Developmental Disabilities Lecture Series SPRING 2015 t REGISTRATION FOR EACH LECTURE BEGINS AT 9:00 a.m. AND IS FOLLOWED BY THE 9:30-12:30 PRESENTATION. t Northern-Central Series at The Hotel Woodbridge at Metropark, Iselin Friday • April 10, 2015 Friday • April 17, 2015 Crisis and Intensive Residential Supports in the Community for Those with Challenging Behavior Far From the Tree James Wiltz, PhD The Context for Our Empathy Psychologist & Regional Director Benchmark Human Services Indianapolis, IN A barrier to providing community supports for all persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities is challenging behavior. While many believe that individuals with high needs only can be served in large facilities, comprehensive community residential and crisis services can be effective and prevent highly restrictive, costly placements. This presentation proposes a four-component model to provide comprehensive community residential and crisis services. Andrew Solomon, PhD 250th DDLS Se ssion Author and Professor of Clinical Psychology Columbia University New York, NY Deborah M. Spitalnik, PhD Executive Director, The Boggs Center Professor of Pediatrics, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School New Brunswick, NJ The 250th session of the Developmental Disabilities Lecture Series, a milestone event, will feature two speakers: New York Times bestselling author and winner of the National Book Award, Dr. Andrew Solomon, and Dr. Deborah Spitalnik. Dr. Solomon will present his experiences writing Far From the Tree: Parents, Children, and the Search for Identity, an examination of the means by which families accommodate children with physical, mental, and social disabilities and how these unusual situations can be invested with love. Dr. Spitalnik will begin the session by tracing the structure and impact of disability policy on the lives of people with developmental disabilities, their families, and those who work on their behalf. Southern Series at the DoubleTree Suites by Hilton, Mt. Laurel Thursday • May 7, 2015 Thursday • May 14, 2015 Sharing a Home, Sharing a Life Changing Organizations to Deliver Services that Lead to Community Inclusion Pat Fratangelo Sarah Gimson, MA People with disabilities are often placed in housing situations National policies, such as the Home and Community Based Service Executive Director Onondaga Community Living Syracuse, NY based on vacancies or other considerations about availability. They may move into a community they don’t know, and have to share a room and live with people they haven’t chosen. In contrast to this approach, which is often the norm, this presentation will demonstrate how life can be designed around the person. This presentation will describe how the supports a person needs can be provided while helping them, and share a home and a life with someone they respect, have chosen, and can use as a positive role model. Director of Training and Certification The Council on Quality and Leadership Towson, MD (HCBS) Settings Final Rule, create an imperative for organizations to change the way they provide services to people with developmental disabilities. These new regulations are aimed at maximizing opportunities for people with developmental disabilities to access the benefits of their communities and receive services in the most integrated setting. In order to accomplish this, service providers must support people to realize choice, individual rights, and autonomy. This session will focus on current trends in disability services and strategies to develop and implement supports that help people achieve the lives they want and be included in their communities. Registration Information • There is no registration fee, however, you must register to attend. •A ttendance is limited. Due to increasing demand, we ask that not more than 10 people from each organization register for each session. • R egistrations are due by March 30, 2015. Registrations will continue to be accepted after March 30, 2015 if space is available. •A Confirmation Letter will be sent to you when your registration is received. The letter will indicate the sessions for which you are registered, and if the session is full, the sessions for which you are on the waiting list. If you do not receive a letter, please call The Boggs Center at 732-235-9543. •A n Admission Pass will be sent to you two weeks prior to each session. If you have registered for a session and cannot attend, please email [email protected] or call to cancel. • S ubstitutions are permitted. The person substituting needs to bring the Admission Pass of the registered person to the session. B oth hotels are fully accessible to people with disabilities. Please complete the “Accommodations needed” section for sign language interpreters, Braille handouts, or other accommodations. For questions regarding accommodations, please contact Gail DiPane at 732-235-9314 or [email protected] • Audio recordings of these and previous sessions are available on The Boggs Center web site and CD. To purchase recordings on CD, please complete the order form or contact Ziba Arjmand at 732-235-9315 or [email protected]. Register online at or mail or fax Registration Form to: DD Lecture Series Registration Attn: Debbie Mahovetz The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Liberty Plaza, 335 George Street New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901 Fax: 732-235-9330 Any questions, please contact: Debbie Mahovetz, 732-235-9543 Main Line: 732-235-9300 email: [email protected] web: Continuing Education As part of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, The Boggs Center offers this program for social work continuing education credit per NJAC 13:44G6.4.c(5). The Boggs Center is a registered NJ Department of Education Professional Development Provider. The Spring 2015 sessions have been submitted to the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC) for continuing education program approval and the April 10 session has been submitted to the Developmental Disabilities Nurses Association (DDNA) for continuing education program approval. Certificates of Attendance from The Boggs Center will be available to all participants at the end of each session. Each session of the Series is eligible for 2.5 hours of continuing education recognition. Please see our website at for Continuing Education approval information. Directions t NORTH-CENTRAL SERIES t SOUTHERN SERIES The Hotel Woodbridge at Metropark DoubleTree Suites by Hilton 515 Fellowship Road North, Mt. Laurel, New Jersey 08054 (856) 778-8999 Please note hotel name change 120 Wood Avenue South, Iselin, NJ 08830 (732) 494-4964 doubletree-suites-by-hilton-hotel-mt-laurel-PHLFRDT/index.html Directions from the Garden State Parkway North/South: Directions from the NJ Turnpike: Take the Garden State Parkway to Exit 131A (Metropark). The Hotel Woodbridge at Metropark is on the right. When entering the hotel, bear right toward the Conference Center. Directions from Newark International Airport/ NJ Turnpike: Take the NJ Turnpike to Exit #11. Take the Garden State Parkway North to Exit 131A (Metropark). The Hotel Woodbridge at Metropark is on the right. When entering the hotel, bear right toward the Conference Center. Directions from Route 287: Take 287 to the Garden State Parkway. Take the Garden State Parkway North to Exit 131A (Metropark). The Hotel Woodbridge at Metropark is on the right. When entering the hotel, bear right toward the Conference Center. Directions from Route 1: Take Route 1 North to the Garden State Parkway North to Exit 131A (Metropark). The Hotel Woodbridge at Metropark is on the right. When entering the hotel, bear right toward the Conference Center. Directions from Amtrak / Metropark Station: Exit the train station and turn right onto Middlesex Turnpike. Turn left at the light on Wood Ave South. The hotel is two blocks up the hill on the left hand side (total distance 2.5 blocks, walking). When entering the hotel, bear right toward the Conference Center. Take NJ Turnpike to Exit 4. After paying toll, take Route 73 North (Philadelphia/ Camden). At first traffic light, turn right onto Fellowship Road. Follow Fellowship Road and turn left into the DoubleTree Suites by Hilton parking area. Directions from Route 295: Take Exit 36A to Route 73 South. Cross first intersection and turn right at jughandle to access Fellowship Road North. Follow Fellowship Road across Route 73 and turn left into the DoubleTree Suites by Hilton parking area. Directions from Philadelphia International Airport: Take Route 95 North to Walt Whitman Bridge. Cross the bridge and follow I-295 North to Exit 36A. Take Exit 36A to Route 73 South. Cross first intersection and turn right at jughandle to access Fellowship Road North. Follow Fellowship Road across Route 73 and turn left into the DoubleTree Suites by Hilton parking area. Directions from the Benjamin Franklin Bridge: After toll booths, bear left; follow Admiral Wilson Blvd. to overpass. Bear left onto Route 38 East (Moorestown/Mt. Holly). Proceed eight miles to Route 73 South. Follow Route 73 South to jughandle turn onto Fellowship Road North. Follow Fellowship Road across Route 73 and turn left into the DoubleTree Suites by Hilton parking area. Registration Form Developmental Disabilities Lecture Series • Spring 2015 Please complete the information below. (Please type or print clearly.) You may photocopy this form for additional participants. PREFIX (circle one) First Name Middle Initial Last Name Ms. Mrs.Mr. Dr. Title (if applicable): Organization (if applicable): Mailing Address: City:State:Zip: Daytime Phone Number: ( ) Fax Number: ( ) E-mail address:q Please add me to email notification list. Register me for the following sessions: q April 10 q April 17 q May 7 q May 14 For planning purposes, please let us know what accommodations you need: q Wheelchair user q Braille Handouts q Sign language interpreter q Other CONTINUING EDUCATION Please check the organizations below if you are interested in receiving continuing education credit. Please see information on the previous page and Boggs Center website for additional details about continuing education credit. q Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification q New Jersey Board of Social Work q Developmental Disabilities Nursing Association q New Jersey Department of Education ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Please complete the following if you are not on The Boggs Center’s mailing list or wish to update your information: • Is the above information: • Affiliation: q a new entry q State Agency Staff Member q Person with a Disability q a name change q a correction to an existing entry q a new address q Community Provider Agency Staff Member q Health Care Provider q Educator q Family Member q Student q Other ____________________________ • Which county of NJ are you located in? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ • What are your areas of interest? Check all that apply. q accessibility/Americans with Disabilities Act q advocacy/self advocacy q case management/care coordination q congregational/religious supports q counseling/mental health q early intervention/preschool q education q family support q health care q person centered planning/ELP q positive behavior supports q recreation q rehabilitation/assistive technology q residential/supported living q self-directed supports q supported employment/vocational services q transition from school to adult life q other, please specify: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • What is your race/ethnicity? (Optional.) q Asian q Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian q Black/African-American • What is your gender? q Female q Male q Latino/Hispanic q Multiracial q White q Other _______________________________________________________ q Native American/Alaska Native The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities Department of Pediatrics Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Liberty Plaza, 335 George Street New Brunswick, NJ 08901 PRESORTED FIRST CLASS MAIL U.S. POSTAGE PAID NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ PERMIT NO. 1826 DATED MATERIAL Developmental Disabilities Lecture Series SPRING 2015 Developmental Disabilities Lecture Series SPRING 2015 The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities invites nationally known speakers to our state to discuss current issues of interest and concern to people with disabilities, their families and those who work on their behalf. The Boggs Center invites professionals, family members, people with disabilities, policy makers, and community members to attend any individual Lecture or the entire Series. The Developmental Disabilities Lecture Series is a continuing education activity of The Boggs Center. Funding for the Series is provided by the Division of Developmental Disabilities, Department of Human Services, State of New Jersey (Contract #04ME15C) and the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Administration for Community Living, US Department of Health and Human Services (Grant # 90DD0552).
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