Anaerobic Biogas Generation for Rural Area Energy Provision in Africa. In: D. Sunil Kumar, ed., Biogas, 1st ed. InTech. 15 Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, (2014). Clean Cookstoves Can Save Lives & Empower Women. [online] Available at: curcas in West Africa: a field study. GCB Bioenergy, 1(3), pp.197-210. fact-sheets/cookstoves-and-women-1.pdf [Accessed 3 Dec. 2014]. Information Paper RELEVANCE AND IMPLEMENTATION POSSIBILITIES FOR BIOENERGY TECHNOLOGIES IN RURAL ELECTRIFICATION MARKETS 10 PANGEA Alliance for Rural Electrification VI. ANNEX 1: EXAMPLES OF BIOENERGY PROJECTS FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION AROUND THE WORLD ALL POWER LABS 50kW biomass power plant Source: All Power Labs Source: All Power Labs Kakata, LIBERIA Company description All Power Labs is a Berkeley, CA based company that designs, engineers, and manufactures compact biomass gasifers. Their current core product is the Power Pallet. The Power Pallet’s pioneering reactor design and thermal relationship management have received multiple international patents. They can operate on a wide range of waste agricultural biomass products like wood chips, nut shells or corn cobs, with no pelletising or briquetting of fuels required, and without the large purification tanks and toxic byproducts of other designs. The fully-assembled 18kW unit is easily transported by ordinary pickup truck, requires minimal civil works to install, and can be operated by locally-trained technicians. It combines highly automated, computer controls with an easy to use and maintain gasifier and engine genset. Multiple units can expand generation in modular fashion. All design upgrades are reverse interoperable, and software and best practices upgrades are shared free-ofcharge to customers. Power Pallets can provide three-phase electricity sufficient to power agricultural machinery at less than 1/3 the current cost of diesel. Power can be generated at any time of day or in any season, without need for battery storage. Power Pallets are now in use in over 30 countries, filling the critical gap between household-level solar lighting and charging products and centralised grid power. Power Pallets have optional CHP capacity to also provide heating and drying or motive power. The current list price of the Power Pallet is US$1.75/watt of capacity, and can produce electricity for little as US$.08/kW/h in direct feedstock and labour costs. The challenge Even before the recent Ebola crisis, Liberia had struggled to regain its footing after two civil wars in recent dècades, and an almost complete lack of electricity in rural areass. Grid power is only available in parts of the captial Monrovia, at a rate of US$.57 per kW/h, and off grid power from diesel can be as much as US$.70 per kW/h. While there is plenty of biomass available from expired rubber tree plantations, there was no affordable, community sized way to turn that biomass into energy. The Renewable Solution USAID sponsored the installation of a 50kW biomass energy power plant and training center at the Booker Washington Institute, utilising three Power Pallets, as part of the Liberia Energy Sector Support Project (LESSP). The sponsorship also extended to the creation of a Renewable Energy Center, to both House the power plant as well as trained students in the school on their operation, and various Information Paper renewable tecnologies. The facility provides on demand energy for half the campus, and the entire surrounding Jambo Village of 200 families. They operate on wood chips from rubber trees, which no longer have productive use and would otherwise be burned for disposal. The school can now make power reliably, whenever needed, without concern over availability of expensive diesel, and even though the school was closed, throughout the entire Ebola crisis the project was able to continue making power to serve the surrounding community. The benefits to the environment are three fold. First, the use of biomass allows Booker Washington Institute (BWI) to avoid using almost half their previous diesel consumption. Second, by using rubber trees that would otherwise be burned, they avoid air pollution. And third, using gasfication produces biochar, a stable form of carbon that can be sequestered. Project financing and costs: USAID paid for the rehabilitation of the Building, installation of a new grid, and a year long training and education program. The Power Pallet component cost US$ 120,000. Including labour and the purchase of biomass, the cost of energy produced at BWI is less than US$ 0.20 per kW/h. Project outcome: The power plant continues to operate all day, every day school is open. Due to the availability of reliable power, classes in woodworking, auto repair, welding, and other energy intensive activitie are able to take place. The waste biochar produced by the Power Pallets is provided free of charge to classrooms at the school for reblacking their chalkboards. Student operators who have been trained at the facility are now able to find private sector jobs operating similar projects, and commercial power sales in Kakata are expected to begin in June, 2015. Contact Tom Price Director of Strategic Initiatives All Power Labs [email protected] Local Contact: Vincent Igboeli, Project Manager HV WoodGas Technology, Weavers Avenue, Paynesville, Montsserado, Liberia. [email protected] - Phone:+231 886 80 90 22 RELEVANCE AND IMPLEMENTATION POSSIBILITIES FOR BIOENERGY TECHNOLOGIES IN RURAL ELECTRIFICATION MARKETS 11 PANGEA Alliance for Rural Electrification ANKUR SCIENTIFIC ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES PVT. LTD. 1.2MW Biomass Power Plant Source: Ankur Sankheda, Vadodara, INDIA Company description Ankur Scientific Energy Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Baroda, are global technology leaders dealing in renewable energy technologies for over more than two and half decades and have created a leading position in the area of biomass gasification systems. It is an ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 certified company. Its products are CE certified. The company was founded by Dr. B.C. Jain, a gold medalist from BITS, Pilani, a Double M.S., PhD and an M.B.A. from M.I.T. India’s Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) sought the establishment of Model Investment Projects (MIPs) based on Biomass Technologies for generation of Grid Quality Power and “Removal of Barriers to Biomass Power Generation in India”. The aim of the project was to accelerate the adoption of environmentally sustainable biomass power technologies by removing the barriers identified, thereby laying the foundation for the large-scale commercialisation of biomass power through increased access to financing. The challenge The major challenges faced were in biomass collection, its storage and handling and its preprocessing and conveying. Many different feedstock / biomass types were planned and used from agri-residues like cotton stalks, tur stalks, castor stalks, castor shells/husk, corn cobs, mango seeds etc. to different types of woody biomass like Prosopis Juliflora, waste wood from furniture making units, waste wood from timber units, firewood branches and twigs etc. Each feedstock had its own challenges in terms of handling, preprocessing / sizing / drying, conveying etc. Opportunities for renewables: • • • • • • • • Small plants of up to 2MW help in improving the voltage of the 11kV Grid and in improving the power factor. The Grid frequency stabilizes and limits T&D losses to a large extent (about 7% losses are prevented). Much greater probability of success and longer lifespan. Creation of large scale employment for unemployed / partially employed rural people. Supports creation of a large number of small entrepreneurs in rural areas. Rural / 11kVA grids become net producers of electricity thus ensuring uninterrupted power supply to rural areas. Round-the-clock / on-demand generation of electricity and hence ability to meet peak demand. Very short gestation periods of a few months. Almost 80% of the cost of generation is returned to the local economy through purchase of biomass and local jobs. Information Paper • • • • Perennial and sustainable green power & mitigation of global warming. Increased, long term energy self-sufficiency. Potential for Co-Generation through inclusion of cold chains in the power projects. Greening of barren and waste lands through production of sturdy energy species, as small plants are conducive to energy plantations, leading to afforestation. Renewable solution: Fuel Supply Linkage The major reliance of biomass was on crop residues of the common crops available near the project site, mainly cotton stalks, tur (pigeon pea) stalks, castor stalks and corn cobs. The farmers and villagers were very willingly giving their agri-residues which also provided them some added revenues for their otherwise waste that was generally burnt off on the fields. Development of Entrepreneurs’ for Secured and Sustained Fuel Supply During this process, Ankur Scientific also developed entrepreneurs out of these farmers and villagers for secured and sustained fuel supply. This aspect ensures the villagers and the farmers are interested into the project apart from getting some additional revenues towards the supply of their otherwise waste feed stocks. They would then manage their own supply chain management on a sustainable basis. Technology The waste heat recovery had been included in the 1.2MW Power project, having two units of ‘Ankur’ Gasifiers along with three units of 100% Producer Gas Engine Gensets to ensure high overall efficiencies. Waste Heat Recovery for VAM chiller The “Ankur” Biomass Gasification system requires chilled water for the heat exchanger to cool and condense the moisture in the producer gas. To reduce the power requirement for the overall auxiliaries, the waste heat / flue gas from one of the engine exhaust was recovered and transferred to hot water through a heat exchanger and the hot water was then being fed into a VAM chiller to generate 36 TR chilling with a temperature profile of 13 – 8 C°. Waste Heat Recovery for Biomass Drying As in the above case, the waste heat / flue gas from the two other engine exhaust were utilised for biomass drying. Utilisation of Charcoal / Bio char The quantity of char produced was approx. 5% of weight of the RELEVANCE AND IMPLEMENTATION POSSIBILITIES FOR BIOENERGY TECHNOLOGIES IN RURAL ELECTRIFICATION MARKETS 12 PANGEA Alliance for Rural Electrification biomass used. Further, the char was discharged through the dry ash char removal system and collected in bags, and hence no fly ash is generated from ‘Ankur’ Gasifier. The char has a reasonably high calorific value and can be useful as a fuel for small-scale industries requiring thermal energy, which can then be sold off to such units at a nominal price. many different kinds of biomass / feedstocks were used, including many different kinds of agri-residues and wastes that could be used for setting up multiple systems such as decentralised, distributed and small power plants of 1-2MW levels. Many of these wastes have no current use and are simply wasted and burnt off in the fields. Briquetting of Char The char as discharged from “Ankur” systems were segregated as follows: This was probably the first gasification project using a variety of agri-residues with high moisture content and low bulk density. Apart from establishing the supply chain mechanism for such agri-residues, involving the local villagers, local entrepreneurs were developed among the local villagers. Direct and indirect employment of about 150 was generated. Most importantly, about 80% of the revenue is returned to the local economy. According to the company, the aim of the project has been fulfilled, identifying and removing various barriers, and thereby laying the foundation for the large scale commercialisation of biomass power and accelerating the adoption of environmentally sustainable biomass power technologies in the country. • Sizes above 10 mm were sold and also given to the villagers for their daily cooking. Sizes below 1 mm were given to the local farmers as bio char for soil addition as it increases the fertility of the soil and thereby the yield. Sizes between 1 mm and 10 mm were used for briquetting. A separate briquetting machine was installed at the project site and the briquettes were sold to industries for their thermal application while part of the briquettes were given to the local villagers for smokeless cooking. Project financing and costs: The total investment into the project then was around US$1.7 million, out of which subsidies were around US$445,000, bank loans were about US$500,000 and the balance was provided by Ankur Scientific. Project outcome: There were many challenges and issues which provided lessons learned regarding the operations of a project of this kind, where so Information Paper Contact Mr. Vipin Surana Chief Executive Office & CFO Phone: +91-265-2793098 [email protected] RELEVANCE AND IMPLEMENTATION POSSIBILITIES FOR BIOENERGY TECHNOLOGIES IN RURAL ELECTRIFICATION MARKETS 13 PANGEA Alliance for Rural Electrification JENNY’S PORC CHICARON Heat and electricity production from rice husk gasification in a SME of the food sector in the Philippines Daily logistics - Source: Elmar Steurer Source: Elmar Steurer, August 2013 Gasification site - Source: Elmar Steurer Sta. Maria, Province Bulacan, PHILIPPINES Company description Jenny’s Pork Chicharon is located in the Province Bulacan in the northern part of Metro Manila and manufactures chicharon, which is very popular in the Philippines. Chicharon is fried pork skin and is typically used in local food (e. g. Pork Sisig) or as a snack. The challenge To run the oven used in the chicharon production, the required heat was provided by a direct combustion of rice husks (see top left photo). The direct combustion, however, leads to huge amounts of ash and dust. Important to note is that the heating costs account for the main part of the production costs. Heat energy demand is 4500MW/h per year, covered by the direct combustion of 1.25 tonnes rice husks. In addition a considerable demand for electricity is needed for cutting and packaging purposes. As the price of rice husks increased considerably in the last years (currently EUR30,000 per year), rice husks were partially replaced by using natural gas. A total replacement would lead to huge investment costs carried by the company alone. The alternative was the usage of a gasification site granted by a Japanese NGO with the additional incentive to produce electricity covering the entire energy demand. In this case the company’s investment covers the cost of implementation of the tubes for the heat distribution and the extension of the storage capacity. In the case of the gasification the demand for the required biomass was doubled to 2.5 tonnes rice husks per year to provide the necessary heat and to run a 180kW gas fuel engine to produce electrical energy. Opportunities for renewables: The implementation of gasification of the rice husks site provides two benefits: • The heat production is carried out without the heavy ash and dust pollution. • In addition electricity is generated which is used for internal electrical power needs in the production process. Any surplus electricity is provided to the national grid. Renewable solution: This example provided valuable insights how to structure projects aimed at resource efficiency for the “bottom of the pyramid”. Apart from the grant funding for the gasification site, all other investment was carried out by the company itself, as well as maintenance training for staff. The motivation of the company is clearly the significant cost reduction from the combined production of heat Information Paper and electricity using local biomass resources. Furthermore this provides independence from rising electricity costs and rising fossil fuel prices. Within six months the replacement of the old combustion technology was carried out. Only a few old ovens are still used for back-up purposes. Project financing and costs: Gasification site incl. engine: roughly EUR180,000 provided as a grant by a Japanese NGO. All other items (tubes, capacity expenditure): Not disclosed Economic viability: Pay off not disclosed, investment mainly driven by cost reduction in the production of the main cost drivers (heat and electricity). Feed in tariff for surplus electricity. Project outcome: The cost reduction and the additional income improved the earning profile of the company substantially, facilitating growth and additional employment. One important insight is the acceptance of the gasification technology: Despite challenges in the implementation phase due to the complexity of the process, the technology change was successful in the end. The main reasons for that is the affinity of the company with the basics of this technology, such as how to handle heat production and running fuel engines. Currently there is still untapped potential in using the full capacity of the 180kW fuel gas engine to produce electricity. By extending the chicharon production capacity stepwise a full usage can be expected within the next three years. Contact Prof. Dr. Elmar Steurer Vice President - Research and sustainability University of Applied Sciences E-Mail: [email protected] Local contact in the Philippines: Gerard Torres Jenny’s Pork Chicharon 70 Bagbaguin, Sta. Maria, Province Bulacan, Philippines E-Mail: [email protected] RELEVANCE AND IMPLEMENTATION POSSIBILITIES FOR BIOENERGY TECHNOLOGIES IN RURAL ELECTRIFICATION MARKETS 14 PANGEA Alliance for Rural Electrification Dairy Power Box: Anaerobic Bioenergy from Dairy Waste Just outside Gaborone, BOTSWANA Plant operator training - Source: Selectra Inside the Power Box AD Container - Source: Selectra SELECTRA Company description Project financing and costs: The challenge Project outcome: Selectra, established in 1987, is one of the pioneers of the biogas industry in Southern Africa. Using the expertise of experienced biologists and engineers, they design, develop and implement sustainable solutions in the waste, energy and water sectors for clients in agriculture, industry, mining and infrastructure across Africa. On average the daily waste of one dairy cow equals that of 20-40 people. In Southern Africa, around 2,500 dairy farms produce almost 3 million metric tonnes of milk annually, adding up to a lot of waste.16 While large quantities of nutrients in animal waste negatively impacting the local land, dairy farms use a lot of costly grid electricity to run chillers, vacuum pumps, and to heat water to clean the milking equipment, resulting in smaller dairies struggling to compete with larger operations. The objective of this Botswana-based project was to install a CHP unit to take the plant off-grid. One challenge the project faced was inconsistency of feedstock availability, which was solved by educating plant personnel. Opportunities for renewables: Selectra focuses upon energy recovery using anaerobic digestion, nutrient recovery and water reuse, which reduces operating costs and facilitates cleaner, greener agriculture. Most farm-generated organic wastes can be managed through their H2E AD system, which not only solves waste disposal issues, but also generates the energy to power the farm operations; reducing costs, damage to the environment, and the need for grid electricity. Project investment was ZAR 2,500,000 (EUR 180,000) financed by The Energy and Environment Partnership (EEP) scheme.17 Purchases of the system rely fully on private market mechanisms, with the Dairy Power Box system providing reliable off-grid power at a reasonable cost, and an expected payback of between 3-5 years depending on site-specific criteria. The project benefits have been job creation, increased job security at the dairy (due to increased financial competitiveness), and free energy for the staff to cook meals. Many H2E systems have already been installed throughout the world, with Selectra serving all of Sub-Saharan Africa. Replacing grid electricity makes the Dairy Power Box attractive for African countries, most of which lack access to electricity. Given the right political and financial support, this technology can be replicated across Africa. Contact Rob Cloete Technical Director Telephone: +27 86 124 6427 Email [email protected] The Renewable Solution The Selectra-developed Dairy Power Box is a containerised Wasteto-Power Solution specifically for dairies. It provides off-grid power through anaerobic digestion of the waste and wastewater from the dairy to produce biogas. A biogas-fuelled co-generation of heat and power (CHP) generator displaces up to 100kW of grid electricity. The system is housed in ISO shipping containers, with a plug & play design; enabling easy installation and minimum disruption to farming operations. The system requires minimal maintenance and training is provided at installation. 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Ltd., Vipin Surana • European Biogass Association, Susanna Pflüger • GERES, Benjamin Pallière • Jenny’s Porc Chicaron, Prof. Dr. Elmar Steurer • Partners for Euro-African Green Energy (PANGEA), Joan Isus • Selectra, Rob Cloete. About ARE ( : ARE is an international business association representing the decentralised energy sector working towards the integration of renewables into rural electrification markets in developing and emerging countries. Photo credits : Photo credits: Annkur Photo credits: Jenny’s Porc Chicaron Engineers Without Borders, All Power Labs, Ankur Scientific Energy Technologies, Porc Chicaron, Selectra. Alliance for Rural Electrification Rue d’Arlon 69-71 1040 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 2 709 55 42 E-mail: [email protected] Facebook: AllianceforRuralElectrification Twitter: @RuralElec Linkedin: Alliance for Rural Electrification Information Paper No portion of this document may be reproduced, scanned into an electronic system, distributed, publicly displayed or used as the basis of derivative works without properly mentioning the Alliance for Rural Electrification as the source. For more information on the terms of use, please contact [email protected]. RELEVANCE AND IMPLEMENTATION POSSIBILITIES FOR BIOENERGY TECHNOLOGIES IN RURAL ELECTRIFICATION MARKETS 18
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