March2014 2015 March The Network Pulse What’s New? Ready… Set… RECRUIT! The many milestone ‘firsts’ achieved this month prove that implementation of the 3CTN Network is off to a roaring start - read on to see our recent and exciting achievements FIRST Funding Installment to Network Sites The Coordinating Centre is pleased to announce a major milestone - a total of 20 Network sites have now received their first funding installment. These funding installments were awarded to two NRCCs, six NCCs, 12 NACCs and will have a big impact on site activities as well as translate into increased recruitment to academic clinical trials. Your site hasn’t received 3CTN funding yet? Never fear! Contract negotiations are currently underway with the rest of the Network’s NRCCs/NCCs and the remaining NACCs contracts will be finalized in the upcoming NACC RFA (see “Key Dates” for details). FIRST Recruitment Reports Received Site recruitment reports are an important tool to monitor 3CTN’s objective of increasing patient recruitment by 50 per cent across the Network by 2018. This month, the Network’s first “Quarterly Recruitment Reports” were submitted by 47 sites across Canada. These reports represent third quarter (Oct - Dec) recruitment activities and the numbers show great promise with 14 sites on target to exceed their baseline recruitment in the first year. The fourth quarter recruitment reports are due in May, so stay tuned for a summary in a future newsletter. “We are pleased to be playing a part in this critically important effort.” Dr. Joe Pater FIRST discussion of ‘Live’ Portfolio The 3CTN Portfolio is now ‘live’ on the website and the recent Portfolio Committee (PC) meeting was an opportunity for the PC to change gears. “It’s very satisfying for me and the entire Portfolio Committee to have moved from the development to the implementation phase of the 3CTN initiative. Our focus has shifted to applying the portfolio criteria consistently and transparently to the wide range of studies that are now “live” on the 3CTN website. We are pleased to be playing a part in this critically important effort.” Joe Pater, Chair of the PC. The 3CTN Coordinating Centre team wants to extend our gratitude to everyone across the Network who has played a role in achieving these milestones. Surely, with such positive signs of progress, our collective efforts will ensure nation-wide enhancement of the academic clinical trial landscape in the months and years to come. Contact Us - For inquiries please contact: [email protected] or call 1-866-678-6427 NACC RFA Round 1 approved and contracts finalized; First payments issued to 20 Network sites; Four additional funder contracts finalized; Steering Committee (SC), PC and inaugural Scientific Advisory Board meetings held; Strategic Council established, first meeting scheduled; Updated portfolio application form and new 3CTN peer review guidelines available on; EDGE training sessions held at pilot sites; Bernie Eigl was elected ViceChair of the SC and Gerald Batist was elected as the NRCC Associate Director representative to serve on the 3CTN Executive Committee. 3CTN in the News 3CTN’s collaboration with Janssen Inc. ‘will develop more clinical trials and other translational research projects that address important clinical questions in prostate cancer.’ Read the news release here: OICR extends collaboration with Janssen Inc. to develop clinical trials for prostate cancer The Network Pulse March 2014 Network Site Progress What’s New with EDGE? Key Dates The 3CTN Coordinating Centre has been working on implementing EDGE, a clinical trials management system. I am interested in using EDGE. What’s next? March 20 or 26, 2015: EDGE Demo Session 1. Awareness • Expression of interest • Attend demo session • Review 'Readiness Checklist' • Prepare for site training and data migration 2. Training and Configuration • Train the trainers • Provide training to local staff • Practice in BETA version • System configuration 3. Go Live • Execute Agreement • End user training • Provide access to users Demos will be offered monthly. Register: [email protected] April 1, 2015: NACC RFA Round 2 Released April 6 or 8, 2015: Financial Reporting Information Session Register: [email protected] April 7 or 9, 2015: Progress Reporting Information Session Register: [email protected] Contact Rebecca Xu for an invite to the next Canadian EDGE demo session on March 20,10-11:30 a.m. (EDT) and March 26, 2015, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. (EST) November 6, 2015: 3CTN Annual Stakeholder Meeting 3CTN Welcomes Four New Funders! 3CTN is pleased to announce the receipt of funding from four additional partners. 3CTN welcomes Alberta Cancer Foundation, British Columbia Cancer Agency, New Brunswick Health Research Foundation and Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation as they join our list of partners. 3CTN will continue to work with Quebec funders to execute agreements in the near future. Contact Us For inquiries please contact: [email protected] or call 1-866-678-6427 Canadian Cancer Clinical Trials Network, MaRS Centre, 661 University Ave, Suite 510 Toronto, Ontario Canada M5G 0A3
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