Sixth Sunday of Easter 9th / 10th 2015 Parish Clergy Fr Kevin Flanagan PP Parish Office Fran Kernaghan Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9.00 am – 2.00 pm Phone: 60251516 Fax: 60404016 Web: Mass Times SATURDAY VIGIL: 6.00 pm SUNDAY: 9.30 am WEEKDAYS: 9.30 am Monday, Wednesday, Friday (in the church) First Tuesday of the month: 11.00 am Mass at Mercy Place. RECONCILIATION SATURDAY: 4.45 PM-5.45 PM WEDDINGS—By appointment. Preparation course: 6051 0222 BAPTISMS—By appointment. Preparation Course: 0411 883 661 A Prayer for all Mothers, Thank you, Lord, that you fill a mother’s heart with love, That you have instilled in her very being the need to protect her children if at all possible, Thank you for giving her the gift of nurturing her children, of teaching them, of comforting them, for feeding them and making a safe place for them. For guiding them to be all that God has created them to be. Fill every mother with love, wisdom and endurance, with strength and patience and joy. Give them ability to forgive again and again. Enable her to rely on You and call upon You, because You will give her all she needs. In Your precious and all powerful name, Amen We pray for those who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith especially: RECENTLY DECEASED: Doris Hartley, Margaret Watts, Sr Mary MacDonald. ANNIVERSARIES: Joseph Connors, Mollie & Roy Jones, Edward O’Keefe, Maurice Slattery, Arthur Stout, Robert Garland, Michael King, Alan Carter, Ern Gaudry, Frederick Serbinek, Des Cornford, Nicholas Heaton-Harris, Molly Davis, Betty Russell, Matthew Blomeley, Rita Murray, Robert Millea, John Barber, Frederick Maher, Brian Cooper, Therese Chandler, Dominik Vildovas, Norman Clear, Noreen Roach, Peter Maher, David Purvey, Lorraine Vogel, Joe Vuga, Margaret Maynard. Gather our loved ones into your arms. Quiet our doubt and anger and send us your healing grace. Through Christ our Lord. Rosters Sat / Sun: 9th /10th May Ministry Vigil 9.30am Commentator Lector 1 Lector 2 Virginia Mitsch Barbara Godde Karen Purtle Terry Hillman Anne Duck Colleen Day Eucharistic Ministers Kaye Deanshaw Noelene Cruise Mary Lefevre Marie Pennay Jim Deanshaw Cantor Musicians John Van Lint Mary Minchin Counters: Peter Toner Timo Van Kerke Oerle Cleaning Group: Group 2 Sat /Sun 16th / 17th May Ministry Vigil 9.30am Commentator Lector 1 Lector 2 Cassandra Jones Ed Brown Kellie Gordes Bede Hart Michael Stephenson Leanne Michael Eucharistic Ministers Stephen O’Connor Jeneice Harding Trish Parkinson Joanne Dykes Dianne Treacy Cantor Musicians Brian Waters Judy Foley Anne McIntyre Val Hayes Counters: Brian & Carmel Butts Cleaning Group: Group 3 Mothers Day Cards Special Blessing cards for Mothers Day are available at the entrances to the Church or a member of the Parish Council will hand them out. National Volunteers Week 11th—17th May An invitation is extended to all volunteers in our parish to morning tea in the Church hall after the 9.30am Mass on Sunday 17 May. To coincide with National Volunteers Week we acknowledge all volunteers within our Parish. Please bring a plate to share. Everyone most welcome. CHOIR: Calling on Cantors and choir members to sing at the First Communion Mass on Saturday 30th May at 6pm. Practice will be on Thursday 28th May at 7pm. Contact Judy 6043 2766 or Val 6025 5904. The CWA of NSW—Jindera Branch On Sunday 24th May the CWA are sharing in our liturgy at the 9.30am Mass. Each year they choose a different location to come together and this year we will be hosting them with morning tea in the hall. Please bring a plate to share and join in. If you would like more information about the CWA please call Marie on 6025 2070 or 0488 946 803. Please see flyer on noticeboard at back of church. Vinnies Winter Appeal Envelopes for financial assistance to purchase blankets this winter are available on church pews and at church entrances. Please consider being a part of this assistance. Thank you. Nepal Earthquake Appeal—Letter from Trish Ryan I am overwhelmed by the support and generosity of all those fabulous people from Sacred Heart parish who have donated so readily to help the people of Nepal. The amount of $3,308.00 is truly very generous and will provide funds to allow the humanitarian work of Siddhi Hospital to continue. Meg’s Children Australia works very closely with the Siddhi memorial Hospital. The founder, a gentle man by the name of Shyamm Dhoubadhel established this hospital in memory of his small son who was killed nearby in the early 90s. In those days there was no hospital or ambulance, so Shyamm and his wife set about rectifying that situation. The hospital caters mainly for women and children, but now of course have opened their doors to everyone who may need their help. I have had an email from Shyamm today citing the dire need for things such as tents, blankets, mobile toilets, sleeping bags etc. They are also sending mobile medical teams into remote areas where the need is greatest. Nepal is one of the poorest countries in Asia, it was struggling before the earthquake and now I suspect the need to care for orphaned children will be even greater, so Meg’s work will continue. Again, thank you to all who donated so generously. Trish Ryan Eucharistic Ministers & Lectors Roster Rosters are now available to be collected from table at side of church. Feastdays of the Week Wednesday 13th May—Our Lady of Fatima Our Lady of Fátima is a title referring to the Virgin Mary, based on apparitions reported to be experienced by three shepherd children at Fátima. The three children were Lúcia Santos and her cousins Jacinta and Francisco Marto. Thursday 14th May—St Matthias The first act of the apostles after the Ascension of Jesus was to find a replacement for Judas. Clement of Alexandria says that Matthias, like all the other apostles, was not chosen by Jesus for what he already was, but for what Jesus foresaw he would become. He was elected not because he was worthy but because he would become worthy. Jesus chooses all of us in the same way. What does Jesus want you to become? 6th Sunday of Easter —Year B Readings: Acts 10: 25-26, 34-35, 44-48; 1 John 4: 7-10; John 15: 9-17 Responsorial Psalm The Lord has revealed to the nations his saving power. Alleluia Verse: Alleluia, alleluia! All who love me will keep my words, and my Father will love them and we will come to them. Alleluia! Reflection on the Readings: Seek security in the Son, not in stuff “Today’s Gospel continues from last week’s and is part of the ‘Last Discourse’ in John’s Gospel. John sets this just before Jesus’ Passion and has crafted it to form a summary of Jesus’ teaching and commissioning of his disciples. “He urges them to stay in his love by keeping his commandments. In the light of the events to come, he speaks paradoxically of joy. His words seem kindly and reassuring and yet within them are the realities of his death and an uncertain future for the disciples. Their security will come, not from material things, but from the knowledge that, in loving one another, they remain in the love of Jesus and the Father. This love is so great that it will lead Jesus to lay down his life for them - and for us. “Jesus again emphasises that the relationship between those first disciples and himself has moved beyond master and servants - they are vine and branches - they are now friends. This distinction sets Jesus’ ministry apart from the norm of the day - and in many instances in our day - where the teacher and the student maintain a professional distance. “In Jesus, all authority is found - but it is not an aloof authority - but one which is not afraid to draw people into friendship and which will happily take a bowl and wash the feet of those some would call his inferiors. (From a reflection on the Gospel by Catherine McElhinney and Kathryn Turner) All music used in worship at Sacred Heart, North Albury, is used with permission. All rights reserved. Australian Agent: Word of Life Licence No 613
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