Body and Blood of Christ 6th / 7th June 2015 Parish Clergy Fr Kevin Flanagan PP Parish Office Fran Kernaghan Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9.00 am – 2.00 pm Phone: 60251516 Fax: 60404016 Web: Feast speaks volumes about Jesus’ “divine love” Mass Times In 2009, Pope Benedict XVI called attention to the observance of the feast of Corpus Christi in many parts of the Catholic world. The then-Pontiff said it was linked to the other feasts nearby in the liturgical calendar-- Easter, Pentecost, and Trinity Sunday. SATURDAY VIGIL: 6.00 pm SUNDAY: 9.30 am WEEKDAYS: 9.30 am Monday, Wednesday, Friday (in the church) First Tuesday of the month: 11.00 am Mass at Mercy Place. This feast, the Pope explained, "speaks to us of divine love-- of what it is and what it does." The love of God "transforms all things," he continued. For that reason the faithful organise processions, carrying the Eucharistic Lord into their cities. RECONCILIATION SATURDAY: 4.45 PM-5.45 PM WEDDINGS—By appointment. Preparation course: 6051 0222 BAPTISMS—By appointment. Preparation Course: 0411 883 661 The Blessed Sacrament, the Pope said, gives the faithful the strength to continue the mission of the Church. "We all need this Bread, because the journey toward freedom, justice, and peace is long and tiring." (From a homily by Pope Benedict XVI, on June 14, 2009) We pray for those who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith especially: RECENTLY DECEASED: Anne Dempsey, Ricky Dunn, Thomas Meehan, George Kennedy. ANNIVERSARIES: Jack Matthews, Mary Percy, Caroline Bye, Austin Conroy, Kevin Dyball, Margaret McGovern, Maureen Atkins, John Felstead, Gabrielle Williams, Gertrude Twomey, Bill Cotter, Marilyn Smerdon, Keith O’Keith, Edna Healey, Michelle Kennedy, Margaret Azzi, Desmond Powell, June Taylor, Peter Howard, John McKeown, Anne Hogan Peter Hamilton. Gather our loved ones into your arms. Quiet our doubt and anger and send us your healing grace. Through Christ our Lord. Rosters Sat / Sun: 6th / 7th June Ministry Vigil 9.30am Commentator Lector 1 Lector 2 Stephen O’Connor Michael Byrnes Pat Hickman Sr Carina Morton Nicola Hanzic Gavin Dykes Eucharistic Ministers Judy Lindsay Jeneice Harding Gemma Whitehead Mary Lefevre Pauline Willis Cantor Musicians Catherine & Judy Mary Minchin Timo Van Kerk Oerle Counters: Desmond Lum & Jane Togher Cleaning Group: Group 6 Sat /Sun 13th /14th June Ministry Vigil 9.30am Commentator Lector 1 Lector 2 Nano Clancy Justin Clancy Gordon Robison Roy Thompson Michael Stephenson Richard Parkinson Eucharistic Ministers Colette Glennon Frank Glennon Pamela McIntosh Trish Parkinson Marie Pennay Cantor Musicians Youth Mass Choir Val Hayes Counters: Carmel & Brian Butts Cleaning Group: Group 7 PLEASE NOTE Due to the preparation and laying of new carpet on the Sanctuary in the church there will be NO MASS on Monday or Wednesday this week. Friday Mass (Sacred Heart Feast Day) will be in St Anne’s Hall. Feast of the Sacred Heart Friday is the Feast of the Sacred Heart and 9.30 Mass will be celebrated in St Anne’s Hall. This Mass begins our special celebrations for the weekend. Reception into the Catholic Faith This weekend Emily Poynter will be received into the Church. Please remember Emily in your prayers. 60th Anniversary Luncheon Thank you to all those who have paid for their tickets to our Luncheon next Sunday. Could those who have not yet paid please have your money in by Wednesday. Thank you. Also the cost of The Sacred Heart Book, which will be launched at this lunch, is $20. Confirmation Parent Meeting For children not attending a Catholic School and who wish to be Confirmed, St Anne’s School are holding a parent information evening in their library at 5.30pm on Monday 15 June. Confirmation this year will be celebrated on Saturday 15 August at the 6pm Mass. Please phone Presbytery on 6025 1516 to book your child into classes beginning the first week of next school term. CHOIR. Calling again on Cantors and our regular choir members to sing at our 60th Anniversary Mass on Sunday 14th June at 9.30am. Also we invite other singers who may wish to join us on this day. Practice will be on Thursday 11th June at 7pm. 2015 BBI-ACBC eConference is titled ‘Religion Catalyst for Violence or Peace? Probing the Abrahamic Traditions for Answers’. This will tap into interfaith issues surrounding the three Abrahamic traditions: Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Our aim with this eConference is to explore the potential for these traditions to cultivate peace in a world that associates Religion with violence. The eConference will be streamed live over the internet for free on Tuesday 23 June from 10am to 2.30pm. Registration is mandatory. For more info visit eConference. Flyer on noticeboard. Pastoral Care Conference Albury Wodonga You are invited to attend a one-day Conference on Pastoral Care at the Medical School on Albury Base Hospital Campus Saturday 27 June from 9.30am - 3.45pm. This is a special opportunity to come together with other practitioners from around this region, to hear expert speakers from Melbourne and Canberra, and to sharpen your skills. Please register: Arthur Martin 0414 575 875 or [email protected] Cost $30 Feastdays of the Week Tuesday 9th June -St Ephrem, deacon, doctor St Ephrem was baptised around the age of 18, and he may have been ordained a deacon at the same time. Since one of the chief activities of a deacon is the preaching of the Gospel, Ephrem began to write deeply theological hymns and biblical commentaries. In his lifetime, he could have written as many as three million lines, and 400 of his hymns still survive. His hymnography earned him the title “Harp of the Spirit.” Fleeing westward from the Persians, who were ravaging Turkey, Ephrem settled in Edessa, in southern Turkey, in 363. There, he continued to write hymns, especially defending the teaching of the Council of Nicaea against the Arian heretics, who were influential in Edessa He died tending plague victims in 373. Friday 12th June—Feast of the Sacred Heart Body and Blood of Christ —Year B Readings: Exodus 24: 3-8; Hebrews 9: 11-15; Mark 14: 12- 16, 22-26 Responsorial Psalm I will take the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. Alleluia Verse: Alleluia, alleluia! I am the living bread from heaven, says the Lord: Whoever eats this bread will live forever Alleluia! Reflection on the Readings: Blood marks a union with God To grasp what these readings have to say to us, we must take account of the profound symbolism blood had for old Israel – not a symbol of violence, but the sacred embodiment of life. As Moses ratified the old covenant with Yahweh, therefore, the blood – sprinkled on the altar (representing God) and on the people – expressed the life-giving union with God that was to become the very destiny of Israel. For many people, the blood of Calvary has been associated almost exclusively with Christ's horrendous suffering. While not denying that awareness of the Saviour's passion is essential to Christian faith, the message of the Scriptures invites us to enlarge our perspective. The Church has always seen the Eucharistic banquet as a foretaste of the joys of the Kingdom. Today's liturgy, therefore invites us to reflect upon a theme of great importance for the renewal of the Church's liturgy. The Eucharist is far more than Christ's “real presence” among us, as a kind of substitute for the fact that he is no longer among us as he was in his earthly life. In its fullness, the Eucharist is an action (“Take and eat,” “Take and drink,” “Do this”). It is the central action of the Church's life because of the presence of the Lord himself, giving himself into the hands of his Father, as creation's perfect act of worship, and giving himself to us as food and drink, that we may make his Paschal Mystery our nourishment for eternal life. (From a homily by Fr John Thornhill sm) All music used in worship at Sacred Heart, North Albury, is used with permission. All rights reserved. Australian Agent: Word of Life Licence No 613
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